Tugas Bahasa Inggris: Ayu Istiana Fiat Xii Ipa 2 / 05

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XII IPA 2 / 05

Customs of the Sultanate of

Brunei Darussalam
Traditional Wedding Ceremony of the
Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam
Here is a traditional wedding procession in the
Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam between The
Shockingly Majesty Paduka Seri Pengiran Anak
Puteri Hajjah Majeedah Nuurul Bulqiah bint Move
Down Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Sultan Haji
Hassanal Bolkiah Majesty Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah by
Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Anak Khairul Khalil bin
Pengiran Syed Haji Jaafari. The marriage was
conducted from Friday, 15 Jamadilawal 1428 to
Thursday, 28 Jamadilawal 1428 (1 to 14 June 2007).

The stages of the wedding

Majlis Royal Customs Bersuruh
The ceremony is held when the two sides have agreed to set a date
for the wedding. Normally this ceremony will be held in a hall or
other place that is deemed appropriate to hold the ceremony. Since
the ceremony is a traditional procession in the Sultanate of Brunei
Darussalam, then place the ceremony performed at the Istana Nurul
Iman, Bandar Seri Begawan. Royal Customs Bersuruh Majlis
ceremony held prior to or procession precedes the Majlis Customs
Opens Jaga-Jaga drum, so that said outside the traditional ceremony
of the Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam, or the so-called Customs
In this ceremony, the men express purpose of their visit is to marry
the woman. Once the intention was delivered, the representative of
the women will deliver the answers that they received the intentions
of the men. Here also determined on the date of the wedding. The
woman has the right to change the date of the wedding even though
there was an agreement before the ceremony Bersuruh Royal
Customs Majlis held.

Majlis Customs Opens drum-Jaga Jaga

Customs Majlis Opening Ceremony Drum Jaga-Jaga is an
important part of the wedding ceremony in the Sultanate of
Brunei Darussalam. The procession was held in Room Ceremony,
Bandar Seri Begawan. When the drum procession opened JagaJaga, it means that the Royal Customs (also called Royal Customs
season) has begun. Royal traditions will also be closed with a
drum procession Jaga-Jaga or a prayer. Opening the drum
procession Majlis Istiadat Jaga-Jaga belonging to the Royal
Jaga-Jaga drum is a traditional musical instrument set consisting
of: Nakara, labik drum, flute, cymbals, and gongs. Song (titir) in
the drum Jaga-Jaga consists of 5 rhythms, namely the war drum,
drum last king, drum procession, drums instead of diverting the
middle, and drums instead of diverting tip. Jaga-Jaga drum also
plays three songs flute, namely Kudidi, Sangga Kill, and Liu-liu

3. Majlis Istiadat Uphold Kurnia

Jaga-Jaga Gendang
Upholding Customs Majlis
procession Kurnia drum-Jaga
Jaga held at Darul Karamah,
Bandar Seri Begawan


Signs deliver custom Kings

Signs deliver custom Kings held at Istana Nurul Iman at night.
The men bring a variety of conduction called "Signs of Kings".
Signs Royal Customs deliver procession consisting of:
a. A little girl dressed in a full custom, made-up like a bride, and
dibopong by a Steering (court officials Sultanate of Brunei).
Dibopong girl who is described as the head of the group of the
Conductivity brought comprising: a piece of fabric Jong (songket
sarong), a complete set of custom clothing, a pair of bracelets, a
pair of earrings, a necklace, and various other items commonly
used by women. Each type of delivery will be placed into a
container made of brass, covered with a cloth, and brought
march. The delivery will be carried by someone wearing a
traditional Malay clothes, wearing gloves predetermined color (the
color of the carrier conductivity must be uniform), and
berselempang yellow cloth on right shoulder.
c. Dian Sixteen (16 Candles Ceremony) carried by the waiter who
was accompanied by Juru Bini (a female employee at the Palace).
Dian carrier Sixteen also dressed alike with the carrier

Three types of conductivity (The sign of Kings) above is

accompanied by a set of jewelry consisting of: sinipit,
swords and shields, spears, and kabok panastan. Watch
the amount of each type of status or position adapted to
Sword and Shield
host organizing
the ceremony,
as Spear
follows: Kabok Panastan
Sultan & Begawan



