Enhancing Students - Future-Learning in Higher Education.
Enhancing Students - Future-Learning in Higher Education.
Enhancing Students - Future-Learning in Higher Education.
Dona Martin
La Trobe University, [email protected]
Kathleen Pleasants
La Trobe University, [email protected]
Recommended Citation
Thomas, Glyn; Martin, Dona; and Pleasants, Kathleen, Using self- and peer-assessment to enhance
students future-learning in higher education., Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 8(1),
Available at:http://ro.uow.edu.au/jutlp/vol8/iss1/5
future learning, self-assessment, peer-assessment
This journal article is available in Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice: http://ro.uow.edu.au/jutlp/vol8/iss1/5
Thomas et al.: Enhancing students future-learning in higher education.
Assessment typically frames how higher education students learn because it provides the clearest
indication of what the institution gives priority to (Boud, 2007). Assessment sets the agenda more
persuasively than any syllabus or course outline and it is one of the most significant influences
the students experience of higher education and all that they gain from it (for more details see
Boud & Associates, 2010, p. 1). Unfortunately, sometimes assessment does not adequately focus
on the processes of learning, and particularly on how students will learn after the point of
assessment (Boud & Falchikov, 2007b). This means we may be missing an opportunity to better
prepare our students for their professional lives post-graduation. If this is true, the quality of
assessment should not be judged on narrow technical grounds, but in terms of how it influences
the learning for the longer term of those who are being assessed (Boud & Falchikov, 2007b, p. 9).
As Kvale (2007) explained there is new pressure on academics to develop forms of assessment
which promote efficient learning for more students for a longer time assessment for lifelong
Assessment focussed on future learning reportedly improves both short- and long-term outcomes
by helping students to make increasingly sophisticated judgments about their learning (Boud &
Falchikov, 2007a, p. 186). The underlying premise of this paper is simple; assessment is an
integral part of the learning process that must play an important role in instructional design.
Hence, assessment processes focused on future learning are carefully and constructively aligned
(Biggs & Tang, 2007) with the intended learning outcomes in ways that allow that learning to
extend beyond the completion of the subject. Ideally, the instructor and students co-operatively
determine the criteria by which judgments are made regarding the quality of student work. This
approach to assessment requires academics to share the responsibility of learning with the students
and helps the students to develop the intellectual skills necessary to make sound decisions in their
academic and personal lives well into the future (Boud & Associates, 2010). Brew (1999)
summarised the challenge well,
Assessment and learning must increasingly be viewed as one and the same activity;
assessment must become an integral part of the learning process. . . . When teachers
share with their students the process of assessment - giving up control, sharing
power and leading students to take on the authority to assess themselves - the
professional judgment of both is enhanced. Assessment becomes not something done
to students. It becomes an activity done with students. (p. 169)
In this paper we describe our attempts to design and implement assessment processes that
encouraged future learning in the Faculty of Education at La Trobe University in Bendigo,
Australia. Before describing our interventions, which specifically focus on the use of self- and
peer-assessment to foster future learning, we provide a brief overview of the relevant literature.
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, Vol. 8 [2011], Iss. 1, Art. 5
Literature review
Assessment for future learning
In the last decade there has been interest in the idea that assessment needs to contribute to future
learning. David Boud and various colleagues (Boud, 2007; Boud & Associates, 2010) have
championed this cause, but in our opinion there is a need for more empirical research to support
the claims being made. In this review of the literature, we provide details of claims based on
empirical research, and demonstrate that such research tends to be the exception rather than the
rule. This weakness in the literature, is also highlighted by the authors of the Assessment 2020
paper (Boud & Associates, 2010), and warrants serious consideration be given to the issue.
The literature suggests that students need to develop as independent learners in order to be
successful in their higher education programs and also in their professional lives post-graduation.
Boud and Falchikov (2007a) have described the ability to evaluate ones learning and performance
as an essential part of becoming an accomplished and effective professional (p. 184). Similarly,
Biggs and Tang (2007) argued that the ability to make judgements about whether a performance or
product meets a given criteria is vital for effective professional action in any field. Tan (2007) also
argued for self-assessment development practices that can develop and sustain students' self-
assessment ability beyond its immediate programme of study (p. 115). However, part of this
preparation for the future requires helping students to learn to continuously monitor the quality of
their work during the act of production itself, so they can make improvements in real time
(Montgomery, 2000; Sadler, 1989).
Two effective teaching and learning processes that can assist with the development of such
judgment are self-assessment and peer-assessment, and the literature provides examples of how
these processes have been used successfully in higher education. A third strategy, which will not
be discussed extensively in this paper, concerns the use of portfolios as an assessment tool.
