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Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

Volume 11, No. 3, 2021 (243-253)

Online: https://journal.uny.ac.id/index.php/jpv

Implementation of the learning process: Efforts to improve the quality

of vocational education graduates

Ernawati Ernawati
Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia.
* Corresponding Author. Email: [email protected]


Article History The quality of education is determined by a good management process,
Received: including the evaluation process of vocational education graduates. Further-
26 September 2021; more, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the implementation of the
Revised: learning process in vocational education programs, which includes an imple-
5 October 2021; mentation of the teaching and learning process, the implementation of
Accepted: industrial training, lecturer skills in industrial supervision training, and en-
3 December 2021; couraging entrepreneurship by lecturers to students. This study used a mixed-
Available online: method design, and data were collected by questionnaires and depth-
7 February 2022 interview questions. The sample size is 218 graduates successfully collected
using the total sampling technique. Data analysis used quantitative descrip-
Keywords tive statistics (SPSS 23.0) and qualitative descriptive. Qualitative data sup-
Implementation; port the quantitative results through interviews with five research informants.
Learning process; The results showed that graduates agreed that the teaching and learning
Graduates; process, the implementation of industrial training, lecturer skills in industrial
Vocational education supervision training, encouraging entrepreneurship by lecturers to students
had gone well. In conclusion, the implementation of the vocational education
program has been following the program's objectives. However, the results of
the study showed that there are still weaknesses in the guidance from lecturers
to students in the practice of opening a business and updating developments
in related industries. Based on the results of this study, recommendations are
made to focus on improving the process of implementing vocational educa-
tion programs.
This is an open access article under the CC-BY-SA license.

How to cite:
Ernawati, E. (2021). Implementation of the learning process: Efforts to improve the quality of vocational
education graduates. Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi, 11(3), 243-253. https://doi.org/10.21831/jpv.v11i3.44049

Vocational education aims to generate graduates who are professional, broad-minded,
skilled, and have entrepreneurial abilities. The education also aims to prepare graduates to become
professionals in certain fields, have the ability to practice, develop knowledge and skills, and be able
to improve people's living standards by providing employment opportunities (Eryanto et al., 2019;
Imansari, 2017). Previous studies stated that the problems that arise in vocational education graduates
are that the skills and competencies of graduates are still not satisfying the need of the industry and
the number of graduates who become entrepreneurs after graduating from the diploma program still
tends to be low (Dahalan et al., 2020; Ernawati et al., 2019; Eryanto et al., 2019; Imansari, 2017;
Purwana et al., 2015; Zhao et al., 2018).
Ernawati et al., (2019), Eryanto et al. (2019), and Zhao et al. (2018) argued that motivation
and desire for entrepreneurship were not the main factors causing the small number of graduates to

https://doi.org/10.21831/jpv.v11i3.43833 ISSN: 2476-9401 (online) | 2088-2866 (print)

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become entrepreneurs. Research that has been carried out on entrepreneurial perceptions and
motivations proves that student motivation was categorized as high in entrepreneurship, but the
problem was the low number of diploma program graduates who become entrepreneurs. This
indicates that the purpose of vocational education to create graduates who have entrepreneurial
careers has not been achieved optimally. The problem of achieving educational goals is certainly
rooted in the poor implementation of the education system (Areli et al., 2020; Okolie &
Ogbaekirigwe, 2014; Yuan et al., 2020; Zhao et al., 2018).
One of the efforts in finding solutions to these problems is through evaluating the
implementation of vocational education programs to find out the problems and inequalities that occur
in each component of the program that is a sub-system of this study program. Evaluation can provide
recommendations and decisions on programs implemented to achieve program objectives (Haron et
al., 2019). Efforts that policymakers can make to determine the skills of vocational education gradu-
ates require detailed and systematic research to ensure that program implementation continues to be
guaranteed and the reliability of vocational education remains as an institution that is in line with the
needs of the community and policymakers. However, there has been no systematic and observational
study to evaluate this diploma program. Meanwhile, improving an educational program requires
detailed and systematic research to ascertain the strengths and weaknesses of the program as well as
the quality of vocational education.
Many studies are conducted to evaluate curriculum (Areli et al., 2020; Okolie &
Ogbaekirigwe, 2014; Sandroto et al., 2018). However, it has not explored in more detail the process
aspects regarding the implementation of vocational education programs such as the Context, Input,
Process, Product (CIPP) Evaluation Model by Stufflebeam (1971). In fact, many studies also prove
that the Process aspect of CIPP is very important in growing and developing graduate competencies
(Atmacasoy et al., 2018; Umam & Saripah, 2018). Based on these problems, this study aims to
evaluate the implementation of vocational education programs, especially the learning process
aspect, which consists of the teaching and learning process, the implementation of industrial training,
lecturer skills in industrial supervision training, and encouraging entrepreneurship by lecturers to

