Chapter-2 XI Notes

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CLASS – XI (SESSION 2020-21)


2.1 Olympics, Paralympics and Special Olympics

2.2 Olympic Symbols, ideals, Objectives and Value of Olympism
2.3 International Olympic Committee
2.4 Indian Olympic Association
2.1. Olympic, Paralympic and Special
Olympics Olympics
History Reveals that Ancient olympics were held in the honour of god zues, at city of
olympic around 776 BC as the part of Religious festivals. Representative of whole
Greek used to gather at dympia and exhibit their unity during ancient olympic gemes.
The revival work of the games was undertaken by Barron Piere Decubation who is also
know as father of olympics. Que to their hard efforts the just modern olympic Games
held in 1896 at Athens Greece and Since then these game are held every four years.


The word paralympics is compositions of two words para and olympics. The word
‘Para’ has been derived from preposition of Greek which means beside or along side
which means that the paralympics are the parallel games to the olympics. These events
are held for the person with range of disabilities, including muscle impaired, impaired
range of movements, limb deficiency, Leg length differences, short stature, hypertonia
vision impalement.
The objective of paralympics to promote and contribute to the development of sport
opportunities and competitions, from the start to elite level. To develop opportunities
for athletes with a severe disability in sport at all levels and in all structures. This is
similar to Olympic game for physically disabled sports person. First time it was
organized in Rome in 1960. The head quarter of international paralympic is situated at
Born, Germany. The International Paralympic is responsible for organizing summer
and winter Olympic games. At present it comprises of 176 National Para Olympic
Special Olympics

The first International Special Olympics was begun in 1968 at Chicago. It was founded
by Eunice Kennedy Shriver, the sister of former US president John F Kennedy. Its
mission is to provide year-round training and organize athletic competitions in various
Olympic-types sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.
Special Olympics is the world's largest sports organisation for children and adults with
intellectual disabilities and physical disabilities providing year round training and
competitions to 5 million athletes and unified sports partons in 172 countries. Special
Olympics competition are held every day all around the world including local, national
and regional competitions. like International Paralympic committee the Special Olympic
Organisation is orgnised by IOC called International special oympic committee. The
major special olympic world Games is a major went put on by the special olympics.
These games alternate between summer and winter games, in two year cycles recurring
every for the year.

Special Olympics Bharat is an officially recognised programme of Special Olympics

International which operates in India. It was founded in 1987 as Special Olympics India,
and changed its name to Special Olympics Bharat in 2001. It is recognized by the
government of India as a National Sports Federation for the development of sports
opportunity for the people with intellectual disabilities.
Mrs. Shriver breathed her last on August 11, 2009, leaving behind a strong legacy, having
initiated to transform the lives of the most neglected section of the society. In honor of her
life and impact EKS Day is celebrated across all the National programs of Special
Olympics, in the month of September each year. The theme of ‘Play Unified to live
Unified’ is a call to action that stems from her teachings that on the playing field we forget
our differences. As part of EKS Day, the world is invited to join people with intellectual
disabilities and those without as they play together – unified – and teach the world to live
Olympic Symbols
Olympic flag
The Olympic symbol was created and designed by pierre-de-coubertin himself. He
created Olympic flag which is of a milky white texture in the background with five inter
linked rings of different colours. The rings symbolize the union of five continents and
meeting of the atheletes form all over the world at Olympics. The five colours are Blue,
Black, Red, Yellow & Green. Represents America, Africa, Australia, Asia and Europe

Olympic flame/ torch

The torch is a common emblem of both enlightenment and hope. A
torch held up symbolizes life, truth and the regenerative power of
flame. The Olympic flag was created under the guidance of Baron
de Coubertin in 1913 and was released in 1914. It was first hoisted
in 1920 in Antwerp, Belgium at the 1920 Summer Olympics in the
main stadium. It shows the continuty between both ancient and
modern Olympics.
Olympic Motto

Olympic motto is made from three Latin Words.

Objectives of Olympics
(a) To generate the sense of loyalty, brother hood and team spirit among the
(b) To bring the attention of the world community to understand the values of the
programmes of physical education.
(c) To Promote amateurism among the sport men.
(d) To remove the barriers of caste, creed, religion and colour.
(e) To develop good habits among sports persons.
(f) To encourage moral values and unbiased behaviour through sports.

Olympic Oath
The Olympic Oath as instituted in 1920. "In the name of all the competitors, I
promise that we shall take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by
the rules which govern them, committing ourselves to a sport without doping and
without drugs, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the
honor of our teams."
Olympic Values
If we look at the objectives of Olympic games, we come to learn that Baron De
Coubertin wanted to develop values through Olympic games. The following values
can be developed through Olympic movement:
1. Brotherhood: Olympic movement is instrumental in developing brotherhood
when players of different countries play together, come together, sit together, dine
together—they develop unity among themselves. Thus brotherhood develops.
2. Impartial game: The Olympic games provide opportunities for impartial games.
These games are based on justice. So. each player and each team should be judged
fairly. Rules and regulations should be applied to each and every team. There should
be no partiality towards a specific team or player. The sports officials should be true
to their words and actions. “Live by code or get out”—such slogans should be raised.
3. No discrimination: According to the suggestion of Mr. Coubertin, there should not
be any discrimination on the basis of caste, colour and creed. Olympic games
promote the spirit of brotherhood and try to abolish discrimination. The players of
different countries, cultures, tradition, and caste—take part. They should not treated
unfairly. The players forget their background or roots and they help promote
Olympic values. But exceptions are always there. In 1972, Olympic games in
Munich, Israeli players were killed ruthlessly. In 1936, Berlin Olympic Jesse Owens
bagged four gold medals but on the grounds of racial discrimination. Adolf Hitler
refused to honor Jese Owens, some countries have vested interest in these games.
They want to prove that they are a better than the other countries. But it can’t be
stated that Olympic movement has failed to promote values, we should have positive
outlook so that values may be promoted through Olympic movement.
4. Friendship: Olympic movement presents such opportunities as instrumental in
developing friendship not only among players but also among countries. Players of
different countries come to take part in Olympic games. When they get together, they
become friends. Even when there is tension going on between two countries, they come
close to one another through Olympic games.
5. Respect: This value motivates the players to show sportsman spirit. Every player should
retrospect and also respect the opponents, rules of game and environment.
6. Values: friendship, brotherhood, unbiased sports and partiality free: It can be said that
Olympic plays an important role in development of these values but a dark side of
Olympics is also seen. Many countries participate in Olympics just to show their
superiority on other countries. This is also a downfall of these values that many countries
of the world boycotted 1980 Moscow Olympics and 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. The
Olympic movement fails to develop the above said values. There should a positive
thinking towards these values so that these values can be developed.
7. Excellency: This value motivates a person to give the best performance on field and
outside the field.