Portfolios involve students in the direct monitoring and regulation of their own learning as they
reflect on their achievements and select work that they believe demonstrates they meet or exceed
certain standards (for more details see, Nicol & Milligan, 2006). In the project described in this
paper, we chose to focus primarily on the processes of self- and peer-assessment, and in the
following section we will review selected recent literature published describing the efficacy of
these processes.
Students ability to self-assess can provide valuable clues to the teacher about how deeply they
have understood the tasks and this information can improve teaching and learning (Montgomery,
2000). Research conducted by Tan (2007) involving interviews of academics across 12 discipline
areas in three universities in Australia identified three progressive conceptions of self-assessment:
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teacher driven, program driven, and future driven self assessment. The future driven conception of
self-assessment seeks to help students to develop skills to construct assessment criteria, negotiate
against external standards, and make judgements using those criteria. According to Tan only this
future driven assessment helps students to sustain their self-assessment capacity independent of
teachers in future contexts because it:
permits greater reflection by forcing students to look beyond the academic and the
program of study when judging what and how well they have learned. This seems to
provide students with more scope to reflect critically on their learning as well as
their assessment practices. (p. 120)
Peer-assessment includes processes which require students to provide either feedback or grades
(or both) to their peers on a product, process, or performance, based on the criteria of excellence
for that product or event which students may have been involved in determining (Falchikov,
2007, p. 132). Whatever form of peer-assessment is used, ideally the method should allow learners
to practice making reasonable judgements about the extent to which their peers have achieved
expected outcomes (Falchikov, 2007). Some academics are cautious about using peer-assessment
as a form of summative assessment that actually counts towards students grades. However,
Falchikov (2007) urged us to be wary of all grading processes, not just peer-assessment, and she
argued that concerns about the validity and reliability of peer-assessment can be addressed.
Three strategies which teachers can use to improve the quality of both self- and peer-assessment
include modelling, scaffolding, and fading (Falchikov, 2007). Before engaging students in self-
and peer-assessment, teachers can provide examples of how they personally use assessment tools
and strategies to improve reliability and accuracy. In terms of scaffolding, Falchikov (2007)
encouraged teachers to initially start with structured grading schemes (for example, rubrics),
before moving to less structured systems where students negotiate the assessment criteria, before
students eventually developing their own criteria. Andrade and Du (2007) also recommended the
use of scaffolding to teach students how to use self-assessment tools. They found that students
attitudes toward self-assessment became more positive as they gained experience with it. The
students experiences were more positive if teachers provided clear articulation of assessment
criteria and rubrics resulting in higher grades, better academic work, increased motivation,
mindfulness, learning, and reduced anxiety. As students achieve greater independence in peer-
assessment the amount of direction and level of support offered by the teacher fades, or is
withdrawn, over time. However, this should be discussed and negotiated with students and Brew
(1999) maintained that more positive responses to the use of self-assessment are likely when the
teachers expectations are clear and when the students have received systematic practice.
Research drawing on student feedback on the use of a computer assisted peer assessment tool
(Davies, 2003) and student responses to surveys after participating in self assessment (Cassidy,
2007) identified some barriers to the effective use of self- and peer-assessment. Davies and
Cassidy reported negative consequences if: students perceived that self- and peer assessment were
being used as a means of alleviating pressures for tutors; if students feel ill-equipped or not
capable; if students feel uncomfortable with the responsibility of peer assessment duties; and if
tutors have concerns about subjectivity and reliability of assessment. Carless (2006) suggested that
teachers can improve the effectiveness of self- and peer-assessment by being very clear with the
students how they will benefit from participating. Biggs and Tang (2007) agreed It is important
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, Vol. 8 [2011], Iss. 1, Art. 5
that these educational outcomes are made clear to the students, not only because the rationale for
all teaching and assessing decisions should be transparent, but because it is necessary to get the
students on side (p. 233). Finally, Boud (2007a) was adamant that teachers must do more than
just align assessment with the subject objectives; we must also align assessment with the future. In
this regard, Boud suggested that it would be preferable for assessment tasks to be designed with
due consideration of how the student will be required to use skills and knowledge in the future
and he suggested that the links to the future should be made explicit. Hence, a course which
produces graduates who are required make critical judgments about the quality of some work
output, must provide students with opportunities to make such judgments in a contextually
appropriate manner, when they are studying. This extends Biggs and Tangs (2007) concept of
constructive alignment beyond its normal application of aligning assessment with intended
learning outcomes and activities within a subject.
