A Framework For Evaluating Dis
A Framework For Evaluating Dis
A Framework For Evaluating Dis
Purpose: Due to Covid-19, big changes took place in Universities around the world. Universities were
asked in March 2020 within a short while to provide the whole of the available lessons using e-learning
methods. Since the health crisis continues, e-learning has expanded on a variety of contexts and
simultaneously has created an urgent need for designing, developing, and implementing a valid and
reliable distance learning procedure. The validity and efficiency of the aforementioned procedure is a
major issue that has to be tested at the end of the semester. Therefore, developing a valid framework to
evaluate the e-learning process has become more important now than in the past due to the ongoing
pandemic.Design/methodology/approach: The evaluation of the educational process is a multi-criteria
problem that is based on the points of view of both instructors and students. In order to solve this multi-
criteria problem of e-learning evaluation, a new framework for evaluating e-learning in Higher
Education has been developed. This framework uses group decision-making with multiple criteria and is
called ENVEL. This paper defines the set of evaluation criteria and uses the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy
Process to prioritize criteria and help the decision-makers draw conclusions on the effectiveness and
success of e-learning. Findings: The framework takes into account heterogeneous groups of students
and professors, makes different calculations for these groups, and can extract useful conclusions by
comparing the results of the different groups. The framework has been applied in the Department of
Environmental Science at the Ionian University and conclusions have been made on its effectiveness and
usage. Originality: Trying to focus on the evaluation of e-learning in a whole study program in Higher
Education, and not only on single courses, the paper describes a novel framework for e-learning
evaluation using multi-criteria decision-making with heterogeneous groups of users. This framework
provides a formal way of combining different aspects of the evaluation of e-learning and collecting
summative results.
Povzetek: Raziskava uvaja okvir ENVEL za ocenjevanje e-učenja v visokem šolstvu z uporabo
večkriterijskega skupinskega odločanja in metode Fuzzy AHP.
(Islas et al. 2007), others focused on the human factors methods is considered by many researchers (e.g.
(Liaw et al. 2007), and others are meta-reviews (Salter et Ramanayaka et al. 2019) as a more effective solution to
al. 2014). solve MCDM related problems because of its powerful
Taking into account that most reports on e-learning ability to deal with imprecise and uncertain data.
mainly focused on evaluating single courses and not a Furthermore, the method’s ability to make decisions by
whole study program and the fact that the effective making a pairwise comparison of uncertain, qualitative,
adoption of e-learning can only be confirmed by and quantitative factors and also its ability to model
evaluating the educational process, we notice that there is expert opinion (Mulubrhan et al. 2014) is another
a great need for a tool that would evaluate e-learning important reason for its selection against other
adoption of a whole study program and not a single alternatives. As a result, FAHP has been used before for
course. The effectiveness of e-learning depends on combining and prioritizing criteria in e-learning systems’
several factors and criteria (Harrati et al. 2016, Abuhlfaia evaluation (Tai et al. 2011, Anggrainingsih et al. 2018,
& Quincey 2019, Alqahtani & Rajkhan 2020) and Jeong Lin 2010, Altun Turker et al. 2019, Naveed et al. 2020).
& González-Gómez (2020) highlight the necessity of Given the above advantages of FAHP, ENVEL uses
determining those. the particular theory to prioritize criteria. The framework
As the evaluation of e-learning is affected by several has been applied in the Department of Environmental
factors and criteria that try to combine the points of view Science at Ionian University for evaluating the e-learning
of different decision-makers, multi-criteria group conducted in the special circumstances that occurred
decision-making may be found effective for designing a during the spring semester of 2019-2020 due to the
formal framework for e-learning evaluation. Indeed, Coronavirus emergency. 14 professors and 98 students of
MCDM has been used in the past for evaluating e- the Department that took part in the e-learning
learning systems and applications (Mahdavi et al. 2008, participated in the evaluation experiment.
Stecyk 2019, Çelikbilek & Adıgüzel Tüylü 2019, The paper is organized as follows: Sections 2, 3, and
Alqahtani & Rajkhan 2020, Jeong & Gonzalez-Gomez 4 describe the framework ENVEL. More specifically,
2020). However, these approaches did not focus on section 2 focuses on the criteria used in the evaluation
evaluating the e-learning of a whole study program. process, section 3 on the prioritization of the criteria, and
Therefore, this paper focuses on presenting a section 4 on the evaluation of the e-learning aspects.
