@medicinejournal Pediatric Anesthesia January 2018
@medicinejournal Pediatric Anesthesia January 2018
@medicinejournal Pediatric Anesthesia January 2018
Volume 28 Number 1 2018
An international journal published by
Brian Anderson (Auckland, New Zealand) Mark Thomas (London, UK)
David Polaner (Denver, USA)
EDITORIAL BOARD Tom Hansen (Odense, Denmark) Steven Shafer (Stanford, USA)
Dean Andropoulos (Houston, USA) Pablo Ingelmo (Montreal, Canada)
Mark Ansermino (Vancouver, Canada) Qingquan Lian (Wenzhou, China)
Victor Baum (Charlottesvile, USA) Andreas Loepke (Cincinnati, USA)
Thomas Engelhardt (Aberdeen, UK) Allison Ross (Durham, USA)
ASSOCIATE EDITORS Narasimhan Jagannathan (Chicago, USA) Santhanam Suresh (Chicago, USA)
Nicole Almenrader (Rome, Italy) Peter Larsson (Stockholm, Sweden) Shoichi Uezono (Tokyo, Japan)
Karin Becke (Nurnberg, Germany) Christine Mai (Boston, USA) Isabeau Walker (London, UK)
Patrick Birmingham (Chicago, USA) Shobha Malviya (Michigan, USA) Gina Whitney (Denver, USA)
Robin Cox (Calgary, Canada) Steven Roberts (Liverpool, UK) Ma-Zhong Zhang (Shanghai, China)
Jurgen de Graaff (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) Nada Sabourdin (Paris, France) Yunxia Zuo (Chengdu, China)
Geoff Frawley (Melbourne, Australia) Justin Skowno (Sydney, Australia)
PA S T E D I TO R S - I N - C H I E F
Gordon Bush
Ted Sumner
Neil Morton
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In this issue
3 In this issue: January 2018 A. Davidson
4 What can we learn (or not) from in vitro airway studies for clinical applications in children? N. Jagannathan and
B.S. von Ungern-Sternberg
6 We need personalized assessments for implicit bias in higher risk situations D.B. Waisel
Educational Review
8 New solutions to reduce wrong route medication errors R.S. Litman, V.I. Smith and P. Mainland
Systematic Reviews
13 The anatomy of the pediatric airway: Has our knowledge changed in 120 years? A review of historic and recent
investigations of the anatomy of the pediatric larynx J. Holzki, K.A. Brown, R.G. Carroll and C.J. Coté
23 Donohue syndrome: A review of literature, case series, and anesthetic considerations A. Kirkwood, G. Stuart and
L. Harding
28 Assessment of sedation level prior to neonatal intubation: A systematic review E.H.M. de Kort, N.M. Halbmeijer,
I.K.M. Reiss and S.H.P. Simons
Research Reports
37 Pressure-flow characteristics of breathing systems and their components for pediatric and adult patients C. Wenzel,
S. Schumann and J. Spaeth
46 Introducing the 6-4-0 fasting regimen and the incidence of prolonged preoperative fasting in children H. Andersson,
P.M. Hellström and P. Frykholm
53 Ultrasound-guided pudendal nerve block in children: A new technique of ultrasound-guided transperineal
approach I. Gaudet-Ferrand, P. De La Arena, S. Bringuier, O. Raux, L. Hertz, N. Kalfa, C. Sola and C. Dadure
59 Clinical implications of de Barsy syndrome L.L. Warner, D.A. Olsen and H.M. Smith
63 Incidence and predictors of 30-day postoperative readmission in children D. Vo, D. Zurakowski and D. Faraoni
Case Report
71 Nitroglycerin: An unusual solution to intraoperative hypothermia in a 4-year-old burn patient E.J. Goenaga Díaz,
J.E. Carter and T.W. Templeton
73 In response to “Interventions designed using quality improvement methods reduce the incidence of serious airway
events and airway cardiac arrests during pediatric anesthesia” B.H. Cloyd
74 Continuous Erector Spinae Plane block for thoracic surgery in a pediatric patient J.C. De la Cuadra-Fontaine, M. Concha,
F. Vuletin and H. Arancibia
75 Mispositioning the end of a cuff inflating line in long-axis ultrasound imaging of the pediatric larynx and
trachea K. Kayashima and K. Imai
Pediatric Anesthesia is indexed in Index Medicus, MEDLINE, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, EMBASE/
Excerpta Medica, Sci Search, Research Alert, Ad Referendum Anaesthesiology,
SUBIS and Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology
New connectors will be coming your way soon. This fascinating review covers the history and new developments of the tubing connectors.
Developing quality outcome measures is important. For better or worse, hospital readmission is one that is frequently used. This large study
identifies children at risk of readmission.
Another study that will hopefully help children being less grumpy and thirsty.
There is still argument over the basic shape of a child’s larynx. This paper presents a strong case for the funnel.
In the neonatal intensive care, endotracheal intubation is a not infrequent and a stressful event for the infant. Proving adequate sedation
beforehand is important but evidence to guide best practice is scarce. This paper reviews how adequate sedation is assessed.
Andrew Davidson
Pediatric Anesthesia. 2018;28:3. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pan © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd | 3
DOI: 10.1111/pan.13280
What can we learn (or not) from in vitro airway studies for
clinical applications in children?
Albert Einstein once said, “if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t Mohr et al., aimed to assess the impact of tracheal tube (TT) short-
understand it well enough”, implying that thorough knowledge and ening in infants, a not uncommon clinical practice to reduce the
comprehension of a topic is a prerequisite for its useful application. work of breathing in neonates and infants.1 The authors used an
Baseline knowledge of many topics in pediatric anesthesia, however, infant lung model to test this hypothesis for the existing practice.
are so limited that they even preclude safe research in human sub- However, the study showed that shortening the TT did not reduce
jects, let alone provide simple explanation and clinical application. In work of breathing in this infant lung model. Although this in vitro
vitro research studies aim to bridge this knowledge gap by integrat- study environment was not identical to in vivo settings, these results
ing laboratory findings to clinical trials, in an attempt to bring novel may discourage clinicians from shortening the TT, and potentially
concepts from “bench-to-bedside”. The main advantages of an help design future clinical studies to further explore the impact of
in vitro study are the ability to identify potential suitability for shortening TTs when caring for infants.
human subjects testing, or to assess the underlying human physiol- The second study is a quality improvement project assessing
ogy or material properties of certain equipment. Alternatively, the breathing circuit compliance in infants.2 Glenski et al. performed an
results of an in vitro study may be convincing enough to pursue in vitro study on infant test lungs by performing preuse self-tests on
human subjects testing. However, their inability to fully emulate nonexpanded, and then subsequently expanded breathing circuits.
real-life clinical conditions remains a major limitation. The authors found that this led to falsely elevated tidal volumes in
Einstein also gave us further advice: “A theory can be proved by infants less than 10 kg during pressure-controlled ventilation. The
experiment; but no path leads from experiment to the birth of a the- results obtained from their study were then applied clinically in real
ory.” Within the context of pediatric anesthesia research, this quote infants and led to a practice change in the authors’ institution after
reminds us that just because a model is available, it should not mean department-wide education and implementation.
that one should proceed to perform in vitro trial. Similarly, the 19th Both of these studies are fine examples of the use of laboratory
century French physiologist, Claude Bernard remarked, “The experi- testing to explore common clinical practices and challenge the valid-
menter who does not know what he is looking for will never under- ity of existing clinical paradigms to better define patient care without
stand what he finds.” The design of an in vitro study should risking patient morbidity.
foremost have a translational application in mind. Herein this edito-
rial, we discuss the potential advantages and limitations associated
with recent in vitro research in pediatric anesthesia. 2 | MANIKIN STUDIES
When embarking on a new in vitro airway study, a few questions
should be considered as a litmus test for whether to proceed with a As the Chemistry Nobel Laureate put it, “A theory has only the alter-
particular design. Failure to resoundingly answer “yes” to one of the native of being right or wrong. A model has a third possibility: it
following questions, should be a flag for revisiting the study question may be right, but irrelevant.” The latter is unfortunately true for
its merits, and/or its methodological aspects: many medical manikin models—as there are few high-quality pedi-
atric manikins that can truly emulate the anatomic/physiologic condi-
• Is an in vitro study the only way we can study this topic because tions of a real-life patient, thereby limiting their relevance and
human subjects study is impossible or harmful? generalizability. While manikin studies may be suitable to teach,
• Will the results of this in vitro study have potential to help design train, acquire, and assess skills by emulating rarely encountered clini-
better in vivo studies? cal situations, manikins may be useful in evidence-based training in
• Will the results of this study have potential to alter current prac- the simulated management of the difficult airway. For example, how
tices or improve patient care? to assess various airway device performance in a Pierre Robin mani-
kin.3 Although this type of manikin may be useful for teaching and
training purposes, the results observed from such a manikin study
1 | EQUIPMENT RESEARCH may not be translated to real-life clinical conditions. Certain vari-
ables, such as secretions, dynamic changes (reflex activation of the
Two recent interesting in vitro studies with potential clinical implica- airway, light anesthesia, oxygen desaturations), are difficult to emu-
tions involve the use of infant lung models. The first, conducted by late. Even high fidelity simulation with better features cannot
4 | © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pan Pediatric Anesthesia. 2018;28:4–5.
completely remove the sense of an artificial environment and may Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation and the Stan Perron Charita-
not be reflective of real clinical practice/behavior. The time pressure ble Trust.
and stress experienced in actual clinical practice cannot be replicated
and experienced during performances on a manikin. Although these DISCLOSURES
limitations exist, manikins have been a valuable tool to train on, and
enhances clinical education. Situations exist where it may be unethi- Britta S von Ungern-Sternberg is a Section Editor of Pediatric Anes-
cal to perform a clinical trial, or test experimental equipment on thesia. Narasimhan Jagannathan is an Associate Editor of Pediatric
human subjects. In these situations, the use of manikins and/or ani- Anesthesia.
mal models (see below) become a more suitable study model, how-
ever the translational value of a manikin is highly questionable.
WHITE Clinicians scorn interpersonal healthcare disparity data: “It is not rel-
evant to me, because I am not prejudice.” But implicit bias is ubiqui-
Darker-skinned Black people are more discriminated against than tous. A systematic review7 of papers found that implicit bias—
lighter-skinned Black people in both Black and White communities, unconscious and automatic—was negatively correlated with indica-
although there is some evidence of recent improvement in that area.3 tors of quality care. Implicit bias occurs by race, ethnicity, socioeco-
Colorism, which is bias attached to skin shade, is present across soci- nomic status, gender, age, body habitus, disease, disability, and
eties and races. In studies assessing conscious or unconscious bias of whether the patient contributed to their disease. We need to recog-
clinicians, it would be nice to categorize the patients not only by race nize higher risk situations where unconscious bias may affect patient
but also by prejudices within that race, such as categorizing patients care, have the wherewithal to acknowledge the possibility of implic-
as either lighter skinned or darker skinned. And because the outcome itly biased behavior, and take overt actions to minimize it.
is a function of an interpersonal relationship, the race and skin shade Studies like these help us recognize higher risk situations, such
of anesthesiologists should also be categorized. as variation in preoperative drug administration when anesthetizing
6 | © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pan Pediatric Anesthesia. 2018;28:6–7.
DOI: 10.1111/pan.13279
Department of Anesthesiology & Critical
Care, The Children’s Hospital of Summary
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA Wrong route medication errors due to tubing misconnections are potentially life-
Institute for Safe Medication Practices,
threatening complications that have been made possible by the universal use of the
Horsham, PA, USA
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA Luer connector. The new International Organization of Standardization standards for
Department of Anaesthesia and small bore connectors, ISO 80369 series, have been developed to reduce the risk of
Perioperative Medicine, AlfredHealth,
these types of erroneous connections. Tubing connectors for different routes of
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
clinical application will contain differently designed connectors that are physically
incompatible. However, design and manufacturing standards have progressed slowly,
Dr Ronald S. Litman, Department of
Anesthesiology & Critical Care, The and clinical roll-outs have been delayed, despite the implementation of California
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia,
laws to promote their use. We are currently in a state of transition where new con-
Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Email: [email protected] nectors for enteral and neuraxial use will be entering the clinical market in the next
few years, and increasing use will identify additional patient safety concerns.
Funding information
The preparation of this review was funded
by departmental resources. KEYWORDS
Medication errors, small bore connectors, tubing misconnections
Section Editor: Mark Thomas
1 | INTRODUCTION flames in the Ramstein Air Base air show disaster.4 Some authors
have speculated that during the rescue effort, the incompatibility of
Much of the practice of hospital-based medicine can be traced to intravascular tubing between the USA army hospital and the German
the use of a universal tubing connector that allows connection paramedics contributed to the inability to resuscitate many of the
between medical devices from different manufacturers throughout injured spectators.1 In 1995, the International Organization of Stan-
the world. This connector was originally created in 1896 by Karl dardization (ISO) published an international standard specifying the
€er Company of
Schneider, an instrument maker for the H. Wulfing Lu consistent use of the Luer-tipped syringe.5 This standard has since
Paris. It consisted of a glass cylinder and plunger with a “male” inser- been used throughout the world.
tion tip that was constructed with a 6% taper to snugly fit into the There are always unintended consequences when standardization
corresponding “female” ports of various types of medical instillation processes occur. Because of the universal nature of Luer connectors,
devices, such as intravenous, urethral, or intrauterine catheters.1 delivery systems for intravascular (IV), enteral, respiratory, and neu-
€ er traveled to the United States, where he sold the patent of his
Lu raxial* medical devices have been accidentally interconnected to
universal syringe to Maxwell W. Becton and Fairleigh S. Dickinson, each other, either directly, or indirectly using adaptors that were not
who used it to start their fledgling company they called Becton Dick- intended for that specific use.6-8 These accidental misconnections
inson. And as they say, the rest is history. In the 1930s, Becton result in wrong route medication errors, and have resulted in patient
Dickinson added an external cuff locking mechanism to prevent acci- harm. As not all substances are safe when administered via different
dental disconnections, the eponymous Luer-Lok we all still use routes, wrong route administrations can have severe consequences,
today.3 Over the ensuing century throughout the 1900s, the Luer- such as when an enteral feed is administered by the IV route, or a
tipped syringe became the USA industry standard for nearly all types drug that is ordinarily safe to administer by vein becomes toxic when
of medical tubing connections. Until the 1980s, many syringe manu- administered into one of the neuraxial spaces, such as intrathecal,
facturers in Europe continued to use the similar but incompatible
Rekord type syringe tip. But, in 1988, 3 pilots and 67 spectators lost *The term “neuraxial” describes the route of administration into the intrathecal, epidural,
and perineural spaces, as well as other areas of regional infiltration of local anesthetic to
their lives, and many hundreds were injured from the spread of
achieve pain control.
8 | © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pan Pediatric Anesthesia. 2018;28:8–12.
epidural, or perineural. Although published cases of wrong route route connections by preventing physical compatibility between
medication errors are likely widely underreported, published reports delivery routes. The Luer connector dimensions will remain for
describe such accidental connections that resulted in patient harm. intravascular and hypodermic applications only (Table 1 and Fig-
A 2011 systematic review of enteral-to-IV misconnections ure 1). The new standards were subsequently endorsed by the Asso-
described 116 cases in 34 publications, which resulted in the death ciation for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI),26
of 21 patients. Despite widespread recognition of the severity of and The Joint Commission released a follow up Sentinel Event in
this type of medication error,10 new reports continue to appear, 2014 urging healthcare providers to begin preparing for the new
such as a 6-week-old infant who was accidently administered breast connectors and to continue to vigilantly avoid misconnections until
milk intravenously.11 the new connectors debut.27
The accidental administration of intravascular medications into The only regulatory or legislative solution to wrong route errors
the neuraxial spaces has been amply reported.12-17 Some of these occurred in 2015 when the California legislature passed Assembly
reports describe devastating consequences. For example, a 59-year- Bill 444,28 which contains 3 main provisions:
old male was left permanently disabled after he was accidentally
administered high-dose gadolinium into his external ventricular drain 1. Beginning January 1, 2016, a health facility is prohibited from
during an imaging study.18 The continued occurrence of similar cases using an intravenous connector that would fit into a connector
prompted an impassioned editorial pleading for the urgent imple- other than the type it was intended for.
mentation of preventative measures.19,20 2. Beginning July 1, 2016, a health facility is prohibited from using
Although administration of toxic substances into the intravascular an enteral feeding connector that would fit into a connector
and neuraxial spaces are the most commonly reported wrong route other than the type it was intended for.
medication errors, additional types of calamities involving tubing 3. Beginning January 1, 2017, a health facility is California from
with the universal Luer connection have occurred with disastrous using an epidural connector that would fit into a connector other
outcomes. These include the accidental administration of enteral than the type it was intended for.
feed into the suction port of a tracheostomy, and fatal air emboli,
one after the connection of high-flow oxygen into an intravascular All of the above prohibitions stipulate that an exception can be
port, another after the connection of the tubing of an automated made when an emergency or urgent situation exists or if the prohibi-
noninvasive blood pressure cuff that was accidently connected to an tion would impair the ability to provide appropriate health care.
intravenous port.21 The successful implementation of the changes will not be possi-
ble without the participation of medical device manufacturers, who
will now be required to produce and distribute devices with connec-
1.1 | The new small bore connector standards
tors that comply with the new design specifications. The design for
Over the past several decades, there has been a concerted effort the connector for enteral use was the first to be confirmed, in
across the globe to devise ways to reduce the wrong route errors response to the California legislation deadline. A consortium of man-
that resulted from the use of universal Luer connectors. Organi- ufacturers of enteral devices and enteral feed manufacturers was
zations in the USA including the Food and Drug Administration,6 formed, known as the Global Enteral Device Supplier Association
Emergency Care Research Institute,7 and the Joint Commission on (GEDSA, www.gedsa.org), a nonprofit trade association to promote
Healthcare8 have issued warnings and sentinel events regarding the adoption of devices compliant with ISO 80369-3, enteral and other
danger of universal Luer connectors and the need for caution. Similar standards in the series, and to address operational and safety issues
statements and warnings have been issued in other countries, such in implementing products. GEDSA launched the Stay Connected initia-
as Patient Alerts from the National Patient Safety Agency in Eng- tive (stayconnected.org), a communications program with the goal to
land.25 In response to increasing awareness of this problem, a pro- facilitate transition to devices compliant with the ISO 80369 series
ject to develop unique connectors for medical devices used in of Small Bore Connectors and begin implementation of these
different applications started initially in 1997 by a Forum Task Group changes throughout the world.
