Building Genre Knowledge: Christine M. Tardy

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Building Genre Knowledge

Christine M. Tardy
Second Language Writing Series
Edited by Paul Kei Matsuda

978-1-60235-112-7 (paperback, $32.00; £21.00; €24.00; $38.00 CAD);

978-1-60235-113-4 (hardcover, $65.00; £41.00; €48.00; $76.00 CAD);
978-1-60235-114-1 (Adobe eBook, $18.00; £13.00; €14.00; $22.00
CAD); © 2009 by Parlor Press; 331 pages, with illustrations, notes,
and bibliography.

Building Genre Knowledge traces the writing of four multilingual

graduate students in engineering and computer sciences over time, of-
fering a window into the writers’ processes in developing increasingly
sophisticated knowledge of academic and professional genres. The writ-
ers’ texts, interview discussions, professors’ feedback, and classroom ex-
periences together construct a rich picture of the conflicts that they
encounter and the learning resources available to them in different set-
tings over time. Through close examination of the stories of these writ-
ers, Building Genre Knowledge articulates a theory of genre knowledge development that allows for complexity
across individuals, communities, and tasks. Adopting an interdisciplinary perspective, Building Genre Knowledge
provides a unique look into the processes of building genre knowledge while offering a dynamic theory of those pro-
cesses that is inclusive of both monolingual and multilingual writers. It will be of great interest to researchers and
practitioners in both first and second language writing studies.

Christine M. Tardy is an Assistant Professor of Writing, Rhetoric, and Discourse at DePaul University in Chicago,
where she serves as Graduate Director and teaches courses in writing, teacher education, and applied linguistics. She
has taught English as a second or foreign language in the U.S., Czech Republic, Japan, and Turkey. She has published
extensively in the areas of genre and discourse studies, second language writing, and academic writing instruction.

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