Template JIWP Terbaru Juni 2022
Template JIWP Terbaru Juni 2022
Template JIWP Terbaru Juni 2022
p-ISSN: 2622-8327 e-ISSN: 2089-5364
Accredited by Directorate General of Strengthening for Research and Development
Available online at https://jurnal.peneliti.net/index.php/JIWP
Received: In Indonesia, teachers' ability to undertake research is still below average.
Revised: This is due to a lack of research knowledge and experience among
Accepted: teachers. As a result, teachers rarely conduct research and have never
published a scientific paper. As a result, mentoring in the form of formal
training in research competence is required. There is, however, no
training structure designed expressly for instructors to improve their
research competency. The goal of this study is to create a training system
that will eventually improve instructors' research skills. The research and
development process is based on a modified Dick & Carey development
model. As a result, an upgraded teacher competency training system
including training modules, training agendas, teaching books, and
learning videos has been developed and tested by specialists. Teachers in
Indonesia are expected to use the training system to increase their
research skills.
Keywords: Development Research, Teacher Competency, Research, Modified Model
How to Cite: Xxxxxx. (2018). Xxxx. Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan, XX (x): x-xx.
activity carried out on schools by outsiders. Why is this the case? A teacher can
consistently improve the quality of learning in their class by undertaking research,
it can be argued.
Systematic research and problem-oriented problem-solving can increase
learning quality and provide in-depth comprehension for students (Cheruvu,
2014), and teachers who conduct research will be more analytical, focused, and
profound, as well as having good learning habits (Zeichner, 2003). However, the
competency of Indonesian teachers in doing research is inadequate, as evidenced
by the paucity of research activities and publications by Indonesian teachers.
Researchers found that more than 70% of teachers had incorrect knowledge of the
concepts of problems and research in a preliminary examination of about 100
teachers. Nearly 90% of those polled did not undertake their own study (teachers
sometimes do the Classroom Action Research only because it is required by the
Government and tends to do the origin). As a result, every single teacher has
never published a scholarly paper. This reality is exacerbated by the dearth of
training activities aimed at boosting teachers' research competency. It is normally
merely done as a formality, with no expectation that every instructor will be able
to conduct research.
Due to the following factors, recent developments in teacher research
show that there is a significant gap between teachers and academics in
universities: (1) teachers lack the research skills required for rigorous inquiry; (2)
teacher research is too idiosyncratic, self-referential, and ungeneralizable
(Bullough & Pinnegar, 2001; Hiebert et al., 2002); and (3) the teacher role
conflicts with or is incompatible with the academic role (Bullough & Pinnegar,
2001; (Hammack, 1997; Hammer & Schifter, 2001). This illustrates that
instructors are not expected to be researchers (particularly in Indonesia), thus it is
not a major issue when they are unable to do so. This is in sharp contrast to the
reality that a teacher who conducts research will be innovative and provide a wide
range of learning opportunities. The goal of developing this training system is to
create a system that can bridge the gap between the emergence of teachers who
are also researchers.
The major strength of the American school, according to Miriam Kronish,
is teacher training (Chatib, 2014). Training should be done in accordance with
mature needs planning. It is also stated that the training should be properly
organized and well-planned, including content selection, timing, location, method,
and instructor quality (Musfah, 2012). This encourages researchers to create a
training system aimed at enhancing teacher research capability. The training
system is expected to provide government insight on how to systematically
increase teacher quality, which will improve learning quality and achieve the
spirit of the Teacher as Researcher. Teachers who conduct research will benefit
their work as educators, as well as teaching and learning quality (Cheruvu, 2014).
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integrated with the ADDIE model, as well as some crucial parts and inputs from
the ARCS model, to create this development model's grand design. This model
focuses on the training implementation strategy, specifically the use of
collaborative learning and collaborative research in the implementation of
learning, as well as the elements of the arcs strategy development (Attention,
Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction) in learning and adult learners' involvement.
Because the Dick &Carey model does not have a separate section for analysis, the
analysis portion is based on a modified ADDIE model that incorporates the
students' analysis of the Dick &Carey model. Richey and Nelson (2000) use
development research to help researchers better understand new models, tools,
and procedures so they can predict their efficacy and efficiency. We may then
establish the applicability of context-specific discoveries to different teaching and
learning situations, as well as identify new general design, development, and
evaluation principles.
In essence, there is no such thing as the ultimate or best model. Only
models that match the individual needs of each activity will be produced, whether
for classical learning in education process classrooms at the elementary, junior
high, or college level, or exceptional learning. Adults receive this type of training
in order to refresh and develop their scientific abilities.