of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). Later this
was handed over to the ISO to create new standards for tubing con- T A B L E 1 New International Organization of Standardization (ISO)
nectors that would prevent interconnectivity. After extensive collab- 80369 connector series
oration between biomedical engineers, computer design experts, ISO standard Delivery route
manufacturers, consultants, and clinicians, it resulted in the ISO 80369-2 Respiratory
80369 series of standards for Small Bore Connectors. The first stan- 80369-3 Enteral
dard of the series, General Principles, was published in 2010. These
80369-5 Limb cuff inflation
new standards consist of design specifications of male and female
80369-6 Neuraxial
connectors that are unique for different routes of application into
80369-7 Intravascular (6% tapered Luer)
which medications or other substances may be administered. The
goal of these new specifications is to reduce the possibility of wrong
In collaboration with the ISO Committee Working Group respon- With the introduction of these new connector systems into clini-
sible for the ISO 80369 series of standards and GEDSA, specific cal practice, previously unidentified problems have arisen.30 For
‘clinical advisory groups’ of international experts (from the United example, use of the new EnFitâ connectors resulted in dosing inac-
States and Europe, and for neuraxial, Australia) have been formed to curacies with the lowest volume (1 mL, 3 mL, and 5 mL) ENFitâ syr-
give input to clinical requirements for implementation of enteral and inges. After considerable effort and study, a new low-dose ENFitâ
neuraxial devices. tip syringe has been designed, with the intention of limiting the dose
The first new ISO small bore connectors to be introduced into inaccuracy to less than 10% (NeoMedâ Inc. “Low Dose Tip”).31 How-
clinical use will be the enteral (ISO 80369-3) connectors and the ever, one major syringe manufacturer, Becton Dickinson, made the
neuraxial (ISO 80369-6) connectors. Each will have a unique size decision to abandon the ENFitâ design, and launch a new type of
and shape and will be physically incompatible with Luer connectors enteral syringe design in its place (http://www.bd.com/hypodermic/
and the other new small bore connectors. Many manufacturers have products/enteral/). At the time of this writing, all other enteral syr-
informally agreed upon (ie, it is not standardized) a name and color inge manufacturers produce devices with the ENFitâ connector,
allocation for these new connections. The enteral (eg, nasogastric, or although proprietary non-Luer devices are also on the market. It will
percutaneous gastric or jejunal feeding tubes) connectors may be remain to be seen whether the Becton Dickinson enteral syringe will
known as ENFitâ, and devices may have purple coloring of the syr- retain compatibility with other manufacturers’ products.
inges and tubing (Figure 2). These have been introduced throughout Similar problems are expected to arise with clinical introduction
the USA and Europe beginning in 2016.29 The neuraxial connectors of the NRFitTM connector for neuraxial devices. For example, as
(eg, perineural infiltration, epidural, and intrathecal administration) the NRFitTM has a smaller internal diameter lumen than its Luer
may be known as NRFitTM, may have yellow coloring of syringes and counterpart, flow rates of cerebrospinal fluid during diagnostic or
tubing, and are expected to be introduced into clinical practice in therapeutic (eg, intrathecal chemotherapy) lumbar punctures will
2017. As the use of colors purple and yellow is not standardized, decrease, thus possibly affecting clinical practice.32,33 These proce-
there are on the market devices using these colors that are not nec- dures may take longer to perform and could result in patient
essarily compliant with ISO 80369 series, and may be used for other safety concerns if clinicians do not wait long enough to collect
clinical applications. adequate amounts of fluid, or falsely abandon the procedure think-
Because some patients have an indwelling enteral device such as ing the correctly placed needle has been misplaced into another
a percutaneous feeding tube, manufacturers have also made avail- space.
able adaptors for enteral devices that facilitate connection between The ISO 80369 standard for the connector for limb cuff inflation
old and new systems during the transitional phase. The use of transi- in adult blood pressure measurement has been published, and is
tion sets or adaptors is not planned for neuraxial devices. based on a currently available design with devices. Compliant cuffs
and tubing are already on the market. There are plans for additional
designs in ISO 80369-5 for inflation tourniquets for limbs and for
neonatal/pediatric blood pressure cuffs. In the coming years, addi-
tional connectors in the ISO 80369 series will also be introduced for
respiratory equipment, such as oxygen tubing with different connec-
tors for high pressures (eg, oxygen to facemask) and low pressures
(eg, gas sampling in anesthesia systems).
Despite the legislation in California mandating use of different
connectors for enteral and neuraxial tubing by the beginning of
2017, to date rollout has been inconsistent between centers, yet
F I G U R E 2 New ENFitâ connector to be used for connecting
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Accepted: 11 October 2017
DOI: 10.1111/pan.13281
Department of Pediatrics, Centre
ge, Che
Hospitaliere de Lie ^ ne
e, Belgium Summary
Department of Anesthesia, McGill Background: There is disagreement regarding the anatomy of the pediatric airway,
University Health Center, The Montreal
particularly regarding the shape of the cricoid cartilage and the location of the nar-
Children0 s Hospital, Queen Elizabeth
Hospital Foundation of Montreal Chair in rowest portion of the larynx.
Pediatric Anesthesia, Montreal, QC, Canada
Aims: The aim of this review is to clarify the origin and the science behind these
Radiology & Diagnostics, Quantitative
Imaging Inc., Largo, FL, USA differing views.
Harvard Medical School, MassGeneral Methods: We undertook a review of published literature, University Libraries, and
Hospital for Children, The Massachusetts
authoritative textbooks with key search words and phrases.
General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Results: In vivo observations suggest that the narrowest portion of the airway is
more proximal than the cricoid cartilage. However, in vitro studies of autopsy speci-
Josef Holzki, Department of Pediatrics,
Centre Hospitaliere Universitaire de Lie mens measured with rods or calipers, confirm that the nondistensible and circular or
Che^ ne
e, Belgium.
near circular cricoid outlet is the narrowest level. These anatomic studies confirmed
Email: [email protected]
the classic “funnel” shape of the pediatric larynx. In vivo studies are potentially mis-
Section Editor: Mark Thomas
leading as the aryepiglottic, vestibular, and true vocal folds are in constant motion
with respiration. These studies also do not consider the effects of normal sleep,
inhalation agents, and comorbidities such as adenoid or tonsil hypertrophy that
cause some degree of pharyngeal collapse and alter the normal movement of the
laryngeal tissues. Thus, the radiologic studies suggesting that the narrowest portion
of the airway is not the cricoid cartilage may be the result of an artifact depending
upon which phase of respiration was imaged.
Conclusion: In vivo studies do not take into account the motion of the highly pliable
laryngeal upper airway structures (aryepiglottic, vestibular, and vocal folds). Maximal
abduction of these structures with tracheal tubes or bronchoscopes always demonstrates
a larger opening of the glottis compared to the outlet of the cricoid ring. Injury to the lar-
ynx depends upon ease of tracheal tube or endoscope passage past the cricoid cartilage
and not passage through the readily distensible more proximal structures. The infant
larynx is funnel shaped with the narrowest portion the circular or near circular cricoid car-
tilage confirmed by multiple in vitro autopsy specimens carried out over the past century.
age, airway, child, infant, neonate, otolaryngology, techniques
Robert Carroll MD passed away unexpectedly on August 13, 2016.
Pediatric Anesthesia. 2018;28:13–22. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pan © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd | 13
1 | INTRODUCTION vocal cords is larger than the cricoid ring. This observation supported
the notion of a funnel shape. He concluded that “the cricoid cartilage
The lumen of the infant larynx is described as oval, cylindrical, spher- is unquestionably the narrowest part of the pediatric larynx”, noting
ical, conical, and funnel shaped with the narrowest portion being the that this configuration could persist into adolescence. Peter11
nondistensible cricoid cartilage. Following publication of Eckenhoff’s reported additional anatomical details: (i) The cricothyroid membrane
classic paper, the descriptor “funnel shaped” was widely adopted.1 (conus elasticus) slants posteriorly impinging on the laryngeal lumen
However, recent in vivo investigations and reviews have questioned narrowing the anterior aspect of the subglottic space Figure 2A). (ii)
the shape and location of the narrowest portion of the infant In infancy, the laminae of the cricoid tilt posteriorly. As the length of
larynx,2-8 however, one in vivo study documented a circular outlet the cricoid cartilage in infants is 8.4 1.4 mm, this posterior angula-
of the cricoid ring.9 We were intrigued by these assertions that con- tion should confer an ellipsoid shape to the subglottic space.9
tradict traditional anatomic concepts.1,10-15 As a correct understand- Indeed, Peter reported that the A-P dimension of the glottis is larger
ing of airway anatomy is fundamental to the safe use of tracheal than the near circular cricoid outlet (funnel shape). During develop-
tubes in infants and children, these contradictory observations ment, the posterior laminae gradually assume an upright position
prompted our review. (Figure 2B).
In his classic paper, Eckenhoff compared the investigations of
Bayeux and Peter with his clinical observations during direct laryn-
2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS goscopy.1 With the vocal cords widely abducted, the outlet of the
cricoid ring appeared smaller than the glottis. He concluded that “in
Using the key words and phrases: “pediatric/infant anatomy of the the infant, the lamina is inclined posteriorly at its superior aspect, so
airway, larynx, dimensions, narrowest part of, pediatric laryngoscopy— that the larynx is funnel shaped with the narrowest point of the funnel
bronchoscopy, difference from adults”, we searched PubMed, the at the laryngeal exit” (Figures 2B, 3A-D). This report brought scien-
ge, 4000 Lie
University Library Lie ge, Belgium, for Historical French tific descriptions of the pediatric larynx to the attention of anesthesi-
language articles not found on the Internet, Springer Book archives, ologists and introduced the descriptor “funnel shaped” and the
the University Library Cologne, Kerpenerstrasse 62, 50937, Ger- concept of a round cricoid.
€ r Medizin, Gleuelerstrasse
many, and Deutsche Zentralbibliothek fu Butz12 examined 24 fresh unpreserved laryngeal autopsy speci-
€ln, Germany (Table 1), original research and textbooks.
60, 50931 Ko mens (premature infants to adolescents). Using dilators in 7 speci-
We investigated in vitro anatomical descriptions dating back to 1897 mens, he found that the glottis accepted sizes 4 Fr larger than the
and in vivo endoscopic and radiologic airway assessments. We con- tracheal origin; the larynx became consistently narrower from the
centrated on dimensions of the laryngeal lumen, the narrowest part glottis to the cricoid outlet (funnel shape). The cricoid ring in all
of the larynx, and the shape of the cricoid outlet. Only anatomy specimens tended to be circular in cross-sections.* Too-Chung and
reports presenting at least 2 methods of investigation (measure- Green16 investigated the rate of growth of the cricoid cartilages.
ments, calibrations, and photographs) were selected. They examined larynges (only 5/68 preserved) from 15 newborns
(1 day-1 week), 44 infants (>1 week-1 year), and 9 children (2-
15 years). They measured the interior dimension of the cricoid ring
3 | RESULTS at its lower border with a Vernier caliper. They observed a slightly
larger transverse cricoid diameter in neonates and a gradual cross-
Our search revealed autopsy data from hundreds of pediatric laryn- over to a larger A-P diameter in children until 2 years. At 5 months,
ges10-14,16-18 and one textbook.15 In vivo studies also reported data they reported a circular outlet and at 15 years, they observed aver-
from hundreds of children.2,3,6-9 All investigations examined children age A-P/transverse diameters of 1:0.97. The ratio of all groups was
from preterm to 15 years (Table 1). between 1:0.91 and 1:1.1, near circular. Tucker et al17 published
serial cross-sections of larynges from 21 children (3 months-4 years)
and demonstrated the “V”-shape of the backward tilted cricoid lami-
3.1 | Chronological in vitro autopsy reports
nae (Figure 4A). This observation explains both the funnel shape of
In 1897, Bayeux10 reported autopsy data from 28 infants and chil- the cricoid lumen and the posterolateral endocricoid ulcerations
dren. After abandoning plaster casts which distorted the anatomy, commonly associated with prolonged tracheal intubation.15,19 Holin-
he used wax castings and calibration rods which proved to be more ger et al15 expanded upon these observations based upon combined
accurate; as wax liquefies at 40°C it molds to surfaces without dis- endoscopic experiences from GF Tucker and B. Benjamin.17,19 They
tortion or dilatation. In all specimens, the A-P dimension of the glot- concluded that: “The lumen of the glottis is somewhat pentagonal in
tis was larger than the cricoid ring (Figure 1A). Calibration rods shape, as the vocal folds taper inferiorly into the subglottic larynx,
demonstrated that the nondistensible cricoid outlet was the narrow- where the lumen is elliptical with the greater diameter in the A-P
est part of the larynx and that it was nearly circular. To further
assess the caliber of the glottis, he divided the arch of the cricoid
*In anatomy, there never exist geometrical structures like rings, funnels, or ellipses, only
ring (Figure 1B), confirming that the transverse dimension of the similarities to these geometrical forms.
TABLE 1 (Continued)
Cricoid-A-P/transverse diameter
Author (y) N Age ratio (r) and conclusions Comments
Dalal et al (2009) 3
128 6 mo-13 y Videos at the glottis and superior aspect of cricoid “Our study reveals the Cricoid-A-P
ring were obtained. Pictures were plotted on graph dimension is larger than its
paper. Mean cross-sectional areas of cricoid and Cricoid-transverse dimension
paralyzed glottis were compared (cricoid ellipsoid). suggesting that the cricoid is ellipsoid
rather than round.” “in anesthetized
paralyzed children, the glottis is
narrower than the cricoid from
infancy to adolescence.”
Wani et al (2016)6 130 1 mo-9 y r = 1/1.02 (practically circular) “The cone shaped airway characteristic,
which has been historically proposed,
was not observed. Given that the
subglottic transverse diameter is the
smallest area dimension, one must
assume this is the most likely area of
resistance for the passage of an
endotracheal tube rather than only
the cricoid.” “The subglottic area and
the cricoid change from an elliptical
to a round (circular) shape.”
Wani et al (2017)7 40 1 d-12 moc r = 1/1.36 at subglottic region. r = 1/1.098 “Increase in transverse dimensions
at cricoid level (near circular) observed from subglottis to
cricoid. . . A-P dimensions showed a
decrease from subglottis to the
cricoid.” “The mean cross-sectional
area at the 2 levels were similar.”
“The cricoid is not round as has been
observed in older children” “The ratio
between the transverse and A-P
diameters at the cricoid was 0.89.”
Wani et al (2017)b,8 54 2 mo-8 y Air volumes in the subglottic, cricoid to the tracheal “An increase in airway volumes was
regions were examined. The coaxial view of the observed from the subglottis
airway from the caudad end shows a funnel shape (0.17 mm3) to the cricoid (0.19 mm3).”
Wani (2016)b,21 102 1 mo-10 y r = 1:1.0 overall but ranged from 0.91 to 1.06.
(9 age Age groups 2-3, 6-8 y had a moderately larger
groups) transverse than A-P diameter of the cricoid
(near circular)
Total 553
Note that 150/300 larynges were also reported in their 2008 publication (personal communication).
It is not known if some of these patients were included in prior publications.
Note that 11 patients were reported in a prior study.
dimension. At the inferior aspect of the cricoid cartilage the lumen and in 5 specimen transverse diameters were considerably larger than
the cartilage are a smooth round shape (Figure 3B,C,D)”. The authors the A-P diameters (different from Too-Chung). Thus, the A-P/trans-
illustrated the 2-dimensional inverted funnel shape in coronal sec- verse ratios in this age group may vary. Eckel et al20 examined 43
tions as typical for adducted vocal cords in autopsy specimens. They larynges (<5 years) by the method of plastination which preserves
further described the glottic level as pliable and larger than the rigid the larynx as it appears in situ and found that cricoids tended to be
cricoid outlet. To have a holistic view of the lumen of the larynx, A- circular. Mid-larynx cross-sections proximal to the cricoid arch
P and coronal sections of the larynx should be combined with the demonstrated the transverse diameter to be wider than the glottis
cross-sections of the larynx at different levels (Figure 3); the authors (Figure 4B). They also found that the transverse diameter of the
confirmed the common site of injury from tracheal tubes and the cadaveric glottis was narrower than the A-P dimension, resulting in
autopsy work of previous investigators.10-12,16,17 an almost triangular shape (Figure 4B). This is consistent with what
Sellars and Keen18 reported A-P/transverse diameters of 21 is expected as in death, the soft tissues of the upper airway revert
autopsy specimens (newborn-2 weeks) at the inner aspect of the cri- to their neutral position (Figure 3B) similar to several in vivo reports
coid ring (measurements higher in the larynx were not made). In 16/ (see further).6,7 More recently, Fayoux et al13 examined serial sec-
21 specimens, the A-P diameter exceeded the transverse, however, tions from 150 nonpreserved infant larynges (preterm-3 months)
(A) (B) the cricoid outlet and that the cricoid arch and posterior lamina have
a 4-fold height discrepancy which creates an oblique entrance to the
cricoid ring (Figure 4C). Therefore, methods which identify the cri-
coid cartilage by the tip of the lamina vs the superior aspect of the
anterior cricoid arch are likely to demonstrate different measure-
ments (Figure 3). All outlets of the investigated larynges were round
with A-P/transverse ratios between 1/0.99 and 1/1.05.
