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1. Special Olympics Bharat
2. Special Olympics
3. Paralympics
4. Deaflympics

Special Olympics is the world’s largest sports

organization for children and adults
with intellectual and physical disabilities,
providing year-round training and competitions
to 5 million athletes and Unified Sports
Programmes run by Special
partners in 172 countries. Olympics around the world

Young Athlete Programme

History :- The Special Olympic games were
Unified Sports Programme
started in 1968 in Chicago. The special Olympic
games was started by Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Healthy Athletes Programme–
sister of John F Kennedy the former President
of the USA.

The Special Olympics was officially recognized

by the International Olympic
The first Special Olympics International headquarters are in
International Summer Washington, D.C.
Games in Chicago, Illinois,
USA. The Special Olympics logo depicts five
figures in a unifying circle, symbolizing
The first Special Olympics our global presence.
World Winter Games were
held in February 1977 in
Steamboat Springs, The motto of Special Olympics World
Colorado, U.S. Games "Let me win. But if I cannot win,
let me be brave in the attempt."
The more recent Special
Olympics World Summer
Games were held June
17–25, 2023 in Berlin,
Logo The Logo of Special Olympics is based on the sculpture
“Joy and Happiness to All the Children of the World” Tsereteli
and was adopted in 1979.
Mission :- The mission of Special Olympics is to provide
year-round sports training and athletic competition in a
variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with
intellectual disabilities,

Oath :-The Special Olympics athlete’s

oath, which was first introduced
by Eunice Kennedy Shriver at the
inaugural Special Olympics international
games in
Chicago in 1968, is “Let me win. But if I
To participate in Special Olympics, a person must be
at least 8 years old and identified
by an agency or professional as having one of
the following conditions:

1 intellectual disabilities,

2 cognitive delays as measured by formal


3 or significant learning or vocational problems due

to cognitive delay that requires or has required
specially designed instruction.
Sports :- Badminton, Basketball, Bocce, Bowling, Cricket, Cycling,
Equestrian sports, Figure Skating, Floorball, Floor Hockey, Football (Soccer),
Gymnastics – Artistic and Rhythmic, Handball, Judo, Kayaking, Netball,
Roller Skating, Sailing, Snowboarding, Snowshoe running, Skiing – Alpine and
Country, Softball, Speed Skating – Short-track, Swimming – Pool and
Table Tennis, Tennis, Triathlon and Volleyball.
Special Olympic Bharat

Special olympic Bharat is a movement that uses sports as a

catalyst to change the lives of children and adults with
intellectual disabilities or mentally challenged persons it was
founded in 1987 as Special Olympics India and changed toSpecial
Olympics Bharat in 2001 it is recognised by the government of
India as in national sports Federation for the development of
sports opportunity for the people with intellectual disabilities.

Its goal is to provide chance to differently abled people to
develop physical fitness and focus on their holistic development
Write a short note on the origin of Para Olympic Games.?
In the second world war majority of people suffered. They
lost their willpower and kept remembering the horrors of
wars all the time. In1960 Rome Olympic, Sir Ludwig
Collected 400 disabled Athletes and organized games and it
was named Para Olympics. Shooting was the first game to
be introduced in Para Olympic games, the international
Para Olympic committee is responsitble for organizing
summer and winter Olympic game. The head quarter IPC is
situated in Bonn (Germany). The symbol of Para Olympic
Games is three colours red, Blue and green flag and the
motto of Para Olympic is 'Spirit in Motion' .
Define The Paralympic Games or Paralympics, also known as
the Games of the Paralympiad, is a periodic series of
international multisport events involving athletes with a
range of disabilities

Committee All Paralympic Games are governed by the International

Paralympic Committee (IPC).
First The first Paralympic Games where held in 1960 Rome.
They are held at
the gap of every four years following the Olympic
Winter In 1976 Sweden organized the first Paralympic Winter
Paralympics official Paralympic word was used officially in 1988 Olympic
Games in
Seoul, South Korea, which was called as Summer
Paralympic Games.
Headquarters The head quarter of International Paralympics is
situated at Bonn,
International Paralympic Committee (IPC) International Paralympic Committee (IPC) was
formed on 22
The Paralympic Games is a
major international
multi-sport event involving
athletes with a various
range of disabilities such as
The vision of IPC is ‘To
enable Para athletes to achieve
Mobility disabilities sporting excellence and inspire
, Amputations (loss of any and excite the
body parts), world.’
and Cerebral palsy
(intellectual impairment).