Falchikov (2007) cited evidence that students view peer assessment of group work within higher
education as relevant to their future careers and having a role in promoting lifelong learning skills,
including reflection, autonomy, self-efficacy, diplomacy, problem solving and responsibility.
However, assessment of individual contributions to a group project can be difficult for the assessor
who is typically not present while the work is being completed and must therefore often rely on
peer-assessment to differentiate the contributions of individual students. Lejk and Wyvill (2001)
compared the application of holistic and category-based peer-assessment of a group project1 and
found that the holistic approach produced overall higher agreement between peers when compared
to the category-based approach, which focussed on specific traits. They concluded that holistic
assessment was more effective at dealing with outstandingly good and outstandingly weak
contributors to the group whereas category-based assessment leads to a fine-tuning of small
differences in group contributions (p. 69).
In closing this brief review of the literature, it is important to acknowledge the difficulties of
incorporating self- and peer-assessment whilst meeting other functions that assessment has to fulfil
like certification and licensing. Also, self- and peer-assessment challenges the traditional power
relations between learner and teacher, and raises questions about objectivity and reliability in
assessment (Leach, Neutze, & Zepke, 2001). These are not insurmountable challenges, but they
will require some deliberate and intentional consideration.
Holistic peer-assessment requires each group member to award an overall, or global, grade to the other students. Whereas, category-, or
criteria-based, assessment requires students to assess one another according to a set of previously determined criteria.
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In the cases that follow, each author will provide some more specific details about their case
before using a common format to describe: The problem, The proposed solution, and The
outcomes. In the case study description the use of the term I refers to the author concerned with
that case. The descriptions are by necessity brief, and they aim to provide only enough detail of the
initiatives to allow the reader to comprehend the learning that emerged for us as the
My work includes co-ordinating and teaching a core education subject Working mathematically
in the first year of a four-year education course, with some 212 pre-service primary school
(elementary) teachers. The outcomes of the subject include an aim to Demonstrate an informed
capacity to teach and reflectively evaluate mathematics lessons. The framework that supports this
outcome was designed to be a systematic approach for developing expertise in future teaching. For
as discussed in Boud and Falchikov (2008) if fostering awareness of personal and professional
practice begins as soon as learners begin the process of judgement (p. 190) then the first year of
teacher education is a pivotal time to highlight the value of assessment in learning and teaching.
The problem
I believed peer-assessment offered me the solution. I was aware of the developments in self- and
peer-assessment in relation to academic socialisation - using rubrics to assess the work of their
peers (Norton, 2004), and I was aware of literature that demonstrated how well-planned peer-
assessment assisted pre-service teachers to monitor their own learning (Crisp, 2007; Sambell, et
al., 2006). I also knew that to avoid superficial feedback I needed to develop feedback
opportunities that demonstrated insight into how assessment processes affect these pre-service
teachers as both learners and as future teachers. Added to this, I knew that a large part of engaging
pre-service teachers with mathematics, or getting them to become active learners in mathematics
education required me to take particular account of high levels of mathematical anxiety. Again the
research (Martin, 1994, 2004; Tobias & Itter, 2007, January) in this area and my history of
teaching in this field had demonstrated to me that a high proportion of pre-service teachers
experience high levels of mathematical anxiety. Getting these pre-service teachers to engage in
sharing their understandings was going to require careful planning.
When planning the peer-assessment I understood the importance of the three stages of developing
expertise in self- and peer-assessment (Falchikov, 2007). As my work engages first-year pre-
service teachers I had clear opportunity to model and scaffold, however fading would need to
come later in their course. To address these first two steps I knew I not only had to demonstrate
that pre-service teacher knowledge and understandings were being assessed in a comprehensive
manner, I also had to demonstrate aligned outcomes, actively engage the pre-service teachers in
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, Vol. 8 [2011], Iss. 1, Art. 5
the assessment process and provide genuine opportunities for discussion and exploration of each
assessment experience.
In designing the new assessment processes I first considered what was important to me and what it
was I wanted to achieve. One critical step in this process included the generation of an assessment
schedule that accounted for student-centred learning where the depth of learning was not only
determined by the nature of the learning activities but also supported by the assessment. By
providing students with the opportunity to explore how assessment aligned with content to direct
and inform their understandings, I knew I had to provide them an opportunity to consider the
importance of reflexivity and self-monitored learning. As the proposed solution developed, the
self- and peer-assessment factors were guided by the following principles:
The self- and peer-assessment marks had to be authentic and weighted fairly.