Sultanate of Brunei






Coordinator, Head
Cheteria, and Main

Cheteria Low, and


5. Customs Receive Royal Signs

Customs Receive Royal Signs is a continuation
of the ceremonies and traditions deliver Signs
of Kings. Here the man handed Signs of Kings
and accepted by the women. Signs Customs
Receiving event held at the Istana Nurul Iman
6. Customs Majlis deliver Royal Engagement
The engagement ceremony ushered Royal
Customs Majlis held on the day of Darul
Karamah to Istana Nurul Iman. The ceremony
is also a form of attestation engagement
prospective bridal couple. The delegation the
men came to the house of the woman,
accompanied by Jewelry in accordance with
social status, as specified in the Royal Customs
Signs deliver.

Royal Customs Majlis deliver engagements consist of

A little girl dressed in a full custom and made-up like a bride dibopong by
the Director as a leader of the group of men
A boy dressed in complete custom and made-up like a groom dibopong by
the Director to assist the little girl.
Letter Mahar or the granting of (letter stating the intention of the
engagement of the groom to the woman as well as a list of items
conductivity which will be given to the bride), a piece of cloth Jong Sara, a
set of custom clothing Malay, two bracelets, a pair of earrings, four rings,
blades , or other items as a gift to the bride. The delivery will be carried by
someone wearing a traditional Malay clothes, wearing gloves
predetermined color (the color of the carrier conductivity must be
uniform), and berselempang yellow cloth on right shoulder.

The delegation was escorted by a male partner Dian

Sixteen brought by waiters dressed in white clothes and
wearing Malay sarong predetermined color. The delegation
is led by a conductor carrier Juru Bini and behind him
followed by 40 young men who wear Janar (yellow cloth
measuring 180x8,75 cm). Janar used as a sling from the
left shoulder to the waist to the right. In this ceremony,
Janar will be exchanged for cash worth BND 25.

Majlis Istiadat Diraja Receive

Receive Customs Majlis
ceremony held at the Royal
Signs Istana Nurul Iman. Here,
the women receive delivery of
goods that have been put up in
Majlis Royal Customs deliver

Powdery Customs Majlis Royal Bride

Powdery Customs Majlis held at the Royal Bride Singgahsana Balai Indera Buana, Istana
Nurul Iman. The ceremony is performed at night on a date agreed by both parties is
done separately between the two brides. Usually the bride will hold a ceremony
beforehand. However, if the groom is the Crown Prince of the Sultanate of Brunei
Darussalam or the descendants of Sultan, then the groom perform this ceremony first.
The day before the ceremony began, the two families will exchange gifts. The men
would give 4 candles, perfumes, cosmetics, decoration, a piece of cloth Jong Sarat, a
set of white dress embroidered with gold thread, as well as other prizes. Meanwhile,
the family of the woman will reply by returning the perfume, powder, and provides a
set of clothes Malay. These items will be placed in a closed container brass lace cloth,
brought by waiters dressed in traditional costumes, led by women selected from a
certain rank in the Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam.
At a predetermined time, the bride and groom were taken toward a seat that has been
provided, and sat among relatives and other elected leaders, such as the cleric who will
perform the ceremony to carve the powder into the hands of the bride. There are seven
color powder that will be etched into the hands of the bride. Seventh colors are placed
on a plate of silver or crystal is placed on the decorated brass tray. The tray was placed
in a seat near the bride and groom before the ceremony begins.
In a ceremonial procession, the figures have been only incised little of each of the
seven powder. After the ceremony finished powder incised, both bride and groom will
go down from his seat and headed to the palace or the house to run a cascaded
ceremony as one of the conditions Powdery Royal ceremony. The cascaded ceremony
similar to be cascaded in a ritual ceremony Powdery Lulutan.
During the ceremony Powdery Kings, Royal Greatness Tools and Tool Jewelry always
accompanies. In this ceremony, the bride will wear Malay traditional outfit complete.

