IGI - Revised - Manuscript CleanCopy With Tables
IGI - Revised - Manuscript CleanCopy With Tables
IGI - Revised - Manuscript CleanCopy With Tables
Researchers have recently been directing significant resources to demonstrate how learning
analytics can help in better course design, improve student success and completion rate, and
to improve performances. In this research, descriptive and predictive learning analytics are
applied to available data for two different cohorts of students who followed an activity-based
online module in two subsequent academic years. The objectives of the research were to
understand what learning analytics could contribute in terms of improving our understanding
of the student performances, and whether a predictive approach to modeling of the students’
performances can help to improve the learning design and experiences of students. Students’
performances were related to the skills and competencies acquired during the course by
developing artefacts. The findings of this study combined with other findings as reported in
the literature, demonstrate that the learning design is an important factor to consider with
environments, there is a need to review the way offline activities are to be pedagogically
conceived so as to ensure that the engagement of the learner throughout the duration of the
activity is effectively monitored. However, the learning design can be reviewed in such a way
to make learning analytics appropriate to measure student engagement at various stages in the
different learning activities so that tutors can provide better support and scaffolding to
Keywords: predictive analytics, performance modeling, learning design, activity-based
directing significant resources to demonstrate how learning analytics can help in better course
design, improve student success and completion rate, and to improve performances. These
are achieved through systematic and in-depth analysis of student data that is generated and/or
stored in e-learning environments and platforms. Such data are mainly related to platform
login frequencies, online content browsing, completion of drill and practice activities,
frequency of online interaction with peers and tutors, and submission of coursework online
(Retalis, Papasalouros, Psaromiligkos, Siscos and Kargidis, 2006; Johnson, Smith, Willis,
Levine and Haywood, 2011). There are also other variables that may be stored depending on
the learning design approaches such as learning styles and preferences, cultural factors,
student feedback and satisfaction surveys. There are four types of analytics as reported in the
Literature suggests that many reported studies on learning analytics focus on classic
elements such as frequency of access, time spent online, and number of online posts as key
variables to be used as predictors of performance, student success and also the identification
of students who are at risk, and most recommendations regarding learning design would be in
line with what is normally referred to as the classic e-learning design model. The classic
model is referred to as a course which is centred around the dissemination of online content,
such as on-screen text, images, and videos where the maximum of the learning process
happens online, and on the e-learning platform (Santally, Rajabalee and Cooshna-Naik,
2012). On the other hand, in line with Nichols (2003), the Web can also be seen as a way to
transform the teaching and learning process. Schneider, Synteta, Frété, Girardin and Morand
(2003) argued that traditional e-learning courses as described above, are not designed to
achieve the development and acquisition of skills and competencies, and the same could be
achieved, through online project-based learning, along with a redefinition of the role of the
teacher. As such, an online course may be composed of a set of learning activities, which
may or may not be completed online, depending on the intrinsic learning design and expected
outcomes of each activity, and the learning domains might span and overlap different spheres
of the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains depending on the subject being taught.
In such settings, applying learning analytics on the variables such as frequency of access, and
In this research, the aim was to explore the potential, constraints and impacts of a
learning analytics approach to an online course that does not follow the conventional learning
design approach, and that has been offered to first year undergraduate students as a General
Education Module at the University of Mauritius for two consecutive academic years. There
were 217 students in the first cohort and 844 students in the second cohort. The module title
was “Education Technologies” and was destined to those having an interest to later take up a
in Education. The module was designed using the activity-based approach as advocated by
Schneider et al. (2003) and the learning design followed the hybrid three phased-model of
(Santally and Senteni, 2006; Santally and Raverdy, 2006; Santally et al, 2012). This model
activity-based learning, which leads to authentic learning outcomes and acquisition of
competencies (Fernando, 2018; Reid, 2017; Morcke, Dornan and Eika, 2013). Literature in
learning analytics studies do not really cover modules or courses that employ a learning
designs similar to the module that is the subject of the current research.