 Physical Impairment – There are

eight different types of physical
impairment: Physical: It includes
Impaired muscle power. Impaired
range of movement. Loss of limb. The three Agitos circle a central point,
Leg length difference. Short stature which is a symbol for the athletes
etc. congregating from all points of the
 Visual: It includes impairment of Vision:To enable Paralympic athletes to
one or more components of visual achieve sporting excellence and to
system. inspire and excite the world.

Motto:Spirit in motionin the motto for

 Intellectual: It includes the Paralympic movement.
significant impairment of
4.1.3 Deaflympics

The 'Deaflympics' are games for deaf atheletes. Previously they were
called the International games for the Deaf. These games are
organised by "The International committee of sports for the Deaf"
since the first event and they are sanctioned by Internation Olympic
The deaf olympion can not be guided by sounds for
example, the starter gun, bullhorn commands or refree
whistles. The Deaflympics were held in paris in 1924 and
were also the first ever international sporting events for
athletes with disability.
The Deaflympic winter games, was added in 1949.
The games began as a small gathering of 148
atheltes. Now these games are grown into a global
To qualify for the games, athletes
must have a hearing loss of at least
55 db in their "better ear".

Hearing aids, cochlear implants

and the like are not allowed to be
used in competition, to place all
athletes on the same level.
The logo of Deaflympics,
designed in 2003 is a
positive and powerful
symbol of the
international deaf sports
The most recent name, the
community. It ties “Deaflympics,” was formally
together strong elements: adopted in 2001

. Deaflympics is being organised and

Sign language, managed by ICSD across the
deaf and international world with it national partners and
cultures, unity and associate members.

Events in Summer and Winter Olympics
What is the motto of
Sports in Summer Deaflympics: (a) Spirit in motion
Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Beach
Volleyball, Bowling, Cycling, Road Football, (b) Per ludos
Handball, Judo, Karate, Orienteering, aequalitas (c)
Shooting, Swimming, Table Tennis,
Taekwondo, Tennis, Volleyball, Water Polo, Cetius, altius fortius
Wrestling, Freestyle Wrestling, Greco- (d) Let me win brane
Roman Sports. in my attempt

Winter Deaflympics:
Alpine Skiing, Cross Country Skiing, Curling,
Ice Hockey, Snowboard.
2. Concept of
Classification and
Divisioning in
4.2 Concept of Classification and Divisioning in Sports

The concept of Classification and Divisioning is a process

used in disability sports for providing even and fair
competition for athletes with disability through grouping of

The purpose is very much similar to the grouping systemn

used in mainstream sports according to their age-group,
gender, weight etc

. The genera! goal of any classification or divisioning in

disability sports is to reduce or minimise the effect of
sports performance due to any of the above mentioned
variables like age, gender, weight or even abilities.
Q.1 Describe the concept of classification in Paralympics?

The Paralympic Games, through the international

paralympic committee (|PC), has developed a
classification process which can contribute "to sporting
excellence for all Athletes and sports in the Paralympic
Movement, and providing equitable competition.

Classification is undertaken to ensure that an Athlete's

impairment is relevant to sport performance, and to
ensure that the Athlete competes equitably with other
Q2. What is the role of classification?

According to the IPC (international paralympic

committee), the classification process serves two roles.

() Thefirstis to determine who is eligible and

(i) The second is to group sports people for the purpose
of competition.