framework for evaluating e-learning of a study program Section 5 presents how the Department of Environment
in Higher education that is called ENVEL. Its name at Ionian University turned to e-Learning during the
originates from the first application of the framework in spring semester of 2019-2020 and section 6 describes a
the Department of Environment (ENVironment E- case study, which involves the application of ENVEL in
Learning evaluation). The framework defines the groups the specific department for the evaluation of the whole
of decision-makers, the set of criteria, and the weights of study program provided by e-learning methods. Section 7
their importance in the reasoning of the decision-makers includes a discussion of the results of the evaluation
while evaluating e-learning. The framework considers conducted using ENVEL and proposals that could
the instructors and students participating in the improve the whole e-learning process. Finally, in the last
educational process as decision-makers and provides a section, the conclusions regarding the ENVEL
formal way of combining different aspects of the framework are presented.
evaluation of e-learning using Multi-Criteria Decision
Making (MCDM) and collecting summative results. 2 ENVEL: Defining criteria for e-
MCDM has evolved rapidly over the last decades
(Zopounidis 2009) and different decision approaches learning evaluation
have been proposed. These approaches differ in the way Different MCDM theories and criteria have been used for
the objectives and alternative weights are determined evaluating e-learning systems. The most common
(Mohamadali & Garibaldi 2011). The Analytic Hierarchy approaches to evaluations of e-learning systems that use
Process (Saaty 1980) is one of the most popular MCDM MCDM are presented in Table 1. Most of these
theories and has been used before for combining criteria frameworks use two levels of criteria and a combination
for e-learning success, but for single courses or systems of two MCDM models. However, the criteria used in
(Anis & Islam 2015, Vinogradova & Kliubas 2015, these approaches mainly concern the technology used
Jasim et al. 2018, Alqahtani & Rajkhan 2020). The AHP and the way that courses are designed for e-learning.
is chosen amongst other MCDM theories because it Furthermore, these frameworks mainly focus on the
presents a formal way of quantifying the qualitative
criteria of the alternatives, in this way removing the
subjectivity of the result (Tiwari 2006).
As Erensal et al. (2006) point out, the conventional
AHP may not fully reflect a style of human thinking as
users usually feel more confident in giving interval
judgments rather than expressing their judgments in the
form of single numeric values. The theory’s combination
with the fuzzy theory resulted in Fuzzy AHP (FAHP)
(Buckley 1985), which in comparison with other MCDM
A Framework for Evaluating Distance Learning of Environmental… Informatica 47 (2023) 487–500 489
Table 1: The questions of the questionnaire and their connection with the criteria of ENVEL
Table 2: The questions of the questionnaire and their connection with the criteria of ENVEL
c32: e-Learning Support The quality of the technical support provided by the
department was…
c33: e-Learning Infrastructure The tools for synchronous and asynchronous e-learning
provided by the department were…
C4Quality of e-Learning.
c41: Effectiveness How would you judge the effectiveness of e-learning?
c42: Acceptability How do you judge the experience in e-learning during
this semester?
Would you like to continue e-learning after the end of
the COVID-19 era?
c43: Course design The design of synchronous and asynchronous lessons
490 Informatica 47 (2023) 487–500 K. Kabassi
evaluation of one or two courses and not the evaluation Given the above, the criteria used within the ENVEL
of a whole study program. framework for evaluating the e-Learning process are the
Criteria are also used in the cases where no MCDM following:
model is applied. To determine the effectiveness of C1: Functionality of the system. In this category, all
learner-controlled e-learning, research typically criteria are related to the quality of the system.
distinguishes between learning processes and learning c11: Accessibility. The system makes learning
outcomes (Alavi & Leidner 2001, Gupta & Bostrom materials easily accessible.
2009). However, Martinez-Caro (2018) argues that there c12: Response time. The waiting time for loading
is an absence of a solid and objective measure of learning materials is reasonable.
learning, and concludes that perceived learning is c13: Reliability. The e-Learning system provides the
positively related to satisfaction in e-learning courses. right solution to learner requests.
This point of view is in line with Richmond et al. (1987) c14: Ease of use/simplicity. The user interface
who proposed the use of a subjective measure: the should be simple and easy to use.
students’ perceived learning, which refers to the extent to c15: e-Learning Management. The easiness in
which a student believes s/he has acquired specific skills. designing the e-Learning Process.
As a result, the best way of evaluating e-learning is to
focus on the students’ perceived self-efficacy and
perceived satisfaction (Liaw 2008). Another factor that is
considered important while evaluating e-learning
involves teacher-student interaction (Su et al. 2005,
Harasim et al. 1995, Hartman et al. 1995, Elkaseh et al.