There was a total of nine learning activities in all. The first eight were considered as
the continuous assessment activities, while the ninth learning activity was considered as the
final assessment of the module. For each learning activity, there was a kind of artefact to be
produced, which was assessed and marked by the tutor. As such descriptive and diagnostic
analytics was applied to the information that could be retrieved from the e-learning platform,
to understand and compare the performances of the students of the two cohorts from different
angles and to try to explain these observations. The key question that the researchers tried to
The second phase of the work looked at the possibility of modeling the student
performances in this specific type of activity-based learning design using predictive learning
analytics. How could such an approach help academics and learning designers in better
performances, be really helpful and accurate enough, taking into consideration that each
learner is different and may have varying needs? These were the other key questions that the
researchers tried to investigate in this research. To address these questions, data related to the
two cohorts who followed the module “Education Technologies” were retrieved from the e-
learning platform and tutor records regarding their marks in continuous assessment and the
Literature Review
Learning analytics, is the means to measure, collect and analyze volumes of data
about learners’ progress in order to understand, optimize and improve their learning
experiences (Siemens and Long, 2011; MacFadyen and Dawson, 2012). According to Gartner
(2012), there are four main forms of Learning Analytics namely (i) descriptive, (ii)
diagnostic, (iii) predictive and (iv) prescriptive analytics. Descriptive analytics refers to the
technique used to examine data that has been used in the past and try to report on what has
information and identify what has happened. Diagnostic analytics brings descriptive analytics
one step further, as once it is established about what has happened, there is a need to identify
why it has happened. In some situations, diagnostic analytics help to gain an in-depth
understanding as to why new trends are emerging and what are the roots and influential
factors causing such trends (Banerjee, Bandyopadhyay and Acharya, 2013). Predictive
analytics focuses on using estimates obtained from descriptive and diagnostic analytics to
look for patterns and trends to predict what is the likely outcome in similar situations in
achievement based on significant parameters (Liñán & Pérez, 2015). Finally, prescriptive
analytics uses both descriptive and predictive analytics to understand what has happened and
to predict a number of possible outcomes and seeks the best approach or model to achieve the
There are different learning-related variables that actually contribute and impact on
learners’ learning experiences. Some of these variables are directly measurable while others
are not. Tempelaar, Heck, Cuypers, van der Kooij and van de Vrie (2013) argued that many
factors such as cultural differences, learning styles, learning motivations and learning
emotions might be influential on students’ academic performances in terms of how well they
fare in assessment activities. The choice of what is to be measured is important for accurate
predictions of performances (Gašević, Dawson, Rogers & Gasevic, 2016). Smith, Lange and
Huston (2012) found that learners' pace of learning and their engagement with their learning
materials can be used to predict their performance and eventually result in more conducive
learning environments. In studies on learner retention, researchers support the fact that
emotional and demographic factors, by using learning analytics (Credé & Niehorster, 2012;
Richardson, 2012). Similarly, Macfadyen and Dawson (2010) found that variables such as
discussion forum posts and completed assignments, can be used as practical predictors to
measure learner performance, and thus can be used to help in learners' retention and in
improving their learning experiences. However, the determination of the right variables to be
Pardo, Han and Ellis (2017) used self-reported data and observed data in a combined analysis
to investigate whether such an approach can predict academic performance and provide
comprehensive insights why some students tend to perform better. Their case study
represented a blended learning course where self-reported data was based on students’
motivational, affective and cognitive aspects while observed data was related to students’
engagement captured from activities and interactions on the learning management system. It
was found that students’ who adopted a positive self-regulated strategy tend to participate
more frequently in online events, which could explain why some students perform better than
(2009) applied machine learning techniques as prediction method, to study students’ profiles
on the LMS and to identify at-risk students in order to predict dropouts at an early stage.
Tempelaar et al. (2013) used learning analytics through the measurement of learning related
data such as demographic, entry test, learning dispositions, learning management system and
quiz data to predict students’ performances in blended courses. On the other hand, Agudo-
Peregrina, Iglesias-Pradas, Conde-González and Hernández-García (2014) did not find any
courses, precisely due to the lack of information that can be collected from the face-to-face
Management Systems) data have the potential to model and predict students’ academic
performance by generating informative feedback for students and teachers. They reported that
formative assessments have better predictive power over LMS data and learning dispositions
as proposed by Shum and Crick (2012) can be used as a means for generating feedback.
are generally used to improve learning processes (Lehmann, Hähnlein & Ifenthaler, 2014).
Therefore, feedback has the potential to derive or even empower prediction models.
Tempelaar, Rienties, Mittelmeier and Nguyen (2018) derived prediction models built on rich
data in the form of learning dispositions combined with learning analytics trace data to
identify students who are at-risk of failure. They found that providing students with formative
Viberg, Hatakka, Bälter and Mavroudi (2018) carried out a review of papers on
learning analytics research and its evidence for teaching and learning in Higher Education.