This study used a mixed-method design, and data were collected by questionnaires and
depth-interview questions. This design was very suitable to be used by researchers to explain research
findings that agree or disagree even research findings that are significant or not significant (Creswell
& Clark, 2011). The population of the study was 241 graduates of D3 Fashion Design Department
of Family Welfare, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Universitas Negeri Padang. The sampling
technique used is total sampling. However, only 218 respondents successfully filled out the question-
naire (response rate = 90.46%). For the purposes of administering qualitative data, the researcher
conducted individual interviews, and 5 participants agreed to be interviewed. In the interview
method, researchers selected individuals who can help researchers understand key phenomena
(Creswell, 2013). Interviews were recorded to facilitate interview transcripts provided. The quanti-
tative data analysis technique used was descriptive analysis with a categorization method based on
the average score assessment. The qualitative data analysis technique was carried out by reducing
data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions.


The descriptive statistic on the quantitative analysis was undertaken looking at the central
tendency or the mean score and standard deviation on every item in each variable. The main purpose
of this analysis is to understand the view of the respondents toward each item used. In other words,
descriptive statistics enables the researcher to present the data in a more meaningful way, which
allows a simpler interpretation of the data. It should be reaffirmed that this research focuses on the

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learning process to examine the variables of the implementation of the teaching and learning process,
the implementation of industrial training, lecturer skills in industrial supervision training, and encour-
aging entrepreneurship by lecturers to students. Evaluation of the implementation of this aspect in
education is carried out to improve the quality of vocational education graduates. The results and dis-
cussion of these four variables can be explained as follows.
Teaching and Learning Process
Table 1 reports the mean score rated by the respondent on items dealing with the teaching
and learning process. The magnitude of the mean scores ranging from 3.61 to 4.07 out of five points
on the Likert scale indicates that respondents agree on the items in this section.

Table 1. Results of Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Implementation of the Teaching and
Learning Process
No. Items M SD
1. The entrepreneurial learning offered prepares you to become an entrepreneur 3.92 .742
2. The implementation of learning follows the course synopsis 3.61 .819
3. Entrepreneurial learning has clear rules 3.76 .866
Computers are provided to make it easier for lecturers to carry out entrepreneurial
4. 3.88 .725
Lecturers present appropriate material and can open students' horizons to become
5. 3.84 .727
6. Teaching and learning often use pictorial media 3.99 .643
7. Lecturers use teaching and learning materials obtained from various sources 4.00 .629
8. Lecturers often associate learning with current or recent entrepreneurial issues 4.07 .657
9. Learning activities are guided by the curriculum provided by the faculty 3.99 .727
Lecturers guide students while conducting the entrepreneurial practice in the field
10. 3.77 .831
of fashion studies
Lecturers always arouse students' interest in opening a business in the field of
11. 3.87 .826
fashion/clothing studies
Overall 3.88 .494
SA = Strongly Agree; A = Agree; N = Neutral; D = Disagree; SDs = Strogly Disagree; SD = Standard Deviation
N = 218

