Jurnal Olahraga
Jurnal Olahraga
Jurnal Olahraga
Improving the quality of the assessment is needed because with an assessment
process that meets the standards, student learning outcomes will be measured
accurately. This article aims to analyze several studies on the problem of
assessment standards in the physical education (PE) learning process so that
knowing what factors have a relationship and influence on the occurrence of
problems in physical education assessment standards and solutions that can be
implemented in these problems. The method in this article is a literature review
using flow chart PRISMA to identify articles through process filtering and data
extraction. The results were obtained from 15 articles that meet the criteria, such as
the subjects used are teachers and students in educational institutions and articles
used in at least the last ten years. A total of 15 articles stated that the assessment
process in physical education learning still needs a lot to meet the educational
assessment standards. This is due to a lack of understanding of performance
appraisal because teachers usually only see and use pre-existing assessments
without evaluation and need to be adjusted to the character of student
achievement and teachers' critical thinking without pedagogy.
Keywords: problematic, assessment, physical education.
PE classes must be included in the primary and high school
curriculum (UU RI No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education
System article 37). PE sessions aim to help students develop their
knowledge, personalities, skills, health, and physical fitness through PE
and other educational sports. (UU RI No. 3 of 2005 concerning the
National Sports System Article 1, paragraph 11). PE benefits and
positively impact students' academic achievement, readiness, and
perceptual skills (Page et al., 2005). PE goals are classified into three
psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains (Lieberman & Houston-
wilson, 2018). Accountability in education is increasingly emphasized,
Graduate competency requirements, content standards, process
101 8 (3) 2022 | 100-118
Dinda Arisetya Purwadi, Yulingga Nanda Hanief, Ulma Erdilanita
Problematic analysis of assessment standards in physical education: Literature study
effective evaluation, both of which are crucial skills to master, are tied to
their knowledge of and understanding of the assessment.
Research using a literature review model is important because many
field studies have proven that there are many problems in the PE learning
process, especially in aspects of assessment standards (Sofyan, 2016;
Mustafa, 2021; Gunawan, 2017). Therefore, research with this model can
collect the results of research that has been done previously in order to
underline the findings and combine them into a conclusion. Many studies
on evaluating problems in aspects of assessment standards in PE have
been carried out (Mustafa, 2021; Mustafa et al., 2019; Oktaviani &
Wulandari, 2021; Sofyan, 2016). It is necessary to conduct a review study
to find important findings from these previous studies. In addition, the
results of this review study can be used as evaluation material for teachers
in conducting assessments in accordance with the provisions of national
standards because this article will be explained solutions to different
issues that teachers have while evaluating how well students are learning
PE that can be implemented by teachers when conducting assessment
This study is a literature review that uses sources of information
obtained from several research articles that have been published. The
databases used are google scholar and eric. An online search was
conducted to identify the relevant literature. Keywords that are used to
identify relevant articles are "physical education problems", "assessment
standard", "physical education problems", and "assessment standards".
Search data secondary have a limited time certain, so they could
look for novelty, the author limits the time of publication of articles starting
in 2013 to 2022. The diversity in this research is quite a lot of domains,
therefore the researcher limits the articles with a certain design that is
reviewed from the following inclusion criteria: (1) research taken with a
minimal reference list of 50% from articles, (2) study which taken is
research conducted at least ten years final, (3) of course the research
102 8 (3) 2022 | 100-118
Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran, 8 (3) 2022 | 100 - 118
ISSN : 2477-3379 (Online)
ISSN : 2548-7833 (Print)
103 8 (3) 2022 | 100-118
Dinda Arisetya Purwadi, Yulingga Nanda Hanief, Ulma Erdilanita
Problematic analysis of assessment standards in physical education: Literature study
Figure 1. PRISMA Flow Diagram of the Systematic Search and Data Extraction
104 8 (3) 2022 | 100-118
Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran, 8 (3) 2022 | 100 - 118
ISSN : 2477-3379 (Online)
ISSN : 2548-7833 (Print)
After reducing the articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria, 15
studies met the criteria. It can be seen in the picture above, which explains
the PRISMA flow diagram. Delete articles that are not in accordance
generally have a reason because the subject and variable need to follow
criteria. The article study was taken from a number of locations like
Jayakerta (n = 1), East Java (n = 5), Pariaman (n = 1), Cimahi (n = 1),
Yogyakarta (n = 1), Mataram (n = 1), Philippines (n = 1), Turkey (n = 1),
Thailand (n=1), Malaysia (n=1), and South Korea (n=1).