(A) (B)
F I G U R E 2 A, Endoscopic picture (2.2 mm Hopkins lens, JH) of the glottis of a 1-year-old child, spontaneously breathing under inhalation
anesthesia. Note that the vocal cords are in an almost parallel (adducted) position. The anterior subglottic narrowing is caused by the
posteriorly slanting thyroid cartilage and the cricothyroid membrane, narrowing the subglottic space anteriorly. B, Drawing showing the lateral
view of an A-P section through a neonatal larynx (autopsy specimen by Peter).11 The backward tilted lamina results in a cricoid lumen which
has a large, slanting entrance and an approximately 46% smaller circular outlet. The height ratio between arch and lamina is 1:4 (see also
Figure 4C)
F I G U R E 3 Influence of the level of cross-sections on the configuration of the laryngeal lumen, regardless of the method of investigation. A,
A-P section of the larynx of an 8-month-old infant specimen (JH). B, Cross-sections at the vocal cord level from autopsy specimens (Holinger
et al, 8-month-old infant, and Eckel et al, 3-month-old infant, with permission by Wolters Kluwer and Springer).15,20 “Tear-drop”-like entrance
to the glottic opening (CT-scan by Sirisopana et al,9 child <3 y, with permission of Wolters Kluwer) showing a clear tissue-air interface but no
cartilaginous structures. C, Cross-sections at mid-level of the larynx show an oval shape. The posterior V-shape of the lamina is visible in these
anatomical cross-sections (Holinger,15 Eckel, courtesy of the author).20 The hyperdense lining of the lumen in the MRI (not depicting
cartilages!) represents the intensely perfused laryngeal mucosa (Litman et al2 with permission by Wolters Kluwer). D, Cross-sections through
the outlet of larynx showing a circular configuration (Holinger et al15 Eckel, courtesy of the author.20 CT-scan (Sirisopana et al9 with
permission by Wolters Kluwer)
from children 1 month to 10 years of age.21 This report did not transverse diameter 1.02/1) similar to their previous study.6 Another
assess subglottic dimensions but confirmed the near circular cricoid study7 reported observations of 40 laryngeal CT scans of infants (0-
with the A-P diameter slightly greater than the transverse (A-P/ 12 months) during similar conditions as the studies above (11 had
F I G U R E 4 Influence of the level of cross-section on the configuration of the laryngeal lumen, regardless of the method of investigation. A,
Cross-section above the arch of the cricoid ring of an infant larynx at the level of the anterior ligamentous cricothyroid membrane (Tucker
et al17 with permission from Rights Link). The V-shaped lamina of the cricoid, bounding the oval lumen of the mid-larynx by two-thirds from
posterior, demonstrates an “elliptical” mucosal lumen at this level, obscuring the underlying surface” of the cricoid. B, Cross-section at the level
of the vocal cords (2-month-old infant, plastination technique, Eckel et al20 with permission of Springer). The cranial part of lamina and vocal
processes of the arytenoid cartilages are clearly visible, demonstrating the tight connection between the vocal cords, the vocal process, and
the superior lamina. C, Photo of a freshly trimmed cricoid ring of a neonate (autopsy specimen, courtesy MA Rothschild, Institution of Legal
Medicine, University Cologne, Germany, from unpublished data). The high lamina, the short arch, the oblique entrance of the cricoid ring, and
of the plane level of the circular cricoid outlet (see Figures 2B and 3A) demonstrate the difficulty of precisely defining the anatomy of the
pediatric cricoid ring by cross-sections only
been previously reported to have a circular outlet5). They found that nondistensible cricoid cartilage (funnelists).10-14,16-18 How can we
the cricoid had a larger A-P than transverse diameter (6.7 vs reconcile these apparent contradictory observations? Is the larynx
6.1 mm) but at the subglottic level, they again found that the trans- funnel-shaped or cylindrical? Is the narrowest portion at the level of
verse diameter was less than the cricoid and the A-P diameter was the glottis or the cricoid ring? We believe that these divergent views
greater (7.2 A-P vs 5.3 mm transverse). They concluded that the air- reflect the methods of evaluation used (in vivo vs in vitro). Autopsy
way in neonates and infants between the subglottic area and the cri- data confirm the nondistensible cricoid ring10-15,20 as the narrowest
coid remains ellipsoid, “that the airway is wider anteroposteriorly and portion, however, the laryngeal lumen varies in form and size at dif-
narrows in the transverse dimension from the subglottis to the cricoid in ferent levels (predominantly cylindrical in transverse but conical in
infants.” However, the mean cross-sectional area at the 2 levels was A-P dimensions). As the pediatric larynx consists of pliable (supra-
similar (29.9 vs 32.1 mm3). It is possible that this ellipsoid shape is glottis, glottis, and proximal subglottis) and rigid parts (the cricoid
secondary to the slices not being exactly perpendicular to the axis of ring) (Figures 3, 4C), describing laryngeal anatomy depends upon the
the cricoid. They also acknowledged that they did not standardize methodology used for assessment. Studies which employ horizontal
the phase of respirations which might also have impacted their mea- cross-sections to identify the level of the cricoid outlet by CT scans
surements by the variable position of the vocal cords. A fourth study or MRI are less precise than autopsy specimens for several reasons:
reported 3D CT scan reconstructions of the upper airway at 3 mm a slice thickness of 2.5-3.0 mm, the angulation of the cricoid, and
intervals from 54 children 2 months to 8 years8 but only 4 were inability to precisely show the cartilaginous structures.10-12,15,16
infants. The airway volumes in subglottic and cricoid levels were More importantly, these measurements may vary greatly in vivo
0.17 0.06 vs 0.19 0.07 mm3, respectively. The authors com- compared with in vitro because the laryngeal tissue folds (vocal,
mented that the narrowest portion of the airway was subglottic but vestibular, and aryepiglottic folds) are dynamic, pliable structures13
“we cannot comment whether this region or others such as the cricoid that change position and shape with the phase of respirations
represent the most rigid aspect of the airway.” (change in transverse but minimal in the A-P dimension).7,8,22 With
inspiration, the laryngeal muscles contract, stretching open the
aryepiglottic, vestibular (false cords), and vocal folds, so that the dis-
4 | DISCUSSION tance between these structures increases (Figure 5A). With expira-
tion or neuromuscular blockade (Figure 5B), these soft tissue folds
Our literature review revealed 2 views of the infant larynx: the tradi- return to a neutral position by the stability of the cuneiform and cor-
tional “funnelists” and the “nonfunnelists”. The in vivo studies2,3,6-8 niculate cartilages.23 With voluntary glottic closure (lifting heavy
all suggest that the narrowest portion of the pediatric larynx in spon- weights), or involuntary glottic closure (laryngospasm), contraction of
taneously breathing sleeping or anesthetized infants and children is the intrinsic laryngeal muscles closes the larynx at 3 levels
at the laryngeal inlet (nonfunnelists), whereas the in vitro studies (aryepiglottic, vestibular, and vocal folds). Thus, the various tissue
describe the narrowest portion of the pediatric larynx as the folds of the larynx are in constant motion and the distance between
them depends upon the phase of respiration during which the exami- tracheal tubes)10,13,14; the maximum IADs were always larger than the
nation was made (or death). Although the paralyzed vocal cords are rigid cricoid outlet (Figure 6A,B). When studying the laryngeal anat-
always in a near cadaveric position (Figure 5B), they never impede the omy from the viewpoint of intubation, the only meaningful way to
advancement of tracheal tubes. A further consideration is what hap- compare the lumen at various levels of the larynx, is by gently intro-
pens to these structures during sleep or anesthesia compared to the ducing measuring rods (or tracheal tubes)10,12,13 which maximally dis-
awake state. It is well known that there is collapse of pharyngeal tis- tend the soft tissues of the laryngeal folds without injury.
sues during natural sleep and during anesthesia. Such narrowing of the Wani et al6-8 have presented several studies with possible overlap-
upper airway facilitates apposition of the laryngeal tissue folds further ping patient populations. Given that several hundred CT scans were
narrowing the upper airway above the cricoid cartilage, particularly if retrospectively reviewed and only 40 selected for one study (11 previ-
there is accompanying tonsillar or arytenoid hypertrophy.24,25 The ously reported) and 56 for another, it is possible that observer bias
effects of sleep, anesthetic medications, or arytenoid/tonsillar hyper- could have influenced their conclusions regarding the shape of the cri-
trophy were not considered in the in vivo studies. coid and the subglottic region. It is also unclear if the CT cuts were
The maximum interarytenoid diameter (IAD) can be measured obtained at sufficiently thin intervals to allow accurate assessment the
in vivo, but in vitro measurements may be more accurate with mea- cricoid outlet. Wani et al8 did not cite the 300 investigations by Fay-
suring rods or calipers as these tissue folds are easily distended. oux et al who documented the opposite of their assertions (Fig. S1).
After neuromuscular blockade, the vocal cords relax and assume a Furthermore, in their most recent study of 3D CT-imaging, they found
parallel position (Figure 5B). Transverse interarytenoid diameters a mean airway volume difference between the subglottic area and the
(IAD) vary from zero (laryngospasm) to a maximum diameter when cricoid outlet of only 0.02 mm3 which is of uncertain clinical rele-
fully abducted. In autopsy specimens, the vocal cords adopt a vance. Furthermore, two of their other studies found no difference in
cadaveric position; in vivo they are adducted to different degrees cross-sectional areas of these same 2 levels.6,7 These differences in
depending upon the phase of respiration but rarely maximally the transverse measures between the subglottis and the cricoid are
abducted as seen in Figure 5A. likely clinically unimportant in contrast to the A-P dimensions (Fig-
Litman et al,2 Dalal et al,3 and Wani et al6-8 presented age related ure 6B). It is unclear to us why the resistance to tracheal tube passage
but seemingly constant A-P diameters of glottis and proximal subglot- would differ with similar cross-sectional areas. Wani et al’s8 observa-
tis. Litman specifically stated that “active contraction of the laryngeal tions of the cricoid cartilage are similar to Peter0 s; there appear to be
muscles influenced the dimension of the larynx”. Wani et al commented minute differences of cricoid dimensions from study to study that
that they did not control for the phase of respirations; the patients in overall indicate that the cricoid outlet is nearly circular.
the Dalal et al study were paralyzed. These investigators reported
upper transverse laryngeal diameters narrower than those from
autopsy specimens. We assume that this is because their methodolo- 5 | CONCLUSION
gies did not consider the conditions at the time of evaluation, ie, the
pliability of the tissues in vivo and respiratory related motion of glottis We reviewed 9 autopsy studies published over the last century
and proximal subglottic structures. In contradistinction, autopsy stud- that documented the narrowest portion of the infant larynx as the
ies measured A-P diameters of the glottis and cricoid outlet in hun- nondistensible cricoid cartilage, supporting the concept that the
dreds of specimens with calipers or rods providing the most accurate infant larynx is in fact funnel-shaped.10-16,18,20 Six in vitro studies
means for determining the narrowest level of the larynx (similar to described the cricoid cartilage as circular or nearly circular10-15; two
(A) (B)
F I G U R E 5 A, Fully abducted vocal cords during inspiration under inhalation anesthesia for functional checkup. Note the pronounced
cricothyroid membrane and the tapering down to the narrower outlet of the cricoid ring (JH). B, Adducted vocal cords after neuromuscular
blockade (JH), ie, return to neutral position from the stabilizing effect of cuneiform and corniculate cartilages
(A) (B)
F I G U R E 6 A, Reconstruction of an infant larynx based on fresh autopsy specimen (see Figure 4C) and investigations by Bayeux, Peter, and
Eckel. An oval-shaped lumen of the cricoid can be described only above the cricoid arch (=oblique, oval entrance to the cricoid ring) which
tapers down to the narrower, circular outlet, being narrower than the glottic and cricoid inlet. Thus, a tracheal tube which is passed through
the cricoid is always located posteriorly within the pediatric larynx because of the funnel shape (always a smaller outlet at the cricoid
compared with the more proximal, larger, and distensible structures) which forces the tracheal tube posteriorly and limits the amount of leak
behind the tube (see Fig. S2). B, Lateral neck xerogram of a 2-day-old term infant (CJC). The image demonstrates clearly the more posteriorly
located position of the cricoid outlet and the overall funnel shape
in vitro studies reported an ellipsoid cricoid outlet.16,18 Thus, there We therefore submit that the original conclusions of Bayeux in
is some disagreement about the actual shape of the cricoid ring. 1897 supporting the “funnelist viewpoint” remain valid today10:
Two studies described the cricoid ring as V-shaped in the posterior “If the intubating hand feels a small resistance against the passing
part and a near circular cricoid outlet without comparing it with of a tube, it is not caused by the vocal cords but the cricoid ring. If one
the glottic level15,17 but providing important information about the wanted to grant the active vocal cords within a surrounding of pliable
cricoid structure. Two in vivo studies described the cricoid as ellip- muscles a greater importance for tube selections than the non-dilatable
soid in shape but 4 in vivo studies reported it as circular or cricoid ring, it would mean to support a theory that the resistance of
nearly circular2,8,9,21; most in vivo studies describe the cricoid as the perineum is larger (for the passing newborn head) than that of the
either circular or near circular which permits safe intubation with entrance of the pelvis)”.10
round tracheal tubes which contrary to one review, permit a mini-
mal leak during mechanical ventilation (Fig. S2).4 Five in vivo stud-
ies reported that the narrowest portion of the larynx was proximal
to the cricoid cartilage2,3,6-8 but there was no difference in cross- Hans Hoeve MD, pediatric otorhinolaryngologist (Sophia Children0 s
sectional area or volume when the 2 levels were compared. Hospital Rotterdam) contributed with his knowledge of the anatomy,
It is clear that the nonfunnelists believe that the cricoid outlet is physiology, and pathology of the pediatric airway to this article.
larger than the subglottic region; however, they did not fully con-
sider in vivo laryngeal dynamics or the known effects of sedatives
and sleep upon upper airway tone and secondary mild obstruction.
As there is enormous pliability of the laryngeal tissue folds, the resis- The photos of the endoscopic pictures and the autopsy specimen
tance to passing a tracheal tube through the vocal cords and struc- were anonymously archived according to the ethical standards of
tures above the cricoid arch is very low. Thus, these structures can the respective institutions.
be actively opened (Figure 5A), whereas the cricoid ring is rigid and
nondistensible. The real issue is not what appears to narrow the lar-
ynx by continuous motion of soft tissues above the cricoid but
rather the actual narrowest nondistensible portion of the larynx The authors report no conflict of interest.
where intubation injuries are most likely if too large tracheal tubes
are placed. Overall, all studies that we reviewed are in agreement
despite differing conditions at the time of evaluation (natural sleep,
anesthesia, and autopsy). Josef Holzki http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3415-859X
17. Tucker GF, Tucker JA, Vidic B. Anatomy and development of the cri-
coid: serial-section whole organ study of perinatal larynges. Ann Otol
Rhinol Laryngol. 1977;86:766-769.
1. Eckenhoff JE. Some anatomic considerations of the infant larynx influ-
18. Sellars I, Keen EN. Laryngeal growth in infancy. J Laryngol Otol.
encing endotracheal anesthesia. Anesthesiology. 1951;12:401-410.
2. Litman RS, Weissend EE, Shibata D, Westesson PL. Developmental
19. Benjamin B. Prolonged intubation injuries of the larynx: endoscopic
changes of laryngeal dimensions in unparalyzed, sedated children.
diagnosis, classification, and treatment. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol
Anesthesiology. 2003;98:41-45.
Suppl. 1993;160:1-15.
3. Dalal PG, Murray D, Messner AH, Feng A, McAllister J, Molter D.
20. Eckel HE, Koebke J, Sittel C, Sprinzl GM, Pototschnig C, Stennert E.
Pediatric laryngeal dimensions: an age-based analysis. Anesth Analg.
Morphology of the human larynx during the first five years of life
studied on whole organ serial sections. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol.
4. Tobias JD. Pediatric airway anatomy may not be what we thought:
implications for clinical practice and the use of cuffed endotracheal
21. Wani TM, Rafiq M, Terkawi R, Moore-Clingenpeel M, AlSohaibani
tubes. Pediatr Anesth. 2015;25:9-19.
M, Tobias JD. Cricoid and left bronchial diameter in the pediatric
5. Motoyama EK. The shape of the pediatric larynx: cylindrical or fun-
population. Pediatr Anesth. 2016;26:608-612.
nel shaped? Anesth Analg. 2009;108:1379-1381.
22. England SJ, Bartlett Jr D, Daubenspeck JA. Influence of human vocal
6. Wani TM, Bissonnette B, Rafiq Malik M, et al. Age-based analysis of
cord movements on airflow and resistance during eupnea. J Appl
pediatric upper airway dimensions using computed tomography
Physiol Respir Environ Exerc Physiol. 1982;52:773-779.
imaging. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2016;51:267-271.
23. Fink BR, Demarest RJ. Laryngeal Biomechanics. Cambridge, MA: Har-
7. Wani TM, Rafiq M, Akhter N, AlGhamdi FS, Tobias JD. Upper airway
vard University Press; 1978:1-14.
in infants-a computed tomography-based analysis. Pediatr Anesth.
24. Litman RS, Kottra JA, Berkowitz RJ, Ward DS. Upper airway
obstruction during midazolam/nitrous oxide sedation in children with
8. Wani TM, Rafiq M, Talpur S, Soualmi L, Tobias JD. Pediatric upper
enlarged tonsils. Pediatr Dent. 1998;20:318-320.
airway dimensions using three-dimensional computed tomography
25. Donnelly LF, Casper KA, Chen B. Correlation on cine MR imaging of
imaging. Pediatr Anesth. 2017;27:604-608.
size of adenoid and palatine tonsils with degree of upper airway
9. Sirisopana M, Saint-Martin C, Wang NN, Manoukian J, Nguyen LH,
motion in asymptomatic sedated children. Am J Roentgenol.
Brown KA. Novel measurements of the length of the subglottic air-
way in infants and young children. Anesth Analg. 2013;117:462-470.
10. Bayeux R. Tubage du larynx dans le croup. Presse Medicale.
11. Peter K. Handbuch der Anatomie des Kindes [Handbook of the Anat- SUPPORTING INFORMATION
omy of the Child], Peter KW, Heidreich F, eds. pp. 525-590. Berlin,
Germany: Springer; 1936. Additional Supporting Information may be found online in the sup-
12. Butz Jr RO. Length and cross-section growth patterns in the human porting information tab for this article.
trachea. Pediatrics. 1968;42:336-341.
13. Fayoux P, Devisme L, Merrot O, Marciniak B. Determination of
endotracheal tube size in a perinatal population: an anatomical and
experimental study. Anesthesiology. 2006;104:954-960.
How to cite this article: Holzki J, Brown KA, Carroll RG, Cote
14. Fayoux P, Marciniak B, Devisme L, Storme L. Prenatal and early
CJ. The anatomy of the pediatric airway: Has our knowledge
postnatal morphogenesis and growth of human laryngotracheal
structures. J Anat. 2008;213:86-92. changed in 120 years? A review of historic and recent
15. Holinger LDG, Green CG. Anatomy. In: Holinger LDL, Lusk RP, investigations of the anatomy of the pediatric larynx. Pediatr
Green CG, eds. Pediatric Larnygology and Bronchoesophagology. Anaesth. 2018;28:13–22. https://doi.org/10.1111/pan.13281
Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott-Raven; 1997:16-33.
16. Too-Chung MA, Green JR. The rate of growth of the cricoid carti-
lage. J Laryngol Otol. 1974;88:65-70.
Accepted: 28 September 2017
DOI: 10.1111/pan.13273
Donohue syndrome, insulin, insulin resistance, leprechaunism, Mendenhall syndrome, receptor
Pediatric Anesthesia. 2018;28:23–27. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pan © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd | 23
tance syndrome. The prognosis is dependent on the degree of insu- Facial features Elfin like pointed chin
lin resistance; children with classic Donohue syndrome die in
infancy, the majority from bronchopneumonia. In other milder forms
Low set prominent ears
of insulin resistance, patients can live into adulthood. In all syn-
Orbital hypertelorism
dromes of insulin resistance, survival may be improved by Insulin-like
Broad nose
growth factor 1 (IGF1) therapy, although its efficacy in Donohue
Thick lips
syndrome is still unclear.
Facial hair
Skin features Hypertrichosis
T A B L E 1 Tabular summary of 5 patient case series—anesthesia experience, airway management, and adverse events
Anesthetic ventilation Adverse Cardiac
Pt episode Weight difficulty Laryngoscopy events arrest Details
1 1 <0.4th N 1 N N
2 N 1 N N
3 N Laryngeal N N
mask airway
2 1 3 kg Y 1 (periarrest) Y Y Failed intubation, difficult mask ventilation
leading to cardiac arrest. Grade 1 periarrest intubation
2 Y 1 N N
3 Y 2B Y N Accidental perioperative extubation. Difficult mask
ventilation. Prolonged desaturation.
4 Y 2B N N
5 Y 3 N N
6 Y Laryngeal N N
mask airway
3 1 1.09 kg N 2 Y Y Cardiac arrest postextubation, followed by difficult mask
ventilation and prolonged desaturation
4 1 2.7 kg N 2 N N
2 Y 3 Y N Difficult mask ventilation requiring 2 person technique,
multiple failed intubations, ENT rigid bronchoscope
required. Prolonged hypoxic period
predicted and a difficult intubation/ventilation plan must be in place where possible. Intubation in Donohue syndrome can be challenging.
with senior support available. Laryngoscopy is hindered by reduced mouth size and rapid desatura-
Because of their low birth weight and failure to thrive they are tion. An uncomplicated anesthetic does not preclude difficulties in
prone to many of the usual risks of neonatal anesthesia including diffi- future cases. We would recommend a spontaneously breathing gas
cult intravenous access, hypothermia, and hypoglycemia. Patients with induction technique in these patients, to minimize both bag valve
Donohue syndrome can develop hypoglycemia with minimal fasting mask ventilation and apnea time. Intravenous access should be
and should, therefore, receive intravenous maintenance with dextrose placed prior to induction or as soon as possible thereafter. A difficult
preoperatively. They require close glycemic control in the periopera- airway plan should also be in place including senior help, indirect
tive period. Studies show an intact hypothalamo-pituitary axis in these laryngoscopy, and if possible, the involvement of the ENT team.
children, and it can, therefore, be assumed that children with Donohue Children with Donohue syndrome are at risk of cardiovascular col-
syndrome will mount a normal stress response to surgery. lapse either due to hypoxia or to an associated cardiomyopathy, and
Cardiomyopathy and biventricular hypertrophy are not present at therefore, we would suggest that all resuscitation equipment and
birth, but are almost universal within 1-2 months of age. This may drugs are readily available throughout general anesthesia.
not be clinically evident, and therefore, a preoperative echocardio- We note that this review is significantly weakened by its retro-
graph should be carried out. Anesthesia in a patient with Donohue spective nature. In many cases, information was not available and
syndrome and hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy carries con- therefore not able to be included. Despite attempts to contact all fami-
siderably more risk and should be avoided whenever possible. lies involved, no consent was obtained meaning that our case descrip-
The small thoracic diameter and significant abdominal distension tions have necessarily been vague in order for individuals to remain
in these patients leads to a reduction in chest compliance and makes unidentifiable. Nonetheless we feel that the high-risk nature of this
bag valve mask ventilation problematic. They have minimal func- condition and the significant anesthetic challenges involved make this
tional reserve and even brief periods of apnea cause profound desat- message a valuable addition to the literature on the subject.
urations that can lead to hypoxic cardiac arrest. Manual ventilation
and consequent gastric insufflation with preexisting abdominal dis-
tension exacerbate this situation, and therefore, we would suggest
insertion of a large bore nasogastric tube prior to induction or as Discussed with Great Ormond Street Ethics Committee Chair.
soon after induction as possible. Airway adjuncts (including a laryn- Despite attempts to contact parents, we were unable to gain paren-
geal mask airway) for difficult mask ventilation should be readily tal consent. As discussed with the journal editor, the article has been
available, and we would suggest an experienced second anesthetist significantly modified to ensure individuals are unidentifiable.