Powdery Customs Majlis Royal Bride

Powdery to groom the ceremony held at Darul Karamah.
Majlis Istiadat Akad Nikah Diraja
Majlis Istiadat Akad Nikah ceremony held at the Royal
Mosque of Omar 'Ali Saifudien having previously been
agreed the day and date of implementation when
Bersuruh Royal Customs Majlis. In this ceremony, the
Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam using the form Dian
Regalia. Dian used are:
Four silent, carried by Awang-Awang wearing ceremonial dress and
sitting on the four corners of the bridal chair.
Namat mattress (cushion which is one of the regalia of the Sultanate of
Brunei Darussalam) is used as a cushion for the groom. Mattress Namat
yellow combined with green on the edges.

Jewelry also accompany the groom based on

social status as used in ceremonies Bringing
Royal Signs. The groom did not wear special
clothing, in addition to wear Malay traditional
white clothing complete with arat and dastar.
In connection with the ceremony held in the
mosque, then the ritual "Sembah Yours"
accompanied by bringing Regalia Sultanate of
Brunei Darussalam in the form of Dian, mats,
and Stars Petian. The ceremony was closed
with a prayer sung by religious leaders.

Customs Majlis Berinai Royal Bride

Royal bride ceremony Berinai Customs or tinting Henna ceremony for the bride to be
held in Hall Singgahsana Indera Buana, Istana Nurul Iman. While Customs Berinai Royal
bride for the groom held at Darul Karamah.
Royal Bride Majlis Berinai Customs or Ceremony Berpacar (Berinai) held simultaneously
on the night before the wedding at the home of each bride. A day before the start of
the ceremony, a seat bride men will be sent to the woman. In addition to seat him, sent
also important objects that will be used in the ceremony, such as henna leaves, bowls,
and perfumes. Bride's party will reply by sending a consignment of sweets and
pastries. These items are placed in a brass tray, decorated and covered with a cloth,
then taken by the female waitress.
In this ceremony, second hand wedding colored with henna leaves by several people,
including relatives and religious figures. People who Coloring second hand bridal sorted
based on their level of social status and supervised by Pangiran penggawa. The
ceremony ended when the men had finished coloring the hands of the bride .
During the ceremony, Royal Oversized Tool (Regalia Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam)
and Jewelry fixed in accordance with the accompanying social status as the ceremony
Powdery Lulutan. For this ceremony, the bride men wear yellow clothing Malay eggs
complete with headgear ( pose ), dastar, and Rancong (in the past also wears a bracelet
penguluan [bracelet] and geronchong [ankle]). While the bride women also wear yellow
clothing Malay somewhat orange decorated with gold thread, a pair of penguluan
bracelets, and anklets.

The bride biting Majlis Istiadat Diraja

The bride biting customs Majlis held at the Royal Hall Singgahsana Indera Buana,
Istana Nurul Iman, followed by parading the bride Royal Customs. This ceremony
is the culmination of the wedding customs of the Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam.
Before the bride and groom wear for Customs biting Bride Royal, the first two
ceremonies cascaded. The traditional ceremony cascaded done so that the bride
and groom look fresh and radiant, so eye-catching. After showering, the bride and
groom makeup, nice makeup and hair. Oversized tool Royal (Regalia Sultanate of
Brunei Darussalam) continues to be used during the ceremony is performed,
adapted to the social level have urination.
Both the bride and groom wore traditional clothing and made-up like kings and
queens. On that day, the bride and groom are also regarded as the king and queen
and given the grandeur, opulence, and should respect the king and queen.
When Sultan, the king's wife, Pangiran wife who came to the wedding, the Single
Jewelry will be used to welcome and accompany the presence of these nobles. In
this group, the Sultan of Brunei Darussalam was in front, accompanied by a Single
Jewelry, following behind him is the family of the Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam,
along with Jewelry Four. However, before the procession begins, representatives of
the family of man would come to the ceremony, assess, and report all the fittings
to the groom's family.