Feedback between the students had to be framed in both a focused and constructive way.
Finally, to increase student confidence in the process, I knew I had to maintain the
overriding authority in the assessment process so if, for example, a peer evaluation was
deemed by anyone involved to be unfair I could then address the concerns they had with
the assessment process.
The outcome
Each week a group of three pre-service teachers prepared and delivered a 45 minute presentation
on a predetermined mathematical concept to the rest of their tutorial group. After the presentation,
a period of 10-15 minutes was allocated for the three presenters to complete a self-assessment task
and for the others to complete a peer evaluation sheet. The self-evaluation covered areas such as:
the introduction to the session; the body of the presentation, visual aids; conclusion, language,
delivery, body language, question time, notes, and how well the group worked together. The
purpose was not only to alert the pre-service teachers to the many qualities that make up a strong
presentation, but also to assist pre-service teachers to understand what to look for when assessing
the presentations of their future students. They were encouraged to focus on aspects of content and
pedagogy and to develop an awareness of the many elements of a quality presentation. This
process of developing positively framed judgements about what constitutes a quality presentation
was deemed extremely relevant to them as future teachers. While they did this the other pre-
service teachers completed peer-assessment sheets. They connected, through genuine involvement
as active members of each class, the interrelationship between learning and teaching and began to
build strength in assessing what was going on around them.
The class then came together to share these reflections. Presenters discussed what they considered
they did well and what they could have improved on. Peers added to the discussion by highlighting
what they considered the presenters could have done to lift the learning experience and also
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focussed attention what had worked well for them. For example one pre-service teachers
feedback included the following comments:
You had great ideas for using Blooms taxonomy and spoke confidently because you
clearly knew your topic. If you related this work back to VELS [our curriculum
framework] you would have connected dots for us. . . . Maintain eye contact as
much as possible and if there is a question make the answer clear and defined.
As learners they also made connections to how the concepts under investigation worked within
their perspectives of knowing, how they linked this knowledge with prior understandings, how the
learning experiences could be extended and how the knowledge could be transferred into or from
other settings. Another example:
It was great that you employed a number of different materials eg: interactive white
board, laptop, referring to the text book, Unifix blocks, etc. You illustrated the
concept clearly and with different methods that could be used to facilitate the
learning I did not know you could use all of that. You linked common
misconceptions to the lecture last week and showed how students could be using
different methods depending on their understanding.
The strength in these new assessment practices, as evidenced within these comments, was clear
and encouraging.
After each tutorial pre-service teacher self- and peer-assessment work was graded by the lecturer
on how well they each assessed the work presented, either their own or that of their peers. After
grading all work was de-identified and put on public display for peers to read. There was no
problem with negativity as all work was graded on not only content but also on how constructive
the feedback was. All pre-service teachers understood the marking criteria as they were provided
with rubrics and walked through expectations. As a point of interest, at no time have I as the
lecturer had to keep an assessment piece aside in fear of it being perceived in a negative light.
For the pre-service teachers involved this opportunity to explore teaching and learning through
assessment impacted on how they learn and how they will teach mathematics. The feedback from
pre-service teachers was consistently positive about the processes involved. The pre-service
teachers understood the reasoning behind drawing attention to both what makes a good
presentation and to what a teacher needs to take account of when assessing the presentation of
others. They were all highly engaged and became increasingly confident to discuss not only what
they expected from each class but to also link what they were experiencing to what they needed to
do as developing teachers.
Personally, I found this constructively-aligned focus on what was happening in each class enriched
the learning opportunities. Pre-service teachers were attuned to what was being presented and how
the learning and assessment practices were benefiting their development as both current learners
and as teachers of mathematics in the future.
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, Vol. 8 [2011], Iss. 1, Art. 5
Teaching and Program Development (TPD) is a core, second semester subject in the final year of
various Bachelor of Arts degrees within the School of Outdoor and Environmental Education. The
subject requires students to work in groups of up to eight to negotiate a four-day outdoor
environmental education program in consultation with an outside agency, usually a school. In
2008 there were 37 students enrolled in TPD, completing seven different negotiated programs. In
addition to the program planning components, students attend a combination of lectures, tutorials
and workshops throughout the semester designed to support their learning. This was the first time I
taught this subject.
The problem
In previous years, feedback from students clearly indicated that they felt there was insufficient
time and opportunity for them to meet, plan and negotiate with one another in order to complete
the program design. This is, in part, a function of their course of study, which requires a high
number of practical days to be completed. In the most extreme cases a student could spend
approximately 40 days and nights in the field2, necessitating their absence from normal lectures
and tutorials. This challenge echoes a very real issue faced by professional outdoor educators.