They argue that there is little evidence that learning analytics improves learning outcomes.
However, there is evidence (35%) based on the analysis of studies that fall under the years
2012-2018, that it improves learning support and teaching in higher education. Viberg et al.
(2018) further revealed that most of the learning analytics studies that were reviewed adopted
a descriptive approach, and there has a been a decline in the use of predictive analytics in
recent years. This is explained through the fact that there is a shift towards in-depth
understanding of the learning processes and students’ experiences. Ferguson, Brasher, Clow,
Cooper, Hillaire, Mittelmeier, Rienties, Ullmann and Vuorikari (2016) argued along the same
lines, that learning analytics as a tool, emphasizes more on visualizing of data to determine
engagement and activity developing systems, rather than identifying what are the actions that
to a variety of activities where they can learn-by-doing, develop their knowledge in terms of
(Biswas, Das and Ganguly, 2018). Ranganath (2012) and Tan, Chong, Subramaniam and
management, medicine, engineering and science field of study. Activity-based learning, as a
contextualized and authentic settings (Morcke et al, 2013; Frank, Snell, Cate, Holmboe,
Carraccio, Swing, Harris, Glasgow, Campbell, Dath & Harden, 2010). Tan et al. (2018)
postulated that activity-based learning within a competency development training model has
been effective in nursing education. It was also used in teacher education to empower
educators and to enhance their professional development (Leppert & Kingman, 2017;
Santally, 2012). Similarly, the concept of LDL which means learning by teaching also
emphasizes on shifting the responsibility on the learner to encourage their engagement and
skills (Grzega, 2006). Therefore, the effectiveness of activity-based learning approach can
allow learners to adopt tutoring experiences to train themselves to acquire “hard and soft
Similarly, Priyono, Wena and Rahardjo (2017) also supported that such a pedagogical
approach encourages students to be involved in activities where they can acquire and apply
their knowledge through active experience. Such experiences promote the potential of
reflected from students’ feedback in Patil, Budihal, Siddamal and Mudenagudi (2016).
However, activity-based learning which was applied in teacher training, and which was found
to be effective, did not show any difference in terms of students’ achievement, when
compared to traditional teaching (Çakmak, 2016). In contrast, it also found that the
implementation of activity-based learning helped in skills development and enhancement of
specific competencies for both teachers and students (Fernando, 2018; Reid, 2017).
way that it incorporates both the content-based and activity-based learning models to
complete the phases of (i) knowledge acquisition, (2) knowledge application and (3)
knowledge construction through reflective practices (Santally et al., 2012). Two models have
been defined by Santally et al. (2012) to blend content-based approaches with activity-based
learning. The first one is mainly outcomes based, centred around the topic and integrating
learning activities at the end of each topic (that spans over a specific time period). The second
model places the activity at the heart of the educational transaction. For example, a main
learning activity, can be broken down into a sequence of 3-4 subsidiary activities, which,
when completed, would result in an artefact demonstrating that the student has acquired and
applied certain skills and competencies. To carry out such learning activities, the student may
need to engage with contents as pedagogical scaffolds to the learning process (Schneider et
al., 2003). In line with this, Nuninger (2017) also proposed the Integrated Learning
drive the use of a mix of pedagogical solutions. The objective was targeting competences that
are to be put into practice based on knowledge ownership. This was also highlighted by
Jones, Baran and Cosgrove (2018), about how the importance of outcome-based strategies in
learning can help students towards their goals and future professions.
Similarly, Conole (2012) has developed the activity type classification instrument which
essentially classifies student activity that focuses on what the student is actually engaged in a
learning-by-doing approach. The activity type classification of Conole (2012) proposes the
different rubrics to model learner activity within a course namely (i) Assimilative, (ii)
Finding & Handling Information, (iii) Communication, (iv) Productive, (v) Experiential, (vi)
within the macro-level framework proposed by Santally (2012) for activity-based learning
pedagogical model that is centered around the development of skills and competencies
phases (Santally and Raverdy, 2006). The learning designers used the activity-based learning
model, to promote and inculcate (i) a self-learning culture among students, (ii) development
and acquisition of practical competencies, and (iii) higher-order cognitive skills. Its main
objectives were to allow learners gain a good understanding of the different concepts and
theories of ICT in education and help them to develop their competencies in using
technological tools.
