Which among the following is correct relation between COP of heat pump and COP of refrigerator?
a. [COP]H.P. = 1 + [COP]ref
b. [COP]H.P. = 1 – [COP]ref
c. [COP]H.P. = [COP]ref
d. none of the above
a. total heat input to the cycle (Qin) to net work output of the cycle (Wnet)
b. net work output of the cycle (Wnet) to total heat input to the cycle (Qin)
c. net work output of the cycle (Wnet) to heat rejected from the system (Qout)
d. none of the above
a. Kelvin-Planck statement
b. Clausius statement
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above
A cyclic heat engine operates between a source temperature of 927 oC and a sink temperature of 27 oC. What
will be the maximum efficiency of the heat engine?
b. a. 100 %
b. 80 %
c. 75 %
d. 70 %
When a process becomes irreversible due to heat interaction between system and surrounding at the
boundary due to finite temperature gradient, then the irreversibility is______
a. internal irreversibility
b. external irreversibility
c. mechanical irreversibility
d. chemical irreversibility
The irreversibility in the system caused by friction is an example of
a. internal irreversibility
b. external irreversibility
c. frictional irreversibility
d. chemical irreversibility
Assume that a reversible heat engine is operating between a source at T1 and a sink at T2. If T2 decreases,
the efficiency of the heat engine ______
a. decreases
b. increases
c. remains constant
d. none of the above
a. 0 K
b. 273.16 oC
c. 273.16 K
d. none of the above
a. reversible
b. irreversible
c. quasi-static
d. none of the above
considering relation between Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statement, if one statement between the two is
violated then
It is impossible to produce a heat engine, whose sole effect is to absorb energy in the form of heat from a heat
source and produce an equal amount of work. This statement is
a. Kelvin-Planck statement
b. Clausius statement
c. Third law of thermodynamics
d. none of the above
Which among the following are the examples of mechanical energy reservoir?
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of the unit mass of gas through one degree at constant volume,
is called
A. specific heat at constant volume
C. kilo Joule
D. none of these
The processes occuring in open system which permit the transfer of mass to and from the system, are known as
A. flow processes
B. non-flow processes
C. adiabatic processes
D. none of these
B. minimum
C. maximum
D. positive
The pressure exerted by an ideal gas is __________ of the kinetic energy of all the molecules contained in a unit
volume of gas.
A. one-half
B. one-third
C. two-third
D. three-fourth
What is the equation for entropy of a system if two parts 1 and 2 having entropies S1 and S2 are considered
in equilibrium?
a. S = S1 – S2
b. S = S1 + S2
c. S = (S1 + S2) / 2
d. S = √S1 S2
a. zero
b. less than zero
c. more than zero
d. none of the above
When heat is transferred from body A which is at temperature T1 to body B which at temperature T2 and
there is no heat loss to the surrounding, what will be the change in entropy (dS) of the universe? (Given T1 >
What is the criterion provided by Clausius inequality for the process which is impossible?
a. Cyclic ∫ (đQ/T) = 0
b. Cyclic ∫ (đQ/T) > 0
c. Cyclic ∫ (đQ/T) < 0
d. all above processes are possible
The entropy is
a. an intensive property
b. an extensive property
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above
a. a path function
b. a point function
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above
Any reversible path may be substituted by a reversible zigzag path between the same end processes such that
the heat transfer during this zigzag path is equal to the heat transfer during original path. What are the
processes involved in the zigzag path?
a. pressure
b. volume
c. temperature
d. entropy
2) When the rate of evaporation of water is zero, the relative humidity of the air is
a. 0%
b. 100%
c. 50%
d. unpredictable
Answer Explanation
3) When,
H1 = Total heat of air entering the coil (heating or cooling)
H2 = Total heat of air leaving the coil (heating or cooling)
H3 = Total heat of air at the end of the process (humidification or dehumidification)
then, the sensible heat factor (H2 – H1) / (H3 – H1) represents the process of
4) The dew point temperature is less than the wet bulb temperature for
a. saturated air
b. unsaturated air
c. both saturated and unsaturated air
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation
7) Air at dry bulb temperature Td1 is passed through the heating coil and some amount of air is by passed unaffected and leav
dry bulb temperature Tb2 and the temperature of heated air is Td3 (where Td2 < Td3), what is the correct formula for by pass
(The amount of air by passed unaffected)?
