32648-Article Text-97721-2-10-20240430
32648-Article Text-97721-2-10-20240430
32648-Article Text-97721-2-10-20240430
DOI: 10.59052/edufisika.v9i1.32648
Education is an important process in forming individuals and society. Education provides a
foundation for individual development, enables understanding of the world around them, and helps
develop skills in life. Education aims to develop the potential of each individual to develop a superior
personality (Ariyana et al., 2018; Swinton & Clark, 2021). The changes that occur in human life are due
to the development of the times which requires everyone to have various skills so that they are able to
compete and be able to face the changing times (Hao et al., 2017; Kolar & Hodnik, 2021). These skills
include critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, creativity, innovation as well as communication
Edufisika: Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika
Volume 9 Number 1, April 2024
and collaboration skills. Other skills that support this are the skills to search, manage and convey
information and use technology.
Physics is one of the subjects taught at the Senior High School education level. Physics learning
in class is generally presented in a less interesting theoretical form, giving rise to the perception that
physics is difficult to learn and understand. If physics learning patterns are implemented well, physics
is actually not as difficult as people imagine (Mayanti et al., 2022). This is caused by several things,
including the use of inappropriate learning models or methods and students not being used as the center
of the learning process. As a result, students become less interested in learning, and the output produced
is not optimal.
One of the efforts that can be made to improve learning output suggested by learning experts is
the use of a constructivist thinking framework in classroom learning activities. So that physics learning
does not only teach concepts but prioritizes the relationship between concepts and reality and
phenomena in everyday life (Fatmaryanti et al., 2022; Sajidan et al., 2020). Physics itself is a science
that discusses natural phenomena and behavior that humans can observe and all of these concepts have
been applied in everyday life. In studying physics, students are invited to be able to understand, think
about, analyze and solve various symptoms and problems that exist in everyday life (Nursita et al.,
2015). The aim of studying physics itself is to help students gain knowledge in terms of concepts,
principles, applications, skills and scientific attitudes.
21st century skills in terms of problem solving are one of the focuses of physics learning. When
solving problems, critical thinking skills are also needed, which are the basis of problem solving (Azid
& Md-Ali, 2020; Stephanou et al., 2020). Problem solving skills include other skills such as identifying
and tracing, determining, testing, organizing and considering and interpreting various alternative
solutions (Soboleva et al., 2020; Yuberti et al., 2019). So far, students' ability to solve physics problems
is still very low, in working on physics problems given by the teacher, students more often use
mathematical equations without doing analysis, guess the formulas used and memorize examples of
questions that have been worked on to work on questions that show that students do not understand well
how to solve physics problems.
Problem solving skills can be built and improved using the problem-based learning (PBL)
model. Problem-based learning is a learning model that emphasizes problem solving or problem-based
learning (Akben, 2019; Servant-Miklos, 2020). The PBL model is a problem-based learning model that
requires real investigations, namely investigations that require real solutions to real problems (Bellová
et al., 2017). In PBL learning, students are introduced to real world problems and encouraged to explore
them, identifying existing problems and allowing students to draw their own conclusions about the
problem, and in the end students can find a solution to the problem. Through the PBL model, teachers
can encourage all students to play an active role in the learning process (Winarti et al., 2019). This is
because the PBL model presents contextual problems that encourage students to learn. The focus of
learning is on concepts and principles related to problems, by involving students in investigations for
problem solving and other meaningful tasks. To summarize the influence of using the PBL model on
physics learning, a meta analysis can be carried out.
Meta-analysis of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model on physics problem solving abilities
has a very important urgency in the current educational context. First of all, by combining findings from
various studies, meta-analysis can provide a more comprehensive picture of the effectiveness of PBM
in improving physics problem-solving abilities (Kamid et al., 2022). This is important because it can
provide a strong foundation for developing more effective curriculum and learning strategies in the
future. In addition, meta-analysis can also identify factors that influence the success of PBL
implementation, thereby helping practitioners optimize their learning strategies (Permatasari et al.,
2019). Apart from providing benefits to educational practitioners, this research also has broad
implications in the field of research, such as providing a basis for further research in understanding the
mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of PBL. Thus, this meta-analysis not only makes an important
contribution to learning practice, but also to the development of knowledge in the field of education and
physics more broadly. So based on the description above, researchers are interested in conducting a
Meta Analysis of the Effect of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) Learning Model on Students' Physics
Problem Solving Ability.
Meta-Analysis of Problem Based Learning Models on … (Fhadira Insani Putri, et al) pp:74-80
Edufisika: Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika
Volume 9 Number 1, April 2024
This research is research using a meta-analysis method. A meta-analysis is quantitative because
it uses numerical calculations and statistics for a specific purpose. Meta analysis in the world of
education aims to determine the significance of a research subject after treatment (Merriyana, 2006).
Meta-analysis in this research was carried out by collecting existing research data.
The population in this study is research articles about the PBL model published online in the
period 2018-2023. The samples taken were ten journals related to the research title. In this research, to
find the right articles, search keywords were used, namely Problem Based Learning, the ability to solve
problems on websites or online article pages.
The stages of this research are in accordance with the meta analysis steps which can be seen in
the flow diagram presented in Figure 1.
After the Effect Size is obtained through the calculations above, it can be grouped in table 1:
Data collection was carried out by reviewing and searching several online articles. The criteria
for articles taken as reference material in this meta-analysis are to contain at least the average pretest
score before using the PBL model and the posttest score after using the PBL model to make it easier to
determine the effect size. Effect size is a measure of the quantity of a research result to determine the
correlation or difference between research variables. Based on these criteria, there are ten articles that
meet to be used as reference material in the meta-analysis activities that will be carried out.
