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IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, Vol.

VI, Issue 16, April, 2020



Muhibbuddin1*, Nanda Yustina2, & Safrida3

Dr.,University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, [email protected]
University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia,[email protected]
Dr.,University of Syiah Kuala,Banda Aceh, Indonesia, [email protected]
Corresponding Author

Science literacy and critical thinking are very important skills for students. Some studies show the low skill of
scientific literacy and critical thinking of students. Innovation in the learning process through the application
of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) models in learning growth and development is needed to improve students'
scientific literacy and critical thinking skills. This research aims to determine the effect of the implementation
of the PjBL model on students' scientific literacy skills and critical thinking skills. This study used an
experimental method with a pre-test post-test control group design. The research subjects were 128 grade
XII Madrasa Aliah students who were divided into experimental and control groups. Each group consists of
64 students chosen at random. The experimental group used the PjBL learning model, while the control
class continued to use the conventional learning model. The parameters measured are literacy and critical
thinking skills. Data analysis of literacy skills and critical thinking is carried out through parametric statistical
analysis which includes tests of normality, homogeneity, normalized gain (n-gain), and two-means
comparison test. The two-means comparison test is carried out using an independent sample t-test by
comparing the initial skill (pre-test results) with the final skill (n-gain). Meanwhile, the correlation of scientific
literacy skill to critical thinking skill is known through correlation and regression analysis. The results showed
a significant difference between the pre-test score and the n-gain score at a significant level of 95% (α =
0.05). The correlation coefficient obtained is 0.7493, which means there is a positive and strong relationship
between literacy skills and critical thinking skills with the contribution of literacy skills of 56.16% to critical
thinking skills. Increased literacy skill (n-gain) showed significantly different results between the experimental
group and the control group. The difference of N-Gain between the experimental group and the control group
was 14.25%. It shows that application of the PjBL model contributes well to improving students' scientific
literacy skills.
Keywords: Science Literacy, critical thinking, Project-Based Learning

Science literacy is one of the most important skills students have because it relates to using scientific
knowledge, identifying questions, and drawing conclusions based on evidence. Science literacy helps
humans to understand and make decisions related to nature and human activities in changing nature
(Holbrook and Rannikmae, 2009).
Critical thinking skills also include skills that must be possessed by students because these skills will assist

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students in making decisions and understanding scientific concepts and processes. Without the skill to think
critically, students are not able to ask questions against existing scientific statements. Students' knowledge
will not develop if they only gather information without questioning it (Hasanuddin, 2018).
Science literacy skills and students' critical thinking are still low. According to Diana et al. (2015), the average
scientific literacy skills of students using Scientific Literacy Assessment (SLA) from the cognitive domain are
in the very poor category, while those from the affective domain are included in the "sufficient" categories.
The results of observations at several Madrasah Aliah (MA) in the city of Banda Aceh show the low literacy
skills of students, especially in reading accuracy. Students are not accustomed to connecting information in
the text to answer questions. Test results conducted on 50 students showed that only 37% achieved a score
above the minimum passing score, while the other 63% were still below the minimum passing score. In the
composition of answers, students are also still less able to read and interpret data in the form of pictures and
graphics. It shows the lack of students' understanding of the basic concepts of science that have been taught
so that they are less able to interpret data, explain causal relationships, and analyze simple problems.
Students are also not very good at mastering the basic concepts of science and the relationship of these
concepts with everyday life.
The results of interviews with biology teachers on growth and development materials show that the teacher
usually uses teaching materials in the form of textbooks and Student Worksheets (LKPD) This is thought to
cause the low interest of students to learn about plant growth and development materials; students are not in
accordance with the textbook or LKPD used. Sanjaya (2008) stated that students do not like difficult material
and far from their experience.
Science literacy is very important in modern society (digital era) because it is related to science and
technology. Students who have good scientific literacy skills can make decisions / solve problems with the
knowledge they have (Situmorang, 2016).
According to Diana et al. (2015), teachers can apply the learning process through experimental activities to
improve science literacy and critical thinking skills. Learning through experimentation is contextual learning
that can stimulate students to think higher. Besides, it can also help students manage and monitor scientific
literacy and critical thinking skills.
One learning model that meets these criteria is the learning model Project-Based Learning (PjBL). PjBL
trains students to complete tasks or questions related to a problem maximally in accordance with the
learning objectives. Several studies on the application of the PjBL model have been carried out (Macphee, et
al., 2001; Grant, 2005; Ardianti, et al., 2017; Agin, 1974; Arsal, 2017; Becerra-Labra et al., 2012; Yance,
2013; Bennett et al. 2018; Cheung and Chow 2011; Chin and Chia 2004; Evans and Elisan-Visperas, 2018;
Hadjichambis et al. 2016; Jarjoura et al., 2015; Kang and Keinonen, 2017; Li et al., 2019; Sammet et al.,
2015; Sevian et al., 2018; Stagg and Donkin, 2013; Swirski et al., 2018; Tsybulsky et al., 2018. The results of
these studies only reveal the effect of PjBL implementation on problem-solving skills, creativity, critical
thinking, learning outcomes, and interactions between students. There has been no research on the effect of
PjBL on scientific literacy skills and critical thinking. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the
effect of the implementation of the PjBL model on improving scientific literacy skills and critical thinking.
This research used experiment method with group control of pre-test and posttest design (Gall et al., 2003).
The details of research design can be seen in Table1.
Table1. Pre-test post-test Control Group Design