a. humidification
b. sensible cooling or heating
c. sensible cooling or heating with humidification
d. sensible cooling or heating with dehumidification
Answer Explanation
10) At any point on the saturation curve in psychometric chart, the dry bulb temperature is always
1 2 3
Related Content
12) When the dew point temperature is equal to the air temperature then the relative humidity is
a. 0%
b. 50%
c. 100%
d. unpredictable
Answer Explanation
14) The temperature, at which the air cannot hold all the water vapour mixed in it and some vapour starts condensing, is calle
a. humidification temperature
b. dehumidification temperature
c. dew point temperature
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation
15) When the humidity ratio of air increases the air is said to be
a. dehumidified
b. humidified
c. heated
d. cooled
Answer Explanation
a. the cooling in which sensible heat of air is removed in order to reduce temperature
b. the cooling in which temperature of air is reduced without changing in its moisture content
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation
17) When dry bulb temperature (DBT) and wet bulb temperature (WBT) are measured, greater the difference between DBT a
19) The temperature of air recorded by thermometer when the bulb is covered by a cotton wick saturated by water is called as
20) What is the temperature at which the water vapour in the mixture of water vapour in air, starts condensing called?
a. condensation temperature
b. dew point temperature
c. vaporization temperature
d. all of the above
a. 1 to infinity
b. 0 to infinity
c. 0 to 1
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation
a. the ratio of the actual relative humidity to the saturated specific humidity at the same temperature
b. the ratio of the actual specific humidity to the saturated specific humidity at the same temperature
c. the ratio of the saturated specific humidity to the actual specific humidity at the same temperature
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation
a. 0%
b. 50%
c. 100%
d. cannot say
Answer Explanation
a. the ratio of the mass of water vapour to the mass of the total mixture of air and water vapour
b. the ratio of the mass of dry air to the mass of the total mixture of air and water vapour
c. the ratio of the mass of dry air to the mass of water vapour in a mixture of air and water vapour
d. the ratio of the mass of water vapour to the mass of dry air in a mixture of air and water vapour
Answer Explanation
25) The ratio of partial pressure of water vapour in a mixture to the saturation pressure of water at the same temperature of t
is called as
a. humidity
b. partial humidity
c. specific humidity
d. relative humidity
Answer Explanation
a. krypton
b. argon
c. neon
d. none of the above
a. cyclic
b. non-cyclic
c. either cyclic or non-cyclic
d. none of the above
Q3. The cycle which consists of two reversible isotherms and two reversible isochores is called as
a. Rankine cycle
b. Carnot cycle
c. Stirling cycle
d. Ericsson cycle
Q4. Two reversible isothermal processes and two reversible isobaric processes are carried out in
a. Rankine cycle
b. Carnot cycle
c. Stirling cycle
d. Ericsson cycle
Q5. Which thermodynamic cycle, for the same condition, has highest efficiency among the others?
a. Carnot cycle
b. Stirling cycle
c. Ericsson cycle
d. None. All of the above have same efficiency
What is the difference between the Brayton cycle and the Rankine cycle?
a. Brayton cycle has two reversible isobars whereas Rankine cycle has two isotherms
b. The working fluid of Brayton cycle always remains in gaseous phase whereas in Rankine cycle the working fluid undergoes phase ch
c. Brayton cycle operates between higher pressure ratio than the Rankine cycle for same capacity
d. all of the above
Answer Explanation
2) What is the effect of increasing bypass ratio of a turbofan engine on its thrust?
a. total mass flow rate of exhaust stream to the mass flow rate of stream from turbine exhaust
b. total mass flow rate of exhaust stream to the mass flow rate of stream from fan exhaust
c. the mass flow rate of stream from turbine exhaust to the mass flow rate of stream from fan exhaust
d. the mass flow rate of stream from fan exhaust to the mass flow rate of stream from turbine exhaust
Answer Explanation
7) Why do the airplanes fly at higher altitude during the long flights?
a. to avoid collisions as they are at very high speed and controlling will be difficult if something (like towers, hills) comes in the way
b. it is easy to communicate with satellites at high altitudes
c. to save the fuel as air at higher altitude exerts smaller drag force on aircraft
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation
9) Which among the following engines is NOT the type of aircraft gas turbine which works on jet propulsion cycle?
a. turbojet
b. turbofan
c. turboprop
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation
Answer Explanation
Answer Explanation
Answer Explanation
14) The maximum limit of the pressure ratio of the Brayton cycle for maximum efficiency
Answer Explanation
Answer Explanation
16) What is the effect of regeneration on net work output in Brayton cycle?
