Ejer 2021 94 14
Ejer 2021 94 14
Ejer 2021 94 14
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research
Hashim ALI1
Pak-Austria Fachhochschule: Institute of Applied Science & Technology, PAKISTAN, e-mail:
[email protected], ORCID: 0000-0001-6116-5616
Hashim ALI / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 94 (2021) 315-332 316
Assessment and evaluation always have significant importance in our lives
regardless of our life stage. Academic institutions assess and evaluate students based
on the knowledge and skills they attain during their educational program. Such
evaluation involves parameters that may constitute institutions’ designed student
knowledge model, assessment methods (such as quizzes, assignments, exams, lab
work, and among others), and student learning style for each course taught to them.
However, the industry evaluates candidate profiles based on attributes/parameters
comprising specific knowledge and skills, such as problem-solving, solution design,
investigation, among others. The candidate is supposed to acquire such attributes
during their academic career. Each candidate goes through many challenges to acquire
such attributes to land a dream job. Therefore, educational institutions continuously
improve education standards to enhance student’s performance by revising curricula
associated with learning outcomes, improving faculty teaching style, incorporating
state-of-the-art laboratories infrastructure to remain in line with the industry
requirements. Each student has equal opportunities and access to academic resources.
Some students cannot grasp the delivered knowledge and skills, up to a certain level,
for many reasons, such as personal, social, and cultural reasons (Atkinson, 2000; Diaz,
2003; Georgiou et al., 2002; Gonzalez-pienda et al., 2002). The student’s learning style
depends on his learning ability, prior knowledge, and compatibility with the
faculty/instructor teaching styles (Felder and Brent, 2005; Felder and Silverman, 1988).
The conventional way of assessing students’ performance is by observing how
students learn and interact with the material either in a traditional classroom or in an
advanced online web-based environment. Some researchers (see Atkinson, 2000;
Brusilovsky and Peylo, 2003; Diaz, 2003; Georgiou et al., 2002; Helal et al., 2019; Thiele
et al., 2016) have addressed issues interlinked with an effective student knowledge
model, assessment mechanisms, and student learning styles to improve student’s
performance and success prediction.
Published work focuses on improving student performance by developing
computer-aided solutions (i.e., intelligent tutoring systems, recommended systems,
and custom-designed applications) to highlight effective student knowledge models
and related parameters. Such knowledge models assess student performance and
validate using educational data mining tools ranging from simple descriptive statistics
to advanced learning techniques. For example, the educational assessment concerning
student knowledge model started to evolve from developing Intelligent Tutoring
Systems (ITSs). ITSs are computer-based software/web applications to help students
in their learning activities. In the context of learning activity, Conati et al. (1997)
described the importance of knowledge structures embedded in the student modeling
component of ANDES, an online ITS Newtonian ‘Physics’ course. The Bayesian
Networks (BN) was used to assess knowledge and predict students’ actions during a
‘Physics’ problem-solving. Similar work was done by Gertner and VanLehn (2000). An
algorithm based on BN was developed to model student skills associated with word
processes using Desktop Associate ITS (Murray, 1999). IDEAL: another tutoring
system was used the BN technique to classify students into three categories: novice,
Hashim ALI / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 94 (2021) 315-332 317
beginner, and intermediate (Shang et al., 2001). Feng et al. (2009) addressed different
challenges in assessing online tutoring systems using the linear regression technique.
Contrary to work published under ITS, Pardos and Heffernan (2010) proposed a
method to formulate individualization of student knowledge tracing model problems,
with low prediction errors while estimating student knowledge level.
Rapid advancement in ICT, many researchers have developed recommender
systems (Drachsler et al., 2009; Ghauth and Abdullah, 2010; Lu et al., 2018; Luo et al.,
2010; Manouselis et al., 2011; O’Mahony and Smyth, 2007; Zaiane, 2002) to help
students in both formal and informal e-learning environments. In this context, Burgos
et al. (2018) and N. Thai-Nghe et al. (2009) used recommender system techniques for
predicting student performance under ITS. The authors validated their approaches by
comparing recommender system techniques with the data mining regression methods,
such as linear logistic.
Similarly, much research was conducted over the period in estimating/predicting
students’ educational assessment. A conceptual framework was presented by Mislevy
et al. (1999) for educational assessment, based on a statistical model. Usually, statistical
methods require a large quantity of historical data for reliable predictions. A multi-
agent-based student profiling system using Fuzzy logic; Dongming Xu et al. (2002)
could store student learning activities and each student’s interaction history. Bekele
and Menzel (2005) demonstrated an application for “Mathematics” to predict student
performance using a Bayesian classifier. García et al. (2007) evaluated the Bayesian
network model to evaluate student learning style for “Artificial Intelligence” under a
Web-based education system. The model covers various aspects of student behavior
and can infer his/her learning style according to modeled behaviors. Nguyen (2016)
and Osmanbegovic & Suljic (2012) presented a comparative analysis of data mining
tools: Bayes Net, Decision Tree, and MLP over two diverse populations of students’
academic information. The results showed that such tools could predict student
performance with reliable accuracy. Neural Network techniques were used by Romero
et al. (2009) to classify students based on their Moodle usage data and the final marks
obtained in their respective courses. Nguyen Thai-Nghe et al. (2010) used support
vector machines to improve academic performance prediction by dealing with class
imbalance (i.e., the ratio between passing and failing students is usually skewed).