DOI: 10.1111/pan.13285
Department of Pediatrics and
Neonatology, Maxima Medical Center, Summary
Veldhoven, The Netherlands Background: Adequate premedication before neonatal endotracheal intubation
Division of Neonatology, Department of
reduces pain, stress, and adverse physiological responses, diminishes duration and
Pediatrics, Erasmus MC Sophia Children’s
Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands number of attempts at intubation, and prevents traumatic airway injury. Therefore,
intubation should not be started until an adequate level of sedation is reached. It is
Ms. Ellen H. M. de Kort, Department of not clear how this should be measured in the clinical situation.
Neonatology, Maxima Medical Center,
Objectives: The aim of this study is to provide a systematic review of the usability
Veldhoven, The Netherlands.
Email: [email protected] and validity of scoring systems or other objective parameters to evaluate the level
of sedation before intubation in neonates. Secondary aims were to describe parame-
Funding information
Fonds NutsOhra; Netherlands Organisation ters that are used to determine the level of sedation and criteria on which the deci-
for Health Research and Development,
sion to proceed with intubation is based.
Grant/Award Number: 90713494
Methods: Literature was searched (January 2017) in the following electronic data-
Section Editor: Francis Veyckemans
bases: Embase, Medline, Web of Science, Cochrane Central Registrar of Controlled
Trials, Pubmed Publisher, and Google Scholar.
Results: From 1653 hits, 20 studies were finally included in the systematic review.
In 7 studies, intubation was started after a predefined time period; in 1 study, pre-
oxygenation was the criterion to start with intubation; and in 12 studies, intubation
was started in case of adequate sedation and/or relaxation. Only 4 studies
described the use of 3 different objective scoring system, all in the neonatal inten-
sive care unit, which are not validated.
Conclusion: No validated scoring systems to assess the level of sedation prior to
intubation in newborns are available in the literature. Three objective sedation
assessment tools seem promising but need further validation before they can be
implemented in research and clinical settings.
intubation, newborn infant, premature, premedication, sedation
28 | © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pan Pediatric Anesthesia. 2018;28:28–36.
3.3 | Data collection and analysis
Our primary objective was to provide a systematic review of studies
3.3.1 | Electronic searches
assessing the usability and validity of objective scoring systems or
parameters to evaluate the level of sedation before intubation in The following electronic databases were searched: Embase, Medline,
newborn infants. Because we presumed that very few studies have Web of Science, Cochrane Central Registrar of Controlled Trials,
addressed this issue, our secondary objective was to describe com- Pubmed Publisher, and Google Scholar. The search strategies are
mon practice, addressing the following 2 questions: outlined in Table 1. There were no restrictions on the basis of publi-
cation date or publication status. The search strategy also had no
1. On what parameter(s) and/or criteria is the decision to proceed restriction in language. The search was performed on January 27,
with intubation after the administration of premedication based? 2017.
2. Which (objective) scores or other parameters are used to deter-
mine the level of sedation after administration of premedication?
3.3.2 | Selection of studies
Two authors (EdK and NH) independently assessed titles and
abstracts of the search results. Full copies of all potentially relevant
studies were obtained. Both authors made a decision on final inclu-
3.1 | Study design
sion after retrieval of full copies independently. Disagreements were
This systematic review was conducted according to the guidelines of resolved by consensus; if necessary a third author was consulted
the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta- (SS). Only articles written in English, Dutch, German, and French
Analyses (PRISMA).12 were selected.
3.2 | Criteria for considering studies for this review 3.3.3 | Data extraction
Two authors (EdK and NH) extracted details of the included studies
3.2.1 | Types of studies
independently. The following data were extracted: use of premedica-
For our primary objective, eligible for inclusion were randomized tion, used drugs or combination of drugs, scores or parameters
controlled trials (RCTs), quasi-RCTs, controlled clinical trials, and determining the decision to proceed with intubation, sedation as
observational studies evaluating the use of objective scoring systems parameter to proceed with intubation, actions undertaken in case of
or parameters to assess level of sedation. For our secondary objec- insufficient sedation.
tives, also single-case studies, poster presentations, editorials, and
reviews were eligible for inclusion, provided these extensively
3.3.4 | Quality appraisal individual studies
reported the complete procedure from administration of premedica-
tion to start of the intubation. Availability of full text was imperative. Because no studies were found reporting on the usability and
validity of scoring systems or other parameters to assess the
level of sedation, and we thus only report on common practice
3.2.2 | Types of study population
as described in the methods sections of the reports, evaluation
The target population consisted of preterm and term neonates who of the methodological quality and the risk of bias was not
needed endotracheal intubation. relevant.
T A B L E 1 Search strategies
Electronic database Search strategy
Embase (intubation/de OR “respiratory tract intubation”/exp OR (intubat*):ab,ti) AND (newborn/de OR “newborn intensive care”/exp
OR prematurity/de OR “low birth weight”/exp OR “newborn care”/de OR (newborn* OR (new* NEXT/1 born*) OR neonat*
OR nicu OR nicus OR prematur* OR preterm* OR “low birth weight” OR lbw OR vlbw OR elbw):ab,ti) AND (premedication/
exp OR “hypnotic sedative agent”/exp OR “sedative agent”/exp OR “conscious sedation”/de OR “deep sedation”/de OR
“anesthetic agent”/exp OR “muscle relaxation”/de OR “muscle relaxant agent”/exp OR “neuromuscular blocking agent”/exp
OR (premedicat* OR sedat* OR anesthetic* OR anaesthetic* OR ((musc* OR neuromusc*) NEAR/3 (relax* OR block*))):ab,
ti) NOT ([animals]/lim NOT [humans]/lim) NOT (“cesarean section”/de OR pregnancy/exp OR “pregnant woman”/de OR
(cesarean* OR caesarean* OR pregnan*):ab,ti)
Medline (intubation/OR “Intubation, Intratracheal”/OR (intubat*).ab,ti.) AND (exp infant, newborn/OR “Intensive Care Units,
Neonatal”/OR “Intensive Care, Neonatal”/OR (newborn* OR (new* ADJ born*) OR neonat* OR nicu OR nicus OR
prematur* OR preterm* OR “low birth weight” OR lbw OR vlbw OR elbw).ab,ti.) AND (premedication/OR exp “Hypnotics
and Sedatives”/OR “conscious sedation”/OR “deep sedation”/OR exp “anesthetics”/OR “muscle relaxation”/OR exp
“Neuromuscular Agents”/OR (premedicat* OR sedat* OR anesthetic* OR anaesthetic* OR ((musc* OR neuromusc*) ADJ3
(relax* OR block*))).ab,ti.) NOT (exp animals/NOT humans/) NOT (“cesarean section”/OR exp pregnancy/OR “pregnant
women”/OR (cesarean* OR caesarean* OR pregnan*).ab,ti.)
Cochrane ((intubat*):ab,ti) AND ((newborn* OR (new* NEXT/1 born*) OR neonat* OR nicu OR nicus OR prematur* OR preterm* OR
“low birth weight” OR lbw OR vlbw OR elbw):ab,ti) AND ((premedicat* OR sedat* OR anesthetic* OR anaesthetic* OR
((musc* OR neuromusc*) NEAR/3 (relax* OR block*))):ab,ti) NOT ((cesarean* OR caesarean* OR pregnan*):ab,ti)
Web of Science TS=(((intubat*)) AND ((newborn* OR (new* NEAR/1 born*) OR neonat* OR nicu OR nicus OR prematur* OR preterm* OR
“low birth weight” OR lbw OR vlbw OR elbw)) AND ((premedicat* OR sedat* OR anesthetic* OR anaesthetic* OR ((musc*
OR neuromusc*) NEAR/2 (relax* OR block*)))) NOT ((cesarean* OR caesarean* OR pregnan*)) NOT ((animal* OR rat OR
rats OR mouse OR mice OR murine) NOT (human* OR child* OR patient*)))
Google Scolar Intubation|intubated newborn|newborns|neonates|neonatal|nicu|nicus|premature|preterm|”low birth weight”|lbw|vlbw|elbw
premedication|sedation|anesthetic|anaesthetic|”muscular|neuromuscular relaxation|blockers” -cesarean -caesarean -pregnancy
Smits et al used this score in their dose-finding study for propofol administered if sedation and relaxation were found unsatisfactory,
in newborns and de Kort et al used the score in a study on the until a satisfactory condition was achieved with no predefined maxi-
use of remifentanil in preterm infants undergoing the INSURE pro- mum dose of propofol.13 In the report of de Kort et al,14 in case of
cedure. The score is adopted from the study of Naulaers et al ineffective sedation, additional remifentanil was administered up to a
into the effectiveness of methohexital as premedication for elec- predefined maximum, with a conversion to propofol in case of
tive intubation. The level of sedation is assessed from the motor persisting inadequate sedation.
response to a firm stimulus by rubbing of the feet (1 = sponta- The third score is from Thall et al, in their report describing how
neous movement, 2 = moves on touch, 3 = moves on stimulus, to perform dose-finding studies for premedication in neonatal intu-
4 = no movement). In both studies, sedation was presumed to be bation. For this purpose they used the Neonatal Pain, Agitation and
effective with scores 3 and 4, upon which intubation was started. Sedation Scale (N-PASS) first described by Hummel et al.30 The
Another scoring system is the relaxation score also used in the score consists of 5 variables that should all be scored within 5 min-
report of Smits et al, combining this score with the above-mentioned utes of the first sedative administration: crying/irritability, behavior
sedation score. After the administration of propofol, level of sedation state, facial expression, extremity tone, and vital parameters. Each
and muscle relaxation were determined. For relaxation, the muscle item is scored on a 5-point scale from 2 to +2, with 2 corre-
tone of the extremities was assessed (1 = hypertonic, 2 = normal sponding to highest sedation and +2 corresponding to highest infant
tone, 3 = mildly hypotonic, and 4 = hypotonic). Also, scores 3 and 4 discomfort. For the purpose of endotracheal intubation, Thall et al16
reflect effective relaxation. Both relaxation and sedation were considered a score between 7 and 3 to reflect a good sedative
assessed by the intubating neonatologist. Additional propofol was state.
Consequences insufficient seda-
Up to 4 extra doses of
infants’ level of sedation prior to intubation. The literature as per
None mentioned
None mentioned
January 27, 2017 does not provide such a validated scoring system.
assuming this amount of time being sufficient for drug effect. How-
No reaction to heel rubbing
CG: after fentanyl infusion
At disappearance of muscle
patients. Using the same time frame in all neonates may very well
had ceased
SG: thiopental
SG: morphine
CG: placebo
CG: none
Prospective observational
Level of sedation
Sedation Score 4 3 2 1
Motor response No movements Movement on firm stimulus Movement on slight touch Spontaneous movements
to firm stimulus
Definition Effective sedation = score 3 or 4
Relaxation score 4 3 2 1
Extremities tone Hypotonic Mildly hypotonic Normal tone Hypertonic
Definition Effective relaxation = score 3 or 4
Good sedative state 2 1 0 1 2
Crying/irritability No cry with painful stimuli Moans or cries minimally No sedation/no pain signs Irritable or crying at High-pitched or silent
with painful stimuli intervals, consolable continuous cry, inconsolable
Behavior state No arousal to any stimuli, Arouses minimally to stimuli, little No sedation/no pain signs Restless, squirming, Arching, kicking, constantly awake of
no spontaneous movements spontaneous movement awakens frequently arouses minimally/no movement
Facial expression Mouth is lax, no expression Minimal expression with stimuli No sedation/no pain signs Any pain expression intermittent Any pain expression continual
Extremities tone No grasp reflex, flaccid tone Weak grasp reflex, ↓ muscle tone No sedation/no pain signs Intermittent clenched toes, fists, Continual clenched fists, toes, finger
finger splay, body is not tense splay, body is tense
Vital signs No variability with stimuli, <1% variability from No sedation/no pain signs ↑ 10%-20% from baseline, ↑ 20% from baseline, SaO2 < 75%
hypoventilation or apnea baseline with stimuli SaO2 76%-85% with with stimulation—slow recovery
stimulation—quick recovery
Definition Good sedative state = total
score on all 5 items 7 to 3
endotracheal tube. The question rises if the act of inserting an endo- Limitation of this review is that we used the description of the
tracheal tube, mainly via the nasal route, requires a stronger stimulus intubation procedure in the methods section to answer the ques-
than heel rubbing. For example, by anesthesiologists, the much fir- tions of our secondary objective. Because describing the entire pro-
mer stimulus of pinching the trapezius muscle is frequently used cedure from administration of premedication to intubation was not
before inserting a supraglottic airway. Validation of that stimulus in a the primary goal of the included studies, it is possible that these
clinical study has not been reported. In summary, although both descriptions were not complete and that more scoring systems or
sedation and relaxation scores seem potentially useful scores in the other parameters were used in practice.
neonatal population, validation of these scores is mandatory before
further use.
The scoring system suggested by Thall et al concerns a compre- 6 | CONCLUSION
hensive and precise scoring system, which is likely to adequately
reflect the level of sedation. Also, different definitions can be used Validated scoring systems to assess the level of sedation prior to
in case of different needs of sedation level according to its purpose. intubation in newborns are not available in the literature. Three
However, to the best of our knowledge, clinical trials using this scor- objective sedation assessment tools seem promising but need further
ing system are lacking. Therefore, any conclusion about its accuracy validation before they can be implemented in research and clinical
and usability is not possible and validation is needed before future settings. Future research is necessary to find a physical stimulus that
use. Even if validated, the scoring system must prove its suitability in enables clinicians to better anticipate the response to insertion of an
daily practice. In neonatal intubation, fast performance of the proce- endotracheal tube and laryngoscopy and to find the best premedica-
dure is mandatory, especially when fast acting agents are used. The tion regimen to achieve the preset goals.
extensiveness of the score could possibly make it time consuming
and therefore less suitable.
Despite the lack of validated objective scoring systems, several
reports do have shown that premedication before neonatal intuba- We greatly thank Wichor M. Bramer of the Erasmus Medical Center
tion has become standard practice in the majority of neonatal library for performing the electronic database search for this system-
units. There is however much debate about which atic review and Ko Hagoort for editing the manuscript. This research
premedication or premedication regimen is best. Studies evaluating was supported by a grant from Fonds NutsOhra. S. Simons was
certain premedication strategies are mainly focused on using 1 dos- financially supported by a personal grant of the Netherlands Organi-
ing strategy for the entire neonatal population. However, pharma- sation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw nr
codynamics and pharmacokinetics are influenced by factors such as 90713494).
gestational age, postnatal age and morbidity. For example, Smits
et al13 found that neonates of different gestational ages needed
different doses of propofol for adequate sedation. Most important
in our opinion is that the used premedication achieves effective The authors report no conflict of interest.
sedation. It should also have a quick recovery to allow for fast
extubation, and no significant side effects. The search for the most
suitable premedication strategy should be directed toward personal-
ized medicine and focus on administering just enough premedica- Ellen H. M. de Kort http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0469-0128
tion to achieve adequate sedation in the individual patient. In this
point of view, a scoring system that adequately indicates the level
of sedation is mandatory. REFERENCES
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Pediatric Anesthesia. 2018;28:37–45. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pan © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd | 37
appropriate (GraphPad PRISM, ver. 6.02, GraphPad Software Inc., La devices with low inner diameter but large volume, such as breathing
Jolla, CA, USA). A P-value < .05 was considered significant. For each tubes and breathing systems. ΔP across pediatric components was
statistical comparison, the 95% confidence interval of the difference always higher compared to ΔP across the corresponding components
[95% CI] is given. for adults (Figure 2; all P < .001, [no 95% CI includes 0]).
ΔP300 was ≤ 0.2 cmH2O in all breathing system components for
adults. In pediatric components ΔP300 was larger compared to the
3 | RESULTS components for adults and ranged up to 4.6 cmH2O in a combined
flow sensor for pediatric patients (Table 3). In breathing tubes for
In all investigated breathing system components ΔP increased dispro- adults, ΔP300 did not depend significantly on tube length but
portionately with increasing flow and their pressure-flow characteris- increased in pediatric breathing tubes with increasing length. ΔP300
tics could be reliably described by Rohrer’s coefficients and inertance varied depending on the direction of flow in pediatric components
(Table 2). K1 and K2 were higher in pediatric devices compared to with asymmetric geometry.
respective values found in devices used in adults. This difference In conventional breathing systems for adults, ΔP300 was < 0.2 cmH2O.
was more pronounced for K2. Inertance reached highest values in In pediatric breathing systems, ΔP300 was considerably higher
T A B L E 2 Rohrer’s coefficients (K1, K2) and inertance (I) for breathing systems and components
Pediatric Adult
K1 [cmH2O/ K2 [cmH2O/ K1 [cmH2O/ K2 [cmH2O/ I [cmH2O/ K1 [cmH2O/ K2 [cmH2O/ K1 [cmH2O/ K2 [cmH2O/ I [cmH2O/
s/L] L2/s2] s/L] L2/s2] L*s2] s/L] L2/s2] s/L] L2/s2] L*s2]
Breathing tubes
Silicon (60 cm) 0.90 2.26 0.93 2.36 0.11 0.05 0.06 0.01 0.19 0.03
Silicon (110 cm) 1.30 3.41 1.26 3.24 0.19 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.24 0.06
Silicon (150 cm) 1.76 4.34 1.80 3.88 0.28 0.12 0.08 0.06 0.02 0.07
Tube extensions 0.23 4.33 0.17 5.22 0.05 0.00 1.92 0.19 1.62 0.03
Water trap 0.13 4.13 0.14 4.25 0.02 0.01 0.13 0.03 0.16 0.01
Y straight 0.10 2.27 0.11 2.88 0.02 0.01 0.52 0.03 0.62 0.01
90° angle 0.07 1.07 0.00 1.88 0.02 0.02 0.47 0.06 0.76 0.01
Combined Y and 90° 0.22 5.34 0.20 8.31 0.02 0.04 0.71 0.18 0.66 0.01
Straight flow sensor 1.53 30.18 1.18 35.05 0.07 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Angled flow sensor 0.23 50.29 0.53 37.73 0.08 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Cuvette CO2 sensor 1.78 7.79 0.90 14.52 0.05 0.15 0.26 0.03 0.68 0.01
Reusable 1.24 16.15 1.21 16.66 0.35 0.10 1.02 0.14 0.76 0.08
Disposable 0.26 2.33 0.19 2.56 0.11 0.01 1.45 0.02 1.44 0.07
Reusable + WT 1.78 17.10 1.82 17.45 0.39 0.12 1.40 0.20 1.02 0.10
Disposable + WT 0.34 3.59 0.26 3.77 0.17 0.01 1.71 0.01 1.68 0.07
Coaxial inspiratory 0.12 8.85 n.a. n.a. 0.14 0.08 2.46 n.a. n.a. 0.11
Coaxial expiratory n.a. n.a. 0.41 5.01 0.11 n.a. n.a. 0.33 3.91 0.10
F I G U R E 2 Inspiratory flow-dependent pressure gradient (ΔP) across breathing tubes (upper left panel), tube extensions and water traps
(middle left panel), connectors (lower left panel), and sensors (upper right panel) used for pediatric (solid lines) and adult patients (dashed lines).