Answer Explanation
17) What is the effect of regeneration on mean temperature of heat addition in Brayton cycle?
Answer Explanation
a. ratio of actual rise in temperature of air to the maximum possible rise in temperature of air
b. ratio of the maximum possible rise in temperature of air to actual rise in temperature of air
c. difference between maximum possible rise in temperature of air and actual rise in temperature of air
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation
19) Which among the following is the basic air standard cycle for all modern gas turbine plants?
a. Brayton cycle
b. Rankine cycle
c. Otto cycle
d. Diesel cycle
Answer Explanation
a. Brayton cycle
b. Rankine cycle
c. Otto cycle
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation
a. Brayton cycle
b. Rankine cycle
c. Otto cycle
d. All of the above are similarly efficient for same capacity
Answer Explanation
22) What is the relation between the pump work (WP) in Rankine cycle and the work of compressor in Brayton cycle (WT), w
are operating between the same pressures?
Answer Explanation
23) Arrange the followings in the group of Brayton cycle and the Rankine cycle
(1) Steam
(2) Gas turbine
(3) Pump
(4) Steam turbine
(5) Gas
(6) Compressor
Answer Explanation
a. a closed cycle
b. an open cycle
c. either closed or open cycle
d. cannot say
Answer Explanation
25) For the same compression ratio, how is the efficiency of the Brayton cycle compared with the efficiency of Otto cycle?
a. Efficiency of the Brayton cycle is higher than the efficiency of the Otto cycle, for the same compression ratio
b. Efficiency of the Brayton cycle is lower than the efficiency of the Otto cycle, for the same compression ratio
c. Efficiency of the Brayton cycle is same as that of the Otto cycle, for the same compression ratio
d. cannot say
Answer Explanation
Answer Explanation
27) The Brayton cycle is the air standard cycle for
Answer Explanation
a. a closed cycle
b. an open cycle
c. either closed or open cycle
d. cannot say
Answer Explanation
29) For the same maximum pressure and temperature, what is the relation among the efficiencies of the Otto cycle, the Diesel
the Dual cycle?
Answer Explanation
30) The below diagram is the p-v diagram of the Otto, Diesel and Dual cycles for the same compression ratio. Which in the dia
the path followed by the Diesel cycle?
a. 1-2-4-7-1
b. 1-2-3-5-7-1
c. 1-2-6-7-1
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation
Answer Explanation
33) For the same capacity engines, the compression ratio of diesel engine
Answer Explanation
34) How is the efficiency of the SI engine affected by change in specific heat ratio (γ) of the working fluid?
a. the efficiency of the engine increases with increase in specific heat ratio (γ) of the working fluid
b. the efficiency of the engine decreases with increase in specific heat ratio (γ) of the working fluid
c. the efficiency of the engine does not affected by change in specific heat ratio (γ) of the working fluid
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation
35) Use of gasoline blend like gasoline mixed with tetraethyl lead in internal combustion engine
Answer Explanation
36) The compression ratio cannot be increased beyond certain limit, because it results to
a. auto-ignition of fuel
b. detonation
c. engine knocking
d. all of the above
Answer Explanation
37) What is the relation between compression ratio (rk) and the efficiency of the Otto cycle?
a. efficiency decreases with increase in compression ratio
b. efficiency increases with increase in compression ratio
c. efficiency does not affected by change in compression ratio
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation
38) What is the formula for compression (rk) ratio of the Otto cycle?
a. rk = Volume of cylinder at the beginning of compression / Volume of cylinder at the end of compression
b. rk = Volume of cylinder at the end of compression / Volume of cylinder at the beginning of compression
c. rk = Volume of cylinder at the end of compression / clearance volume
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation
Answer Explanation
Answer Explanation
The purpose of study of air standard cycle is
Answer Explanation
42) What is the reason of the fact that the internal combustion engine does not complete thermodynamic cycle?
a. because every time fresh air is taken inside the engine and combustion products are thrown out of the engine
b. because permanent chemical change is undergone by the working fluid in combustion chamber
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation
43) What is the correct formula for net work done of reciprocating engine?