Respondents ever felt that lecturers often associate learning with current or recent
entrepreneurial issues (M=4.07, Item 8), lecturers use teaching and learning materials obtained from
various sources (M=4.00, Item 7), teaching and learning often use pictorial media (M=3.99, Item 6),
and learning activities are guided by the curriculum provided by the faculty (M=3.99, Item 9).
Similarly, respondents agreed that the entrepreneurial learning offered prepares you to become an
entrepreneur (M=3.92, Item 1), computers are provided to make it easier for lecturers to carry out
entrepreneurial learning (M=3.88, Item 4), lecturers always arouse students' interest in opening a
business in the field of fashion/clothing studies (M=3.87, Item 11) and lecturers present appropriate
material and can open students' horizons to become entrepreneurs (M=3.84, Item 5).
Further agreements were given to the three items whereby lecturers guide students while
conducting the entrepreneurial practice in the field of fashion studies (M=3.77, Item 10),
entrepreneurial learning has clear rules (M=3.76, Item 3), and the implementation of learning follows
the course synopsis (M=3.61, Item 2). Overall, the average value of the process aspects of the
teaching and learning process variables obtained an average score of 3.88, which explained that
overall, respondents agreed on the items in the process of implementing the teaching and learning
process. What could be said from the overall result is that aspects of the learning process for the
implementation of the teaching and learning process have been going well.
Based on data reduction and display data, the results obtained from qualitative data through
interviews concluded that all interviewed graduates admitted that the graduates agreed with the
implementation of the teaching and learning process taken during the D3 fashion design program at
Family Welfare, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Universitas Negeri Padang. According to A1,
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A2, A3, A4, and A5, the implementation of the teaching and learning process can increase students'
interest in entrepreneurship. They also suggested that the implementation of the teaching and learning
process needs to be improved both the material and the learning media. What is no less important is
that during the practice of entrepreneurship, it is still necessary to improve the quality of learning so
that it really opens students' horizons to become entrepreneurs in the fashion field.
Implementation of Industrial Training
This section analysis looks at the perception of respondents toward the implementation
of industrial training. The overall mean scores ranging from 3.72 to 4.05 in Table 2 show that
the graduates D3 Fashion Design program at the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Universitas
Negeri Padang agreed with all items probed in this section.

Table 2. Results of Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Implementation of the Industrial
No. Items M SD
1. Industrial training improved my mastery of entrepreneurial knowledge 3.72 .597
2. Gain a lot of knowledge related to the production process easily 3.94 .722
3. Able to learn effective ways to handle customer complaints 3.91 .787
4. Industrial training is a learning method that helps me in real situations 4.05 .780
The implementation of industrial training made me proficient on how to be an
5. 3.95 .726
6. Able to learn to identify business opportunities during industrial training 3.90 .740
7. Get a lot of information needed by the field of study 3.95 .720
Get a lot of information about the type of machine/technology that is appropriate to
8. 3.90 .715
produce clothing products
Get a lot of information about entrepreneurial opportunities in various fields of
9. 3.72 .771
10. Able to learn new techniques that can complement existing skills 3.73 .821
Able to apply the knowledge possessed to the types of training implemented in the
11. 3.73 .826
12. Industrial training adds to the consolidation of knowledge and skills 3.74 .889
13. Industry training is useful for synchronizing knowledge with skills 3.90 .737
14. More confident to work alone after undergoing industrial training 3.80 .737
15. Able to improve skills learned during the implementation of industrial training 3.90 .727
16. Activities during industrial training provide many new experiences 3.94 .696
17. Industrial training provides many new experiences 4.01 .773
18. Industrial training has eliminated the negative nature of the self 3.99 .788
Overall 3.88 .412
SA = Strongly Agree; A = Agree; N = Neutral; D = Disagree; SDs = Strogly Disagree; SD = Standard
Deviation N = 218

Respondents agreed that industrial training is a learning method that helps me in real
situations (M=4.05, Item 4), industrial training provides many new experiences (M=4.01, Item 17),
industrial training has eliminated the negative nature in the self (M=3.99, Item 18), the
implementation of industrial training made me proficient on how to be an entrepreneur (M=3.95,
Item 5) and get a lot of information needed by the field of study (M=3.95, Item 7). With such percep-
tions, they admitted that gain a lot of knowledge related to the production process easily (M=3.94,
Item 2), activities during industrial training provide many new experiences (M=3.94, Item 16), able
to learn effective ways to handle customer complaints (M=3.91, Item 3), able to learn to identify
business opportunities during industrial training (M=3.90, Item 6) and get a lot of information about
the type of machine or technology that is appropriate to produce clothing products (M=3.90, Item 8).