The Module was offered to two consecutive cohorts of first year students as an online
module over one academic year (two semesters of 13 weeks) duration. The module was
hosted on the MOODLE e-learning platform. It consisted of 9 different learning activities and
was examined mainly by coursework rather than through supervised written examinations.
Each unit had a descriptive overview and specific learning objectives to allow the
learners to know which competencies they were expected to develop before they progress to
the next unit. Each unit also had a learning activity and the criteria for assessment of that
activity, to enable the learners to understand how they would be assessed. Moreover, at the
start of the module, only the first unit was made available to the learners, so that they do not
get overloaded and confused with all the units at one go. Each unit of the module was
released, that is, made available to the learners, at a specific described time and this was done
by the tutor. The approach that was used for learners of both cohorts to have access to the
module, was by assigning a specific ‘enrolment key’ in the module, which was then sent by
email to all the learners, who expressed their interest for this module. The ‘enrolment key’ is
a password to access the module that was created to allow students who opted for the module.
Only students enrolled on the course are given access till the end of the course and this was
applied for both cohorts that were offered. Figure 2 provides a description of the learning
activities, their respective importance (cognitive level and competencies required) with
respect to the course learning outcomes and nature of the activities, in terms of whether
Learner support was dealt as an essential component of this online module. Every unit
that was made available to the learners, had a ‘Question & Answer’ forum, which learners
could use to post their queries or share their knowledge with their tutors and peers, pertaining
to the specific unit. In this forum the tutors encouraged the learners to interact among
themselves and to engage in peer support. It is worth mentioning that throughout the module
Research Questions
To achieve the objectives of this research as highlighted in the introductory sections, the
within and across the two cohorts with respect to continuous assessment and the final
learning activity?
● Which of the learning activities are more significant predictors of performance (marks
achieved) for each cohort in the final learning activity of students in the module?
Profile of Participants
The students on the module came from different disciplines namely Science,
Engineering, Law and Management, Agriculture and Social Studies and Humanities. The
module needed a minimum level of digital literacy from the students. All students who did
the module have followed the basic Information Technology introductory course as well as
the national IC3 (Internet and Core Computing Certification) course at Secondary Level. The
module was facilitated by 7 tutors and students were divided into groups ranging from 100 –
130 per group. The role of the tutors was mainly to act as a facilitator for the learning
process, and to mark learning activities and to provide feedback to the students. All the tutors,
who form the tutoring team agreed on a peer teaching standard for the delivery of the module.
This agreement was encouraged by the pedagogical design decision made in line with the
Table 3. Number of students per discipline in Table 4. Number of students per discipline in
Cohort 1. Cohort 2.
The module was hosted and delivered on Moodle where the students’ activities such as forum
posts, submission of assignments and input of marks and feedback by tutors are kept. The
data on Moodle, was retrieved through querying the Moodle Database and from student
achievement records exported to Excel Formats. These were the data available at that point in
time. Once the raw data was retrieved, grouping and classification was carried out as per the
requirements of the study. Using raw data can be misleading as they may contain errors,
redundant or irrelevant information. Outliers were identified for further analysis. Incomplete
data sets were further refined through further mining of platform data where applicable, and
irrelevant data sets or inaccurate ones were discarded. This was done by mainly pre-
processing the data using both manual and automated data mining to verify imperfections.
Out of the 1105 records (for both cohorts), 44 have been discarded due to the fact that the
students had completed less than 3 activities and did not do the final assessment activity.
During the course of this research, it was ensured that there is compliance with the
appropriate data protection laws and regulations. No personal data was processed in such a
way that it would reveal the identity of the students or which would be in contradiction with
legal and ethical provisions. We have ensured that all data have been anonymized,
depersonalized and used under modified attribution. The main approach was quantitative
data-gathering and through correlational studies and comparison of means. Student
performances were measured by assessing and quantifying their level of proficiency for skills
as per established marking criteria for each activity, knowledge and understanding through
direct measures collection, such as formal assessment of coursework, report writing, online
quiz, collaborative discussion and indirect measures collection such as their perception and
reflection on their learning experience. All the learning activities were each marked on a total
per the regulations of the University. The pass mark of the module is 40% as per the
regulations of the University. For the sake of the correlational studies of this research the
final learning activity is counted as a separate ‘examinations’ activity that will count as an
end of module assessment on its own. However for an in-depth understanding of the situation
within the authentic setting, in some of the analysis, we also include the overall performances
(a weighted aggregate of activities 1-9) as it was in reality computed for this module by the
course designers with the knowledge that in such situations, the multicollinearity element has
to be looked into. To generate the predictive models of performances, the RapidMiner Studio
9.3 was used. Variables that were included in the training datasets are marks of each activity
(1-8), gender, and discipline. Performance for the purpose of this specific research is defined
to be a linear function of the marks achieved in each learning activity (referred to as the
continuous learning activities), gender and the faculty/discipline from which students come
from. Each of the models that is generated is based on in-built machine learning algorithms of
the software tool namely Deep learning, Generalized Learning Models and Random Forest
amongst others.