2016). Such interaction encourages learners to
understand the content better (Su et al. 2005) and
students who are shy or uncomfortable about
participating in class discussions may prefer participation
in online forums (Owston 1997). Additionally, the way
the e-learning environment promotes collaboration and
generally the interaction between students is of
exceptional importance (Benbunan-Fich & Hiltz 2003,
Arbaugh 2004) and considered as a critical component of
quality education (Anderson 2001). In some cases,
students have even expressed a preference for online
dialogue over traditional classroom discussion (Clark
2001, Martinez-Caro 2011).
A new way of interaction and learning, which
requires a high level of learner control may result in
students having negative attitudes or experiencing
difficulties (Chou & Liu 2005). Arbaugh’s (2008) study
confirms that students’ prior experience with e-learning
can positively affect their implementation. This is in line
with the work of Marks et al. (2005), which suggests that
students with experience in e-learning courses may
perform better in other e-learning courses. As a result,
the prior experience may influence the current e-learning
experience. Therefore, both of these criteria are to be
taken into account while evaluating the e-Learning
Other factors that have been reported to be taken into
account in studies that measure the students’ perceived
satisfaction in e-learning settings involve service quality, Figure 1: Steps of the ENVEL.
system quality, content quality or e-learning quality,
learner perspective/attractiveness, instructor attitude, C2: Learner Attractiveness. All the criteria are related
supportive issues, etc. (Aguti et al. 2014, Reiser 2001, to the Learner’s Attractiveness.
Tseng et al. 2011, Salter et al. 2014). c21: Quality of Synchronous Communication
Some researchers claim that the effectiveness of e- with the instructor. Quality of synchronous
learning depends on demographic factors such as age, communication with the instructor.
gender, etc. (Islam et al. 2011), while others argue c22: Quality of Synchronous Communication
against these hypotheses (Marks et al. 2005, Martinez- with students. Quality of synchronous communication
Caro 2018). Therefore, such criteria were not taken into among students.
account at all. c23:Students’ participation. Quality of students’
participation in the distance lesson.
A Framework for Evaluating Distance Learning of Environmental… Informatica 47 (2023) 487–500 491
C3 e-Learning Readiness. In this category, all criteria 2. Construct a fuzzy judgment matrix: To scale
are related to the way the instructors integrated e- the relative importance of the criteria, a fuzzy judgment
learning. matrix should be constructed. More specifically, a
c3.1: e-learning Culture. Beliefs and attitudes comparison matrix is formed so that the criteria of the
towards e-learning. same level are pair-wise compared. Each evaluator is
c3.2: e-Learning Support. Staff mentoring and asked to express the relative importance of two criteria at
support in providing e-learning. the same level using linguistic terms, which are then
c3.3: e-Learning Infrastructure. Tools provided transformed into triangular numbers (Table 3). As a
(recording, blackboard, scheduling, etc.). Especially in result, each evaluator completes a matrix for comparing
the case of a department with laboratories and activities C1-C4, one for c11-c15, one for c21-c23, one for c31-
on the field, e-Learning Infrastructure may also involve c33, and finally one for c41-c43. This procedure is done
the tools used for capturing and reproducing the for both professors and students.
functionality and atmosphere of laboratories and/or
activities on the field. Table 3: The linguistic variables and the corresponding
C4: Quality of e-Learning. In this category, all triangular fuzzy numbers
criteria are related to the quality of e-Learning Linguistic variables Triangular fuzzy
c41: Effectiveness. The general evaluation of the numbers
effectiveness of the current e-Learning experience. Equally important (1,1,1)
c42: Acceptability. The acceptability of the current Intermediate 2 (1,2,3)
e-learning experience. Weakly important (2,3,4)
c43: Course design. The course has been structured Intermediate 4 (3,4,5)
correctly. Strongly more important (4,5,6)
In order to implement the evaluation experiment and Intermediate 6 (5,6,7)
estimate the values of the criteria, a questionnaire was Very strongly more important (6,7,8)
designed. Table 2 presents the questions of the Intermediate 8 (7,8,9)
questionnaire and their connection with the criteria for
Absolutely more important (9,9,9)
the evaluation of the e-learning experience.
After the criteria have been defined and the
According to Buckley (1985), a fuzzy judgment
questionnaire has been designed, ENVEL consists of 11
matrix can be defined as: 𝑅̅ 𝑘 = [𝑟̃𝑖𝑗 ]𝑘 , where 𝑅̅𝑘 is a
main steps that are presented in Figure 1. Steps 1-4 are
presented in Section 3 and do not have to be repeated fuzzy judgment matrix of evaluator k, 𝑟̃𝑖𝑗𝑘 the fuzzy
every time ENVEL is implemented. Steps 5-11 are assessments between criterion i and criterion j of
presented in section 4 and the first four are obligatory to evaluator k, 𝑟̃𝑖𝑗𝑘 = (𝑙𝑖𝑗
𝑘 𝑘
, 𝑚𝑖𝑗 𝑘
, 𝑢𝑖𝑗 ), n is the number of the
run in every evaluation experiment while the last three 𝑟̃𝑖𝑗 = (1,1,1), when 𝑖 = 𝑗 and 𝑟̃𝑖𝑗𝑘 = 1/𝑟̃𝑖𝑗𝑘 , 𝑖, 𝑗 =
are only implemented if criteria with low scores occur. 1,2, … , 𝑛.
