Lighting The Torch: Optional

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Olympic Learn & Play Sports

Mathematics & Science Objectives

To practice basic mathematical operations

Lighting the Torch To provide information about the torch lighting


Distribute activity worksheet.

Discuss graphics with students:
What is the figure?
What is being carried?
What is the object at the top of each stairway?
Explain the object of the lesson. Use a transpar-
ency to help explain rule and mathematics opera-
Discuss the Olympic torch lighting ceremony.
Make up additional rules or change the opera-
tions on the worksheet. Materials
The Olympic Torch and Flame story may be used “Olympic Torch” background story
for Language Arts and Social Studies lessons.
Discuss the symbolic meaning of the Olympic “Olympic Torch” worksheets

Transparency of the activity page

Additional equations pages are provided Optional : additional equations pages,
colored pencils, crayons

© Amateur Athletic Foundation 1992, 2000

Worksheet Olympic Learn & Play Sports

Lighting the torch


The torch is a symbol of the harmony and goodwill which represent the ideals of the Olympic Games.
The Olympic flame represents the basic spiritual significance of the Olympic Movement, a symbol of
peace among peoples of the world.

The torch is usually carried hand-to-hand by relays of runners from the original site of the Olympic
Games at Olympia, Greece, to the main stadium of the current Games. This tradition started with the
Berlin Olympic Games in 1936. To carry the torch during any part of its journey is considered a great
honor. In Los Angeles, for the Games of the XXIII Olympiad in 1984, the torch relay route covered
15,000 kilometers. The route took 82 days and 3,636 runners participated. Interested persons were
able to run for one kilometer by paying $3,000. In this manner more than $10 million was raised to
benefit youth sports organizations.

The lighting of the Olympic flame at the site of the games is an important part of the opening ceremo-
nies. Bringing the torch into the Games stadium is both a culminating as well as a beginning event.
The Olympic flame ends its journey by lighting the Olympic torch of the Games. At the end of the
Games the flame is extinguished but this signifies the beginning of the next quadrennial and prepara-
tions for the next Olympic Games. In the modern era, the Olympic Games in Amsterdam.

The torch ceremony, with its ritual and symbolism, sets the Olympic Games apart from other sports
events; it adds aesthetic beauty to the competition of the Games. Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the father
of the Modern Olympics, concluded that the torch ceremony had four specific traits: 1)historical mean-
ing; 2) an educational message; 3) artistic appeal; 4) religious essence.

Historically, the most common use of the torches was to shed light in darkness, especially for travelers
at night. Instructively or educationally, the message for mankind was to teach people fairplay and in-
still a high regard to cooperation and togetherness. Artistically, the torch enhanced the elegance of
the ceremonies. Finally, the religious essence derives from the first Olympic Games in 776 B.C. when
young boys raced 200 yards to win the privilege of lighting the sacrificial altar fire honoring the Greek
god Zeus.

Throughout the succeeding years, the torch ceremony has changed, but its symbolism has not. The
flame is borne throughout the world using many kinds of transportation until it reaches its destination.

For detailed reference on this ceremony, see The Olympic Flame, Durantes, Conrado, International
Olympic Committee, 1988

© Amateur Athletic Foundation 1992, 2000

Worksheet Olympic Learn & Play Sports

Lighting the Torch

© Amateur Athletic Foundation 1992, 2000

Worksheet Olympic Learn & Play Sports

Sports Equations


4 = green
6 = yellow
8 = black
9 = tan

© Amateur Athletic Foundation 1992, 2000

Worksheet Olympic Learn & Play Sports

Sports Equations

20 = blue
15= red
10 = tan

© Amateur Athletic Foundation 1992, 2000

Worksheet Olympic Learn & Play Sports

Sports Equations

4 = blue
5 = black
6 = red
7 = tan

© Amateur Athletic Foundation 1992, 2000

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