In this research, the data that was used were related to learning activities students carried out
in one online module at the University. These activities were pedagogically designed using a
different approach. Although there was a high number of students who enrolled on this
module rendering the study to be contextually relevant, it was also restrained within the
institutional level only. The student population consists of local students, coming from
different fields of study, but who are also elements of the same secondary schooling system.
Consequently, while this ensures homogeneity to a good extent within the population under
study, there is a need to be cautious with respect to generalization of the findings. Data in this
study was not an experimental design but real data collected for analysis. Although the study
of data was done in an unplanned setting, researchers in this study could only study and use
data that were available to them. Data related to frequency of access, logins and clicks which
would have been helpful to analyse from an additional perspective, were not available.
However, this emphasis of this stressed on modeling students’ performances in the final
learning activity, with respect to how they progressed in the different types of learning
activities of the module. Given that there were marking schemes and criterion, it was
It can be observed from the figures, that the continuous learning assessment marks
histograms for both cohorts are left skewed and is not likely to follow a normal distribution.
A test of normality to calculate the Skewness and the Kurtosis value, revealed that the
distribution cannot be assumed to be normal (Ghasemi & Zahediasl, 2012). Therefore, for
continuous learning assessment marks, non-parametric tests were conducted using Kendall’
and Spearman Rank method (Grech & Calleja, 2018). On the other hand, the normality test
revealed that the variable final assessment mark (Activity 9) marks could be assumed to be
normally distributed.
The box plot in figure 6 reveals the marks distribution in all the learning activities for
Cohort 1. It is not surprising and can clearly be noted from the figure that activities 2 and 4
which were MCQs marked by the system focusing mainly on basic knowledge that students
Figure 6. Distribution of marks in all learning activities (Cohort 1).
It can further be observed that students performed quite average on activities 1 (forum
discussion) and 7 (YouTube video reflective activity) while the range was bigger for activity
6 (concept-mapping). Overall in the module, it can be initially deduced that the students in
general, scored higher than average in most of the learning activities. The box plot in figure 7
reveals the marks distribution in all the learning activities for Cohort 2. The observation is
ranges of the other activities. They performed slightly better in Activity 3, an observation
Comparison of Means
For cohort 1, through the Friedman test, it could be observed that the X2r statistic is
144.872 (3, N = 217). Since, the p-value is <.00001, there is significant difference between
the means at 1% level of significance. Similarly, for cohort 2, there was a significant
difference in mean continuous assessment marks as compared to the final assessment marks
(p<0.01). Overall, the students performed better in the continuous assessment mark than the
final assessment mark (X2r =117, 1, N = 844). The box-and-whisker plot in figure 8 illustrates
the data distribution for the five disciplines in the continuous learning activities (1-8) and
From the continuous assessment marks, students from Sciences, Law & Management,
Engineering and Agricultural sciences in both cohorts performed in comparable ways, except
for the humanities with a lower median and wider interquartile range. For the final
assessment, the Sciences and the Humanities looked comparable while the Law &
Management disciplines had a higher median and wider interquartile range. However, in the
Engineering discipline, it can be observed that the median mark for the final assessment was
quite lower than for the continuous assessment mark. The highest mark in the final
assessment was from the Law and Management discipline. As mentioned earlier, there were
only 26 students in the Agriculture discipline. With respect to the final performances of the
two cohorts, there were no significant differences (p>0.01; α=0.01) observed in the mean
marks scored by the students. However, the mean marks of the continuous learning activities
(total aggregated marks of Activities 1-8) of the two cohorts were significantly different
(p<0.01; α=0.01).
The system generated 58 models, among which the Random Forest Model (RFM) and
the Deep Learning Model (DLM) had better predictive power as presented in figure 9. The
correlation coefficient of both models was very close with practically equal variances.