2.3 International Olympic Comittee

The headquarters of Olympic Committee is situated at Lausanne, Switzerland. It was formed
on 23 June, 1894 by Pierre, Baron De Coubertin. This committee is comprised of 105
active members and 32 honorary members. Its first president was a Greek named
Demetrius Vikelas. Thomas Bach was elected President of the IOC on 10 September
2013 till date.
This committee once every four years holds summer and winter modern Olympic games.
This committee organized the first summer Olympic games in 1896 in the Greek city
Athens. And the first winter Olympic games were organized in 1924 in Chamonix.
France. Till 1992, summer games, to help space the planning of the two events two years
apart from each other. The first summer youth Olympic Games were organized in 2010
in Singapore, whereas the first youth winter Olympic games were organized in 2012 in
Innsbruck, city in Austria.
Governing Council
In International Olympic Committee, there are members of different countries. In present
there are 15 members which constitute 1 President, 4 Vice-Presidents, and 10 Executive
Board Members.
Functions of International Olympic Committee
IOC does different functions which are as follows:
(i) The venue where the Olympic games will be organized is decided by this committee.
(ii) To elect the new members, proper functioning of sports programmes, and selection of
host city.
(iii) The promotion of sports/games,
(iv) Fight against doping
(v) Making rules and regulation for the smooth functioning of games.
(vi) To encourage the different organizations for the support by social and economical way to
the players.
(vii) Fight against political or commercial abuse of sports and athletes.
(viii) Encouraging and supporting the promotion of women in sports at all levels.
(ix) Acting against any form of discrimination affecting the Olympic movement.
(x) Taking action in order to strengthen the unity and to protect the independence of the
Olympic movement.
(xi) To motivate the culture and education combined along with sports.
(xii) To motivate the development of sports.
Indian Olympic Association
Indian Olympic Association was founded in 1927. Sir Dorabji Tata and Dr. Noehren became
the founder President and Secretary General respectively. Sir Dorabji Tata was also the
first member of IOC. Its members are chosen once every four years. This committee is
comprised of a president, 9 Vice Presidents, 6 Secretaries, one Honorary Treasurer. Apart
from this, 12 representatives of national sports committee and the representative of State
Olympic Committee are also included. After some time. Sir Dorabji Tata resigned from
his post. After that Shri Bhupinder Singh. Maharaja of Patiala became the President.
India participated for the first time in 1928 Amsterdam Olympic games and won Gold in
Hockey. From that time onwards IOA is working continuously for Olympic movement.
Dr. Narinder Dhruv Batra is the current president and Rajeev Mehta is the general
secreatary .

IOA is responsible for the participation in Olympic games and some other games such as—
Asian games. Commonwealth games etc. All sports federations work to help IOA.

Objectives of Indian Olympic Association

The objectives of Indian Olympic Association are mentioned below:
(i) Development and promotion of the Olympic movement.
(ii) Enforcement of all rules and regulation of the International Olympic Committee and
Indian Olympic Association.
(iii) To be the official organizations in complete form and whole charge of all the matters
related to Olympic event.
(iv) Promotion and encouragement of the physical, moral and cultural education of the young
people of the nation so that their character can be developed.
(v) Admitting the membership of the stale Olympic Association and national sports
federation for which submission of their annual reports and audited statement of
accounts are necessary. These documents should be deposited to the IOA for
(vi) To be a government organization and control the related matters.
(vii) To undertake with assistance of national sports federations the financial management,
transportation, maintenance and welfare of teams from India taking part in the Olympic
games and other games which are organized under the patronage of IOC.
(viii) To suggest the names of selected participants to participate in Olympic games.
(ix) To take disciplinary action against any federation for misbehavior or any other
undesirable activity bringing discredit to the country.
(x) In cooperation with the National Sports Federation/Associations IOA organizes and
control selection, training, coaching of the teams that will represent India.
(xi) To enforce and defend the exclusive rights of the association to use the Olympic flag and
Olympic insignia.
(xii) To organize national and international competitions.
(xiii) To remove the discrimination of caste, religion, color and area etc.
(xiv) To apply the code of conduct of World Anti-Doping Agency.

Functions of Indian Olympic Association

(i) To promote Olympic movement.
(ii) To organise the games at national and international level.
(iii) To give names and to support the players to participate at interactional level.
(iv) To synchronize between different federations and Indian government.
(v) To make a healthy relationship amongst the different slate federations. State Olympic
Associations and National Federations and Associations.

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