In research that has met the criteria for inclusion, nothing has been
published before 2013. Meanwhile, the most recent research was
published in 2022 by a whole international journal, which was published in
credible journals indexed by Scopus, and all reviewed national journals
were published in credible journals indexed by sinta. The following is the
literature obtained by the author after doing a review.
2 (Sugiharto, 2017) 22 PJOK Qualitative The comparison of One of the main things
teachers in research the number of PJOK to worry about should be
Malang City teachers and the teacher-to-student
Elementary students needs to ratio. No matter how well
School be balanced, the teacher understands
making it the PJOK concept and
challenging to curriculum, it will only be
implement effective applied properly in the
learning and learning process if the
105 8 (3) 2022 | 100-118
Dinda Arisetya Purwadi, Yulingga Nanda Hanief, Ulma Erdilanita
Problematic analysis of assessment standards in physical education: Literature study
No. Author /year Subject Method Solution (Result)
3 (Parma, 2022) Pariaman Qualitative. During the learning Teachers must act
City process during the creatively and
Elementary pandemic, teachers innovatively in providing
School have difficulty assessing learning.
Students. students' skills and
abilities in carrying out a
4 (Mustafa, 2021) Teachers Evaluation • The teacher does not • Teachers should take
and Research assess skills into account the
students of according to the amount of study time,
grades VII assessment rubric in school facilities, the
and VIII at the lesson plan. number of students in
nine public • Project and portfolio each class, and the
junior high based in a standard characteristics of
schools in way. students so that the
Malang City planning of skills
assessment can be
carried out.
• Perform various
techniques in
assessing aspects of
student skills, namely
practical tests,
projects, and
5 (Aji & Winarno, 60 students Research and The teacher's ability to Make criteria for a good
2016) of MTs development make assessment assessment instrument,
Negeri instruments does not namely validity,
Malang meet the criteria for a reliability, and the level
class VIII good test assessment of difficulty of the
because there are still instrument, is evenly
invalid questions, distributed, and the
reliability is still in the cognitive domain is also
sufficient category, the evenly distributed.
level of difficulty of the
questions still does not
meet the standards,
many discrepancies are
in a bad category, and
106 8 (3) 2022 | 100-118
Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran, 8 (3) 2022 | 100 - 118
ISSN : 2477-3379 (Online)
ISSN : 2548-7833 (Print)
No. Author /year Subject Method Solution (Result)
107 8 (3) 2022 | 100-118
Dinda Arisetya Purwadi, Yulingga Nanda Hanief, Ulma Erdilanita
Problematic analysis of assessment standards in physical education: Literature study
No. Author /year Subject Method Solution (Result)
9 (Wardhana et al., Teacher of Evaluation • Teachers rarely Hold oral tests, give
2017) SMPN 6 research conduct oral tests on portfolio assignments,
Malang and students. and urge students not
Deputy Head • Teachers rarely give to abuse self-
of portfolio assignments. assessment and peer
Infrastructure • Self-assessment and assessment.
Affairs peer assessment
should be used more
by students.
10 (Mustafa, 2021) Class XI Descriptive • Teachers need to • There needs to be
Mataram understand how to training in the
analyze assessment preparation of good
instruments, they do assessment
not understand good instruments
assessment • Appropriate
instruments, and the assessment
assessment instruments need to
instruments used be developed to
every year are the measure affective,
same (cognitive). cognitive, and
• The question psychomotor
instrument does not
meet the validity,
reliability, and
objectives, the level
of difficulty of the
questions still needs
to meet the
11 (Tabuena, 2021) 20 Manila Pre- Lack of knowledge • Classroom
Middle experimenta about the characteristics assessment
School l of appropriate and good techniques are a
students, evaluative measures in better alternative to
Philippines formative or summative traditional formative or
assessments. Few PE summative tests.
teachers, regardless of
• Find out through
academic discipline, are
assessment and
aware and
evaluation other
knowledgeable of the
important considerations
in constructing an
techniques that might
appropriate assessment
help to improve
108 8 (3) 2022 | 100-118
Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran, 8 (3) 2022 | 100 - 118
ISSN : 2477-3379 (Online)
ISSN : 2548-7833 (Print)
No. Author /year Subject Method Solution (Result)
13 (Boonsem & 1,000 Survey According to survey Teachers use this study
Chaoensupmanee, students in findings, the analysis of to control instruction
2020) Thailand, measurement and better using the
with 558 evaluation in the research findings.
boys and learning process of PE Activities related to
442 girls receives the lowest teaching and learning
proportion. Has the are done to meet both
lowest percentage of teachers' and students'
45.53%. needs for effectiveness
and benefit.
