22207-58828-1-PB-CP 2019
22207-58828-1-PB-CP 2019
22207-58828-1-PB-CP 2019
Abstract: Observation is argued as the most suitable technique to assess the execution of
authentic assessment. Unfortunately, it requires great amount of time and money. We need an
alternative. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop an instrument in the form of a
student assessment sheet on the implementation of authentic assessments in Mathematics
subjects. This research is a development research that uses standard procedures for
developing instruments. The result of the analysis with Aiken‟s formula showed that every
item of the instrument was in a good category. The result of the analyses using Exploratory
Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Multitrait-Multimethod
showed that the instrument had good construct validity. The result of reliability estimation
using Cronbach Alpha (α) also showed that the instrument was in the reliable category. Thus,
it can be concluded that the instrument in the form of student assessment sheets for assessing
the implementation of authentic assessment in junior high school Mathematics learning is
highly valid and reliable, which means that the developed instrument can replace the
equivalent observation sheet.
Abstrak: Observasi dianggap sebagai teknik yang paling tepat untuk menilai implementasi
asesmen autentik. Sayangnya, teknik ini memerlukan waktu dan biaya yang banyak, sehingga
perlu dicarikan alternatifnya. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan
instrumen yang berbentuk lembar penilaian siswa terhadap pelaksanaan asesmen autentik
pada mata pelajaran Matematika. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang
menggunakan prosedur baku pengembangan instrumen. Hasil analisis dengan formula Aiken
menunjukkan bahwa semua butir yang ada pada instrumen termasuk katagori baik. Hasil uji
analisis menggunakan Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis
(CFA), dan Multitrait-Miltimethod (MTMM) menunjukkan bahwa validitas konstruk
instrumen termasuk kategori baik. Hasil estimasi reliabilitas menggunakan Cronbach Alpha
(α) juga menunjukkan bahwa instrumen tergolong reliabel. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan
bahwa instrumen yang berbentuk lembar penilaian siswa terhadap pelaksanaan penilaian
autentik di SMP dalam pembelajaran matematika memiliki validitas dan reliabilitas tinggi,
yang berarti instrumen yang dikembangkan dapat menggantikan lembar observasi.
INTRODUCTION producing graduates with strong characters
The quality of education defines the is the instructional goal, the teaching
quality of a nation. Better education makes process shall include trainings and
better nation. Today, many indicators show activities that build students‟ characters and
that the level of education, particularly in the assessment shall include assessment
Indonesia is still far from being ideal. The and description of students‟ characters.
Government and every part of the In line with the above description,
community especially teachers have to put Reeves (2010) states that assessment
more efforts to improve education quality. processes and material mastery– which are
Teachers should stand on the frontline in included in teaching strategies– are two
the effort to make education better. They substantial components in teaching
are essential factors in such an effort. processes. Furthermore Reeves (2010)
Barber & Mourshed (2012) state that high- states that in order to improve the quality of
performing teachers and headmasters are teaching through assessment, teachers
the starting point of high-achieving must: (1) identify the essential components
students. Furthermore, Barber and of the syllabus, (2) develop the
Mourshed state that “student placed with performance assessment system (including
high performing teachers will progress formulating essays) with rubrics, (3)
three times as fast as those placed with low conduct examination with essay-based
performing teachers”. content, (4) evaluate the result of the
Sallis (2002:150) writes that there are examination using previously prepared
ten indicators that define schools„ quality rubrics, and (5) review the result of the
and the following is the value of each examination upon evaluating them,
indicator: (1) access 5%, (2) available including reviewing the competencies that
services for customers 5%, (3) leadership have not been mastered by the students. In
15%, (4) physical environment and the next step, those competencies will serve
resources 5%, (5) teaching-learning process as the basis for formulating the remedial
20%, (6) students 15%, (7) staff 15%, (8) program. In such a manner, the students
external connection 5%, (9) organization have second opportunity to master those
5%, and standards 10%. High-performing competencies.
human resource working with adequate There are two types of assessments:
resources and following correct processes (1) assessment as a means of improving the
gives a high-performing result. But high- capability of teachers in delivering lessons
performing human resources following or assessment for learning (AfL) and (2)
incorrect process –even with abundant assessment as a means of improving the
resources– will not be able to give optimum capability of students in receiving lessons
result (Massy, 1997: 249). This means that or assessment as learning (AaL). Both
improving the learning process of a school types are the preparatory steps before
is an essential part of the effort to improve conducting assessment on the result of the
schools‟ quality; better learning process study or assessment of learning (AoL)
means better school. (Arends & Kilcher, 2010). In principle,
In the effort to improve the quality of assessment must be able to drive teachers
the learning process, teachers have many to deliver lessons better and also to
options. One of them is to develop better encourage students to put more effort in
learning quality assessment. This is just their study.
natural. Diranna, Osmundson, Topps, Authentic assessment is the only
Barakos, Gearhart, Cerwin, …, Strang assessment model that fulfills the above-
(2008) states that instructional goals, mentioned principles. It uses the technique
teaching models and assessment techniques of triangulation and triangulation of the
are linked to one another. For example, if source of information and covers all phases
In this research, to measure the for not doing attitude evaluation were: (1)
construct validity with multi-trait-multi- that they could not make the instrument for
method, we correlated the result of the measuring attitude competence, (2) that the
assessment from the students with the result class size was very big, and (3) that
of the observation on the implementation of measuring attitude was the Counselling and
authentic assessment. This step is important Civic Education teachers‟ responsibility.
because both instruments measure the Item 6 represents teachers‟ intensity in
quality of the authentic assessment; the first asking questions to students during classes.
instrument was observation sheets used by
the researchers and the second on was
assessment sheets used by the students. In
this research, the assessment sheets are
deemed to have the construct validity when
the correlation coefficient among
assessment results scored at least 0.8
(Grewal, et al., 2004). In this research, the
correlation between the result of the
assessment and the result of the observation
was at 0.965. This shows that there is a
very strong correlation between the scores
of students 'assessment of the authentic Figure 2. The Correlation between the
assessment implementation and the results Result of the Assessment from the Students
of the researchers' observations of authentic and the Result of the Researchers’
assessments. Thus the two methods proved Observation
empirically to measure the same trait,
namely authentic assessment Discussions
implementation. This also gives meaning The above-mentioned result shows
that student assessment sheets can replace that the instrument developed in this
the observation sheet. research has good content validity,
Figure 2 indicates that the score of construct validity, and reliability.
each instrument points -both from students‟ Concerning the capability of the teachers in
assessment sheets and researchers‟ conducting the attitude assessment, we
observation sheets in the evaluation of the have to say that it does not look quite good.
implementation of authentic assessment- The low intensity of the assessment on
are consistent. Most of the items have students‟ attitude is the problem. This is
almost the same scores, so the correlation due to the lack of teachers‟ understanding
between them is quite strong. Figure 2 of how what‟s written in the Lesson Plan,
shows that two items (Item 1 and Item 6) taught and demonstrated by the teachers in
score poorly (below standard). Item 1 classes affects students‟ attitude. This is in
represents teachers‟ discipline in assessing line with Kartowagiran & Maddini‟s
students‟ attitude during the teaching and research (2015) which reported that
learning process. Basically, in varying attitudinal competence developed in classes
degrees, all teachers have done this job, but and demonstrated by the teachers had
most of them do not regularly record effects on students‟ attitude. Besides, in the
students‟ attitude in their journal or assessment of the students, teachers have to
notebook. This is in line with the research pay more attention to the manner they
by Kartowagiran & Jaedun (2016) which communicate with students. Thus, they can
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