Please note the reference line at a flow rate of 300 mL s1, referring to ΔP300 (see also Table 3). The lower right panel shows the pressure
gradients at a flow rate of 300 mL s1 (ΔP300) depending on the devices’ lowest inner diameters (open symbols = devices used in pediatric
patients; filled symbols = devices used in adult patients)
Typically, a breathing system includes tubes, a Y-piece, and a 90° Adding components for specific purposes, such as a carbon diox-
connector. We investigated such basic combined systems (below ide sensor or a tube extension, would further increase ΔP to a rele-
referred to as reusable) and found that ΔP300 reached almost vant extent. In this regard, the routine use of breathing circuit filters
2 cmH2O in the pediatric model. Referring to Lowe et al10 such might be questioned. The filter intended for use in pediatric patients
basic systems account for about two-third of specific airway would additionally provide approximately 0.5 cmH2O at a flow rate
resistance found in 3-year-old children. of 300 mL∙s1.5 Furthermore, our results demonstrate that straight
ΔP300 ΔP300
Coaxial breathing systems incorporate the inspiratory tube within flow rate of 300 mL s1. This flow rate may appear disproportionally
the expiratory one, thus facilitating clinical handling at the expense high for small infants.18 However, we consider this flow rate repre-
of the lumen’s cross-sectional area. In a recent study, we compared sentative for a wide range of spontaneously breathing pediatric
coaxial and conventional breathing systems for adults. The coaxial patients.
breathing systems exhibited particularly high resistances compared
to conventional ones. Interestingly, in the present study, the pedi-
atric coaxial breathing system showed a comparably low resistance. 6 | CONCLUSION
In contrast to the coaxial breathing systems for adults, the effective
cross-sectional areas of the pediatric coaxial tubing system were The resistances of breathing systems and breathing system compo-
even larger than those of the respective conventional ones. In both nents for pediatric patients result in considerable pressure gradients
types of coaxial tubing systems, resistance differed between inspira- exceeding those of corresponding devices for adults several fold.
tion and expiration, which can be attributed to differences in the Taking into consideration the resistance of individual components is
effective cross-sectional areas of the inspiratory and the expiratory crucial for composing a breathing system matching the patient’s
tube. needs. Compensation for the additional work of breathing should be
By addressing the flow-dependent pressure gradient we aim to considered if a large composed resistance is unavoidable. Resistance
facilitate the transfer of our results into clinical routine. From a clini- coefficients for several breathing system components for pediatric
cal point of view, artificial airway resistance implies a diagnostic and and adult patients are provided.
a therapeutic problem. The diagnostic problem is that airway pres-
sure but not pulmonary pressure is the standard measure of routine
clinical monitoring. However, airway pressure differs from pulmonary
pressure by the extent of ΔP across all artificial airway components. None declared.
Knowledge of ΔP would allow for estimating pulmonary pressure
from airway pressure measurement and thus give a better estimation
of the pressure actually loading the lung. The therapeutic problem
concerns especially spontaneous breathing during which breathing The authors gratefully acknowledge the technical support of Mat-
system resistance adds to the patient’s work of breathing. In order thias Schneider, an outstanding mechanical engineer.
to compensate for the additional work of breathing caused by the
breathing circuit, one may increase the inspiratory pressure support
by the amount of ΔP estimated for the peak flow rate. However, this
would lead to overcompensation at the beginning of the inspiration Johannes Spaeth http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3931-6400
and would not apply to expiration.15 An adequate compensation
needs to dynamically adapt airway pressure to ΔP resulting from the
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Accepted: 11 October 2017
DOI: 10.1111/pan.13282
Department of Surgical Sciences,
Section of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Summary
Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, Background: Children often starve for longer than recommended by current preop-
2 erative fasting guidelines.
Department of Medical Sciences,
Gastroenterology, Uppsala University Aims: We studied the effects of implementing a more lenient fasting regimen on
Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden
the duration of clear fluid fasting, as well as the incidence of extended fasting in
Correspondence children.
Hanna Andersson, Department of Surgical
Methods: Preoperative duration of clear fluid fasting was recorded for patients
Sciences, Section of Anesthesiology and
Intensive Care Medicine, Uppsala Universitet scheduled for procedures in a unit applying the standard 6-4-2 fasting regimen. This
Medicinska och farmaceutiska
group was compared with a cohort in the same unit 1 year after transitioning to a
vetenskapsomradet – Uppsala University
Hospital ing 70, Uppsala, Sweden. 6-4-0 fasting regimen. The latter includes no limitations on clear fluid intake until
Email: [email protected]
the child is called to theater. A third cohort from a unit in which the 6-4-0 fasting
Section Editor: Francis Veyckemans regimen has been implemented for over a decade was also studied for comparison.
Results: Patients fasting according to the 6-4-2 fasting regimen (n = 66) had a med-
ian fasting time for clear fluids of 4.0 h and a 33.3% incidence of fasting more than
6 h. After transitioning to the 6-4-0 fasting regimen (n = 64), median duration of
fasting for clear fluids decreased to 1.0 h, and the incidence of fasting more than
6 h decreased to 6.3%. In the second unit (n = 73), median fasting time was 2.2 h
and the proportion of patients fasting more than 6 h was 21.9%.
Conclusion: The introduction and implementation of the 6-4-0 fasting regimen
reduces median fluid fasting duration and the number of children subjected to
extended fasting.
anesthesia, children, fasting, fluids, preoperative
46 | © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pan Pediatric Anesthesia. 2018;28:46–52.
The aim of the study was to compare the duration of fluid fast-
ing as well as the incidence of extended fasting in daily clinical prac- What is already known
tice, with the standard 6-4-2 regimen vs the 6-4-0 regimen in
children scheduled for elective surgery. • Children are fasted for longer than recommended by
international preoperative fasting guidelines.
before surgery. Some patients are only assessed through their medi- T A B L E 2 Patient characteristics
cal records. In those cases, outpatients receive a telephone call from ENT 6-4-2 ENT 6-4-0 MP 6-4-0
the outpatient nurse, in which information about fasting is included. (n = 66) (n = 64) (n = 73)
The final operation list is set in the afternoon the day before sur- Age (mean, 5 (0-15) 6 (0-15) 6 (0-15)
gery, after which ward and outpatient nurses give the final informa- range)
tion about when to stop (or not to stop) eating and drinking, <3 years, n (p) 18 (27.3%) 16 (25.0%) 26 (35.6%)
respectively. Some of the children included in this study may have 3-5 years, n (p) 22 (33.3%) 17 (26.6%) 14 (19.2%)
been recommended longer fasting intervals than 0 or 2 h due to an >6 years, n (p) 26 (39.4%) 31 (48.4%) 33 (45.2%)
increased assessed risk for aspiration at the preoperative assessment ASA
or by the surgeon due to the planned procedure. However, we did 1, n (p) 41 (62.1%) 43 (67.2%) 32 (43.8%)
not register what information the patients and caregivers were given
2, n (p) 23 (34.8%) 20 (31.3%) 34 (46.6%)
about fasting times, and hence these children will also have been
3, n (p) 2 (3%) 1 (1.6%) 7 (9.6%)
included in this study.
Time of surgery
First case, n 24 (36.4%) 16 (25.0%) 32 (43.8%)
2.2.1 | Statistics and sample size calculation (p)
Morning, n 28 (42.4%) 33 (51.6%) 25 (34.2%)
Power analysis concluded that 36 patients per group were needed to (p)
detect a difference in mean fasting time of 4.5 h, with a significance Afternoon, n 14 (21.2%) 15 (23.4%) 16 (21.9%)
level of 0.05 and a power of 80%. To ensure sufficient size for the sub- (p)
group analysis, recruitment of at least 60 patients was planned for each In/outpatient status
study group. All reported data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel Inpatients, n 24 (36.4%) 13 (20.3%) 38 (52.1%)
2016MSO (Redmond, WA, USA), Statistica Statistical Software (Tulsa, (p)
OK, USA) and the R package “rcmdr” (Rcmdr: R Commander. R package Outpatients, 42 (63.6%) 51 (79.7%) 35 (47.9%)
version 2.3-2.). Total fasting times were not normally distributed and n (p)
hence presented as median values with 95% confidence intervals. The
95% confidence interval for medians was calculated using boot-strap-
ping. Due to unequal variance, comparison of total fasting times 34.8% to 6.2% (OR = 0.13, 95% CI: 0.03-0.35, P < .001), and
between groups was performed using Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA. Fre- patients fasting 12 h or more decreased from 15.2% to 3.1%
quencies of patients fasting for extended times were reported as per- (OR = 0.18, 95% CI: 0.03-0.72, P = .032).
centages. The effect of the predictors “group”, “age”, “time of day for
surgery”, and “in/outpatient status” on the outcome “fasting 6 hours or
3.2 | Duration of fasting in the main pediatric
more” were quantified by binary logistic regression analyses. In crude
anesthesia unit
analyses, the effect of each predictor was separately evaluated against
the outcome. Adjusted analyses were not performed, due to the small Median fasting duration for clear fluids in the main pediatric anes-
sample size. Odd ratios (OR) and their 95% confidence intervals (CI) are thesia unit (n = 73) was 2.3 h (95% CI 1.7-3.0 h). This was signifi-
presented. The level of significance was set to a = 0.05. cantly shorter than group 1 (P < .001), and also significantly longer
than group 2 (P < .01). The distribution of fluid fasting duration at
the main pediatric anesthesia unit is shown in Figure 1.
3 | RESULTS The incidence of prolonged fasting was lower in the main pedi-
atric anesthesia unit, compared to the ENT unit before the transition,
Patients characteristics are shown in Table 2. Fasting times for solids with 34.2% of children fasting 4 h or more (OR = 0.41, 95% CI:
did not differ between the groups. The results presented below only 0.20-0.80, P = .01), 23.3% fasting 6 h or more (OR = 0.57, 95% CI:
describe the differences in clear fluid fasting. 0.27-1.19, P = .135), and 8.2% of children fasting 12 h or more
(OR = 0.5, 95% CI: 0.16-1.44, P = .207).
After shifting from 2- to 0-hour fasting for clear fluids, the median fast-
ing duration was reduced from 4 to 1 hour and the proportion of
patients fasting for more than 6 h was reduced from 33.3% to 6.3%.
The main benefit of the 6-4-0 fasting regimen is that it simplifies the
logistics of planning for minimized preoperative fasting. Fasting times
in the main pediatric unit was longer than in the ENT unit when apply-
ing the same fasting regimen. This may in part be described by the
slightly different clientele. The proportion of outpatients in the ENT
and the main pediatric unit was 80% and 50%, respectively. We have
seen in earlier pilot studies that our outpatients have a better compli-
ance to the fasting regimen and that inpatients are more frequently
recommended longer fasting intervals, due to co-morbidity and perhaps
more complex surgery. Furthermore, compliance to the fasting regimen
by medical personnel could be higher 1 year after a big transition.
Regardless of fasting regimen, there is a need for continuing education
of medical personnel on current fasting routines and for clarifying infor-
mation to patients and parents, to avoid prolonged fasting.
Although increasingly liberal guidelines have been published over
the last 2 decades, old routines and habits are deeply set. Previous
studies report mean fluid fasting duration to be 6-9 hour when
applying a 6-4-2 fasting regimen, even with an actively managed
list.3,4,7 In clinical practice, guidelines cannot be expected to be fol-
lowed to the letter. Rearrangements of the surgery schedule often
occur due to emergency cases or other unforeseen events. It is
nearly impossible to set an exact time for induction in children not
scheduled as first case in the morning. The recently published study
by Newton et al showed that an ambitious quality improvement pro-
ject with education of staff, more frequent communication by both
anesthetists and nurses and updated documents could reduce the
fasting time in pediatric outpatients. The single biggest improvement
came from implementation of 1-hour fasting for clear fluids.7
The 6-4-0 regimen allows for water, fruit punch, or ice lollies up
until the child is called to the operation theater, which makes life easier
for both parents and the anesthesiologist running the operating room
schedule. In the present study, shifting from 2- to 0-hour fasting for
clear liquids reduced fasting time in all patient categories, but had the
greatest effect among afternoon patients in whom the proportion of
children fasting more than 6 hour decreased from 36% to 0%.
In our institution, all infants and toddlers that breastfeed or drink
infant formula from the bottle are actively encouraged to feed at
4 hour before their planned procedure, to avoid prolonged fasting in
F I G U R E 1 Distribution of fasting duration before and after the our youngest patients. Older children often sleep through the night,
shift to 0-h fasting for clear liquids in the ENT unit, and in the main
sometimes resulting in extended fasting times. Allowing a light
pediatric anesthesia unit
breakfast for children scheduled later in the day might be safe, but
further research on this matter is necessary.
Children scheduled in the morning or afternoon had lower odds Young age seemed to entail longer mean duration of fasting. The
of fasting 6 h or more, compared to children scheduled as first case duration of fasting was reduced with the shift of fasting regimen,
(morning patients OR = 0.50, 95% CI 0.30-0.81, P = .014; afternoon but we could still observe a trend for toddlers and infants to be
patients OR = 0.31, 95% CI 0.11-0.79, P = .020). The proportions of fasted for longer intervals than older children. Small children under
children fasting for more than 6 h stratified by the time of day for 1 year of age sometimes only drink breast milk or formula and hence
surgery and group are displayed in Figure 3. are fasted for 4 hour. This could perhaps explain the longer mean
FIGURE 3 Proportion of patients fasting more than 6 h dependent on time of day for procedure
fasting duration in this subgroup. Introducing the 6-4-0 fasting regi- T A B L E 3 Group, age, time of surgery, and in/outpatient status in
men reduced the incidence of prolonged fasting for the youngest relation to the outcome fasting 6 h or more. Results from crude
children under 36 months of age. Reducing preoperative starvation regression analysisa
has greatest significance in these youngest children, as initially sug- ORb 95% CIc P
gested by the seminal study of Thomas. Group
Pediatric patients are more sensitive to fasting than adults due to ENT_2h (1) Reference
their significantly smaller glycogen stores in liver and skeletal muscles, ENT_0h (2) 0.13 0.03-0.35 <.001
and the younger the child, the faster they will develop hypoglycemia MP_0h (3) 0.57 0.27-1.19 .135
and ketogenesis.9 Shortened preoperative fasting times reduce the
concentration of ketone bodies, osmolality, and anion gap, diminish
<3 y Reference
postoperative insulin resistance, and improve hemodynamic condi-
3-6 y 0.52 0.23-1.15 .109
tions.10-12 Another potential problem with fasting among pediatric
>6 y 0.39 0.17-0.91 .031
patients is preoperative discomfort. Children allowed to drink close to
Time of surgery
surgery experience less thirst, hunger, and anxiety, show better behav-
3,13,14 First case Reference
ior, and are more comfortable. Some children may fast for many
hours without experiencing symptoms of hypoglycemia, while others Morning 0.50 0.30-0.81 .014
are more vulnerable. Moreover, 0-hour fasting for clear liquids is no Afternoon 0.31 0.11-0.79 .020
10 000,19-25 and was not increased when applying 0-h fasting for ORCID
clear liquids.25 In the current study, there was no case of pulmonary
Hanna Andersson http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1462-0513
aspiration in any of the groups, but the study was not powered to
detect a difference in pulmonary aspiration.
Several conditions are associated with a higher risk of pulmonary
aspiration, the majority due to delayed gastric emptying.20,21,23,24 Safe
anesthesia technique is the most important factor for minimizing the 1. Smith I, Kranke P, Murat I, et al. Perioperative fasting in adults and
risk of pulmonary aspiration. At our center, children with American children: guidelines from the European Society of Anaesthesiology.
Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2011;28:556-569.
Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical classification class III or IV,
2. Practice Guidelines for Preoperative Fasting and the Use of Pharma-
and those with anatomical deviations or disorders leading to increased cologic Agents to Reduce the Risk of Pulmonary Aspiration: Applica-
risk for regurgitation and/or gastric motility disorders, as well as chil- tion to Healthy Patients Undergoing Elective Procedures: An
dren reporting problems with regurgitation, may sometimes be pre- Updated Report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task
Force on Preoperative Fasting and the Use of Pharmacologic Agents
scribed longer fasting intervals. We emphasize that it is always up to
to Reduce the Risk of Pulmonary Aspiration. Anesthesiology. 2017;
the attending anesthetist to judge if there is an increased risk of 126: 376-393.
regurgitation and thence adapt the prescribed preoperative fasting. 3. Engelhardt T, Wilson G, Horne L, et al. Are you hungry? Are you
thirsty? –– fasting times in elective outpatient pediatric patients.
Pediatr Anesth. 2011;21:964-968.
4.2 | Limitations 4. Arun BG, Korula G. Preoperative fasting in children: an audit and its
implications in a tertiary care hospital. J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol.
As the 6-4-0 regimen had only been implemented in the ENT unit 2013;29:88-91.
for a year, we could expect high compliance to the regimen by ward 5. Cantellow S, Lightfoot J, Bould H, et al. Parents’ understanding of
and compliance with fasting instruction for pediatric day case sur-
nurses. If our follow-up survey had been conducted after more than
gery. Pediatr Anesth. 2012;22:897-900.
1 year, it is possible that the effect would have been less obvious, 6. Søreide E, Eriksson LI, Hirlekar G, et al. Pre-operative fasting guideli-
as suggested by the longer median fasting duration in the patients nes: an update. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2005;49:1041-1047.
anesthetized in the main pediatric unit, where the 6-4-0 fasting regi- 7. Newton RJG, Stuart GM, Willdridge DJ, et al. Using quality improve-
ment methods to reduce clear fluid fasting times in children on a
men has been implemented for much longer. Furthermore, this study
preoperative ward. Pediatr Anesth. 2017;27:793-800.
was not powered for analysis of confounding factors such as age, 8. Thomas DK. Hypoglycaemia in children before operation: its inci-
out/inpatient status, and type of surgery, even though these factors dence and prevention. Br J Anaesth. 1974;46:66-68.
affect fasting intervals. 9. van Veen MR, van Hasselt PM, de Sain-van der Velden MG, et al.
Metabolic profiles in children during fasting. Pediatrics. 2011;127:
The information about the study at the preoperative assessment
might also have influenced how the parents and patients complied
10. Dennhardt N, Beck C, Huber D, et al. Impact of preoperative fasting
with the fasting regimen. In addition, we cannot assume that all par- times on blood glucose concentration, ketone bodies and acid-base
ents reported fasting times correctly. Children may eat or drink with- balance in children younger than 36 months: a prospective observa-
out parents reporting it, or even knowing about it. However, this tional study. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2015;32:857-861.
11. Dennhardt N, Beck C, Huber D, et al. Optimized preoperative fast-
effect should have been similar for all groups.
ing times decrease ketone body concentration and stabilize mean
Finally, the study was neither randomized nor blinded, thus arterial blood pressure during induction of anesthesia in children
observer bias was possible. younger than 36 months: a prospective observational cohort study.
Pediatr Anesth. 2016;26:838-843.
12. Nygren J. The metabolic effects of fasting and surgery. Best Pract
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Res Clin Anaesthesiol. 2006;20:429-438.
13. Schreiner MS, Triebwasser A, Keon TP. Ingestion of liquids com-
The authors thank Albin Wiklund for his help with patient recruit- pared with preoperative fasting in pediatric outpatients. Anesthesiol-
ment and data collection and statistician Katarina Selling for assis- ogy. 1990;72:593-597.