Management must be
given the findings of the
109 8 (3) 2022 | 100-118
Dinda Arisetya Purwadi, Yulingga Nanda Hanief, Ulma Erdilanita
Problematic analysis of assessment standards in physical education: Literature study
No. Author /year Subject Method Solution (Result)
110 8 (3) 2022 | 100-118
Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran, 8 (3) 2022 | 100 - 118
ISSN : 2477-3379 (Online)
ISSN : 2548-7833 (Print)
The analysis of the articles that have been carried out shows that
there are still many problems in the PE learning process, especially in
assessment standards. Research conducted by Gustiawati et al. (2019)
states that only some PE teachers, regardless of academic discipline,
know the important considerations in constructing an appropriate
assessment process. Further research by Sugiharto (2017) shows the
need for more training to deepen teachers' understanding of concepts in
this increasingly developing technology era. In the research conducted by
Parma (2022), PE assessment and evaluation criteria had the lowest
percentage, This is because students can see how boring exams are.
(Rama Kurniawan, 2018; Mustafa, 2021; Wardhana et al., 2017) in his
research stated that the teacher did not assess skills according to the
assessment rubric in the lesson plan. Aji & Winarno (2016) explain that
some teachers still need to understand the assessment concept. The
research conducted by Yuniartik & Hidayah (2017) PE assessment has yet
to be carried out comprehensively.
All the problems faced in the PE process will significantly affect the
quality of student learning achievement. Performing various assessment
techniques in aspects of learning is very necessary to be mastered by the
teacher. The use of assessment tools also meets the criteria for validity
and reliability. The instrument's difficulty level is evenly distributed, and the
cognitive domain is also evenly distributed and must be carried out
according to the guidelines or lesson plans.
Through the review process that has been carried out, it is found
that there are still many disputes in the PE learning process. PE learning is
still not running as it should, even though PE subjects contribute to making
21st-century skills. As in the research conducted by Park (2017), there are
still teachers who still need to understand the clarity of the assessment
concept. Understanding assessment refers to a teacher's familiarity with
and comprehension of assessment in a learning environment. Assessment
understanding is a fundamental tenet of assessment efficacy. It refers to
111 8 (3) 2022 | 100-118
Dinda Arisetya Purwadi, Yulingga Nanda Hanief, Ulma Erdilanita
Problematic analysis of assessment standards in physical education: Literature study
112 8 (3) 2022 | 100-118
Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran, 8 (3) 2022 | 100 - 118
ISSN : 2477-3379 (Online)
ISSN : 2548-7833 (Print)
113 8 (3) 2022 | 100-118
Dinda Arisetya Purwadi, Yulingga Nanda Hanief, Ulma Erdilanita
Problematic analysis of assessment standards in physical education: Literature study
114 8 (3) 2022 | 100-118
Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran, 8 (3) 2022 | 100 - 118
ISSN : 2477-3379 (Online)
ISSN : 2548-7833 (Print)
determine what inspires them to participate, taking into account the impact
and reality of their participation in physical activity in daily life. In terms of
promoting or discouraging involvement in physical activity and sports,
there is a strong correlation between youth. (Wright et al., 2010).
From the results of the review, it can be concluded that the
assessment process in PE learning still needs to meet the educational
assessment standards. Many educational institutions still need to apply the
five assessment criteria, which include assessment principles,
mechanisms, procedures, and instruments. This is due to a lack of
understanding of performance appraisal because teachers usually only
see and use pre-existing assessments without evaluation and are not
adjusted to the character of student achievement, and the lack of
pedagogy in teachers' critical thinking. This review process adds to the
evidence supporting the need to develop quality assessments for teachers
and students in PE. The standard of assessment is very influential in the
learning process because it determines the next learning. Improving the
quality of the assessment is needed because with an assessment process
that meets the standards, student learning outcomes will be measured
115 8 (3) 2022 | 100-118
Dinda Arisetya Purwadi, Yulingga Nanda Hanief, Ulma Erdilanita
Problematic analysis of assessment standards in physical education: Literature study
116 8 (3) 2022 | 100-118
Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran, 8 (3) 2022 | 100 - 118
ISSN : 2477-3379 (Online)
ISSN : 2548-7833 (Print)
117 8 (3) 2022 | 100-118
Dinda Arisetya Purwadi, Yulingga Nanda Hanief, Ulma Erdilanita
Problematic analysis of assessment standards in physical education: Literature study
118 8 (3) 2022 | 100-118