The following stages are used to achieve this development model: 1)
Analysis. This step of analysis necessitates analysis activities, task analysis,
program and reasonable training materials, and learner analysis. The entire step of
this study will influence the formulation of general instructional objectives, which
is the ultimate goal of creating a specific learning system. 2) Design. The actions
in this phase of the design include identifying general instructional objectives,
particular instructional objectives, determining the structure and method of
delivery, and preparing activities, exercises, and strategies in the training
activities. The entire design part is built around the ARCS (Attention, Relevance,
Confidence, and Satisfaction) principles, as well as the concepts of Collaborative
Learning and Collaborative Research. 3) Develop. Standard assessment
equipment design activities, instructional materials design, and formative
evaluation are all part of this phase of development. This stage includes the
preparation of all training devices, such as assessment tools and instructional
materials, as well as formative evaluation. 4) Implementation. Training
implementation, tools in place, and observation are all things that are observed
during implementation. The goal of implementation is to acquire a clear image of
all of the plans that have been created so that they can be enhanced over time. The
appropriateness of ARCS concepts, collaborative learning, and collaborative
research are all issues that need to be addressed. 5) Evaluation. This is the overall
evaluation process, and its goal is to get a student's reaction and determine their
level of satisfaction, which includes awareness, knowledge, conduct, and
outcome. This assessment confirms that the established training method is very
effective and efficient for use in learning (in this case, training to improve the
competency of teachers in conducting research). Teachers who taught in
elementary, junior high, and high school were employed as test subjects. The
study's final goal was to develop a teacher competency enhancement training
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system based on research and equipped with a variety of gadgets that support
training activities and can increase classroom learning quality.
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Trainees Criteria
Trainees are an important part of every training program. According
to expert feedback, not all teachers are eligible to be trainees since there are
specific criteria that must be met. This is meant to make training more effective
and efficient, allowing the training results to be optimized in accordance with the
goals stated. The following are the selection criteria for specific trainees: 1) follow
the training from beginning to end, 2) complete each job and set a goal to meet the
training objectives, 3) be comfortable with Microsoft Word, 4) be familiar with
the Internet, and 5) be under 45 years old.
Training Agenda
The teacher's research competency improvement training is
scheduled to take place within a month (excluding the review process of the
article in the journal). In each school, there will be instructional activities as well
as field research activities throughout the course of a month. Technically, this
training will take place over three terms, with each term consisting of two days of
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1st Term
The materials for the teacher's preparation skills as a researcher are found in Term
1. Participants will be encouraged to detect the problem, try to develop a solution
technique of solving it, build scientific papers in the introduction, and be taught
how to find credible international publications and use the Mendeley program.
On the first period, the following goal was set:
1. Each participant is assigned to a research group, with one group consisting of
three people.
2. Each group was assigned one title to be forwarded to a scientific journal.
3. The introduction section's scientific papers are complete.
The participants must accomplish the following tasks: 1) find at least ten
international publications connected to the title of their group's study; and 2) find
at least ten nationally accredited papers linked to the title of their group's research.
The participants in the group must accomplish the following tasks: 1) design the
RPP based on the learning method and bound variables chosen, and 2) draft
scientific publications, specifically the introduction.
Activity details of Term 1:
Day 1:
09.00 – 10.00 General explanation & group division
10.00 – 12.00 Dynamics of the group & motivation as a researcher
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 15.00 Quality reference search
15.00 – 17.00 Use of Mendeley and its application in MS Word
Day 2:
08.00 – 10.00 Concept of problem and research concept
10.00 – 12.00 Learning methods & formulating problems
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 15.00 Experimental research concept (plus material on citation
techniques, bibliography, and Sampling techniques)
15.00 – 17.00 Scientific article design (introductory section)
Note: There is a 1-week break to enter term 2.
2nd Term
Term 2 includes competency materials for putting experimental research into
practice in the field. If the participant continues on to term 2, each group is
required to accomplish the assignment assigned in term 1 and be prepared for RPP
and study strategy. In term 2, participants will learn how to conduct experimental
research, create HOTS-based evaluation instruments, conduct data analysis, and
write scientific articles.
On the second term, the following goal has been requested:
1. Get HOTS-based assessment items ready for each group.
2. Each group is prepared to conduct experiments in the classroom.
3. Until the steps of the research technique are accomplished, the articles are
4. Gain a thorough understanding of the data processing procedure.
The tasks that the participants must do in groups are:
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3rd Term
It was used in term 3 to verify data processing outcomes and to further the debate.
Improvements to the scripts that each group of participants has designed will be
made in this step, followed by practice submissions to the several pre-defined
On term 3, the following goals have been set: 1) complete a paper; and 2) submit
publications to scientific journals. Furthermore, participants in groups must fulfill
the following tasks: 1) create further research endeavors independently and
conduct experiments using the processes learnt previously, and 2) submit one
article to each of the other journals.
Activity details of term 3:
Day 1:
09.00 – 12.00 Verification of data and discussion
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 17.00 Finalizing scientific articles and submit a script to journals
Training Devices
Modules and presentation materials were created as training devices. This
module and presentation materials were created based on a pre-determined
requirement and an examination of the educational purpose.
Training Module
Modules are descriptions of the topics that will be studied during training.
This module is meant to ensure that participants have a thorough understanding of
the topic and have practiced the learning experience they will receive in person.
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Presentation Materials
The training procedure will be implemented in the classroom using
presentation materials. The MS Powerpoint program is used to create presentation
materials. This software is employed because it is easier to use in the creation of
effective presentation materials. Given that the primary goal of this training is to
improve instructors' research skills, the presentation material on show also
encourages participants to become more enthusiastic about conducting research.