Research conducted by Thomas (2001) sought both quantitative and qualitative data about work-
related stress among outdoor professionals in Australia. He concluded that seven of the most
commonly cited factors contributing to the work related stress of respondents relate[d] to, or
[were] strongly influenced by, the time and energy commitment that OE [outdoor education]
demands of practitioners (Thomas, 2001, p. 20). Hence I was able to make an explicit link for my
students between their current and potential future challenges.
One of my responses to this challenge was to ask the students to use a wiki to plan and present
their program. According to Jones (2007, December), a wiki is a website that is editable by users,
who access the site through a standard web browser. . . . The particular characteristic of the wiki
which has made it of great interest to educators is the potential it has for facilitating online
collaboration through an effective, easy to use interface (p. 463).
My reasons for choosing to use a wiki were manifold. Firstly, as near-graduates many of the
students would soon be working in situations where they were required to complete duties very
similar to this assessment task in their daily work. Hence I sought a solution designed to provide
real life consequences for the future and in framing this task with the students I was explicit about
my intended educational outcomes and rationale (see Biggs and Tang, 2007 and Boud, 2007a for
further discussion). I was also mindful, as Falchikov (2007) pointed out when citing Lave, that
learning is a social activity, requiring social interaction and collaboration, and I wanted to
emphasise the need for knowledge to have both an authentic context and structure (p. 129).
My intent then was to focus the assessment on the process of developing the program, more so
than the final product. There is tension for me in my role as an educator between delivering an
Time spent in the field varies significantly as a function of the activity electives a student undertakes.
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educative experience verses facilitating learning aimed at meaning making and knowledge
construction. This is exacerbated by the commodity aspect of education at this final stage of a
degree that dominates some students approaches to their studies. This discord between use value
(education as lifelong learning) and exchange value (education as articles of trade including, for
example, grades and credit points) has been documented elsewhere (see for example, Engestrom,
1989; Marton & Booth, 1997). Finally, I wanted to explore the use of collaborative media in this
case a wiki and consider whether it could afford opportunities to engage in online collaboration
from disparate geographical regions and allow students to negotiate the terrain of their conflicting
Students were required to use their wiki to construct their outdoor environmental education
program. They were asked to demonstrate an equitable spread of tasks, regular contact with each
other, the relevant external agencies and me. A wiki allows users to track the contributions of its
members it becomes clear very quickly if students are not participating equally (the quality of
contributions may remain variable however).
The outcome
Initial student responses were wary, but open to the notion of using a new form of technology
once I had explained my rationale and invited their input and discussion. There were a number of
learning resources available to facilitate student engagement with both the core subject material
and the use of a wiki. These included lectures, face-to-face tutorials and workshops, on-line
tutorials, journal articles, other prescribed readings, and scheduled meetings between their groups
and with me. Following Brew (1999) and Andrade and Du (2007) the use of such scaffolding tools
allowed for practice and the development of confidence among students, leading in turn to a more
positive approach to something different in the repertoire of assessment tasks they were
presented with throughout their courses.
Following the delivery of their program, students completed an evaluation of their fellow group
members. Each individual within their group was required to provide a grade and developmental
comment focussing on the participation and contribution of their peers. Some student responses to
this aspect of the assessment were extremely resistant. Some commented that they were unwilling
or unable to judge their fellow students, while others asked me to just give them all the same mark.
I suspect that this resistance reflected a number of student concerns, including anxiety about how
their comments may be received by their peers, an unwillingness to engage in what some
described as your job (see for example, Brew 1999; Cassidy, 2007; Davies, 2003), and a lack of
confidence in their ability to determine a suitable grade. Once again, the task confronting students
was similar to the role they would take on in their future careers where they can expect to have to
provide feedback about their co-leaders efficacy and competence, often in aspects of their work
relating to safety management in outdoor adventure activities with very real and immediate
We have previously noted Carless (2006) assertion that the effectiveness of peer-assessment can
be improved by being clear about the future benefit to students of participation. This belief is
supported by Race (2000), who suggests that simply explicating the assessment criteria associated
with group work can lead to an increase in the contribution levels of potential non-participants.