Figure 9. First Predictive Model Generation using RapidMiner.
For the DLM, the Activities 8, 6, 3 and 2 are considered as significant to the
predictive ability of the model while Discipline (Faculty), Activities 1 and 4 are considered to
be contradicting prediction. Activities 5, 7 and the Gender element was not included as
factors to the predictive power of the model. On the other hand, discipline (faculty), Gender,
and Activity 1 were contradicting. Activities 4, 5 and 7 were however excluded as significant
factors for the prediction of final performances. Furthermore, a multiple regression analysis
for the performance variable with respect to each of the learning activities was performed
(R2=0.197; F=5.06). It was observed that the predicted performance P can be defined as
From the model, Activity 6 emerged as a major predictor in the performances of cohort 1
students, with Activity 8 with a lesser influence. It can be argued that in the case the module
was offered again, the formula above could be used to predict student performances quite
accurately after activity 6 was over. This does not however imply that only activities 6 and 8
have pedagogical relevance, but it is mainly an observation that is obtained after applying
The system generated 195 models, among which the Generalized Linear Model
(GLM) and the Deep Learning Model (DLM) had strongest predictive power as presented in
figure 12. The correlation coefficient of both models was very close with practically equal
Figure 12. Second Predictive Model Generation using RapidMiner.
For cohort 2 the models had higher correlations and stronger predictive ability than
for Cohort 1. This is because the training dataset in Cohort 2 was about 4 times the dataset for
Cohort 1. This may also explain why the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) was a better fit in
terms of the predictive power. In both models, Activity 6 (concept-mapping) was the major
predictor, and it was considered as an important activity in this module, followed by activity
understanding, they still had to demonstrate skills related to the use of ICT tools. Similarly,
Activity 8 was a practical activity where they had to demonstrate skills related to the use of
ICT for educational purposes. Gender was found not to have any significant predictive ability
at this stage while discipline (faculty) was a positive predictor for both models for this cohort.
The salient observation is that both models do not consider the same elements based on the
specific machine learning algorithms/regression modeling that they use. For the GLM,
Activity 4 was found to be contradicting prediction, most probably because most students
scored high marks in that activity, given that they could attempt it more than once. Activities
1 and 5 were not retained by the model as predictors. Activities 1 and 5 were pitched at
different cognitive levels whereby activity 1 was mainly at knowledge level while activity 5
required critical thinking. However, their nature was similar as they had to make posts on
Figure 13. Generalised Linear Model (GLM).
processes while activities 3, 6 and 8 which were including discipline were influential in the
prediction process. Furthermore, a multiple regression analysis for the performance variable
with respect to each of the learning activities was performed (R 2=0.151; F=14.8). It was
Table 8. Multiple regression analysis 2 for performance variable.
The main observation from this research is that application and outcomes of
learning design approach adopted. This is in line with the findings of related research in the
area as reported by Smith et al. (2012) and Tempelaar et al. (2015). The outcomes of
predictive analytics also depend on the accuracy of models generated, which in fact, depends
on the amount and type of existing data available. In this research, although descriptive
analytics could provide some insights into the available data in terms of distributions and
comparative observations, the modeling of the performances did not seem to be of significant
help given the current learning design of the module. When using learning analytics to model
and predict student performances, there are a number of different variables that can be
frequency of access, links visited and number of clicks, navigational pattern and other related
actions of the student. In this research, it is observed that by the very nature of the learning
design, frequency of access and number of clicks would have necessarily been of value to the
performance modeling process. Others have argued that VLE information alone was not
sufficient for an accurate prediction of students’ performances as other learning dispositions
were important to be considered. Such learning dispositions according to Shum and Crick
(2012) would need to include self-reported data from students such as learning preferences
(or learning styles for some) and student feedback amongst others. This argument of Shum
and Crick (2012) is very relevant taking into consideration that VLE engagement data is only
relevant to the extent that a student has to spend time online when he or she is engaged in an
e-learning course. However, self-reported data from students, have also been subject to
criticisms with respect to their reliability and accuracy, especially in the context of learner
It can reasonably be argued that not all e-learning courses follow the same
instructional and/or learning design model that would make adoption of learning analytics in
its classic application useful from a pedagogical perspective, as evidenced by the current
module ‘Education Technologies’. This module was offered fully online using an activity-
based approach as described above. Out of the 9 activities, there were at 4 activities which
did not require full presence on the VLE for successful completion. The important element