After all was ready, the bride will enter the ceremony
venue with some of the women as a companion. After the
bride sitting in the aisle, then the accompaniment will
also sit in the space provided.
Meanwhile, the groom would come after the bride entered
the place of the ceremony. Before getting into the place of
the ceremony, the groom rituals Navel Naga, where the
groom will rotate counter-clockwise three times.
Furthermore, the groom will be in front of the entourage
to the entrance point of the ceremony. At the entrance of
this, the groom undergo ritual Wash Feet, namely ritual
foot washing using water placed in a special container
shaped like a teapot, then sprinkle yellow rice
accompanied by waving Kiap (Regalia Sultanate of Brunei
Darussalam fan-shaped).

The groom then the ceremonial place and confronted with the bride,
groomsmen (same religious leaders when accompanying the groom
since from the outside to enter the place of the ceremony) will receive
Overlapping Adab-civilizing of the groom and his entourage put it in
front of the altar. Will escort the groom holding hands and placed it on
the head of the bride. Simultaneously, the Sultanate of Brunei
Darussalam Merian fired. The number of shots adapted to the social
status of people who have urination. After the procession, the groom
sitting next to the bride (both sitting in the aisle). With
bersandingnya the bride and groom at the wedding, the ceremony has
been completed. Religious leaders who had been appointed after the
After the prayer, Pehin Minister (usually Pehin Orang Kaya Di-Gadong
Seri Lela Diraja or series) will report to the Sultan of Brunei
Darussalam that Majlis ceremony Bride biting Royal Customs has
completed held. Once the report is received by the Sultan, then the
bride and groom down the aisle and into a place of resting in the
palace or home.

Majlis Istiadat Diraja Persantapan

Royal Customs Persantapan Majlis held at the Istana Nurul Iman
Customs Majlis Bride Royal Muleh Three Days
Customs Majlis Muleh Three Days held in Hall Singgahsana Indera Buana, Istana
Nurul Iman to the Darul Karamah. The ceremony is conducted three days after
the Majlis I stiadat Royal Bride biting held. The purpose of this ceremony is to
give opportunity to the groom's home to visit his parents.
This ceremony consists of two parts, the first pick-up ceremony the groom in the
bride's house . K Secondly, where the bride held a welcoming ceremony the
groom's arrival after the visit of the home of his parents.
The first ceremony was pick up the groom in the bride's house. Here parents
groom man sent people to pick up or invite the groom to visit his parents. The
ceremony is conducted in a ceremony similar to biting, but the ritual this time
the bride and groom will directly sitting in a place that has been provided
without any accompaniment ceremonies as the biting ceremony. In a ceremony i
ni, the groom's entourage brought Kain Jong Sarat, Malay clothes, some jewelry
(such as rings), personal clothing, glassware, and so forth.
Ceremony performed by the customs regulations. When the entourage of the
groom has come at the bride's house, it will be placed in the space provided
while awaiting the arrival of the groom.

Meanwhile, the emcee of the bride will invite the groom to join the group
from the men. The groom will then ask for permission to join the bride to
the groom's entourage returned to her parents' home. After the groom
joined his entourage, then recited a prayer by religious leaders. Group
head groom to the head of the group requested permission to bring the
bride groom to visit his parents. After the bride gives permission, then
the groom was brought to visit her parents.
In place of the groom also held a ceremony which is basically a farewell
to the groom as has now become a member of the bride's family. This
ceremony was held based on the prevailing custom. The ceremony began
when the group pickup groom had brought home to her parents.
At night, in a ceremony held pick groom the groom to the bride back
home. The ceremony ended when the groom had left the parental home
and the benediction was recited.
The second ceremony was held at the bride's house, which is welcoming
the arrival of the groom. After the groom came with entourage, the bride
welcome and both then sat biting. After the prayer recited by the
religious leaders, the ceremony will be deemed to have been completed.

Majlis Istiadat Reading Prayer Welcome and

Closing Drum Jaga-Jaga
Customs Majlis Reading Prayer Welcome and
Closing Drum Jaga-Jaga held at Darul Karamah and
Istana Nurul Iman. The ceremony began with
the reading Recitation Sharam Anam (Dzikir
Marhaban). When readings of remembrance
has come to the phrase "Ya Habibi", the
Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam cannon fired.
The ceremony is also accompanied by a drum
procession, and ending with disassemble or
open Watch.

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