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Respondents seemed to agree that industry training is useful for synchronizing knowledge
with skills (M=3.90, Item 13), able to improve skills learned during the implementation of industrial
training (M=3.90, Item 15), more confident to work alone after undergoing industrial training
(M=3.80, Item 14), industrial training adds to the consolidation of knowledge and skills (M=3.74,
Item 12) and able to learn new techniques that can complement existing skills (M=3.73, Item 10).
Further agreements were given to the three items whereby they agreed that able to apply the
knowledge possessed to the types of training implemented in the industry (M=3.73, Item 11),
industrial training improved my mastery of entrepreneurial knowledge (M=3.72, Item 1), and get a
lot of information about entrepreneurial opportunities in various fields of business (M=3.72, Item 9).
Overall, the average value of the process aspects of the implementation of the industrial training
variables obtained an average score of 3.88, which explained that overall, respondents agreed on the
items in the process of implementing the industrial training. What could be said from the overall
result is that aspects of the learning process for the implementation of industrial training have also
been going well.
Based on data reduction and display data, the results obtained from qualitative data through
interviews concluded that all the interviewed graduates admitted that they agreed with the
implementation of industrial training during the D3 Fashion Design Department of Family Welfare,
Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Universitas Negeri Padang. A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5 conveyed
that industrial training can increase students' interest in entrepreneurship. They also suggested that
the implementation of industrial training needs to be maintained because, in the implementation of
industrial training, a lot of information is needed to become an entrepreneur.
Lecturer Skills in Supervision Industrial Training
Table 3 displays the overall mean score rated by the respondents dealing with lecturer skills
in industrial supervision training. The overall mean scores in Table 3 show that the graduates D3
Fashion Design program at JKK FPP UNP agreed with all items probed in this section. This is evident
through the magnitude of the mean score, which ranges from 3.70 to 4.05 out of the five points of
the Likert scale. Obviously, the majority of the respondents in this study agreed that lecturers could
encourage industry leaders to provide motivation to carry out industrial training (M=4.05, Item 13),
lecturers experience with industry helps identify entrepreneurial opportunities that are relevant to the
knowledge being studied (M=3.82, Item 9), lecturers always find solutions to problems faced in
carrying out industrial training (M=3.78, Item 6), lecturers always discuss the procedures for
industrial training activities (M=3.78, Item 7) and lecturers always provide support in identifying
activities that can be carried out in the industrial field (M=3.77, Item 8).
Similarly, they agreed that lecturers could identify the problems encountered while carrying
out industrial training (M=3.75, Item 2), lecturers show positive thoughts while carrying out
industrial training (M=3.75, Item 4), lecturers and industry leaders always provide examples of types
of businesses that are following the field of fashion studies (M=3.75, Item 11), lecturer’s guide
carrying out industrial training on an ongoing basis (M=3.74, Item 5) and lecturers work well with
industry leaders (M=3.73, Item 10). They also agreed that lecturers always provide moral support in
carrying out industrial training (M=3.72, Item 3), lecturers collaborate with industry leaders in
supervision when carrying out industrial training (M=3.71, Item 12), and lecturers guide
cooperatively during industrial training (M=3.70, Item 1).
Overall, the average value of the process aspects of the implementation of the lecturer skills
in supervision industrial training variables obtained an average score of 3.77, which explained that
overall respondents agreed on the items in the process of implementing the lecturer skills in industrial
supervision training. This result manifestly shows that aspects of the learning process for
implementing the lecturer skills in industrial supervision training have also been going well.

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Table 3. Results of Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Implementation of the Lecturer
Skills in Supervision Industrial Training
No. Items M SD
1. Lecturers guide cooperatively during industrial training 3.70 .628
Lecturers can identify the problems encountered while carrying out industrial
2. 3.75 .743
3. Lecturers always provide moral support in carrying out industrial training 3.72 .766
4. Lecturers show positive thoughts while carrying out industrial training 3.75 .685
5. Lecturer’s guide carrying out industrial training on an ongoing basis 3.74 .740
6. Lecturers always find solutions to problems faced in carrying out industrial training 3.78 .788
7. Lecturers always discuss the procedures for industrial training activities 3.78 .780
Lecturers always provide support in identifying activities that can be carried out in
8. 3.77 .692
the industrial field
Lecturers experience with industry helps identify entrepreneurial opportunities that
9. 3.82 .747
are relevant to the knowledge being studied
10. Lecturers work well with industry leaders 3.73 .786
Lecturers and industry leaders always provide examples of types of businesses that
11. 3.75 .750
are in accordance with the field of fashion studies
Lecturers collaborate with industry leaders in supervision when carrying out
12. 3.71 .725
industrial training
Lecturers can encourage industry leaders to provide motivation to carry out
13. 4.05 .680
industrial training
Overall 3.77 0.496
SA = Strongly Agree; A = Agree; N = Neutral; D = Disagree; SDs = Strogly Disagree; SD = Standard
Deviation N = 218