€ 14. Brady M, Kinn S, Ness V, et al. Preoperative fasting for preventing
tance with statistical analysis. All medical personnel at the OPO
perioperative complications in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
anesthesia unit and main pediatric anesthesia unit are acknowledged 2009;4:CD005285.
for their assistance with data collection. 15. Splinter WM, Schaefer JD. Unlimited clear fluid ingestion two hours
before surgery in children does not affect volume or pH of stomach
contents. Anaesth Intensive Care. 1990;18:522-526.
ETHICAL APPROVAL 16. Schmidt AR, Buehler P, Seglias L, et al. Gastric pH and residual vol-
ume after 1 and 2 h fasting time for clear fluids in children†. Br J
This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Uppsala, Swe- Anaesth. 2015;114:477-482.
den, Dnr. 2014/487/1. 17. Schmitz A, Kellenberger CJ, Liamlahi R, et al. Gastric emptying after
overnight fasting and clear fluid intake: a prospective investigation
using serial magnetic resonance imaging in healthy children. Br J
CONFLICT OF INTEREST Anaesth. 2011;107:425-429.
18. Schmitz A, Kellenberger CJ, Lochbuehler N, et al. Effect of different
The authors have no conflicts of interest. quantities of a sugared clear fluid on gastric emptying and residual
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imaging. Br J Anaesth. 2012;108:644-647. pediatric patients during general anesthesia: incidence and outcome.
19. Kelly CJ, Walker RW. Perioperative pulmonary aspiration is infre- J Clin Anesth. 1998;10:95-102.
quent and low risk in pediatric anesthetic practice. Pediatr Anesth. 25. Andersson H, Zare n B, Frykholm P. Low incidence of pulmonary
2015;25:36-43. aspiration in children allowed intake of clear fluids until called to the
20. Olsson GL, Hallen B, Hambraeus-Jonzon K. Aspiration during anaes- operating suite. Pediatr Anesth. 2015;25:770-777.
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21. Walker RW. Pulmonary aspiration in pediatric anesthetic practice in
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one-year period. Pediatr Anesth. 2013;23:702-711. Frykholm P. Introducing the 6-4-0 fasting regimen
22. Warner MA, Warner ME, Warner DO, et al. Perioperative pulmonary
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ity in children: a database of 24,165 anaesthetics over a 30-month https://doi.org/10.1111/pan.13282
period. Pediatr Anesth. 2004;14:158-166.
Accepted: 17 October 2017
DOI: 10.1111/pan.13286
Department of Pediatric Anesthesia,
Lapeyronie University Hospital, Montpellier Summary
University, Montpellier, France Background: Transperineal pudendal nerve block guided by nerve stimulator is used
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical
in pediatric anesthesia as an alternative to caudal analgesia in perineal surgery. The
Care Medicine, Lapeyronie University
Hospital, Montpellier, France risk of rectal puncture or intravascular injection is inherent to this blinded technique.
Department of Pediatric Surgery, We described a new technique of transperineal pudendal nerve block, with ultra-
Lapeyronie University Hospital, Montpellier,
France sound guidance, to improve safety of the technique.
Department of Pediatric Anesthesia, Aims: The first goal of this study was to describe this new technique and to test its
Lapeyronie University Hospital, Montpellier,
feasibility. The second objective was to evaluate intra operative effectiveness and
Inserm Unit 1051 INM, Montpellier,
postoperative pain control.
France Methods: After parental and children consent, this prospective descriptive study
included children aged 1-15 years, ASA status I-III, scheduled for general anesthesia
Isabelle Gaudet-Ferrand, Department of associated with bilateral pudendal nerve block for an elective perineal surgery. After
Pediatric Anesthesia, Lapeyronie University
Hospital, Montpellier, France.
standardized general anesthesia, the anesthesiologist performed pudendal nerve
Email: [email protected] block under ultrasound guidance with “out of plane” approach and evaluated the
Funding information
visualization of anatomical structures (ischial tuberosity, rectum, and pudendal
Fundings were obtained from Montpellier artery), of the needle and of the local anesthetic spread. Pudendal nerve block
University Hospital.
failure was defined as an increase in mean arterial blood pressure or heart rate more
Section Editor: Adrian Bosenberg than 20% compared to baseline values after surgical incision. In the postoperative
period, the need for rescue analgesia was noted.
Results: During the study period, 120 blocks were performed in 60 patients, includ-
ing 59 boys. Quality of the ultrasonographic image was good in 81% of blocks, with
easy visualization of ischium and rectum in more than 95% of cases. Localization of
the tip of the needle was possible for all pudendal nerve blocks, directly or indi-
rectly. The spread of local anesthetic was seen in 79% of cases. The block was
effective in 88% of cases.
Conclusion: The new technique of ultrasound-guided pudendal nerve block, described
in this study, seems to be easy to perform with a good success rate, and probably
improves safety of the puncture and of the injection by real-time visualization of
anatomical structures and local anesthetic spread.
anesthesia, child, pain, pudendal nerve, regional, ultrasound
Pediatric Anesthesia. 2018;28:53–58. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pan © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd | 53
What is already known
The pudendal nerve is a mixed nerve, formed from the anterior rami
of the second, third, and fourth nerves of the sacral plexus (S2-S4).
• Transperineal pudendal nerve block guided by nerve
stimulator is an efficient analgesia technique for perineal
Its terminal branches, that leave the Alcock’s canal and travel
surgery in children.
through the ischiorectal fossa, ensure the innervation of a big part
What new information this study adds
of the perineum (forming a triangle with base located behind the
anus and tip in front of the penis or clitoris). The efficacy of puden- • Using a similar transperineal approach, the pudendal
dal nerve block is well known in clinical practice. In adults, this tech- nerve block can be easily performed under real-time
nique is widely used, but only few studies are referenced in pediatric ultrasound guidance, avoiding occult rectal puncture and
anesthesia. In children, it is considered as an efficient alternative of intravascular injection.
caudal analgesia in hypospadias surgery with better postoperative
pain management.1,2 The transperineal approach guided by nerve
stimulator is considered as the reference in efficacy studies despite this new technique, and the occurrence of complication during
lack of data comparing the technique with or without use of nerve its performance. Evaluation of efficiency on pain relief (morphi-
1-6 nomimetic consumption in the intraoperative period, and rescue
stimulator. Different types of motor responses are possible with
nerve stimulation: rectal (anal sphincter contraction) or perineal (con- analgesia requirement in the postoperative period) was the second
traction of the transversalis perineum superficial muscle and move- objective.
ment of the penis/clitoris). Usually, the local anesthetic is injected
when at least one of these responses is present.3 A variant of this
2.2 | Study protocol
technique requires 2 injection points (anterior and posterior).4-6 Even
if no complication related to these transperineal “blinded” approach Perioperative anesthetic management was standardized. Propofol
was described in the literature, the risk of rectal or vascular puncture and/or sevoflurane were used for induction, in association with a
is inherent to the technique. In children, ultrasound (US) guidance continuous infusion of remifentanil at 1 lg/kg/min for 2 minutes.
has revolutionized the practice of regional anesthesia, with increas- Airway control was assured through insertion of a tracheal tube or a
ing use regularly this last decade.7 Advantages of US guidance in laryngeal mask. The maintenance of anesthesia was provided by
pediatric regional anesthesia are the real-time visualization of sevoflurane (1.2 MAC) in a equal mix of oxygen and nitrous oxide,
patient’s anatomy, the precise positioning of the needle, and the and remifentanil 0.05 lg/kg/min. Mechanical ventilation was
direct visualization of local anesthetic spread. New techniques based adapted to obtain a normal range of EtCO2 (30-40 mm Hg). Then,
on US guidance have also appeared. The aim of this study was to US-guided PNB was performed bilaterally in standard aseptic condi-
evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of a new transperineal technique tion following local protocol, by a senior anesthesiologist or a resi-
of US-guided pudendal nerve block in children, in order to improve dent trained in the technique. If an inguinal incision was required for
safety of the puncture by visualizing ischiorectal fossa and the adja- surgery, an US-guided ilio-inguinal or transversus abdominis plane
cent anatomical structures. block was added to pudendal nerve block. Baseline values of blood
pressure and heart rate were defined under general anesthesia with-
out nociceptive stimulation and after regional anesthesia procedure.
In all patients, perineal skin incision was allowed at least 15 minutes
after performing the PNB. The return to baseline infusion rate of
2.1 | Study design and participants
remifentanil (0.05 lg/kg/min) was required before perineal incision.
This prospective descriptive study was conducted in the Pediatric An increase in mean arterial blood pressure or heart rate more than
Anaesthesia Unit in Lapeyronie University hospital (Montpellier, 20% compared to baseline values was considered as an unsuccessful
France). Institutional Review Board approval was received from the PNB. In case of block failure, incremental remifentanil titration was
South Mediterranean IV Ethical Board. Written informed parental started. Fifteen minutes before the end of surgery, all patients
consent was obtained from all participants and assent of children received systemic analgesia, using paracetamol (Perfalganâ; Bristol-
was checked after explanations appropriate to their age. All chil- Myers Squibb, Rueil-Malmaison, France) 15 mg/kg and ketoprofen
dren aged 1-15 years, ASA status class I-III, scheduled for general (Profenidâ; Sanofi-Aventis, Paris, France) 1 mg/kg if there was no
anesthesia associated with bilateral pudendal nerve block for an contraindication. Remifentanil was stopped after closure of the skin.
elective perineal surgery, were candidate to participate. Exclusion Rescue analgesia by IV nalbuphine (Nubainâ; Dupont Pharma, Paris,
criteria were any contraindication to regional anesthesia, ASA France) 0.2 mg/kg was administered in the postanesthetics care unit
physical status IV-V, and refusal by the parents or the child. Data (PACU) if necessary. Postoperative analgesia was also standardized
were collected from induction of anesthesia to H24 postopera- such as systematic oral paracetamol (15 mg/kg) every 6 hours asso-
tively after admission in recovery room. The primary objective of ciated with oral ibuprofen (10 mg/kg) every 8 hours. Oral tramadol
this descriptive study was to evaluate the feasibility and ease of (1 mg/kg) was prescribed as rescue analgesia.
Bold values indicate the sum of the perineal incision and the sum of the
ilioinguinal-scrotal incision. PNB, pudendal nerve block; TAPB, transver-
sus abdominis plane block; II/IHB, ilio-inguinal/ilio-hypogastric block.
F I G U R E 3 Puncture of transperineal pudendal nerve block under
ultrasound guidance
call of the ambulatory department and 2 families were missed to call.
Data on postoperative pain control were lacking in these 6 patients.
T A B L E 2 Identification of anatomical landmarks on 120 practice of the technique, and better adaptation of needle inclination.
ultrasound-guided pudendal nerve blocks The aspiration test before local anesthetic injection remains essential
Visualization n (%) to avoid intravascular injection with real-time US. The use of
Anatomical structures Easy Difficult Impossible epinephrine is always contraindicated in pudendal nerve block due to
the risk of vasoconstriction on a terminal vascularization.
Ischium 116 (98.31%) 2 (1.69%) 0 (0%)
A surprising ascertainment in this study is the low rate of
Rectum 114 (97.44%) 3 (2.56%) 0 (0%)
responses to neurostimulation, possibly explained by the position of
the needle in the middle of the ischiorectal fossa, far from the emer-
infusion rate during perineal incision. Mean maximum dose of gence of pudendal nerve from Alcock’s canal. The systematic motor
remifentanil was 0.06 0.03 lg/kg/min. response was not mandatory for the injection of local anesthetic in
No relationship was found between successful pudendal nerve our study. Also, we noted that the lack of response was not corre-
block and visualization of anatomical structures, visualization of lated with block failure. This can be explained because pudendal
spread of local anesthetic, or presence of a motor response to nerve nerve block is a spread block. Anatomical studies showed great vari-
stimulation. ations of the pudendal nerve throughout its path, but the way of
In the postoperative period, 60% of children received nalbuphine terminal branches always goes through the ischiorectal fossa, which
in PACU. No rescue analgesia was required in 80% of hospitalized is a fatty space allowing good diffusion of local anesthetic.10,11
children after PACU during the first 24 hours. In ambulatory patient, Pudendal nerve and its branches in the ischiorectal fossa have a
acetaminophen and ketoprofen were sufficient in 76% of cases. No small diameter.9 It is also difficult to identify them with US. Never-
relationship was found between successful PNB and need of rescue theless, neurostimulation use in association with US guidance can be
analgesia in the postoperative period. safe to avoid direct nerve injury.
Alternative techniques are not desirable in children due to the
need for prone or lateral decubitus position. A transgluteal approach
4 | DISCUSSION for US-guided pudendal nerve block has been previously described
in adults.12-14 Tip of the needle was positioned in the interligamen-
The results of this prospective descriptive study show that the per- tous plane between sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments, medi-
formance of real-time US-guided transperineal approach of pudendal ally to the pudendal internal artery, at the level of ischial spine. The
nerve block is feasible and easy in children under general anesthesia. risk of associated blockade of sciatic nerve/sacral plexus is about
This US-guided technique allows an efficient postoperative pain 13%,14 which limits its use in ambulatory surgery. Another technique
management with low rate of patient requiring rescue analgesia is described with a pudendal nerve approach at the entrance of the
beyond the PACU. Alcock’s canal.15
As noted by our anesthesiologist team, the technique is easy to The efficacy of US-guided PNB, as described in the present
learn because the puncture site using the US-guided approach was study, is good in the perioperative period. Mean dose of remifentanil
sensibly unchanged in comparison with landmark technique.1-3 In was low.
addition, the majority of blocks were performed by residents, under Surprisingly, we found a discrepancy between the efficacy of the
the supervision of a senior anesthesiologist. The US visualization of nerve block intraoperatively and the use of nalbuphine in PACU. This
ischium and rectum was always possible. This is a crucial point in result could be partly explained by the high incidence of postopera-
improving safety. Also, the choice of puncture site and needle orien- tive delirium in children, which was not specifically distinguished
tation can be more suitable as to avoid a puncture of the rectum, from pain. This discrepancy suggests inappropriate use of nalbuphine
which is a septic risk situation. for its sedative effects. Moreover, in 25% of children, an inguinal
This safety is enhanced by the visualization of the tip of the nee- incision was associated with the perineal incision, and evaluation of
dle, which was indirect (movement of adjacent anatomic structures) in the only perineal pain was not possible in PACU. At last, insufficient
a large part of blocks. The difficulties in the visualization of pudendal analgesia can be underestimated under general anesthesia, due to
artery are probably explained by its small diameter and sinuous path, depression of the hemodynamic response to nociception.
as described in anatomical studies. Even in case of artery visualization, Efficacy of pudendal nerve block in children was demonstrated
this sinuous path and the eventuality of multiple arteries in the in hypospadias repair. In comparison with caudal analgesia, pudendal
ischiorectal fossa,9 make its avoidance uncertain in this “out of plane” nerve block provided more effective postoperative analgesia during
approach. Aspiration test and visualization of the local anesthetic the first 24 hours, improving parent satisfaction.1,2 For pediatric cir-
spread are better ways to confirm lack of intravascular injection. This cumcision, lower pain scores were noted with pudendal nerve block
spread has been seen in almost 80% of cases. The lack of spread visu- compared to dorsal penile nerve block during the first 12 hours
alization can possibly be explained by the fat density that makes it postoperatively.6
almost as anechoic as that of the local anesthetic, or by a too deep There are a few limitations in this study, which examined the
injection. In our personal experience, direct visualization of the needle feasibility of US-guided PNB in a transperineal approach. The spread
and of local anesthetic spread seem to be improved with regular of local anesthetic in the ischiorectal fossa and its potential effect
on success of pudendal nerve block were not evaluated, not allowing 2. Kendigelen P, Tutuncu AC, Emre S, Altindas F, Kaya G. Pudendal
to know if an injection too deep entailed a failure of the block. Our Versus Caudal Block in Children Undergoing Hypospadias Surgery: A
Randomized Controlled Trial. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2016;41:610-
results concerning postoperative pain should be the subject of fur-
ther investigations. Efficacy of the technique was not the primary 3. Aissaoui Y, Bruye re R, Mustapha H, Bry D, Kamili ND, Miller C. A
objective, and pain evaluation was based only on analgesic consump- randomized controlled trial of pudendal nerve block for pain relief
tion, and not on pain scores. The use of postemergence delirium after episiotomy. Anesth Analg. 2008;107:625-629.
4. Naja Z, El-Rajab M, Al-Tannir M, et al. Nerve stimulator guided
score would be necessary to better evaluate pain level in PACU. The
pudendal nerve block versus general anesthesia for hemorrhoidec-
optimal volume of local anesthetic in the ischiorectal fossa remains tomy. Can J Anaesth. 2006;53:579-585.
to be determined in children. Unfortunately, the study did not have 5. Naja Z, Ziade MF, Lo € nnqvist PA. Nerve stimulator guided pudendal
any control group, difficult to determine in view of the diversity of nerve block decreases posthemorrhoidectomy pain. Can J Anaesth.
surgical procedures. So, the efficacy, in each indication, of this new
6. Naja Z, Al-Tannir MA, Faysal W, Daoud N, Ziade F, El-Rajab M. A
US-guided technique has to be demonstrated in randomized studies. comparison of pudendal block vs dorsal penile nerve block for cir-
cumcision in children: a randomised controlled trial. Anaesthesia.
5 | CONCLUSION 7. Polaner DM, Taenzer AH, Walker BJ, et al. Pediatric Regional Anes-
thesia Network (PRAN): a multi-institutional study of the use and
incidence of complications of pediatric regional anesthesia. Anesth
The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of a new approach Analg. 2012;115:1353-1364.
of transperineal pudendal nerve block in children, under US guidance. 8. Merkel SI, Voepel-Lewis T, Shayevitz JR, Malviya S. The FLACC: a
This technique is easy to learn and may improve safety of the puncture behavioral scale for scoring postoperative pain in young children.
Pediatr Nurs. 1997;23:293-297.
by direct visualization of anatomical landmarks and of local anesthetic
9. Fronho€ fer G, Niernberger T, Anderhuber F. Variations in the branch-
spread, thus avoiding rectal puncture or intravascular injection. Bene- ing of the internal pudendal artery in the ischioanal fossa. Ann Anat.
fits of the technique about efficiency and safety, compared with 1996;178:133-135.
blinded techniques, must be further evaluated in randomized studies. 10. Mahakkanukrauh P, Surin P, Vaidhayakarn P. Anatomical study of
the pudendal nerve adjacent to the sacrospinous ligament. Clin Anat.
11. Schraffordt SE, Tjandra JJ, Eizenberg N, Dwyer PL. Anatomy of the
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Institutional Review Board approval was received from the South Surg. 2004;74:23-26.
12. Kovacs P, Gruber H, Piegger J, Bodner G. New, simple, ultrasound-
Mediterranean IV Ethical Board on July 08, 2014 (CPP Sud Me
guided infiltration of the pudendal nerve: ultrasonographic tech-
ranee IV, registration number: 2014-A00499-38). nique. Dis Colon Rectum. 2001;44:1381-1385.
13. Rofaeel A, Peng P, Louis I, Chan V. Feasibility of real-time ultrasound
for pudendal nerve block in patients with chronic perineal pain. Reg
DISCLOSURES Anesth Pain Med. 2008;33:139-145.
14. Bellingham GA, Bhatia A, Chan CW, Peng PW. Randomized con-
No authors have any conflicts of interest or disclosures with regard trolled trial comparing pudendal nerve block under ultrasound and
to this study. fluoroscopic guidance. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2012;37:262-266.
15. Bendtsen TF, Parras T, Moriggl B, et al. Ultrasound-Guided Pudendal
Nerve Block at the Entrance of the Pudendal (Alcock) Canal:
ORCID Description of Anatomy and Clinical Technique. Reg Anesth Pain
Med. 2016;41:140-145.