In meta-analysis data analysis, the initial step is to collect all important information from
previous studies in the same field. After the data is collected, an evaluation is carried out on the
methodological quality of each study to assess the brightness of the results. Then, data from the various
studies are integrated using appropriate statistical methods, such as effect size analysis, to produce a
reliable overall estimate. The final step includes interpreting the results of this meta-analysis to extract
the main findings, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the conclusions, and provide
recommendations for future research.
Meta-Analysis of Problem Based Learning Models on … (Fhadira Insani Putri, et al) pp:74-80
Edufisika: Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika
Volume 9 Number 1, April 2024
Table 2. Effect Size Category: Influence of the PBL Model on Problem Solving Ability
No. Title Year of Research Effect Size Category
The Influence of the Problem Based
Learning Model on the Physics Problem
1. Solving Ability of Class X Students at 2023 0,19 Not enough
SMK Negeri 1 Batang Angkola (Rangkuti
et al., 2023)
The Influence of the Problem Based
Learning (PBL) Learning Model on the
2. Physics Problem Solving Ability of 2022 1,19 Tall
Students at SMA Negeri 11 Muaro Jambi
(Firmansyah et al., 2022)
The Effect of Problem Based Learning
(PBL) with Multirepresentation on the
3. Problem Solving Ability of High School 2020 1.47 Tall
Level Students on Momentum and Impulse
Material (Putri & Marpung, 2020)
The Influence of the Problem Based
Learning Model Assisted by Macromedia
Flash on Student Learning Outcomes in the
4. 2020 1.62 Tall
Main Material of Static Fluids in Class X-
MIA Semester II Man Binjai (Tampubolon
et al., 2020)
The Influence of the Problem Based
Learning (PBL) Model on Problem
6. Solving Ability in the Main Material of 2020 1,176 Tall
Fluid Dynamics in Class (Suharni &
Rahmatsyah, 2020)
Scaffolding in Physics Learning Based on
Problem Based Instruction (PBL): Its
7. 2019 3.37 Tall
Effect on Concept Understanding and Self-
Efficacy (Diani et al., 2019)
Approaching Problem-Solving Skills of
Momentum and Impulse Phenomena using
8. 2019 0.69 Currently
Context and Problem-Based Learning
(Yuberti et al., 2019)
The Influence of the Problem-Based
Learning Model Assisted by Mobile
9. 2019 4.06 Tall
Pocket Book Physics on Students' Problem
Solving Abilities (Noviatika et al., 2019)
The Influence of the ICT-Assisted Problem
Based Learning Model on the Physics
10. Problem Solving Ability of the Class of 2017 0.73 Currently
2016/2017 in Static Fluid Material
(Suwasono & Puspitasari, 2017)
Effect size calculations on the influence of Problem Based Learning on students' physics
problem solving abilities, of the ten research articles analyzed, there were 6 articles in the high effect
size category, 3 articles in the medium category and 1 articles in the low enough category. So from the
results of the data analysis it can be concluded that there is an influence of the Problem Based Learning
model on students' physics problem solving abilities. From the aspect of the media used in Problem
Based Learning, the analysis results show that the Problem Based Learning model with the help of
Mobile Pocket Book is the media that has the highest effect size with a value of 4.60 which is in the
high category.
Meta-Analysis of Problem Based Learning Models on … (Fhadira Insani Putri, et al) pp:74-80
Edufisika: Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika
Volume 9 Number 1, April 2024
Problem solving ability is an ability that students must have. Physics learning is expected to
foster problem solving abilities in students (Kim & Pak, 2002). Good problem solving skills will make
it easier for students to understand the concepts being studied. In solving problems, students involve
thinking processes to collect facts, analyze information, develop various alternative solutions, and
choose effective solutions (Pratiwi & Setyarsih, 2015).
The influence of the Problem Based Learning learning model has been able to improve students'
problem solving abilities. Based on the results of the meta analysis carried out, the Problem Based
Learning model has a good effect size in improving students' problem solving abilities. Through this
learning model students can use the knowledge they have to solve problems. Through this learning
model, students not only learn concepts related to the problem but also scientific methods to understand
concepts that are appropriate and relevant to the problem that is the learning topic.
So far, the Problem Based Learning model has been widely used in Physics learning (Phasa,
2020). The form of application varies depending on the type of variable and the focus of the need. Use
of learning models using learning media. The presence of media can help convey material more clearly
and more interestingly. Learning media is a teaching aid to convey material so that messages are more
easily received and make students more motivated and active (Irwandani & Juariyah, 2016). Based on
the results of the meta analysis carried out, the presence of media has an influence on problem solving
abilities (Setiyani et al., 2020). With media, it will be easier for students to apply and understand
concepts, thereby making problem solving easier as well. The ten articles analyzed showed high and
medium influence. Apart from that, there is an influence of the use of media in Problem Based Learning
where each media has a good effect on students' problem solving abilities.
Based on the results of the meta-analysis carried out in this research, it was concluded that there
was an influence of the application of the PBL model on students' physics problem solving abilities.
From the effect size calculation, the highest effect was obtained at 4.06 and the lowest at 0.19. Apart
from that, there is an influence of media use on students' problem solving abilities. In this way, the
Problem Based Learning model is able to improve students' problem solving abilities.
The researcher would like to express his gratitude to the parties who have helped the researcher
in completing this article and provided the researcher with the opportunity to carry out library research
using the meta-analysis method as a form of completing assignments for the Science Learning Models
and Evaluation course.
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