Experts, including learning design experts, material experts, and media
experts, will then validate the presentation content that has been prepared.
Validation is carried out to obtain feedback for repairing presentation content so
that it can aid in the achievement of the training objectives.
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Material Expert
Material compliance with the aim of training, general assessment of
the quality of training materials/modules, general assessment of training
techniques, and general assessment of assessment tools are the four components
of the material experts' advice and suggestions. As many as three experts,
including Prof. Dr. Zulkardi (Sriwijaya University of Palembang), Prof. Dr.
Supardi (PB PGRI Chairman), and Dr. Andri Suryana, are utilised as material
members (Sesprodi Pendidikan graduate Program of Univ. Indraprasta PGRI).
According to the material expert assessment results, the presented
material follows the final objective of training (TIU), and the offered material is
regarded adequate to be given to the trainees in the material aspect. This
demonstrates that the structure of the supplied content is methodical and
complimentary, and that it aids in the achievement of the training's ultimate goal.
The teaching materials or modules also state that the module being utilized as a
training guide is typical. This module is also thought to be capable of describing
step-by-step training based on the material presented, so that trainees can
complete the final task as the training's final goal, which is to design a scientific
article to be submitted in an accredited National Journal, by following the training
following the module.
In terms of the training plan, it's also acceptable to describe the
material and adhere to the training objectives to the letter. The training technique
that promotes trainee originality and ability will establish a training climate based
on adult education concepts (andragogy) so that participants do not feel overly
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instructed. The training technique also encourages trainees to see that undertaking
research is a way for them to continually improve their ability to learn. Finally,
instruments are examined in the assessment element based on the training's final
objectives and the learners' characteristics. Students are given assignments and
assessments to encourage them to collaborate and finish each stage of
collaborative research. This will undoubtedly have a good impact on their
research operations, and they will hopefully be able to generate high-quality
research as a result.
Expert input on the content and modules of the materials and
modules is accommodated technically by making adjustments and significant
changes to the materials and modules. The following is what has been corrected:
1) Incorporate content on HOTS planning as a means of improving teacher
quality in the development of assessment instruments. This idea was fulfilled
by include information on HOTS planning in the 7th Material module, which
deals with assessment instrument design. Teachers also obtained information
about the planning of HOTS-based challenges, which is much needed in the
current educational era, as a result of the addition of this content and the
ability to conduct research activities. The goal of HOTS issues is to increase
learning quality and to train students' minds to be more creative and problem-
solving oriented.
2) There is too much material on learning methods in the module; preferably,
content on learning methods should be in the simplified module, and the
whole material on learning methods should be translated into media. Other
forms of education, such as ISBN books, are available. This has been
enhanced by modifying the learning techniques to simply include the syntax
of each learning method described as an image, with the full version being
created into a book titled "Model dan Metode Pembelajaran di Kelas." The
learning method's material simplification results in a reduction in the number
of pages in the module, making it more compact and portable. This makes it
easy for participants to apply training using the modules. Expert-
recommended books include detailed descriptions of learning approaches,
including theoretical foundations, syntax, benefits and drawbacks, and
research findings. The ISBN for this book has been assigned, and it will be
registered with Copyright. This book will also supplement existing modules,
allowing trainees who want to use one of the learning ways to use it as a
supplement to the theory and view the many study outcomes related to the
learning methods chosen in his research.
3) Technical resources, such as how to use computers or the Internet, how to
access journals through the OJS system, and how to utilize Mendeley, should
include a video instruction that the trainees can quickly access. The next step
is to convert the text in the module into a video tutorial for technical material,
such as how to access national or international journals
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHVnL0jR5rs&t=54s), how to create
emails (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQe0Vh96fu0&t=31s), how to
register for Google Scholar (https://www.youtube.com/watch This video
supplements the material in the module, implying that the material in the
module is not replaced but rather strengthened by the availability of the
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video, which the learners will ideally be able to access after the training is
completed. The film was uploaded to youtube.com so that the trainees could
watch it whenever and wherever they wanted. The trainees are supposed to be
motivated by the videos posted on this YouTube channel, so they are
encouraged to watch, pay attention, and finally execute what is depicted in
the video. The purpose of this video's content is to help trainees better
understand what content is being provided rather of focusing solely on the
design display. This demonstrates that the video's concentration is on
technical and operational stuff, and it is expected that anyone, particularly
trainees, will practice it immediately.
4) The material on data processing with SPSS is thoroughly given to the
learners. SPSS is still a new thing for teachers, according to an expert, thus its
existence will be a unique uniqueness that attracts participants in doing
research activities. This is further supported by the fact that most teachers
(trainees) still struggle with manual statistics, therefore proficiency with
SPSS is predicted to close those gaps. This information will be of interest to
researchers, thus a full session has been planned to investigate the SPSS as
well as the independent tasks that will be learned both individually and in
5) The module view has to be fixed in general, such as adding a title page for
each module's material title, finishing the Evaluation part for each module,
building a glossary and index for each module, and adding a list of libraries
(if any).
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Concerning the research, authorship, and publication of this paper, the author(s)
reported no potential conflicts of interest.
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