Kabakchieva (2013) presents preliminary student’s university performance
classification results based on personal and pre-university characteristics. Various data
mining tools, such as the J48 classifier, Bayesian classifier, k-nearest neighbor classifier,
and rule learner technique are used to assess performance. Fernandes et al. (2019)
conducted predictive data analysis of students’ academic performance in public
schools. Similar experimentation was conducted by Angiani et al. (2019) to conclude
that it is possible to predict students’ academic outcomes and intervene assisted help
case of negative performance.
The research has contributed much to strengthening knowledge models and
improving students’ learning styles; they are mostly limited to a single course either
conducted in a traditional classroom or modern environments. The significant
drawback of existing systems is that students know the evaluation outcomes at the end
Hashim ALI / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 94 (2021) 315-332 318
based prediction model is presented to assess student learning outcomes under the
OBE system. An adaptive system is developed and implemented for students
struggling in their studies to increase their success probability. In comparison, the
proposed work facilitates the students and the faculty to provide assessment in real-
time. A statistical performance measure, kappa statistic, is used to evaluate the
proposed prediction system. Experimental estimates are conducted on a dataset of
students collected from a private sector national university. The predictions are based
on the outcome results, which are verified with the help of academic experts. The
proposed framework’s consequences yield a great forecast, demonstrating that the
framework model will give a critical commitment in advanced education evaluation.
The proposed research work has the following contributions:
The dataset was assessed using the Bayesian inference technique to predict
students’ performance against each PLO and assess the academic program by
aggregating students’ evaluation data of the whole batch/class enrolled.
Research Design
The present paper highlights the importance of predicting students' performance
based on learning outcomes (skills relevant to industry) rather than knowledge
assessment of a single course. To this aim, an adaptive system was presented based on
educational data mining techniques for early assessment of student learning. To
predict student’s performance against learning outcomes, a Bayesian-based prediction
model was designed to forecast the student’s performance in real-time. Compared
with the literature presented techniques, the proposed methodology was not limited
to students' performance in a single course. The findings suggest that the presented
system outperforms in predicting the student’s performance with an accuracy of 98%
and a kappa statistic of 0.94.
This section explains the Bayesian Network (BN) that will predict student learning
outcomes in real-time. The nodes and variables used in the network are described, and
later discussion about node relationships and parameters required for the prediction
model is explained.
Nodes: The presented network model consisted of two types of nodes: nodes to gather
evidence of student’s knowledge, which we call evidence variables, and nodes to
assess/predict student’s learning outcomes, which we call PLO variables.
Evidence Variables: The evidence variable was used to gather information about student
performance from a course. The information might be coming from different levels of
Hashim ALI / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 94 (2021) 315-332 321
𝑃(𝑃𝐿𝑂|𝐸) = (1)
Where: P(PLO) is the prior probability of hypothesis PLO being true; P(E|PLO) is
the probability that hypothesis PLO being true will result in event E; P(PLO|E) is
called the posterior probability of hypothesis PLO upon observing event E, and P(E)
is called the marginal probability which is a normalization factor.
In an academic scenario, the information: course results denoted as evidence are
coming continuously. Bayes’ rule seeks to validate or invalidate the hypothesis using
uncertain or unreliable information. We would like to apply the Bayes rule recursively,
Hashim ALI / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 94 (2021) 315-332 322
a new data arrives and use this to reason over multiple hypotheses. We would like to
have hypotheses, PLOj={1...j}, and we seek to accumulate evidence to select the most
likely hypothesis. For multiple pieces of evidence, we could write:
For each recent observation, E(i+1), the problem is how to estimate P(PLOj|E (i+1), Si)
using the previous evidence S. The index, i, and the accumulated evidence Si are then
updated: S(i+1)←Si∪Ei; i←i+1 and can be written as:
The estimated probability predicts student success against each PLO, which
depends on the number of courses linked. The following section explains the details
of the experimental methodology using the proposed BN.
Research Sample
This section provides details of the experimental setup, including dataset
collection, data pre-processing and feature selection, integration of the proposed
prediction model, and analysis of the results. Figure 4 elaborates various steps
involved in the experimental methodology. The presented methodology is general and
can be applied to any academic program to predict student’s performance in defined
learning outcomes.
Hashim ALI / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 94 (2021) 315-332 323
The student’s dataset collects all relevant information (including academic records)
gathered from the institute’s administration. Data pre-processing is an essential step
that helps in identifying missing data and outliers. Based on the experimentation, the
relevant features are extracted from the dataset to have meaningful prediction results.
Finally, the extracted features predict student’s performance in each learning outcome.