Based on data reduction and display data, the results obtained from qualitative data through
interviews concluded that some of the graduates interviewed admitted that industrial skills
development was carried out by lecturers while attending lectures from the D3 Fashion Design
Department of Family Welfare, Faculty of Tourism, and Hospitality, Universitas Negeri Padang.
According to A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5 conveyed that the development of industrial supervision skills
by lecturers can increase student interest in conducting industrial development. However, some of
the graduates interviewed admitted that the industrial supervision skills provided by the lecturers
during the D3 Fashion Design education program have not produced good and maximum results. All
students need guidance from lecturers because the guidance of lecturers will determine the success
of students in carrying out industrial training. In contradiction with the quantitative result, it was
found that there are still lecturers who do not provide guidance while students carry out industrial
Encouraging Entrepreneurship by Lecturers to Students
Table 4 displays the overall mean score rated by the respondents regarding encouraging
entrepreneurship by lecturers to students. Out of eleven items posed, four items were rated as neutral,
and seven items received the level of agreement by the respondents. This is evident through the
magnitude of the mean score, which ranges from 2.78 to 3.80 out of the five points of the Likert
scale. As such, respondents neutral that lecturers always provide feedback regarding achievements
in implementing entrepreneurial practices (M=3.50, Item 5), lecturers always inform the latest
developments in the fashion business (M=3.10, Item 11), lecturers always lend entrepreneurship
books to discuss (M=2.86, Item 1) and lecturers guide students when carrying out teaching and
learning activities of business practice (M=2.78, Item 9).
Despite these, the respondents agreed that lecturers always increase interaction when
carrying out entrepreneurial practices (M=3.80, Item 6), students are given the opportunity to discuss

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ideas and experiences with lecturers (M=3.75, Item 7), lecturers help to identify and find solutions if
they find problems in learning (M=3.71, Item 2) and lecturers always talk to the group how to carry
out entrepreneurial practices learning (M=3.70, Item 4). The respondents also agreed that together,
the lecturers teach how to run an effective business (M=3.69, Item 3), lecturers always give advice
related to entrepreneurial work (M=3.66, Item 8), and lecturers are open to criticism in learning
(M=3.67, Item 10).
Overall, the average value of the process aspects of the implementation of the encouraging
entrepreneurship by lecturers to students’ variables obtained an average score of 3.50, which
explained that overall respondents were neutral on the items in the process of implementing the
encouraging entrepreneurship by lecturers to students. This result manifestly shows that aspects of
the learning process for implementing the lecturer skills in industrial supervision training have been
slightly going well.

Table 4. Results of Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Implementation of the Encouraging
Entrepreneurship by Lecturers to Students
No. Items M SD
1. Lecturers always lend entrepreneurship books to discuss 2.86 .836
2. Lecturers help to identify and find solutions if they find problems in learning 3.71 .763
3. Together, the lecturers teach how to run an effective business 3.69 .692
Lecturers always talk to the group about how to carry out entrepreneurial
4. 3.70 .702
Lecturers always provide feedback regarding achievements in implementing
5. 3.50 .680
entrepreneurial practices
6. Lecturers always increase interaction when carrying out entrepreneurial practices 3.80 .793
7. Students are given the opportunity to discuss ideas and experiences with lecturers 3.75 .809
8. Lecturers always give advice related to entrepreneurial work 3.66 .706
Lecturers guide students when carrying out teaching and learning activities of
9. 2.78 .714
business practice
10. Lecturers are open to criticism in learning 3.67 .772
11. Lecturers always inform the latest developments in the fashion business 3.10 .742
Overall 3.50 .449
SA = Strongly Agree; A = Agree; N = Neutral; D = Disagree; SDs = Strogly Disagree; SD = Standard
Deviation N = 218

Based on data reduction and display data, the results obtained from qualitative data through
interviews concluded that some of the graduates interviewed agreed that encouragement of
entrepreneurship by the lecturers to their students in achieving the program goals carried out during
the D3 Fashion Design Department of Family Welfare, Faculty of Tourism, and Hospitality,
Universitas Negeri Padang. According to A1, A2, and A5, lecturers always encourage their students
to achieve program goals. Lecturers also act as role models for their students.

