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Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan, June 2020, 8 (9), x-xx

p-ISSN: 2622-8327 e-ISSN: 2089-5364
Accredited by Directorate General of Strengthening for Research and Development
Available online at https://jurnal.peneliti.net/index.php/JIWP

Pengaruh Hari Valentin Terhadap Peningkatan Status Para Jomblo

Jhoni Lagun Siang1 , Lovely2, Joynivly3 (Nama tanpa gelar)

Dosen Universitas Cinta Sejati

Received: In Indonesia, teachers' ability to undertake research is still below average.
Revised: This is due to a lack of research knowledge and experience among
Accepted: teachers. As a result, teachers rarely conduct research and have never
published a scientific paper. As a result, mentoring in the form of formal
training in research competence is required. There is, however, no
training structure designed expressly for instructors to improve their
research competency. The goal of this study is to create a training system
that will eventually improve instructors' research skills. The research and
development process is based on a modified Dick & Carey development
model. As a result, an upgraded teacher competency training system
including training modules, training agendas, teaching books, and
learning videos has been developed and tested by specialists. Teachers in
Indonesia are expected to use the training system to increase their
research skills.
Keywords: Development Research, Teacher Competency, Research, Modified Model

(*) Corresponding Author:

How to Cite: Xxxxxx. (2018). Xxxx. Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan, XX (x): x-xx.


In Indonesia, education quality continues to fall short of expectations. The

limiting factor is a lack of funds (Tandberg, 2010; Talaia, Pisoni, & Onetti, 2016;
Peiris, 2013; Suryani, 2015; Marti, 2012; Ardiansyah, 2013) and teachers who are
not yet a priority in education (Tandberg, 2010; Talaia, Pisoni, & Onetti, 2016;
Peiris, 2013; Suryani, 2015; Marti, 2012; Ardiansyah, 2013). Teachers are critical
to educational performance (Alawiyah, 2013; Aeni, 2015), with high-quality
teachers having a significant impact on students' PISA (Program for International
Student Assessment) results in Finland (Silander, 2013). This is in contrast to the
situation in Indonesia, where teacher competency is still poor and minimal in
creating learning innovations.


A development approach, a modified Dick & Carey development model,

was employed as the research method (Fig. 1). The Dick & Carey model is
integrated with the ADDIE model, as well as some crucial parts and inputs from
the ARCS model, to create this development model's grand design. This model
focuses on the training implementation strategy, specifically the use of
collaborative learning and collaborative research in the implementation of
learning, as well as the elements of the arcs strategy development (Attention,
Author. / Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan 21(1), 1-6

Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction) in learning and adult learners' involvement.

Because the Dick &Carey model does not have a separate section for analysis, the
analysis portion is based on a modified ADDIE model that incorporates the
students' analysis of the Dick &Carey model. Richey and Nelson (2000) use
development research to help researchers better understand new models, tools,
and procedures so they can predict their efficacy and efficiency. We may then
establish the applicability of context-specific discoveries to different teaching and
learning situations, as well as identify new general design, development, and
evaluation principles.



The need analysis is an important aspect of development research.

Analysis of needs is done through interviews with education and learning experts,
including Prof. Zulkardi (Sriwijaya Mathematics Education Expert), Prof.
Sumaryoto (Rector of Indraprasta PGRI University), Prof. Supardi U.S. (Chief of
General Officer of PGRI), Prof. Muljani A. Nurhadi (graduate lecturer of
Indraprasta PGRI University), Dr. Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana (lecturer at
Ahmad Dahlan University), and Dr. Somakin (Sriwijaya University
lecturer). Expert information is gathered in order to establish general and
specialized instructional objectives, training key concepts for teachers, materials
that must be provided, and provisions on the trainees' criteria. Furthermore,
everything generated in this study is based on a needs analysis in order to create a
comprehensive and transparent guide. General instructional objectives, distinctive
instructional objectives, and training material distribution are the findings of
additional investigation. The following are significant results as a consequence of
the expert needs analysis:


The construction of a teacher training system to promote research

competency has resulted in a successful training system that has been tested
according to development research criteria. This development product includes all
of the important features of a system, such as inputs, processes, and outputs.
Inputs begin with the selection of prospective trainees who must meet specified
criteria in order for the training process to run smoothly and meet the set goals. It
is guaranteed quality from training materials, agendas and training schedules, and
training methodologies to the evaluation instruments utilized, as it is guided by a
process that experts in their respective fields have thoroughly evaluated. Finally,
the system generates a training module, a specific resource that falls within the
technical category, a textbook of learning methods, and learning media, as well as
the learners' training goods.

Author. / Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan 21(1), 1-6


This research has successfully modified various development models so

that it becomes a modified development model that can be used to develop a
training system to improve the competence of teachers in carrying out research.
This research also produces various important principles that must be outlined in a
training and equipped with various supporting devices in it, such as training
agendas, material descriptions, training media, to modules. The resulting training
system has also been tested by experts in the field of research and training, with
good results so that actual training can be used.


Aeni, A. N. (2015). Menjadi guru SD yang memiliki kompetensi personal-religius

melalui program one day one juz (ODOJ). Mimbar Sekolah Dasar, 2(2),


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