The prediction information and each PLO’s acquired probabilities for each student are
used to analyze the overall assessment. The subsequent sections explain the details of
each step.
The dataset consisting of 670 students was collected from a national university
where students were enrolled in an engineering program from 2013 to 2016 to validate
the presented model. The entire dataset was acquired under the supervision of
academic staff and verified by the examination office. Besides trivial information about
a student, the academic record contains detailed information about the students’
assessment results (i.e., assignments, quizzes, sessional exams, lab work, and others)
in each course. Each student was characterized by a set of dynamic evidence variables,
as explained earlier. The details of the dataset feature attributes are presented in Table
1. The university academic experts/policymakers set a criterion that each student must
attain at least marks in each PLO. The objective is to ensure if a student is progressing
towards success in each learning outcome. For simplicity, each PLO’s prior probability
is set as 0.5, i.e., 50%, considered as an initial belief of the institute about each student’s
Hashim ALI / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 94 (2021) 315-332 324
Table 1
Details of Feature Attributes
Sr. No. Feature Type Value
1. Student-ID String Characters
2. Student Name String Characters
3. Semester Fall/Spring Year 2000, 2001, …
4. Assignments Integer 1, …, 10
5. Quizzes Integer 1, …, 10
6. Sessional-I Exam Integer 1, …, 20
7. Sessional-II Exam Integer 1, …, 20
8. Final Exam Integer 1, …, 40
9. Obtained Marks Integer 1, …, 100
10. CLOs Categorical: {𝐶𝐿𝑂1 , . . . , 𝐶𝐿𝑂𝑛 } Percentage
11. PLOs Categorical: {𝑃𝐿𝑂1 , . . . , 𝑃𝐿𝑂𝑚 } Percentage
The predictions generated by the proposed system were compared with the
outcomes labeled by the academic staff to review the correctness of the results. Two
performance metrics: accuracy and Cohen’s kappa statistic were used to determine the
Hashim ALI / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 94 (2021) 315-332 325
proposed prediction model’s efficiency. The effectiveness of the model was evaluated
using sensitivity and specificity results. A confusion matrix was generated to evaluate
the accuracy, matching the proposed model’s results with the traditional approach’s
actual results. The experimental results showed that the proposed model, with pre-
selected prior probability (based on Gaussian distribution), estimates posterior
(predicted) probability with a high statistic value compared to the traditional
approach. It handled the missing data and outliers internally during the prediction
phase. After applying the prediction algorithm, the results concerning kappa statistics
are explained below.
The following data comes from experimentation where two independent methods,
traditional (A) and proposed (B), evaluated 840 instances. Studies A and B either said
success or failure.
Data Analysis
Analysis of the model’s obtained results is an essential step to identifying students’
behavior over time. The model presented above generated the estimated probabilities
for each student against each learning outcome, which was further analyzed to predict
the estimated student success rate. Similarly, the class/batch behavior was observed
by applying the aggregation method to approximate the overall behavior of
batch/class against each learning outcome. The detailed analysis of results has been
explained in the next section.
The effectiveness of the proposed model is evaluated using the proposed statistical
model. The experimental results showed that the Bayesian inference model, with
selected prior probability P(PLOi), estimated posterior P(PLOi|Ej) probability of
respective PLO using an observed data Ej. The prior probability updates with new
posterior probability would be used for newly observed data. Figure 6 shows the
trajectory of predicted probability against each course linked with attainment of PLO1.
This result’s significance is that students can have real-time visualization of predicted
probability during the academic pursuit. If the probability is less than 0.5, the academic
staff can recommend/counsel students with appropriate material to improve
student’s performance.
Hashim ALI / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 94 (2021) 315-332 326
Figure 7. Real-time prediction of PLO1 by estimating the posterior against each course
(observed data) linked to attainment of PLO1
Similarly, the proposed model can track the learning outcomes of each student
during an academic session. The Bayesian predicted model’s achieved results were
evaluated with a traditional approach, as shown in Figure 8. The predicted probability
of success probability >0.5 against the traditional success rate (%age>0.5) is closely
related, highlighting the significance of the proposed methodology.
Hashim ALI / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 94 (2021) 315-332 327
Table 2
Results of Success Rate Prediction of the Proposed Method in Comparison with the
Traditional Method
Traditional Method
Rate > 0.5 Rate < 0.5
7776 0
P > 0.5 7776
Proposed (True Positive) (False Positive)
Method 168 2136
P < 0.5 2304
(False Negative) (True Negative)
Total 7944 2136 10080
Figure 9. Results of evaluating educational program success rate against PLOs. The average
success rate presents the cumulative success rate of all students against a pre-defined threshold
The results suggest that the overall performance of the batch/class is satisfactory
in PLOs 1,4,5,9 and marginal in PLOs 2,6,8,10,11 and critical in PLOs 3,7,12, which
requires the attention of the department. Furthermore, compared with the traditional
approach(es), it is evident from the achieved results that the proposed model can make
early predictions in case of failure. However, the system lacks in providing
recommendations to the students having lower assessment results which is the
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