Isabelle Gaudet-Ferrand http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3567-6460
Laurent Hertz http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9501-3434
Chrystelle Sola http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8375-9121
How to cite this article: Gaudet-Ferrand I, De La Arena P,
Bringuier S, et al. Ultrasound-guided pudendal nerve block in
children: A new technique of ultrasound-guided transperineal
REFERENCES approach. Pediatr Anesth. 2018;28:53-58. https://doi.org/
1. Naja ZM, Ziade FM, Kamel R, El-Kayali S, Daoud N, El-Rajab MA. The
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for hypospadias in children. Anesth Analg. 2013;117:1401-1407.
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cutis laxa, fever, genetic diseases, rare diseases, syndrome
Pediatric Anesthesia. 2018;28:59–62. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pan © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd | 59
mutations are thought to explain the physical manifestations of de 10.3% of cases were associated with hyperthermia, all of which
Barsy syndrome. These include a mutation in the pyrroline-5-carbox- responded to active cooling alone. Iatrogenic intraoperative over-
ylate reductase gene (PYCR-1, known as type B) and the ALDH18A1 warming remains the most likely explanation of hyperthermia in our
gene (type A). Malfunctioning of these genes leads to mito- case series. This explanation may be seen in the context of limited
chondrial fragmentation with high apoptosis rates during oxidative subcutaneous insulation due to cutis laxa, and relatively low body
stress.4 A third mutation, ATP6V0A2-CDG, is also thought to be mass indexes (range: 11-19), both of which would increase suscepti-
possibly related to de Barsy syndrome.16 Two recent publications bility to room warming, heating lamps, or forced air blankets.
have described additional clinical features in de Barsy syndrome Accordingly, close attention to temperature monitoring and the use
patients. In 2016, Dutta et al reported slowly progressive dilatation of warming devices constitutes prudent clinical care of de Barsy syn-
of the aortic root, suggesting the need for cardiac evaluation and drome patients.
longitudinal monitoring.4 Lin et al described glaucoma and idio- Providers should also consider having advanced airway manage-
pathic hypertrophic pyloric stenosis in patients with de Barsy syn- ment equipment readily available. Although craniofacial abnormalities
drome.15 are present in this syndrome, they did not present severe airway
With regard to perioperative management, little is known about management challenges in the overwhelming majority of anesthetics.
Barsy syndrome patients. Extrapolating from known physical abnor- Difficulty with both mask ventilation and endotracheal intubation
malities, features such as joint hyperlaxity may pose positioning were observed in our series but limited to clinical experience with 1
issues, while pectus excavatum could present difficulty with ventila- patient. In the era of videolaryngoscopy, safe airway management
tion.15 Other features, such as developmental delay, present univer- would be anticipated.
sal concern with regard to patient coping and cooperation during the While patient safety cannot be definitively established by any
delivery of anesthesia. Given the rarity of this condition, and limited case series, given the extreme rarity of the syndrome, this report
published data, making available institutional experience pertaining attempts to provide successful management options to potential
to clinical management offers providers of de Barsy syndrome anesthesia providers of patients with de Barsy syndrome. And as
patients a basis of care. This study extends the published anesthesia widespread genetic testing is capable of confirming new cases, fur-
experience with de Barsy syndrome, including various anesthetic ther research will enhance our understanding of the risks surgery
techniques and pharmacologic agents safely utilized. Moreover, we and anesthesia pose to these unique patients.
have highlighted clinical considerations and management concerns
associated with de Barsy syndrome including airway management,
vascular access, and monitoring for hyperpyrexia.
In this case series, 3 major concerns for de Barsy patients were This study was approved by Mayo Clinic IRB (16-007092).
identified, ie, difficult vascular access, hyperthermia, and potential
for difficult airway. With cutis laxa, thin skin and minimal subcuta-
neous tissue contribute not only to challenging intravenous access
but also concerns for skin fragility and breakdown.7,10 Ultrasound or Nothing to disclose.
other advanced imaging techniques may be useful in facilitating vas-
cular access in these patients.
In 11% of our cases, intraoperative hyperthermia occurred. A
review of these cases did not identify any direct etiology for hyper- Lindsay L. Warner http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1473-7084
thermia from such causes as infection, neuroendocrine disorder,
anti-cholinergic use, or neuroleptic medication. Moreover, dantrolene
administration was not required in any case and no additional meta- REFERENCES
bolic derangements were reported. Previously published reports of
1. De Barsy AM, Moens E, Dierckx L. Nanism, oligophrenia, and hypo-
nonmalignant hyperthermia in such conditions as Costello syndrome, plasia of the elastic tissue in the skin and the cornea. Arch Belg Der-
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, and Arthrogryposis, have speculated that matol Syphiligr. 1967;23:411-412.
central temperature control dysregulation occurs during general 2. Aldave AJ, Eagle Jr RC, Streeten BW, Qi J, Raber IM. Congenital cor-
neal opacification in de Barsy syndrome. Arch Ophthalmol.
anesthesia.16-18 To date, however, no defect has been identified and
no direct evidence supports such a mechanism. In fact, a recent 3. Aponte EP, Smith HM, Wanek BJ, Rettke SR. Anesthesia considera-
investigation at our institution specifically examined intraoperative tions for patients with de Barsy syndrome. J Clin Anesth.
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4. Dutta AK, Ekbote AV, Thomas N, Omprakash S, Danda S. De Barsy
arthrogryposis multiplex congenital and distal arthrogryposis syn-
syndrome type B presenting with cardiac and genitourinary abnor-
drome.19 In contrast to prior studies, this investigation found no
malities. Clin Dysmorphol. 2016;25:190-191.
increased risk of intraoperative hyperthermia or hypermetabolic 5. Dutta A, Ghosh SK, Ghosh A, Roy S. A 5-year journey with cutis laxa
events compared to control subjects without arthrogryposis. Similar in an Indian child: the de Barsy syndrome revisited. Indian J Dermatol.
to our intraoperative hyperthermia rate of 11%, Gleich et al reported 2016;61:81-84.
6. Bartsocas CS, Dimitriou J, Kavadias A, Kyrzopoulos D. De Barsy syn- 14. Guerra D, Fornieri C, Bacchelli B, et al. The de Barsy syndrome.
drome. Progress Clin Biological Res. 1982;104:157-160. J Cutaneous Path. 2004;31:616-624.
7. Arazi M, Kapicioglu MI, Mutlu M. The de Barsy syndrome. Turkish J 15. Lin DS, Chang JH, Liu HL, et al. Compound heterozygous mutations
Pediatrics. 2001;43:79-84. in PYCR1 further expand the phenotypic spectrum of De Barsy syn-
8. Al-Owain M, Alanazi S, Khalifa O, et al. A case of de Barsy syndrome drome. Am J Med Genet A. 2011;155A:3095-3099.
with a severe eye phenotype. Am J Med Genet. 2012;158:2364- 16. Leao-Teles E, Quelhas D, Vilarinho L, Jaeken J. De Barsy syndrome
2366. and ATP6V0A2-CDG. Eur J Hum Genet. 2010;18:526.
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missense mutation in ALDH18A1, encoding delta 1-pyrroline-5-car- Barsy syndrome. J Pediatr Orthop. 1994;14:60-62.
boxylate synthase (P5CS), causes an autosomal recessive neurocuta- 18. Benni F, Leoni T, Iacobucci T, D’Avolio S, de Francisci G. Anaesthesi-
neous syndrome. Eur J Hum Genet. 2008;16:1176-1186. ological considerations in Costello Syndrome. Paediatr Anaesth.
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12. Karnes PS, Shamban AT, Olsen DR, Fazio MJ, Falk RE. De Barsy syn-
drome: report of a case, literature review, and elastin gene expres- How to cite this article: Warner LL, Olsen DA, Smith HM.
sion studies of the skin. Am J Med Genet. 1992;42:29-34.
Clinical implications of de Barsy syndrome. Pediatr Anesth.
13. Zampatti S, Castori M, Fischer B, et al. De Barsy syndrome: a geneti-
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to P5CS and PYCR1 dysfunction. Am J Med Genet. 2012;158:927-931.
Accepted: 24 October 2017
DOI: 10.1111/pan.13290
Department of Anesthesiology,
Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Boston Summary
Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical Background: Hospital readmissions are being used as a quality metric for hospital reim-
School, Boston, MA, USA
2 bursement without a clear understanding of the factors that contribute to readmission.
Department of Anesthesia and Pain
Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children, Objective: The objective of this study was to report the incidence of 30-day post-
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON,
surgical readmission in children, identify the predictors for readmission, and create
an algorithm to identify high-risk children.
Methods: Data from the 2012-2014 Pediatric database of the American College of
Daniel Vo, Department of Anesthesiology,
Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Boston Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program were analyzed using uni-
Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.
variable and multivariable logistical regression analysis.
Email: [email protected]
Results: Among 182 589 children included in the 2012-2014 American College of
Section Editor: Francis Veyckemans
Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Pediatric database, 4.8%
(8815/182 589) experienced a readmission within 30 days. Four significant predic-
tors were retained in the multivariable logistic regression model: American Society
of Anesthesiologists physical status ≥ 3 (OR: 1.9, 95% CI: 1.8-2.0), presence of
congenital heart disease (OR: 1.66, 95% CI: 1.31-2.11), inpatient status at time of
surgery (OR: 3.5, 95% CI: 3.3-3.7), and at least 1 postoperative complication (neuro-
logic, renal, wound, cardiac, bleeding, or pulmonary) (OR: 3.14, 95% CI: 2.92-3.34).
The multivariable logistic regression model showed reasonably good discrimination
in predicting 30-day readmissions with receiver operating characteristic area under
the curve of 0.747 (95% CI: 0.73-0.75) and good calibration (Brier score: 0.044). We
created a predictive algorithm of 30-day readmission based on the 4 significant
Conclusion: Children with congenital heart disease, high American Society of Anes-
thesiologist physical class, inpatient status, and at least 1 postoperative complication
of any kind are at high risk for postsurgical readmissions. We provide an algorithm
for quantifying this risk with the goal of reducing the number of readmissions,
improving the care of patients with complex chronic illnesses, and reducing hospital
congenital heart disease, hospital patient readmission, pediatrics, risk assessment, risk
management, specialties surgical
Pediatric Anesthesia. 2018;28:63–70. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pan © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd | 63
64 | VO ET AL.
Hospital readmission rates are currently being used as quality indica- What’s known on this subject
tors by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). They
• Hospital readmissions are responsible for an additional
are being made public and tied to hospital reimbursements.1 As such,
$12 billion dollars in expenses to the healthcare system.
they represent a potential target for hospital administrators and poli-
• Pediatric, unplanned postsurgical readmissions are poorly
cymakers for improving the value returned from healthcare dollars.
characterized but often thought to be preventable.
Studies have estimated 9% to 48%2 of all readmissions were pre-
ventable at a cost of $12 billion annually.3 Not only do hospital
What this study adds
readmissions have economic consequences but they also place a
burden on the healthcare system, patients, and families and further • Using the 2012-2014 American College of Surgeons
fragment a patient’s disease course. Reducing readmission is a means National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Pediatric
for improving patient satisfaction and quality of life. It is unknown database, we identified preoperative, intraoperative, and
whether these metrics truly represent substandard care or variations postoperative risk factors for 30-day, unplanned readmis-
in patient populations with differing disease progressions. Such sion.
uncertainties only become more complex in pediatric populations • We provide a novel risk stratification algorithm for identi-
where the health of children is dependent on an “ecology of care,” fying pediatric patients at highest risk for postsurgical
our objective was to construct a simple model consisting of a bal- are expressed as regression coefficient (B), the odds ratio (OR) as a
ance of demographic, preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative measure of risk, the 95% confidence interval (CI), and P values were
variables chosen for their clinical face-value and regular availability obtained from the Wald test.
before the procedures using Katz’s recommendations for multivari- Two metrics to assess model performance were used. The AUC,
able logistic regression analysis in medical research.11 Many of the also known as the c-statistic, was constructed to assess the discrimi-
variables selected have been shown in prior studies using smaller native ability of the set of multivariable predictors for 30-day read-
datasets and differing methodologies to impact morbidity, mortality, mission. In order to evaluate the internal validity of our predictive
and readmission. algorithm of 30-day readmission, we applied the bootstrapping
To standardize the univariable analysis (eg, variables are either method on the NSQIP 2012-2014 data. Bootstrap resampling draws
categorical or ordinal), children were stratified into 5 clinically rele- random samples with replacement from the entire sample (repeti-
vant age groups: <6 months, 6-12 months, 1-6 years, 6-12 years, tion = 500) and computes bias-corrected measures for model assess-
and >12 years old. Congenital heart disease was classified as mild, ment. Calibration was assessed graphically by plotting the observed
major, and severe according to an ACS NSQIP classification system. outcome against the predicted readmission rate. A smooth nonpara-
Minor CHD is defined as a lesion that does not require medical metric calibration line was created with the locally weighted scatter-
maintenance or has been repaired resulting in normal cardiovascular plot-smoothing algorithm to estimate the observed probabilities in
function. Major CHD is defined as a repaired lesion with a residual relation to the predicted probabilities.17
hemodynamic abnormality with or without medications. Severe CHD Statistical analysis was performed with IBM SPSS Statistics (ver-
is defined as uncorrected cyanotic heart disease, pulmonary hyper- sion 23.0, IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY). Bootstrapping was per-
tension, ventricular dysfunction requiring medications, or being listed formed with the lrm function in the R Design Package (R Core
for a heart transplant. Gestational age was classified as full term Team, R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R
(>37 weeks), premature (≤37 weeks but greater than 24 weeks), and Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria, 2013) based
extremely premature (<24 weeks). ASA class was divided into a high on a data-splitting (test and training set) approach.18
acuity (ASA ≥ 3) and low acuity group (ASA 1-2).
Postoperative complications were aggregated by system into pul-
monary complications (pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, and re-intu- 3 | RESULTS
bation), renal complications (acute renal failure, oliguria, and urinary
tract infection), wound complications (superficial and deep wound The 2012-2014 ACS NSQIP Pediatric database includes 182 749
infections and dehiscence), cardiac complications (ventricular fibrilla- procedures. There were 160 patients missing data on readmission
tion, cardiac arrest, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation), bleeding who were excluded from our analyses. Of the patients remaining,
requiring transfusion, and neurological complications (cerebral vascu- there were 77 907 female (42.7%) and 104 682 male patients
lar accident, seizures, and stroke). (57.3%). Neonates and infants under 1 year of age were the smallest
The primary outcome was unplanned readmission to the same or group (21%). All other age groups were equally represented. The
another institution within 30 days of a primary surgery with the majority of procedures were performed by General Surgery (27.8%)
cause for readmission suspected to be related to the procedure. The followed by ENT (20.3%) and Orthopedics (13.2%). The overall
patient had to be classified as an inpatient on his or her readmission. unplanned 30-day readmission rate was 4.8% (8815/182 589).
Patients missing data on readmission were excluded from analysis. Univariable analysis (Table 1) showed that inpatient status
Patients who met our readmission criteria but had missing data on (P < .001), extreme prematurity (P < .001), CHD (P < .001), higher
any of our 16 variables selected for regression were included in our ASA physical status class ≥ 3 (P < .001), and the surgical specialty
analysis as we chose to tolerate underestimates of the discriminative (P < .001) were associated with a higher incidence of 30-day read-
ability of the model. mission (Table 1). After adjusting for surgical specialties, multivariable
logistic regression analysis shown in Table 2 revealed that ASA phys-
ical status class ≥ 3 (OR: 1.9, 95% CI: 1.8-2.0), inpatient admission
2.3 | Statistical analysis
status (OR: 3.5, 95% CI: 3.3-3.7), and the presence of minor (OR:
Continuous data that were not normally distributed are expressed as 1.2, 95% CI: 1.1-1.3), major (OR: 1.2, 95% CI: 1.1-1.3), or severe
median and interquartile ranges (IQR), and categorical variables as (OR: 1.3, 95% CI: 1.2-1.7) CHD were significant and independent
number and percentage. Demographic, preoperative risk factors, and predictors of 30-day hospital readmission. There was no difference
postoperative complications were compared using Wilcoxon rank- in rates of readmission observed based on patient gender, age, or
sum test for continuous variables and the Pearson chi-square test emergent vs elective surgery.
for categorical variables and proportions. To control for possible con- Postoperative complications were aggregated into 6 categories
founding among variables, we used univariable and multivariable by system: pulmonary complications, wound complications, renal
logistic regression using backward selection to determine the inde- complications, neurological complications, cardiac complications, and
pendent predictors for 30-day readmission rates using a univariable bleeding complications requiring transfusion. The overall complica-
cutoff of P < .10 for inclusion and P > .05 for removal. The results tions rate was 9.8% (17 909/182 589). The most frequent
66 | VO ET AL.
T A B L E 1 Univariable analysis of preoperative risk factors T A B L E 2 Multivariable analysis of preoperative and postoperative
risk factors
Not readmitted Readmitted
Variable N = 173 774 (%) N = 8815 (%) P value Variable Beta coeff. OR 95% CI P value
Age ASA physical class
0-6 mo 7770 (4.5) 378 (4.3) <.001 ASA 1 or 2 Ref.
6-12 mo 28 841 (16.6) 1629 (18.5) ASA 3, 4, or 5 0.63 1.9 1.8-2.0 <.001*
1-6 y 46 383 (26.7) 2566 (29.1) CHD
6-12 y 45 709 (26.3) 1930 (21.9)
None Ref.
>12 y 45 071 (25.9) 2312 (26.2)
Mild 0.16 1.2 1.1-1.3 <.001*
ASA class
Major 0.14 1.2 1.1-1.3 .022*
ASA 1, 2 110 070 (63.3) 3549 (40.3) <.001
Severe 0.26 1.3 1.2-1.7 .011*
ASA 3, 4, 5 63 547 (36.6) 5263 (59.7)
Inpatient vs outpatient 1.25 3.5 3.3-3.7 <.001*
Bleeding complication 0.01 1.0 0.9-1.1 .864
Male 99 788 (57.4) 4894 (55.5) .04
Wound complication 2.13 8.4 7.8-9.1 <.001*
Female 73 986 (42.6) 3921 (44.5)
Pulmonary complication 0.62 1.9 1.6-2.2 <.001*
Renal complication 1.79 6.0 5.2-6.9 <.001*
White 111 802 (64.3) 5592 (63.3) <.001
Neurologic complication 0.90 2.5 1.9-3.2 <.001*
Black 22 231 (12.8) 1090 (12.4)
Asian 5538 (3.2) 306 (3.5) ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; CHD, congenital heart dis-
ease; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.
Native American 858 (0.5) 65 (0.01)
Results are based on multivariable logistic regression, adjusted for age,
Other/Unknown 24 647 (14.2) 1087 (12.3) gender, prematurity, emergent vs elective procedure, and surgical spe-
Surgical specialty cialty.
Cardiothoracic 15 876 (9.1) 497 (5.6) <.001 *Statistically significant.
Severe 1166 (0.7) 129 (1.5) 1.5%). The risk of readmission increased with the number of
variables retained in the final model. If a patient had all 4 variables
ASA class, American Society of Anesthesiology physical status; CHD,
of ASA physical status ≥ 3, CHD, inpatient status, and a postopera-
congenital heart disease.
Data are presented as number and percentages (%). tive complication, the incidence of readmission increased dramati-
cally to 20% (95% CI: 18.5%-21.0%).
complications were bleeding requiring transfusion (6.2%) and wound Validation results for our predictive model of 30-day readmission
complications (2.9%). If a patient had no complications, the absolute using the bootstrapping technique with 500 resamples indicated a
risk of 30-day readmission was reduced to 1.1%. However, the bias-corrected Somers’ D rank correlation measure of .454, corre-
occurrence of 1 or more complication more than doubled the risk of sponding to a c-statistic or area under the curve (AUC) of 0.747.