For example, the matrix for comparing C1-C4 has
3 ENVEL: prioritize evaluation been completed by an expert in education and didactics
as presented in Table 4.
According to ENVEL, the e-learning experience is
measured using specific evaluation criteria. However, Table 4: The 𝑅̅1 completed by the environmental
these criteria are not equally important in the evaluation education expert
process. For this purpose, ENVEL uses the Fuzzy
Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) (Buckley 1985). The C1 C2 C3 C4
steps of the theory for the criteria prioritization are the C
following: 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 /3
1 /2 1
1. Form the groups of decision-makers A1-A2: C
Two sets of decision-makers (DMs) that involve human 2 /3 /2 1 1 1 /3
1 /2 /4
1 /3 /2
experts and students are set. All professors and students C
should have experience in e-learning so that they can 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 /3
1 /2 1
make decisions on the importance of the criteria. The C
appropriate choice of experts is of great importance 4 1 2 3 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 1 1
because only in this way the framework would give
reliable and valid results. These groups are called A1 and Each DM completes all five matrices and the final
A2, respectively. As a result, group A1 contained three values of each matrix are calculated taking into account
professors. One was an expert in e-learning, one in the geometric mean of the corresponding values of each
pedagogy, and one in education and didactics. Group A2 matrix’s cell in the respective matrices. As a result, the
was comprised of 6 students who had previous final matrices are built. For example, Tables 5-9 present
experience in e-learning. Both groups of DMs are those tables for the professors. Quite similar are the
considered homogeneous and, therefore, no degrees of respective tables for the students.
reliability (or importance) were determined.
492 Informatica 47 (2023) 487–500 K. Kabassi
Table 5: Matrix for the pair-wise comparison of the fourcriteria of the first level.
C1 C2 C3 C4
C1 1 1 1 1.26 2.29 3.30 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.30 0.44 0.79
C2 0.30 0.44 0.79 1 1 1 0.33 0.50 1.00 0.22 0.13 0.44
C3 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 1 1 1 0.30 0.44 0.79
C4 1.26 2.29 3.30 2.29 7.42 4.64 1.26 2.29 3.30 1 1 1
Table 7: Matrix for the pair-wise comparison of 4. Undertake defuzzification. Finally, the fuzzy
the sub-criteria of C2 priority weights are converted into crisp values by using
the center of area method as follows
c21 c22 c23
c21 1 1 1 1 2 3 0.25 0.33 0.50 𝑤
̃𝑖 𝑤𝑖𝑙 + 𝑤𝑖𝑚 + 𝑤𝑖𝑢
c22 0.33 0.50 1 1 1 1 0.20 0.25 0.33 𝑤𝑖 = =
∑𝑛𝑗=1 𝑤
̃𝑗 ∑𝑛𝑗=1 𝑤
c23 2 3 4 3 4 5 1 1 1
Table 10: Weights of the criteria for professors and
Table 8: Matrix for the pair-wise comparison of the sub- students in the department of environment
criteria of C3
Weight Weight
c31 c32 c33 for for
c31 1 1 1 0 0.33 0.50 0.33 0.50 1 professors students
c11: Accessibility 0.118 0.170
c32 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1
c12: Response time 0.096 0.126
c33 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 c13: Reliability 0.412 0.432
c14: Easy to use/simplicity. 0.197 0.220
Table 9: Matrix for the pair-wise comparison of the sub- c15: e-Learning
criteria of C4 Management 0.177 0.052
c41 c42 c43 c21: Quality of Synchronous
Communication student-
c41 1 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 instructor 0.241 0.241
c42 0.25 0.33 0.50 1 1 1 1 2 3 c22: Quality of Synchronous
c43 0.33 0.50 1 0.33 0.50 1 1 1 1 collaboration between
students 0.145 0.145
3. Fuzzy weights 𝒘 ̃ 𝒊 are calculated. The geometric c23:Students’ participation 0.613 0.613
c31: e-LearningCulture 0.226 0.221
mean of the fuzzy comparison value of the attribute 𝑖 to
each attribute can be found as c32: e-Learning Support 0.334 0.337
1 c33: e-Learning
𝑛 𝑛
Infrastructure 0.440 0.442
𝑟̃𝑖 = [∏ 𝑝̃𝑖𝑗 ] , 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑖 c41: Effectiveness 0.528 0.613
𝑗=1 c42: Acceptability 0.261 0.241
c43: Course design 0.211 0.145
̃𝑖 of the 𝑖 𝑡ℎ attribute indicated
then the fuzzy weight 𝑤