These were two strategies I employed to engage my students. Eventually, when it became clear to
the group that I was not going to write the criteria for them, the class agreed on a set of three
criteria on which to base their assessments. The criteria agreed to were: 1. Plan and lead a practical
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, Vol. 8 [2011], Iss. 1, Art. 5
program; 2. Develop subject material with guidance; and 3. Work cooperatively as a member of a
team. A list of descriptors was drawn up to act as a guide to judging performance in each criteria
and a score of between 0 5 (ranging from not shown to excellent) awarded for each of the
three. We did negotiate that I would contribute a percentage of the assessment of their individual
contributions from my position as overall supervisor of the projects (this amounted to seven per
cent of a possible 15 per cent for this aspect of the assessment for the subject).
The degree to which students engaged with the assessment of their peers contributions varied
significantly between groups. Some chose to completely ignore the three criteria and simply award
each group member a mark out of 15, others had clearly collaborated and awarded each group
member the same mark, while others described each criteria in its component parts and provided
detailed feedback to one another. For me, these outcomes echo discussions of deep and surface
approaches to learning (Marton & Booth, 1997) where the surface approach consists of learning
the sign (for example the required text or theoretical knowledge) and the deep approach focuses on
what is signified by the texts and theoretical knowledge and developing understanding.
During the evaluative phase of the subject I conducted a focus group in which I asked the students
to comment on the value and suitability of a wiki for collaborative work of this nature in this
subject and the value of the wiki experience to their future-learning. Responses indicated that
students felt the wiki was extremely useful as a collaborative tool and recognised the future-
learning contained within the task by being able to identify skills they would be able to draw on in
future. For example,
working in this way often means more work (collaborating often takes longer) but
the ideas that develop mean more rewarding and more varied learning experiences
for students. Working all ideas into the design was initially time consuming and
difficult, but I think more interesting and relevant results followed.
I believe a wiki has both good points & bad. It saves on paper, however can be
confusing and cumbersome to negotiate. It creates a connectible base for the whole
group to work on, however is not always accessible, reliable or up to date.
The second benefit is in the actual work on the Wiki itself. While I did find it quite
frustrating and tedious at times, the benefits in actually going through the process of
setting up, establishing and completing a unit of work in this manner has greatly
improved my literacy skills in the technology area and, made me look for different
ways to do things rather than the ones that I am comfortable with.
However, it is also clear that the mechanics of the technology had several shortcomings that
detracted from its value for some students and this issue is worth consideration in future use of
such a tool.
One of the learning objectives for TPD identifies the desire for students to become reflexive
learners and to continue that process throughout their transition to further study and/or the
workplace. Throughout the semester I highlighted my conviction that as future educators, the
students must question what is being taught and aim to find different ways of both teaching and
assessing learning. Brookfield (1995) maintained that being a critically reflective teacher is about
being able to explore the hidden dimensions of ones practice and becoming aware of the
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omnipresence of power. Although I was frustrated by the varying degrees to which the students
engaged in the peer-assessment phase of their collaborative project, I recognise the tension (and
the irony) that occurs when some of them start doing as I have been advocating, and grow as
learners to the point that they can ask, what and why and, ideally carry this trait into aspects of
their future study or work.
Leading Groups in Outdoor Environments is a core, second year subject in several Bachelor of
Arts programs within a School of Outdoor and Environmental Education. The subject aims to
equip students with some of the skills, theory, and experience required to lead groups in outdoor
environments as teachers, environmental interpreters, or outdoor recreation leaders. There are
typically about 65 students enrolled each year and the subject involves a mixture of lectures,
tutorials, and fieldwork. In 2008, I was teaching the subject for about the seventh time.
The problem
I have experimented with numerous assessment innovations within the subject. For example, I
have sought to provide clear assessment criteria (using detailed rubrics), and have tried to use
assessment tools that would encourage and measure deeper learning (such as negotiated,
individualised learning plans and take-home exams). However, I sensed that my students were still
tickling my ears and that my best efforts were just helping them to play the game better
(Norton, 2004). I was interested in finding a way to engage the students in learning that was both
deeper and of more relevance to the contexts in which they would work after graduating. In
essence, I wanted my assessment to encourage and measure the development of the skills, practice
and theory needed to effectively lead groups in outdoor environments long into the future.
In the past, I had viewed self- and peer-assessment as gimmicks with limited value, but that was
before I understood the potential of these tools could be used to help students to become more
independent judges of the quality of outdoor leadership that they experience now or which they
might provide in the future (Boud, 2007). To this end, I decided to use two smaller written
assignments (500 words each) early in the semester to trial the use of self- and peer-assessment
and investigate the impact of these assessment processes on future learning. The two assignments
contributed to 20 per cent of the overall grade in the subject so the stakes were low but I hoped the
value of the experiences would be high.
