Angeli Salick-Mahabirsingh

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An Investigation into the Students’ Perceptions on the Reasons They Commit

Acts of Truancy at School X

Angeli Salick-Mahabirsingh

This case study investigated Form Four students’ rationale for engaging in truancy at a secondary
school in Trinidad and Tobago. Data were collected through interviews with three students who
were habitual truants. Four themes emerged from the study: 1) teacher/student relationship, 2)
teaching strategies, 3) peer influence, and) domestic situation. The findings of the study revealed
that: a) the students felt that their relationships with their teachers, and the manner in which their
teachers interacted with them, impacted their classroom attendance; b) all of the participants
indicated that they disliked attending boring classes and longed for variety in classroom
instruction; c) while all of the students enjoyed spending time with their friends who sometimes
stayed away from classes, which encouraged them to do likewise, two of them expressed
resentment when teachers picked on their friends and skipped those teachers’ classes as a sign of
solidarity; and d) domestic issues such as abuse, fatigue, anger, and lack of basic necessities
affected the students’ ability to concentrate on their lessons, thus causing them to evade classes.

Keywords: Secondary school students; Student attitudes; Truancy; Student attendance; Student
behaviour; Perceptions; Social factors; Absenteeism; Trinidad and Tobago

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