VO ET AL. | 67
Without With CPT codes. The working definition of a CCC is any medical condition
postoperative postoperative that can be reasonably expected to last at least 12 months (unless
ASA 3, 4, complication complication death intervenes) and to involve either several different organ sys-
or 5 CHD Inpatient (%) (%)
tems or 1 system severely enough to require specialty pediatric care
No No No 1.4 (1.3-1.5) 3.7 (3.4-4.1) and probably some period of hospitalization in a tertiary care cen-
No Yes No 1.5 (1.4-1.7) 4.2 (3.7-4.6) ter.22 Children with CCCs are thought to make up 2.9% of the pedi-
Yes No No 2.4 (2.2-2.6) 6.4 (5.9-7.0) atric patient population but account for 18.8% of admissions, 23.4%
Yes Yes No 2.7 (2.4-2.9) 7.2 (6.4-7.8) of bed-days, and 23.2% ($3.42 billion) of aggregate charges.20
No No Yes 4.3 (4.0-4.6) 11.0 (10.3-12.0) Static definitions of medical complexity or comorbidity such as
No Yes Yes 4.8 (4.3-5.2) 12.2 (11.1-13.3) the CCC classification system or ASA physical status by themselves
Yes No Yes 7.4 (6.9-7.8) 18.0 (17.0-19.1) are inadequate for assessing postoperative risk of readmission. Peri-
Yes Yes Yes 8.1 (7.5-8.7) 20.0 (18.5-21.0) operative risk is an interaction between procedure, surgeon, disease,
and patient. The medical population and the surgical population dif-
ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; CHD, congenital heart dis-
fer in that the majority of surgeries are elective and ideally under-
Data represent probability of 30-d readmission, with 95% confidence taken when a patient is medically optimized. Thus, it is not only the
intervals based on logistic regression. number of diagnoses or organ systems involved but also the func-
tional status of the patient that has bearing on risk of readmission.
The Nagelkerke R2 measure was .295. The intercept and slope of an Inpatient admission status indirectly captures aspects of medical
overall logistic calibration equation were 0.002 and 1.00. The maxi- complexity, clinical function, and perioperative optimization at the
mum absolute difference in predicted and calibrated probabilities, or time of surgery missed by both the CCC classification and ASA phys-
Emax, was .0006. The Brier quadratic probability score B was .044, ical class. It was in fact one of our most heavily weighted prognosti-
which is good evidence of prediction as a lower Brier score is better. cators (OR: 3.5, 95% CI: 3.3-3.7) and increased the risk of 30-day
Thus, our internal validation results suggest that our predictive postoperative readmission across all analyses.
model have good internal validity with a c-statistic approaching As an example, children with congenital heart disease are known
0.750, and a bias-corrected Somers’ D rank correlation of .454. Our have higher rates of morbidity and mortality in the immediate intra-
multivariable algorithm performs reasonably well at predicting 30- and postoperative period.23,24 Our evidence suggests this vulnerabil-
day readmission. ity extends to 30-day postsurgical readmissions. As shown in
68 | VO ET AL.
Figure 2, the rate of readmission increased with lesion severity (Mild variable significantly associated with higher readmission rates.28 This
3.8%, Major 5.1%, and Severe 6.0%). However, the impact of CHD led the authors to question whether pediatric surgical readmissions
on readmission is still amplified by admission status. Compared to are truly preventable. The dataset used in their study was an admin-
outpatients with the same CHD classification, inpatients experienced istrative dataset which likely lacked the granularity to model the
almost double the rate of readmission (Mild 6.9%, Major 9.0%, and depth of preoperative and postoperative variables that the ACS
Severe 11.1%). Our interpretation of this finding is that the ACS NSQIP Peds offers, leading to a paucity of identified risk factors and
NSQIP Peds categories of mild, moderate, or severe CHD are static counterintuitive findings.
definitions that fail to capture the variety of CHD lesions and an Modifying postoperative complications is an ongoing challenge and
individual’s performance. However, in-hospital admission declares the subject of much research. Evidence for many proposed interven-
the functional status of a patient with CHD irrespective of disease tions is lacking and beyond the scope of this manuscript. However,
classification. Another possible explanation for why CHD by itself while many individualized interventions have failed to show clear bene-
was not more impactful on readmission is that often this population fit, the readmission risk model we propose in Table 3 can help identify
is cared for by separate cardiac anesthesiologists and cardiac inten- “red flags” early in the postoperative course which could triage at-risk
sive care units postoperatively which may make them perform more patients to more intensive discharge planning (eg, dedicated discharge
like the general population. teams to ensure stability of therapy, assessment of home supports sys-
Of the 4 variables identified, postoperative complications may be tems, care transition coaching, or postdischarge telephonic monitoring).
most actionable. Studies using the ACS NSQIP data in the adult pop- For example as seen in Figure 2, renal complications and wound infec-
ulation have consistently found postoperative complications to be a tions while having varying incidence, both increase the risk of readmis-
driver of hospital readmission.25,26 Tahiri et al used the ACS NSQIP sion above 30%. Currently, there is a lack of evidence regarding
Peds to look at 30-day readmission in 5367 plastic surgery patients. intraoperative reno-protective or “rescue” strategies including fluid
They found a lower overall readmission rate of 2.4% and the most management or the use of vasoactive agents, diuretics, or sodium
significant independent predicators of readmission were postopera- bicarbonate.29 However, Goldstein et al describe using automated
tive medical and surgical complications. Other risk factors identi- EMR screening and a decision support process to identify patients
fied were medical comorbidities, contaminated wound classification, exposed to nephrotoxic drugs and at risk for acute kidney injury leading
higher ASA class, longer operative times, and longer length of stay. to daily serum creatinine monitoring decreasing both the exposure rate
In a preliminary analysis, we examined relative value units assigned and acute renal insufficiency rate by 64%.30 Similarly with wound
to procedures as a surrogate for procedural length and complexity infections, while advances have been made in the operating room ven-
and did not find an association with increased readmissions. The dif- tilation, sterilization, barriers, surgical technique, and best practices for
ference in overall readmission rate and readmission risk factors perioperative antibiotics,31 the key to preventing readmissions may lie
found in our 2 studies likely represents a different risk profile for in identifying the at-risk population and a team approach to plans of
pediatric plastic surgery patients and the general cohort. In their care and community-based postdischarge surveillance.32-34
study of pediatric surgical readmission, Brown et al failed to find a This study has several limitations. Retrospective database analy-
link between postoperative complications or length of stay and read- ses such as ours are inherently limited by the variables chosen to be
mission. In an analysis of over 260 000 pediatric cases performed included in the database. Data may have been missing or incorrectly
nationwide, being a high volume surgical center was the only entered. Hospital data in the ACS NSQIP Peds are deidentified so it
is unknown where and in what type of facility these surgeries were
performed. Geographic location has been shown to impact rates of
readmission.35 Surgical outcomes have been found to vary with vol-
ume and a hospital’s designation as “stand-alone children’s hospi-
tal.”36 As with any database, this sample may not be representative
of the national population of pediatric surgical patients. Despite
these limitations, the ACS NSQIP Peds represents a large dataset
which is case mix and risk adjusted from a variety of hospital set-
tings including but not limited to stand-alone children’s hospitals.
The database has rigorous quality control metrics and specifically
examines the surgical population using clinical data extracted from
the medical record as opposed to administrative/billing data.
F I G U R E 2 Thirty-day readmission rates for patients with mild,
moderate, severe congenital heart disease (CHD) stratified according
to inpatient or outpatient status. Error bars represent 95% Children who have high ASA status, congenital heart disease, expe-
confidence intervals rience a postoperative complication, and are inpatients at the time
VO ET AL. | 69
of surgery are at increased risk for 30-day postsurgical readmission. 10. Anon. User Guide for the 2014 ACS NSQIP Pediatric Participant
We present a simplified prognostic model consisting of these 4 Use Data File. 2014. http://www.pediatric.acsnsqip.org/acsNsqipDa
taPed/jsp/pdf/PEDS.ACS.NSQIP.PUF.UserGuide.2014.pdf. Accessed
variables which shows good predictive discrimination and internal
November 10, 2015.
calibration using the bootstrapping method. The next steps are to 11. Katz M. Multivariable analysis: a primer for readers of medical
validate these findings using the 2015, 2016 ACS NSQIP Pediatric research. Ann Intern Med. 2003;138:644-650.
datasets. Preventing hospital readmission may prove to be a combi- 12. Faraoni D, Zurakowski D, Vo D, et al. Post-operative outcomes in
children with and without congenital heart disease undergoing non-
nation of improvements in perioperative care and the early identifi-
cardiac surgery. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016;67:793-801.
cation of patients at risk for complications, readmission, and 13. Ramamoorthy C, Haberkern CM, Bhananker SM, et al. Anesthesia-
hospital-resource consumption. Further research is required to related cardiac arrest in children with heart disease: data from the
determine whether triaging these patients to separate predischarge Pediatric Perioperative Cardiac Arrest (POCA) registry. Anest Analg.
care and postdischarge surveillance reduces unintended postopera-
14. Berry J, Toomey S, Zaslavsky A, et al. Pediatric readmission preva-
tive readmissions. lence and variability across hospitals. JAMA. 2013;309:372-380.
15. Tsai T, Joynt K, Orav E, et al. Variation in surgical-readmission rates
and quality of hospital care. N Engl J Med. 2013;369:1134-1142.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 16. Davenport D, Bowe E, Henderson W, et al. National Surgical Qual-
ity Improvement Program (NSQIP) risk factors can be used to vali-
The authors thank the American College of Surgeons National Surgi-
date American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status
cal Quality Improvement Program and the hospitals participating in classification (ASA PS) levels. Ann Surg. 2006;243:636-641. discus-
the ACS NSQIP, source of the data used herein. ACS NSQIP has not sion 641–4.
verified and is not responsible for the statistical validity of the data 17. Le Manach Y, Collins G, Rodseth R, et al. Preoperative score to pre-
dict postoperative mortality (POSPOM): derivation and validation.
analysis or the conclusions derived by the authors.
Anesthesiology. 2016;124:570-579.
18. Miller M, Hui S, Tierney W. Validation techniques for logistic regres-
sion models. Stat Med. 1991;10:1213-1226.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST 19. Nakamura M, Toomey S, Zaslavsky A, et al. Measuring pediatric hos-
pital readmission rates to drive quality improvement. Acad Pediatr.
The authors report no conflict of interest.
2016;14(5 suppl):S39-S246.
20. Berry J, Hall D, Kuo D, et al. Hospital utilization and characteristics
of patients experiencing recurrent readmissions within children’s
hospitals. JAMA. 2011;305:682-690.
21. Burjonrappa S, Theodorus A, Shah A, et al. Pediatric surgery
Daniel Vo http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9176-9875
readmissions: a root cause analysis. Pediatr Surg Int. 2015;31:
22. Simon T, Berry J, Feudtner C, et al. Children with complex chronic
REFERENCES conditions in inpatient hospital settings in the United States. Pedi-
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2. Benbassat J, Taragin M. Hospital readmissions as a measure of qual- 24. Islam S, Yasui Y, Kaul P, Mackie A. Hospital readmission of patients
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3. Axon RN, Williams MV. Hospital readmission as an accountability readmission among general surgery patients. J Am Coll Surg.
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4. Feudtner C, Levin J, Srivastava R, et al. How well can hospital read- 26. Glance L, Kellermann A, Osler T, et al. Hospital readmission after
mission be predicted in a cohort of hospitalized children? A retro- noncardiac surgery: the role of major complications. JAMA Surgery.
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5. Dougherty D, Schiff J, Mangione-Smith R. The Children’s Health 27. Tahiri Y, Fischer J, Wink J, et al. Analysis of risk factors associated
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moving forward to improve measurement, care, and child and adoles- review of 5376 procedures. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015;135:521-
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Accepted: 18 October 2017
DOI: 10.1111/pan.13292
Department of Anesthesiology, Wake
Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, Summary
NC, USA We describe the case of a 4-year-old child undergoing extensive burn surgery with
Department of Trauma Surgery, Wake
refractory intraoperative hypothermia. A low-dose nitroglycerin infusion was initi-
Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem,
NC, USA ated to reverse vasoconstriction and improve heat absorption, after which the
child’s temperature steadily improved. In hypothermic burn patients, topical vaso-
Eduardo J. Goenaga Dıaz, Department of constrictors may hinder surface warming efforts. A vasodilator infusion may aid in
Anesthesiology, Wake Forest School of
warming the pediatric patient undergoing extensive excision and grafting.
Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, USA.
Email: [email protected]
Funding information burns, hypothermia, nitroglycerin, pediatric, surgery, vasodilation
The study was funded by departmental
1 | INTRODUCTION Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA) fluid warming system. Anesthesia was main-
tained with isoflurane, 0.7%-1.2%, rocuronium, and hydromorphone.
Burn patients are at risk for intraoperative hypothermia as a result One hour elapsed from OR arrival to draping of the patient for sur-
of increased heat loss through injured skin, increased evaporative gery. Excision of full-thickness burns was performed using a combi-
heat loss, and loss of normal thermal homeostatic mechanisms dur- nation of a Weck blade and the Versajet IIâ hydrosurgery system
ing general anesthesia. Pediatric patients are even more susceptible (Smith & Nephew, Andover, MA, USA).
due to their increased body surface area to volume ratio. In adults, All burns were excised and covered with TelfaTM nonadherent
perioperative hypothermia has been associated with acute lung dressings (Covidien, Dublin, Ireland) soaked in a 1:10 000 epinephrine
injury, coagulopathy, and impairments in the immune response and solution for hemostasis before grafting with allograft (AlloDerm, Life-
wound healing.2,3 Aggressive warming and maintenance of normoth- Cell Corp-Allergan, Dublin, Ireland). During debridement, the patient’s
ermia are essential. temperature by Foley probe dropped from 37°C to 35.7°C despite
warming of all fluids to 40°C, maintenance of the room temperature
at 103°F, and continuous forced air warming of all surfaces not
2 | CASE actively being debrided (Bair HuggerTM, 3M, St. Paul, MN)(Figure 1). At
this point, the operation was paused to allow the patient to rewarm.
A 4-year-old, 16.8 kg child with 49% total body surface area full- He was completely covered with a sterile forced air warming blanket
thickness burns sustained in a house fire 5 days prior presented to and wrapped in plastic for approximately 45 minutes. Despite these
the operating room for initial excision and grafting. On arrival to the measures, we observed no change in the patient’s core temperature.
operating room, his temperature was 37.7°C, saturating 97% on A low-dose nitroglycerin infusion was begun at 0.2 mcgkg 1
min 1
ambient air. He underwent an IV induction with propofol and to promote venodilation and improve peripheral perfusion. No
rocuronium and was easily intubated via direct laryngoscopy. IV change was made to the maintenance anesthetic. Over the next
catheters (16 Gauge) were placed in his right saphenous and right 30 minutes, a gradual decrease in blood pressure was observed as
external jugular veins, and a 3 Fr radial arterial catheter was placed. the temperature increased from 35.7°C to 36.3°C. At this point, the
Temperature was measured with a Foley catheter probe. All IV fluid operation was resumed with continued improvement in the patient’s
solutions were warmed using the enFlowâ (Becton Dikinson and Co, temperature. The nitroglycerin infusion was stopped when the
Pediatric Anesthesia. 2018;28:71–72. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pan © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd | 71
No conflicts of interest.
F I G U R E 1 Patient’s intraoperative temperature and mean arterial
pressure (MAP). Lowest temperature is reached while surgery is
paused for warming (green arrow), and begins to rise during
nitroglycerin infusion (shaded box), while MAP gradually decreases
Learning Points
patient’s temperature reached 37°C, approximately 70 minutes after • Children undergoing burn excision surgery are at high
initiation. The operation was completed with all surfaces grafted. risk for perioperative hypothermia.
Postoperatively, he remained intubated and was taken to the pedi- • Topical vasoconstrictors may hinder heat transfer to
atric intensive care unit. He was extubated without event on the deeper tissues from surface warming techniques.
serious airway and cardiac events, and the presence of a trained Department of Anesthesiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI,
the operating room or post operative care unit at the Mott Chil- Email: [email protected]
Pediatric Anesthesia. 2018;28:73–76. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pan © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd | 73
DOI: 10.1111/pan.13277
Sir—Pediatric regional anesthesia has been gaining popularity since physiotherapy, SpO2 ranging from 80% to 90% (considered ade-
the introduction of ultrasound techniques,1 adding precision and quate for his cardiac pathology).
new blocks. Open thoracic surgery is considered a very painful procedure,
One newly described ultrasound-guided block in the adult popu- and thoracic epidural analgesia has been widely used with excellent
lation is the Erector Spinae Plane (ESP) block.2 results. In this patient, an alternative to epidural analgesia was
It is a facial plane block where local anesthetic is injected sought, because of the unknown effects of his chronic heart condi-
between the erector spinae muscle and the underlying transverse tion on epidural vessels. We believe, ESP block will become a useful
process, and was initially described at the T5 level for costal pain tool in regional anesthesia, potentially replacing epidural analgesia in
and thoracic surgery. many conditions. Obviously, prospective randomized controlled trials
There is a recent report of a single shot ESP block on a 7-year- comparing ESP block with current standard analgesic techniques are
old child.3 We would like to report the use of a continuous ESP block needed.
in a 3-year-old, 13 kg male patient for postoperative pain after open
The patient was a full-term newborn, with a hypoplastic left
heart syndrome. He already had several surgeries for his cardiac
defect. A postsurgical diaphragmatic paralysis after a Fontan proce-
dure was diagnosed and surgical treatment was indicated. A thora-
coscopic diaphragm plication attempt was unsuccessful and open
thoracotomy surgery was then scheduled. Balanced general anes-
thesia was given. Standard monitoring was placed and a radial arte-
rial line was inserted. Sevoflurane, fentanyl boluses, and
neuromuscular blocker were used. At the end of surgery, at the
surgical incision level (T9), an ESP block was done with the patient
still lying on his left side. A 6-13 MHz linear probe was used
(SonoSite Edge; SonoSite, Inc., Bothell, WA, USA). After skin clean-
ing, using a right sagittal paramedian probe orientation, transverse
processes were identified. A 5 cm 20G Tuohy needle was inserted
in-plane, caudal-cranial direction until the tip of the transverse pro-
cess was contacted (Figure 1). After negative aspiration, 8 mL of
0.25% levo-bupivacaine (Chirocaineâ 5 mg/mL; Abbvie, Elverum,
Norway) was injected. Immediately after injection, a 22G epidural
catheter was threaded 2 cm beyond the needle, fixed to the skin
and covered with a transparent dressing. The patient was extu-
bated and transferred to the pediatric intensive care unit. At PICU
arrival, the patient was awake, breathing smoothly, stable vital
signs, and 0/10 point CHIPPS4 score was measured. Two hours
later, a PCA pump with 0.1% levo-bupivacaine 3 mL/h continuous
infusion was started. A 1.5 mL rescue bolus, 30-minute lockout,
was programmed (to be used by a nurse or parent caring for the
child). Scheduled oral acetaminophen and intravenous ketorolac
were prescribed. On the 4th postoperative day, after chest tubes
were removed, the local anesthetic infusion was stopped and the
catheter was removed. During the postoperative period, only twice
F I G U R E 1 Patients’ position and US probe (upper); actual US
was a PCA bolus given. No other rescue medication was needed. image during block (middle), and anatomical sketch to understand US
The child never complained about pain and easily allowed chest image
DOI: 10.1111/pan.13291
DOI: 10.1111/pan.13291
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Keiko Imai
Department of Anesthesiology, Japan Community Health Care
Organization Kyushu Hospital, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan
Email: [email protected]