I examined the online self- and peer-assessment software available (for example, ipeer (Centre for
Instructional Support, nd)) to assist with the project, but resolved to do the work manually. I made
this decision because the software was inflexible and it included some functions that were not
compatible philosophically with what I was trying to achieve. Completing the process manually
was simple, but tedious. Students submitted their assignments electronically and I anonymously
coded their papers and allocated them to a group of three. Students were then directed to mark the
papers from another group of three as well as their own paper. They submitted marks and some
brief qualitative feedback for each paper. The students final mark for the assignment was
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, Vol. 8 [2011], Iss. 1, Art. 5
determined by averaging the three peer-assessments of their paper and their self-assessment mark.
I collated all of the results and delivered the feedback in one list using their student identification
numbers. In order to support the students, prior to submitting their paper, we discussed in detail
the assessment criteria and the marking rubric they would use. After they had submitted their
papers, I provided some annotated examples of good, average, and poor quality papers to help
calibrate their judgements prior to conducting their assessments. In the second assignment, I
removed some of this scaffolding, in accord with Falchikovs (2007) application of the fading
principle, so they could become a little more autonomous. I did this by provided a more detailed
rubric, but not the examples of students work.
The outcomes
The students responses to my self- and peer-assessment proposal initially ranged from disbelief,
confusion and fear on one hand to excitement and enthusiasm on the other. Consequently, I went
to considerable lengths to explain my rationale and my perceptions of the educational benefits of
self- and peer-assessments as recommended by Brew (1999). I worked hard to allay the students
fears by outlining the processes we could use to resolve any difficulties we might encounter. This
was one of the best outcomes of this initiative. We were having conversations about assessment in
class, and the students were active participants in discussions about their learning and how we
could best measure it exactly the sort of learning that Boud and associates (2010) advocate in
their Assessment 2020 document.
Logistically, completing the process manually was very time consuming, and certainly saved no
time when compared to completing the assessments myself in previous years. However, the
students responded very positively, and we had some excellent discussions about assessment
validity and reliability, particularly in response to some large discrepancies between some
students self-assessments and the peer-assessments of their work.
After the second assignment, I invited students to participate in an anonymous, online survey so I
could get their feedback of the project. Twenty-eight of the 58 students participated (a response
rate of 48 per cent), which indicated a reasonable level of interest. Given the small number of
responses, I have not conducted any statistical analysis to determine the significance of the
findings, but I will describe some of the general trends that emerged. Sixty-four per cent of the
respondents agreed, and seven per cent strongly agreed, that the self- and peer-assessment process
helped them to learn more about outdoor leadership. Pleasingly, 46 per cent agreed and 43 per cent
strongly agreed that the assessment process helped them to learn how to submit better
assignments. The students also provided positive responses (agreed and strongly agreed
respectively) that the assessment process was fair (54 per cent, 11 per cent), accurate (48 per cent,
4 per cent), and appropriate (59 per cent, 11 per cent). The aspects of the process that they found
helpful were: the examples of work in assignment one (75 per cent very useful), completing the
peer assessment (70 per cent very useful), and the detailed rubric in assignment two (75 per cent
very useful). Finally, I asked the students to describe in their own words what made the
assessment process useful (if at all), and I also asked them to suggest how the process could be
improved to make it more useful. There was a range of responses to both questions, but the most
pleasing aspect of the responses was the level of level of thinking and engagement demonstrated in
some of the students responses. For example:
The ability to mark others' papers gave me a much better idea as to what kind of
paper deserves a high mark versus a low mark, and gave me useful information to
consider when reflecting on my own work.
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Chance to understand how to mark assignments, and also able to see what made a
good assignment.
I think the introduction of the detailed rubric really helps. I think its a good process
to go through, because its our first time [and we] need to be educated and helped
through it.
I personally dont believe this process is that successful. This is because from
marking some assignments I can recognise that certain people do not have much of
an idea of what they are writing about, therefore when they come to marking other
peoples papers they may think theirs was correct and mark the right people wrong.
This final students concern, is consistent with the findings of a study (Lew, Alwis, & Schmidt,
2010) exploring the accuracy of self-assessments with more than 3500 students. Lew et al. found
an ability effect where students judged as more academically competent were able to self-assess
with higher accuracy than their less competent peers (p. 135). It is quite possible that the same
inaccuracy would be true for peer assessment too. Hence, although this students concerns appear
to be valid, I reminded my students that developing their abilities to make judgments about the
quality of works is a process. This journey into deeper learning processes appeared to make a
positive contribution to their development as critical-thinking practitioners based on the survey
responses described earlier. This is not only what Boud and associates (2010) encourage
academics to do more of, it also what employers expect our graduates to be able to do. In 2010, I
am using the same assessment processes in this subject, and intend to collect some more data
investigating how well self- and peer-assessment contributes to their future learning.