Sample Classes Pre-test Treatments Post-test

Random Experiment O1 P1 O2

Random Control O3 - O4

O1: Pre-test before treatment is given to class of experiment
O2 : Post-test before treatment is given to class of experiment
O3 : Pre-test before treatment is given to class of control
O4 Post-test before treatment is given to class of control
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P1 Treatment to class of experiment

The research subjects consisted of 128 Senior High School grade XII students who were divided into
experimental and control groups. Each group consists of 64 students chosen at random. The
experimental group was given the PjBL learning model, while the con trol group continued to use the
conventional learning model. The study was conducted for two months, from July-August at one of the
Senior High Schools in Banda Aceh City.
The parameters measured for data collection in this study are literacy skills and critical thinking. Literacy
skills are measured using multiple-choice tests with four answer choices whose indicators include the role of
science, thinking and working scientifically, science and society, as well as mathematics and science. Critical
thinking skills are measured using subjective tests (essays) with six indicators, namely focus, reason,
Inference, Situation, Clarity, and Overview. Both data (literacy skills and critical thinking) were obtained using
pretest and posttest.
Literacy and critical thinking skills data were analyzed by tests of normality, homogeneity, normalized gain
(n-gain), and two-means comparison test. The two-means comparison test was carried out using
independent sample t-test by comparing initial skills (the results of the pre-test) with the final skills (n-gain),
while the correlation of science literacy skills to critical thinking skills is known through correlation and
regression analysis.
4.1 Improving Science Literacy Skills
Figure 1 shows student literacy skill data consisting of the roles of science, thinking and working
scientifically, science and society, as well as mathematics and science in the experimental and control

90 85
78 78
80 73
Average Pretest and Posttest Scores of

70 65 67 67
60 53
Literacy per Aspect

50 43
42 41 39
40 36 38 37

Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test
Control Experiment
Role of Science Scientific thinking and doing
Science and society Mathematic in science

Figure-1. Average Percentage of Literacy Skills by Aspect

The data of the pre-test and posttest of literacy skills per aspect in the experimental group and the control
group (Figure-1) show the differences in the average student literacy skills in each aspect. However, the
initial literacy skills of students as a whole did not have a significant difference between the experimental
group and the control group (Table-2). It shows that before applying the PjBL model, students had the same
level of initial literacy skills. The average percentage of the overall literacy skills of the experimental and
control groups is presented in Figure 2).