by a triangular fuzzy number is calculated as As a result, for each criterion, the final weights are
−1 calculated for the professors and students. These weights
̃𝑖 = 𝑟̃𝑖 × [∑ 𝑟̃𝑗 ] = (𝑤𝑖𝑙 , 𝑤𝑖𝑚 , 𝑤𝑖𝑢 ) of the criteria are presented in Table 10. This process
revealed that for both professors and students, the most
important criterion of the first level is ‘Quality of
Learning’, followed by the ‘Functionality of Learning’
and ‘Readiness’. Within the sub-criteria of ‘Functionality
A Framework for Evaluating Distance Learning of Environmental… Informatica 47 (2023) 487–500 493
of the system’, the ‘Reliability’ of the system was in the case of the criteria that have only one question
considered by far the most important criterion. Regarding assigned to them, the mean of all answers to each
‘Quality of communication’, the weights of the criteria question.
were the same for professors and students. The sub- in the case of criteria c31 and c42, the values of the
criterion ‘Students’ participation’ was considered far criteria are acquired only by the one question that uses
more important than the other two. As far as ‘e-Learning five Likert scale answers.
Readiness’, for both groups, the infrastructure was in the case of criterion c23, which involves students’
considered important and the support in the e-Learning participation and has two possible answers, we calculate
process was followed. Finally, concerning the ‘Quality of the mean of each question and then take the mean of
e-Learning’, ‘Effectiveness’ is considered much more these two values.
important than the other two criteria. The values of the sub-criteria are within the range
Steps 1-4 are not essential to be repeated during the [1,5]. Those values and the values of 𝐼𝑡 are used for
application of ENVEL. Researchers may use the weights calculating the mean which is assigned a value of the
presented in Table 10. However, if other researchers feel criterion c1-c4 and can be further used to conclude about
that the nature of the study program they evaluate may the e-learning application. As a result, if we suppose the
influence the weights of importance of the criteria, then k members of the group of DMs had previous experience
steps 1-4 have to be repeated to calculate new weights. in e-learning and m DMs hadn’t had any experience in e-
𝑖=1 𝐼𝑖 𝑐𝑖𝑗 ∑𝑚
𝑖=1 𝐼𝑖 𝑐𝑖𝑗
4 ENVEL: Evaluating e-learning learning then 𝑟𝑗 = + .
𝑘 𝑚
Steps 5-8 have to be repeated every time ENVEL is 8. Calculate the final value of each main criterion.
implemented, while steps 9-11 may be optionally The aggregation of the weights and performance values
implemented if low values on criteria have occurred: is calculated as follows:
5. Form B1 and B2 committees of DMs. The 𝑐𝑖 = ∑𝑛𝑗=1 𝑤𝑗 𝑟𝑖𝑗
members of the committees are the professors (B1) and This value is used for characterizing the application
the students (B2) participating in the survey. B1 should of e-learning. Following the study by Linjawi & Alfadda
be a heterogeneous group of professors. This means that (2018), the scale was set as follows:
the group should contain professors with different - Low score: if the final value ranged from 1 to <3.
perceptions of e-learning and different levels of skills in - Acceptable/moderate score: if the final value
e-learning and computer usage. Ideally, they should ranged from 3 to <4.
cover different subjects of the study program being High score: if the final value ranged from 4 to 5.
evaluated. Similarly, B2 should contain students who 9. Definition of the criteria for interviews. This
have different skills and perceptions of e-learning. step is implemented for defining the criteria that are
6. Determine the degree of reliability (or characterized as a low score. For the criteria that are
importance) of the DMs. Since the evaluation is a characterized as a low score, a set of interviews is
problem under group decision-making conditions, the performed to find out:
reliability of the DMs should be determined. If the - how severe are the problems related to this criterion
degrees of importance of DMs are equal, then the group - the exact nature of the problems that were
of decision-makers is deemed a homogenous group encountered during e-learning implementation.