Teaching and Learning Process
Based on the result, respondents agreed on the items in the process of implementing the
teaching and learning process. This means that the learning process has been carried out well. This
result is strengthened by the results obtained from interviews in which graduates also agreed on the
items in the process of implementing the teaching and learning process. From the overall results
obtained that the teaching and learning process has been carried out well but needs improvement on
material and the learning media teaching and learning process to increase students' interest in

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A good teaching and learning process will impact students' interest in pursuing a career as
an entrepreneur in the fashion business. This result is well corroborated with Lang and Liu (2019)
that good entrepreneurial education planning impacts graduates' interest in entrepreneurship. This is
supported by Hidayah (2020) that using the latest project-based learning model in the teaching and
learning process improves the readiness of graduates in entrepreneurship.
Implementation of Industrial Training
Based on the result, respondents agreed on the items in the process of implementing the
industrial training. This means that the industrial training program has been carried out well. This
result is strengthened by the results obtained from interviews in which graduates also agreed on the
items in implementing the industrial training. From the overall results obtained that the industrial
training program has been carried out well. The implementation of industrial training needs to be
maintained because a lot of information is needed to become an entrepreneur in the implementation
of industrial training. Industrial training has a segment of education and training, between education
and training, which are interrelated. The training aims to improve skills and learn to improve and
develop attitudes, values, and experiences to be more productive. This study aligns with Mawonedzo
et al. (2021) that the experiential learning gained from industrial attachment is necessary for students
to become future entrepreneurs in fashion design.
Lecturer Skills in Supervision Industrial Training
Based on the result, respondents agreed on the items in the process of implementing the
lecturer skills in industrial supervision training. This means that lecturers have applied their skills in
supervision students during the implementation of industrial training well. This result is slightly
contradicted by the results obtained from interviews in which graduates suggested that students need
guidance from lecturers because the guidance of lecturers will determine the success of students in
carrying out industrial training. The result also found that there are still lecturers who do not provide
guidance while students carry out industrial training. Even though the existence of good guidance by
lecturers in the implementation of industrial training has an impact on the achievement of students'
abilities in entrepreneurship. This result is contradicted with Donkor et al. (2009) that lecturer skills
in guidance or supervision during practical in the industry is very necessary to ensure the
achievement of competencies obtained by students.
Encouraging Entrepreneurship by Lecturers to Students
Based on the result, overall respondents were neutral on the items in the process of
implementing the encouraging entrepreneurship by lecturers to students. This result showed that
implementing the lecturer skills in industrial supervision training has been slightly going well. Based
on the interview result, the graduates agreed that encouragement of entrepreneurship by the lecturers
to their students in achieving the program goals which were carried out during the D3 Fashion Design
Department of Family Welfare, Faculty of Tourism, and Hospitality, Universitas Negeri Padang.
From the results of this study, graduates have not felt strongly encouraged entrepreneurship
by lecturers to students. It is necessary to increase lecturers' understanding in providing
entrepreneurial encouragement to students during student education programs. This is in line with
the position of lecturers as educators who can transfer knowledge as well as become models in
learning. Committed lecturers can provide encouragement and guidance related to entrepreneurship
courses and student success. Entrepreneurship education aims to develop the potential of students to
be more creative and innovative, educate someone to be ready to identify opportunities and seize
opportunities in their environment, translate ideas into reality or economic activities, and be able to
survive and be sensitive to changes. The lack of a harmonious relationship between lecturers and
students in carrying out specific learning causes problems for students, making students less
interested in entrepreneurship. In addition, lecturers must also provide clear explanations regarding
the tasks assigned to their students and encourage a harmonious relationship.

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Based on the results of quantitative analysis that the average graduate agreed that the
learning process in D3 Fashion Design Department of Family Welfare, Faculty of Tourism, and
Hospitality, Universitas Negeri Padang has been carried out well, this was also confirmed through
interviews for qualitative analysis which explained that the informants had experienced a good
learning process while being a student in the program. Evaluation of the implementation of the
learning process, which is viewed from teaching and learning process, the implementation of
industrial training, lecturer skills in industrial supervision training, and encouraging entrepreneurship
by lecturers to students it also has been implemented well, but improvements need to be made for
each of the variables involved.
The improvements made such as the use of the latest teaching and learning processes,
optimizing the use of industrial training, equalizing the perception of lecturers in providing assistance
to students during industrial training, and increasing the entrepreneurial encouragement by lecturers
to students through programs carried out during education program will have an impact on
achievement competence of graduates in entrepreneurship in the fashion sector and also improve the
quality of graduates as vocational study programs. This result is in line with Iwu et al. (2021) that
the perceived competence of lecturers showed a moderate and positive correlation with the entre-
preneurial intentions of students. Encouragement from lecturers in the learning process can kindle
the entrepreneurial intention flame in students..

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