Ch 2 Olympic Value Education
Ch 2 Olympic Value Education
Ch 2 Olympic Value Education
President Vice
The president of the IOC is elected by its members.
The president is elected for a term of eight years. After
the expiry of his term, he/she can be re – elected. The
current IOC president is Thomas Bach.
Vice President
In the IOC four vice – presidents are elected. These
officials are also by members of the committee. They
are elected for a term of four years. They can be
reappointed if members of the committee desire so.
Executive Board
The IOC Executive Board consists of the president four
vice – presidents and ten other members. All the
members of the IOC Executive Board are elected by
Main Function of the IOC
Place decided by this committee and days on which games will be
For conducting the competition and general programmes for the
Olympics, fundamental rules and regulations are set up by this
Encourages and supports the promotion of ethics in sports as well as
education of youth through sports.
Ensures the regular conduct of the Olympic games.
Takes action in order to strengthen the unity and to protect the
independence of the Olympic movement.
Acts against any form of discrimination affecting the Olympic
Encourages and supports the promotion of women in sports at all
The fights against doping in sports.
Encourages the development of sports for all.
It opposes any political or commercial abuse of sports and athletes.
National Olympic Committee
The NOC are a constituent of the Olympic
Movement under the leadership of the IOC.
At present there are 206 NOCs all over the
Together with the International Sport
Federations, the NOCs are a constituent of the
Olympic Movement under the leadership of
Objectives Of NOC
It promotes and protects the Olympic
Movement in its respective countries.
Nominate cities within their
respective areas as candidates for
future Olympic Games.
Promotes the development of
athletes and training of coaches and
officials at a national levels
Indian Olympic Association
IOA was founded in 1927 as a non – profit organization
by Sir Dorabji Tata as President and Dr. A.G
Noehren as Secretary General.
IOA selected sportspersons to represent India, but after
1947 this responsibility to the National Sports
Currently IOC only arranges transport, boarding and
accommodation for the officials and sportspersons.
IOA is an affiliated member of International Olympic
IOA elections are generally held once in four years for
selecting it office bearers and members.
The office bearer who hold a different
position in Indian Olympic Association
are listed below:
•Senior Vice President
•Vice – President (8)
•Secretary- General
•Joint Secretaries
•Executive Council Member (10)
•One representative elected out of the
Athletes Commission
•To develop and promote the Olympic
•To enforce the rules and regulation of the
International Olympic Committee and Indian
Olympic Association.
•To promote and encourage the physical,
moral and cultural education of the young
people of nation.
•To undertake with assistance of national
sports federations, the financial
management, transportation, maintenance
and welfare of teams.
•To suggest the names of selected
participants to participate in Olympic
• To cooperate with the National Sports
Federation/ Associations, IOA and controls
selection, training, coaching of the teams that
will represent India.
•Eliminate the discrimination of caste,
religion, color and area etc.
•To apply the code of conduct of the World
Anti – Doping Agency.
•Respect all the rules and responsibilities for
the national Olympic Committee
International Federations of Sports
International Federations of Sports are
international non- governmental organizations
recognized by the International Olympic
Committee (IOC).
It aim to administer one or more sports at
world level.
Objectives of IFS
Responsibility and duty to manage and to
monitor the every day.
IFS supervise the development of athletes
practicing these sports at every level.
It ensure promotion and development.
IFS monitor the administration regularities
of competition as well as respect for rules
of fair play.