about these activities were the instructions and supporting materials which could be
downloaded for offline browsing. While doing these activities, the students had the freedom
to look for additional resources online such as step-by-step tutorials of how to use a specific
software or YouTube tutorials. This issue has been highlighted by researchers (Bienkowski,
Feng & Means, 2012; Ferguson et al., 2016; Sharples, de Roock, Ferguson, Gaved,
Herodotou, Koh, Kukulska-Hulme, Looi, McAndrew, Rienties & Weller, 2016) and is a
Student performances, more precisely in the case of the education technology module,
academic performance in the final learning activity, is often looked at from different
perspectives based on the stakeholders’ lens. For instance, a student may be either concerned
with the specific mark he or she will score in a module, or sometimes they are mostly
interested to pass the module. From a teacher’s perspective, a classification might be more
appropriate such as a trend as to how many high, moderate or low performers could emerge,
and for those who are low or borderline fail, what can be done to minimize that risk of
actually happening. The key question about prediction of performances (continuous or final)
in an educational process is whether a specific mark has to be predicted, and if yes, what is
the pedagogical importance of it, or whether the aim is to better assist students in difficulty,
through prediction of the categories (high risk students, high performers or satisfactory
progress) they might likely be classified into. It is obvious that in the case of the present
research, and in line with Nuninger, Picardi, Goy and Petrone (2019), that if the goal is to
develop learner’s autonomy and development of skills and competencies, which needs to be
(2017), predictive analytics could be applied to identify students who could be at risk of not
submitting their next assignments in an online course so that remedial cost-effective measures
could be applied. However, the module ‘Education Technologies’ was designed in such a
way that it would not require students to report gradually on the progress as long as the
submission dates were not close. Although some students would engage on forums or via
email with tutors, but this would not be enough for a close monitoring of each student. For
these types of learning activities, it would be only after assessment that one can make up an
idea of the involvement of the student in carrying out the activity. At that point in time,
although corrective measures can be taken by the tutors for the forthcoming activity, no
specific scaffold can be put in place within the occurrence of the activity to maximise the
chances of the student, unless the student himself or herself seeks for such support.
Furthermore, contrary to the argument of Herodotou et al. (2017), in the current situation,
only a non-submission of a particular activity could be a potential signal for a student who
To address the above observation and concern, the findings of Rienties, Lewis,
McFarlane, Nguyen and Toetenel (2018) with respect to the fact that learning design
decisions have direct effect on student online behavior, if the learning module requires
significant time to be spent on the VLE, in particular for assessment and productive activities.
Such activities that require mainly offline work, can be redesigned in such a way that students
have to actually get back to the VLE, for e.g. to post an update on progress, or to submit sub-
tasks that ultimately lead to completion of the main tasks. In so doing, there is also a need to
revise the way the assessment criteria for such activities are conceived, as if such sub-tasks
are not included in the marking, students may not give the due importance to them.
environments. In the context of the current work, and specific to a such a module, real-time
learning analytics can help to address concerns about tutor commitment, learner scaffolding
experiences to address problems and probable issues before they escalate. This might be a
more viable approach than trying to predict specific student mark in an online course. In line
with this, Viberg et al. (2018) tried to explain the decrease of predictive analytics studies and
applications over the recent years, with the preference going towards descriptive analytics.
Such argument is furthermore supported by Ferguson et al. (2016) highlighting the shift of
focus towards in-depth understanding of the learning processes and students’ experiences
In this study, the predictive influence of continuous learning activities on the final
learning activity mark was investigated for an online module for two different cohorts. The
findings showed that higher order cognitive and practical learning activities have a high
predictive power, given that the learning design of those activities closely match that of the
final learning activity. However, lower order activities are an important part of the knowledge
acquisition phase, but they carried less weight in terms of marking ratio. There may be a need
to rethink the learning design process. The findings of the result cannot be generalized given
the specific context that the research has been conducted. There are also limitations in terms
of applying learning analytics given the activity-based learning design approach adopted in
modules conceived as per the learning design model adopted in the Education Technologies
module to predict specific marks or likely final performances of students. However, the
learning design can be reviewed in such a way to make learning analytics appropriate to
measure student engagement at various stages in the different learning activities so that tutors
can provide better support and scaffolding to students who are having difficulties in the
learning processes.
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