The eligibility minimum is an impairment that limits the

sports persons ability to participate in an activity and
the disability needs to be permanent in nature.
Q3. Mention the different steps of the classification
process in Paralympics.

Classification for Paralympics sports generally has three

or four steps. 1 Medical assessment.

2 Functional assessment it involves two steps: first observing a

sportsperson in training and then observing the sportsperson
in competition.

3 There are a number of people involved in this process

beyond the sportsperson, including individual classifiers,
medical classifiers, technical classifiers, a chief classifier, a
head of classification, a classification panel and a classification
Q4. Athletes with which physical
impairments are eligible to
participate in Paralympics

? 1 Impaired muscle power

2 Impaired passive range of
movement 3 Loss of limb or limb
deficiency 4 Leg-length difference 5
Short stature 6 Hypertonia 7 Ataxia
8. Athetosis
Q5. Explain about Divisioning in Sports by

Olympics Special Olympics uses a

competitive-level matching or grouping
referred to as 'divisioning', which is a
fundamental rule at Special Olympics. Athletes
in competitions are matched with others of the
same gender, about the same age and most
importantly, of about the same competitive
What is the difference
between Classification and
Divisioning in disability
Q8. What is
the process
in special
Describe 'Maximum Effort Rule' used in Special Olympics?

Maximum Effort Rule: To achieve the intentions of fairness, there is a

'maximurn efforts rule', wherein athletes are expected to give their
maximun effort during the divisioning process and coaches are
expected to motivate all athletes towards giving their best.

Special Olympics Athletes who do not participate honestly and do

not adhere to the maximum effort rule in all preliminary trials or final
rounds violate the true spirit of competition and may even be
disqualified from competition
Explain the Concept of inclusion

Inclusion means to enable students with special needs to

study and learn alongside students without any special needs.
Students with disabilities participate in the same activities, in
the same space, with the same assessments as all other
students. Modifications are applied when needed.

When placed in the same classroom environment, these

students exhibit high levels of self-esteem as compared to
students who are isolated to different classrooms simply
because of their special needs.

The proponents of inclusion believe that students learn better

in a community that is diverse, caring and collaborative.
Concept of Inclusion


> A defining characteristic of an excellent physical education program is that it includes students
with a

diverse range of abilities, needs, interests and learning styles in meaningful learning experiences.


The term "Inclusive Physical Education" reflects a program where respect and acceptance of all

specifically students with disabilities, is an essential component of the classroom environment


teaching strategies.

> Inclusion is about creating a classroom in which every student is welcomed, valued, respected

enabled to reach her full potential.

Inclusion Implementation


> To make inclusion work, general classroom teachers, support specialist, parents and students

must work together to create the best educational environment possible.

> With knowledge of inclusive practices and strategies, teachers can manage, classrooms that


learning and discovery among all students, regardless of physical abilities.

> School principals must cooperate and share the message that all staff members, not just
special education

teachers, are expected to be involved in education children with disabilities.

> Inclusion also requires specially trained staff. Since classroom teachers need training and
ongoing support

to effectively teach many types of learners,

> They must meet regularly with inclusion specialists.

Need of Inclusion


> Inclusion in physical education increases social skills of students with disabilities

> Inclusion is needed to increase motor skills of students with disabilities.

> A disable student gets equal chance to participate in age-appropriate activities so, it increases the

Confidence level.

> Cwsn students get a chance to increase friendships with disable children.

> Inclusive education provides an opportunity to a cwsn student to go beyond tolerance to acceptance

and advOcacy.

> Inclusive education enables a student to increase their knowledge and acceptance based on the

"contact theory". Through frequency, meaningful and pleasant interactions, changes in attitude ca

OcCur. What is the role of occupational therapist for special need childre
Advatages /Need for
Inclusive Education

Builds Self Esteem –

Improves Social and
Communication Skills
Enhances Sensitivity –
Creates Better Understanding and
Appreciation of others
Creates a Sense of
Belonging –

Improves Performance

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