In this final section of our paper, we would like to share some of the learning that we feel has
emerged from the implementation of our self- and peer-assessment initiatives designed to
encourage future learning. Before doing so it is worth restating our belief that curriculum reform
processes in higher education should encourage academics to find ways of assessing students
work that demonstrate high levels of constructive alignment (Biggs & Tang, 2007). We encourage
academics to consider constructive alignment not only within the context and timeline of their
subjects, but also in terms of how the assessment and intended learning outcomes align with the
contexts their students may work in upon graduation. We would argue that assessment processes
can be designed to not only measure, but also encourage, learning that is relevant to the roles that
students may fulfil in the professional community upon graduation. The projects described in this
paper, have experimented with the use of self- and peer-assessment processes as tools to
encourage such future learning. To conclude, we offer the following recommendations for other
academics on how we think self- and peer-assessment can generate better short- and long-term
learning outcomes in higher education - based on our case studies and our interpretation of the
Developing assessment processes that encourage future learning is not a simple task and based
on our experience careful planning is required to ensure alignment between the philosophical
underpinnings, the intended purpose, and practicalities of the assessment tools and processes.
This requires a deeper level of constructive alignment of assessment principles with teaching
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, Vol. 8 [2011], Iss. 1, Art. 5
and learning practices. We consider this to be a form of external constructive alignment of the
subject with contexts where learning will be applied and the assessment processes that best
measure that learning. This contrasts with the constructive alignment described by Biggs and
Tang (2007) seems to be mostly concerned with the internal alignment of intended learning
outcomes with teaching content and assessment tasks. We suggest recruiting the assistance of
critical friends to work through new initiatives to help identify alignment glitches that students
seem to discover.
If you plan to use self- and peer-assessment processes to encourage future learning, be
prepared to spend sufficient time discussing with students your rationale for doing so, as
recommended in the literature (Carless, et al., 2006; Cassidy, 2007; Tan, 2007). Such
discussions provide excellent opportunities to engage students thinking about learning and
assessment and in our initiatives these discussions promoted unexpected, but welcomed, higher
order thinking. We also found in our initiatives that these discussions addressed students
concerns and anxieties about self- and peer-assessment and made explicit our hopes for the
way these processes would contribute to future learning.
There are numerous electronic tools available (see Bhalerao & Ward, 2001; Centre for
Instructional Support, nd; Davies, 2003; Sung, Chang, Chiou, & Hou, 2005), which may
support and streamline self- and peer-assessment processes. However, examine these tools
carefully before adopting them because their design and operation will be based on some
inherent assumptions, beliefs and values. We recommend that academics check the
compatibility of these tools with their own values and beliefs about assessment and the
purposes for which they will be used.
Expect resistance from students, peers, and supervisors when developing and implementing
innovative assessment strategies. Although there is a paucity of empirical research
demonstrating the effectiveness of assessment strategies to foster future learning, there is
considerable agreement within the literature on the benefits of using self- and peer-assessments
with students in higher education settings. With an appropriate level of support and planning
we believe that the advantages of involving students in self- and peer-assessment processes
that we observed in our initiatives easily outweighed the disadvantages. Be prepared to do the
research to support and substantiate your proposed innovations to relevant stakeholders and get
the required buy-in to make these initiatives work.
Self- and peer-assessment processes are more than a gimmick or fad. In theory, along with
portfolios they provide some of the best assessment strategies to encourage and measure our
students future learning. However, to best foster future learning, assessment tasks must be
designed with the future application of those skills and knowledge in mind. If the profession
that graduates will ultimately work in will require rapid, oral responses to challenging
situations, then assessment tasks should be designed accordingly. If graduates in the future will
work in teams, or have time to review the literature, then again assessment tasks should reflect
this. This may require academics to rethink the assessment tools and processes that they have
been using to date.
The description of the three initiatives provided in this paper highlight some of the challenges, and
potential value of, using self- and peer-assessment to encourage and measure learning that persists
into the future. We have not attempted to prove the effectiveness of self- and peer-assessment to
enhance future learning, but this would be a worthy focus for future research. We hope that our
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stories might stimulate other academics to reflect on their own assessment practices and to find
ways to encourage their own students achieve deeper learning in both the short- and long-term.
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