(Chou et al. 2008). Otherwise, the group is deemed a 10. Definition of the group of DMs D1. As soon as
heterogeneous group. If the groups are considered the problems are identified a new group of decision-
heterogeneous, then it is proposed that the DMs that have makers is formed. These decision-makers should have
previous experience in e-learning can have slightly better specialization in the study program that is evaluated and
reliability than the others as they have experience on the have experience in e-learning.
subject. The degrees of importance of DMs are 𝐼𝑡 , where 11. Analyze results and decide on improvements.
t is the DMs,𝐼𝑡 ∈ [0,1] and ∑𝑘𝑡=1 𝐼𝑡 ∈ [0,1]. The group of decision-makers D1 should decide on the
7. Calculate the values of criteria. The calculation improvements that have to be implemented to ameliorate
of the values of the criteria is made by the heterogeneous the e-learning process in the department.
groups of DMs. All the questions of the questionnaire
used the five Likert scale for their answers, except for the 5 The Department of environment
one question of c31 used in step 6 of ENVEL and one of turns to e-learning
the two questions related to c42 (Would you like to
continue e-learning after the end of the COVID-19 era?), The Department of Environment runs three different
in which the answers were three (yes, no, only for the study programs related to the Environment,
lessons that e-learning seems appropriate). The answer to Conservation, and Technologies of the Environment.
each question is the value of the criterion corresponding These study programs involve several different courses
to that question. such as physics, chemistry, ecology, protected area
The answers to the questionnaires are collected and management, geographical information systems,
we make the following estimations: databases, waste management, renewable energy sources,
etc. The courses are implemented using theoretical
494 Informatica 47 (2023) 487–500 K. Kabassi
lectures, laboratories, and practice exercises, which in Another obstacle to the implementation was the fact that
some cases take place on the field. not all professors were in favor of e-learning. 21% of the
In Greek Universities, information and professors were not or were very little in favor of e-
communication technologies were mainly used in learning. Another 21% of the professors were moderately
classrooms or in the form of asynchronous e-learning in favor of e-learning and only 57% supported techniques
using Learning Management Systems for uploading of distance education. Despite this fact, all professors
additional educational material. The department had been successfully transformed their courses and the
using blended learning for the last decade in some department managed to provide all courses by distance.
courses but its usage depended only on the professor After two months of e-Learning implementation, a
responsible for each course. More specifically, professors questionnaire was developed and teachers and students
had been using e-class, a Learning Management System were asked to answer it voluntarily. As a result, 14
for uploading assignments, notes, announcements, etc. professors of various subjects related to the Environment,
However, synchronous e-learning was not allowed in Conservation, and Environmental Technology, and 98
Greek Universities, except for the Hellenic Open students of these subjects participated in the study. All of
University. During the Coronavirus emergency, all Greek them had been actively attending the e-learning courses.
Universities were asked to reorganize the educational
process and provide all courses remotely. Synchronous e- 6 Case Study: Application of
learning was suddenly not only accepted but was
considered mandatory. This is especially challenging for ENVEL in the department of
a department of Environmental Science that implements environment
theoretical lectures, laboratories, and practice on the
Steps 1-4 are implemented once and could be used as-is
by other researchers that apply ENVEL. However, steps
All professors, irrelevant whether they were in favor
5-8 should be implemented in each evaluation
of e-learning or not, and if they had experience in e-
experiment. In this section, we present the
learning or not, were asked to re-organize their courses
implementation of steps 5-8 of the ENVEL for the
and provide synchronous e-learning. More specifically,
evaluation of e-learning in the Department of
no more than 64% of the professors had previous
Environment at Ionian University.
experience in e-learning, synchronous or asynchronous.
Table 11: Results of the evaluation of professors and students in the department of environment
Professor Student Weighted value Weighted value
value value for professors for students
c11: Accessibility 4.456 3.596 0.526 0.611
c12: Response time 4.484 3.267 0.430 0.412
c13: Reliability 4.092 2.983 1.686 1.289
c14: Easy to
4.516 3.211 0.890 0.706 C1st=3.16
c15: e-Learning
4.185 2.760 0.741 0.144
c21: Quality of
3.936 3.035 0.949 0.731
c22: Quality of C2prof=3.63
Synchronous C2st=3.08
3.723 2.799 0.540 0.406
collaboration between
3.496 3.162 2.143 1.938
c31: e-LearningCulture. 3.388 2.629 0.766 0.581
c32: e-Learning
4.484 2.925 1.498 0.986 C1prof=4.22
c33: e-Learning
4.452 2.985 1.959 1.319
c41: Effectiveness 3.724 2.741 1.966 1.680
c42: Acceptability 4.300 2.876 1.122 0.693 C1prof=4.02
c43: Course design C1st=2.81
4.392 2.993 0.927 0.434
A Framework for Evaluating Distance Learning of Environmental… Informatica 47 (2023) 487–500 495
5. Form a committee of DMs for professors and The results of the evaluation revealed that the whole
one committee of DMs for students. During the e-learning experience was rated as mediocre and,
implementation of ENVEL, the questionnaires were although it was considered satisfactory as a solution to an
given to the members of B1 (14 professors) and the emergency, it needs improvements if it is to be
members of B2(94 students). All members of groups B1 implemented again. Furthermore, both instructors and
and B2 participated in the e-learning and voluntarily students agreed that face-to-face education is more
became members of the groups after ensuring that these effective, especially for a subject like environmental
groups were heterogeneous regarding their perceptions science that needs laboratories and practical exercises in
and skills in e-learning. the field.