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IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, Vol. VI, Issue 16, April, 2020

90 84,14

Average Pretest and Posttest Scores

70 66,84

of Literacy
38,88 39,56
Pretes Postes N-Gain

Eksperimen Kontrol

Figure-2. Pre-test, Post-test, and n-Gain Average Scores

Table 2 shows the significant difference in the increase in literacy skills (n-Gain) (Table-2) caused by the
application of the PjBL model to the experimental group. The difference between n-gain in scientific literacy
skills in the experimental and control groups was 14.25% (Figure-2). It shows the application of the PjBL
model positively contributes to the improvement of students' scientific literacy skills in the experimental group
compared to the application of conventional learning models in the control group.
Table 2. Recapitulation of Means comparison test of Pre-test and n-Gain

Outcome Group Normality* Homogeneity** test description
2 2
X count 1.54 < X tab.
Experiment Fcout (1.14) < Ftab. Not
9.488 (Normal) Tcout (0.62) <
Pre-test 2 2 (1.51) Significantly
X count 7.37 < X tab. t-tab. (1.997)
Control homogeneous Different
9.488 (Normal)
2 2
X count 5.91 < X tab.
Experiment Fcout (1.30) < Ftab.
9.488 Normal) Tcout (3.571) Significantly
n-Gain (1.51)
X count 7.81 < X tab
2 >t-tab. (1.997) Different
Control homogeneous
9.488 (Normal)
2 2
* Square test (Normal: X count <X table ;𝛼 =0,05)
** F-test (Homogeneous): Fcount <F table ;𝛼 =0,05),
In learning the PjBL model, students are required to design projects independently, so that they are indirectly
trained to understand the reading. Students are required to synthesize, analyze, interpret, and evaluate texts
to achieve reading goals (Yore, 2003). Osborne (2002) also stated that reading comprehension skills are
related to scientific literacy skills because reading involves thoughts that can build conceptual understanding,
support investigation and culture of scientific thinking. Therefore, scientific literacy skills can be obtained by
processing information critically and creatively through reading. Besides, Ayu et al. (2018) also revealed a
positive relationship between reading habits and scientific literacy in high school students; reading
contributed 51.8% of scientific literacy.
Significance test results show that the PjBL affects scientific literacy skills. Nugraheni (2017) and Krjick
(2010) showed that literacy skills influenced by constructivism learning models, and increased scientific
literacy skills are characterized by increased verbal and written communication skills. This study also showed
that the students responded positively to learning activities by making project reports, recording their project
work, and actively presenting the results of the project in front of the class.

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Research conducted by Permanasari (2011) and Soobard & Rannikmae (2011) also shows that the
development of science literacy skills can be done through student-centered science learning. Student-
centered learning is certain to improve inquiry skills with the principle of constructivism. Subratha (2004) also
revealed that learning community technology science (STM) was very effective in increasing scientific
literacy. The study also showed that student-centered learning (including the PjBL model) places students as
individuals who have initial knowledge where the initial knowledge can be developed into meaningful
4.2 Contribution of Literacy Skills to Critical Thinking Skills
Literacy skills have an impact on critical thinking skills. The results of data analysis showed a positive and
significant relationship between the two (Table-3). The positive correlation is the impact of the relationship
between science literacy skills and critical thinking skills.
Table 3. Pearson Correlation test results on literacy skills and critical thinking

Correlation Coefficient of Test of Significance * Description

(r) (r)

0.7493 0.5616 t-count ≥ t-tab. Significant

8.90 ≥ 1.99

Table 3 shows that the correlation value (r) in science literacy skills and critical thinking in the experimental
group is 0.7493 with the interpretation value of the correlation coefficient by 0.60 - 0.799 (strong
relationship). The relationship between science literacy skills and critical thinking skills can be seen from the
results of the analysis of the coefficient of determination with r = 0.5616. It means that scientific literacy skills
affect 56.16% of critical thinking skills. The relationship between literacy skills and critical thinking skills can
be seen in the results of the regression test (Figure-3)

Critical Thinking Skill

90 y = 0,2165x + 70,726
89 R² = 0,5616
0 20 40 60 80 100
Literacy Skill

Figure 3. Regression of Literacy and Critical Thinking skills

The existence of a positive relationship between science literacy skills and critical thinking skills shows that
the application of PjBL learning models can improve students' scientific literacy skills and critical thinking
skills. Students who have good literacy skills will also have better critical thinking skills. Each student has the
potential for critical thinking skills that can be measured, trained, and developed through the application of
the PjBL learning model.

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