Individual Task Rizki Oktavianto 18803241010

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Meeting 7 (Friday, 26th March 2021)

Student Name : Rizki Oktavianto
Student Number : 18803241010
Study Program/Class : Accounting Education/ Excellent Class of 2018
Lecturer : Yolandaru Septiana, M.Pd

Article Identity:
Title A Study of Model of Vocational Curriculum Development Under
Vocational Education Commission Using Cross-Impact Analysis
Writers’ name Sutee Sermsuk, Chaiwichit Chianchana, Pairote Stirayakorn
Conference 5th World Conference on Educational Sciences 2013
Journal Name Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 116
Pages 1896-1901
Publisher Elsevier Ltd
Publishing Year 2014

Vocational education has important role to help the students in generating
knowledge, skills, and ability as well as a vocational skill. In Thailand, it was found that
vocational school graduates were not relevant to the needs of the industries. This problem
caused by the teachers in industries in the vocational schools did not have much industrial
experiences, so it makes them can not prepare the graduates according to the industries
needs. So, the contribution of industries in developing curriculum is needed.
The researchers try to develop the curriculum model using a cross-impact analysis. A
cross-impact analysis according to Gordon (1994) is the involving of an expert decision,
which took the possibility of an occurrence of one situation into account that would make
more easy, efficiency, and precision. Furthermore, this model would result in perfect
planning and an development of a course curriculum. So, it can create the highest benefit
towards the students in the knowledge and skills needed in the industries.
This research conducted in order to develop and evaluate a model of vocational
course curriculum development under the vocational education commission using a cross-
impact analysis. This research was done by quantitative and qualitative data collecting. The
sample consisted of 4 experts in Research and 4 experts in vocational curriculum
development taken from a purposive sampling technique were interviewed on the
components and the models. After that both of components and the models were evaluated
for the suitability and possibility. This study using instrument consisted of a structured
interview used on the experts and a possibility and suitability evaluation form for the
Model of Vocational Curriculum Development Under Vocational Education Commission
through the use of a Cross-Impact Analysis. In analyzing the data, it based on Mean (M) and
Standard deviation (S).
The research findings showed that a model of vocational course curriculum
development under the vocational education commission through the use of a cross-impact
analysis consisted of three parts stated below:
1) Input
The curriculum development experts stated that a course description, an objective, a
course of standard, and a course capacity were the main components detailing each
subjects, which needed for a job analysis as well as a task analysis in order to be a
framework for a study on the industries’ needs about how a teaching and learning
should be like. From the results of the evaluation of the possibility and the suitability on
the Input factor, it revealed that both the components and the procedures for the
analysis of the Input factor were high in possibility and suitability in all sides (M>3.68).
2) Processes
There should be 2 steps for the processes:
First step:
The complete needs assessment consisted of 2 stages:
First Stage: 1) Needs Identification; 2) Priority Needs Index
Second Stage: 1) the cause analysis; 2) the need solution
Second step:
Design each course curriculum according to the first step:
1. The job analysis
2. The course planning and unit selection
3. The establishment of the behavioral objective
4. The content design
5. The design for teaching and learning activities
6. The design of instruction media in class
7. The measurement and evaluation design
From the results of the evaluation of the possibility and the suitability on the
Processes, it showed that the components and the procedures were high in possibility
and suitability in all sides (M>3.68).
3) Outputs
The curriculum development would create professional course that was the best
systematic solution to the problems of the students as well as being the most matched
professional course with the industrial needs. From the results of the evaluation of the
possibility and the suitability on the Outputs, it indicated that it was high in possibility
and suitability in all sides (M>3.68).

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