6. Determine the degree of reliability (or importance) One of the main conclusions involves the culture of
of the DMs. The question of c31 (Did you have previous users in e-Learning. Indeed, the results show that,
experience in e-learning?), which the students and the although 78% of the participants were not in favor of e-
professors could only answer yes or no, can be used to learning, 40% considered the current implementation of
determine the degree of importance of each DM. If we e-learning very effective and the other 32% characterized
consider that all DMs that have experience have it as of medium effectiveness.
importance ωexp = 1 and those that don’t have The evaluation experiment revealed significant
experience have importance ωnon−exp = 0.85. Then, the deviations in the views of students and professors.
ω Taking into account how successful the implementation
degree of reliability is calculated as Iκ = ∑2 κ . As a of e-learning was, the values assigned to the sub-criteria
i=1 ωι
result,Iexp = 0.54 for DMs with experience in e-learning were 4.092-4.516 by the professors and much lower by
and Inon−exp = 0.46 for DMs for users with no the students (2.760-3.596). These values have occurred
experience in e-learning. by computing the weighted value of the responses.
7. Calculate the values of the criteria. Taking into Regarding the factor of communication, again the values
account the mean values of criteria and the reliability of of the criteria assigned by the professors were much
the members of the group we calculate the values of all better than those assigned by students.
criteria. All these values are presented in Table 10. However, what seemed rather disappointing was the
8. Calculate the final value of each main criterion. deviation in the values in the last two main criteria. For
Using the values of sub-criteria that were calculated in example, as far as the readiness for the e-Learning
step 7 and the weights of the sub-criteria and applying implementation was concerned the value of the criterion
the weighted sum we estimate the values of the criteria. for the professors was 4.22 while the corresponding
From the analysis of the values of the criteria, one can value for the students was 2.88. 83% of the professors
easily conclude the different aspects of e-learning in a and the students stated that they had no previous
whole study program in Higher Education. experience in e-learning. Furthermore, only 28% of the
participants were in favor of e-Learning, before that
semester. Taking into account the low experience of
7 Discussion on the results of the professors in e-learning and the low acceptability of e-
case study and proposed learning in general, before the semester of the evaluation,
the support and the infrastructure provided by the
improvements university were considered quite satisfactory.
ENVEL has been applied for evaluating e-learning in the A rather important criterion for evaluating the whole
Department of Environment at the Ionian University. process is the ‘Quality of e-Learning’. This criterion is
ENVEL, similar to the frameworks of Mahdavi et al. mainly influenced by the sub-criterion ‘c41-
(2008), Çelikbilek & Adıgüzel Tüylü (2019) and Jeong Effectiveness’ and then ‘c42: Acceptability’ and ‘c43:
& Gonzalez-Gomez (2020), has two levels of criteria. Course design’. The deviation of the values given by
Our proposed approach has 4 criteria in the first level and students and professors in this criterion is high. For
14 criteria in the second level. ENVEL, unlike Mahdavi example, the three sub-criteria c41, c42, c43 were rated
et al. (2008) and Alqahtani & Rajkhan 2020 that use 3.724-4.392 by professors and 2.741-2.993 by students.
AHP, uses Fuzzy AHP, which is considered more Notably, most of the criteria were rated above 4 by
friendly to professors and students due to the linguistic the professor, and therefore, they were considered a high
terms that are used. However, the main difference score, except for the criterion ‘Learner Attractiveness’
between our framework and the frameworks presented in which was considered mediocre. However, the values of
Table 1 (Mahdavi et al. 2008, Stecyk 2019, Çelikbilek & the criteria provided by the students were much lower
Adıgüzel Tüylü 2019, Alqahtani & Rajkhan 2020, and were considered a medium score for the functionality
Jeong& Gonzalez-Gomez 2020) is that ENVEL is used of the system and the learner attractiveness and a low
for the evaluation of a whole study program implemented score for the readiness of e-learning and its quality. This
by distance and not specific e-learning courses and/or shows a significant deviation between the professors’ and
systems. This is the main reason why it was important to students’ views and shows that there is much more to be
develop a new framework instead of using one of the done to improve aspects of e-learning before it can be
existing ones presented in Table 1. The criteria used in fully and more effectively implemented.
those frameworks do not correspond to the aspects of a Since criteria, c3 and c4 are rated with low scores,
whole study program. steps 9-11 of the ENVEL should be implemented.
496 Informatica 47 (2023) 487–500 K. Kabassi
9. Definition of the criteria for interviews. The and non-experienced users in e-learning, and people with
criteria that have low scores are c3 and c4. different views on e-learning.
10. Definition of the group of DMs D1. Two The framework applies multi-criteria decision-
human experts from the Department of Environment making in order to combine the different aspects of e-
were selected to perform the interviews with random learning and collect summative results on the e-learning.
professors and students who participated in the These results show the effectiveness and success of the e-
experiment. More specifically, one expert in e-learning learning implementation of a whole semester in Higher
and one in environmental education performed the Education. Furthermore, the particular framework
interviews. Both experts had served as head of the presents an analysis of the criteria that are taken into
department in the past. account in the evaluation of e-learning as well as an
11. Analyze results and decide on improvements. estimation of their importance in the evaluation process.
After interviews with the DMs of D1 were performed, The analysis of the values of the criteria provides a
the main problems occurred because students were not useful tool to conclude the specific aspects that need to
familiar with the particular method and had problems be addressed to improve e-learning centrally. Therefore,
adjusting to e-learning. Many students also encountered the framework could be used in departments in higher
technical problems as they didn’t have the equipment to education to draw conclusions and schedule the required
connect from home and had to follow the e-learning changes to improve e-learning application in the whole
courses from their mobile phones. The low value of study program. The weights of the criteria also reveal the
quality of learning was an expected problem, as priority of the related improvements. For example, the
professors had designed the courses for on-site learning. corrections in aspects that are assigned to criteria with
The complaints mainly involved laboratories and courses higher weight should be addressed in higher priority.
that were supposed to be implemented in situ and For the estimation of the weights of criteria, FAHP is
affected the effectiveness of e-learning. used. The selection of FAHP over the other MCDM
The group of decision-makers D1, after performing theories lies in the fact that it has a very well-defined
the interviews, decided on the improvements that have to process for calculating the weights of criteria in
be implemented to ameliorate the e-learning process and comparison to other theories such as TOPSIS (Hwang &
make teaching and learning more effective. The Yoon 1981), VIKOR (Opricovic, 1998), MAUT (Vincke
following improvements were proposed: 1992), SAW (Hwang & Yoon 1981; Chou et al. 2008),
- Organizing seminars and webinars about e- etc. Moreover, this process instead of asking experts to
learning. These seminars would help users get informed assign a weight to each criterion, allows them to make
on the platforms used and the e-learning process, in pairwise comparisons, and, therefore, was better than
general. other methods. As a result, this process results in
- Updating Opencourses. The main platform that was capturing better expert reasoning. This is also an
used for uploading the course material, encountered advantage of AHP. However, the quantification in
several problems, which could be addressed with a numbers may be difficult for some people. Another
simple update. advantage of FAHP is that it supports decision-makers to
- Re-organizing laboratories to be better assign linguistic variables in the form of numeric values
implemented by distance or postpone them until on-site to express their judgment and can incorporate
learning is applicable. incomplete, unobtainable, and unquantifiable information
- Purchasing an e-learning platform. In this way, the into the decision model in a fuzzy environment
courses could last longer and have more functionality. (Ramanayaka et al.2019, Nagpal et al. 2015, Sivarji et al.
- Giving suggestions to professors about their course 2013, Chang et al. 2008, Sadeghi et al. 2012, Chen et al.
design, to cover the e-learning needs in a better and more 2015).
effective way. It is among our plans, to implement this framework
for e-Learning evaluation in other similar departments of
8 Conclusions Higher Education and prove its effectiveness for e-
Learning evaluation in Higher Education in general.
In general, face-to-face education may be preferable and Furthermore, the same experiment is going to be repeated
more easily carried out than distance education, even if it in the next semester after taking corrective actions in the
is synchronous. However, in cases like the corona virus implementation of e-learning. A second evaluation
emergency synchronous e-learning was the only solution. experiment is going to show if the results of the
This paper presented a framework for e-learning evaluation are going to change and in what way.
evaluation called ENVEL. ENVEL runs the evaluation
experiment under group decision-making conditions
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