Answer Explanation
44) Which thermodynamic cycle, for the same condition, has highest efficiency among the others?
a. Carnot cycle
b. Stirling cycle
c. Ericsson cycle
d. None. All of the above have same efficiency
Answer Explanation
45) Two reversible isothermal processes and two reversible isobaric processes are carried out in
a. Rankine cycle
b. Carnot cycle
c. Stirling cycle
d. Ericsson cycle
Answer Explanation
46) The cycle which consists of two reversible isotherms and two reversible isochores is called as
a. Rankine cycle
b. Carnot cycle
c. Stirling cycle
d. Ericsson cycle
Answer Explanation
Answer Explanation
48) The engines which are operating on gas power cycle are
a. cyclic
b. non-cyclic
c. either cyclic or non-cyclic
d. none of the above
a. a stationary process
b. an infinitely slow process
c. a random process
d. a spontaneous process
Answer Explanation
2) A machine which can supply mechanical work continuously without consumption of any energy is called as
a. increasing
b. decreasing
c. constant
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation
a. Internal energy
b. Heat energy
c. Work energy
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation
7) Consider the below diagram of heat transfer and work transfer for a system. What will be the first law equation for the belo
a. (Q1 – Q2) = ΔE – ( W2 + W3 – W1 )
b. (Q1 + Q2) = ΔE + ( W2 – W3 + W1 )
c. (Q1 – Q2) = ΔE + ( W2 + W3 – W1 )
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation
8) A system changes its state from state 1 to state 2 through path A and returns from state 2 to state 1 through path B. Path C
alternate returning path from state 2 to state 1 as shown in figure. What will be the effect on change in internal energy of the sy
if the system undergoes these different paths A, B and C?
Answer Explanation
9) When the heat transfer into a system is more than the work transfer out of the system, then
a. is always decreasing
b. is always constant
c. is always increasing
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation Related Ques
2) The term which can differentiate thermodynamics from other sciences is ____.
a. Pressure
b. Temperature
c. Mass
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation Related Ques
3) The thermodynamic work done by the system on the surrounding is considered as ____.
a. positive
b. negative
c. neutral
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation Related Ques
4) When the heat transfer into a system is more than the work transfer out of the system, then
a. True
b. False
a. a statement that energy balance occurs when a system undergoes the change of state or the process
b. a statement about whether the change of state or the process is at all feasible or not
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation Related Ques
7) The thermodynamic cycle in which net heat is transferred to the system and a net work is transferred from the system is cal
a. refrigeration cycle
b. heat engine cycle
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation Related Ques
a. refrigerator
b. stem power plant
c. mass of gas confined in a cylinder and piston machine
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation Related Ques
a. total heat input to the cycle (Qin) to net work output of the cycle (Wnet)
b. net work output of the cycle (Wnet) to total heat input to the cycle (Qin)
c. net work output of the cycle (Wnet) to heat rejected from the system (Qout)
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation Related Ques
a. pressure
b. volume
c. temperature
d. entropy
Answer Explanation Related Ques
a. energy
b. equilibrium
c. entropy
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation Related Ques
16) Any reversible path may be substituted by a reversible zigzag path between the same end processes such that the heat tran
during this zigzag path is equal to the heat transfer during original path. What are the processes involved in the zigzag path?
17) When a system is taken from state A to state B through a reversible path 1 and again the system is taken to its initial state
through different reversible path 2, then what will be the effect on entropy?
a. entropy increases
b. entropy decreases
c. entropy remains constant
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation Related Ques
a. The minimum work that can be extracted from a system till it reaches thermodynamic equilibrium with its surroundings
b. The maximum work that can be extracted from a system till it reaches thermodynamic equilibrium with its surroundings
c. The maximum entropy that can be increased in a system till it reaches thermodynamic equilibrium with its surroundings
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation Related Ques
20) Which analysis/analyses is/are required to make energy conversion or energy conveying system more efficient?
a. solid phase
b. liquid phase
c. gaseous phase
d. all of the above
Answer Explanation Related Ques
a. One mole has a mass numerically equal to half the molecular weight of the substance
b. One mole has a mass numerically equal to the molecular weight of the substance
c. One mole has a mass numerically equal to double the molecular weight of the substance
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation Related Ques
24) According to the Avogadro's law, what is the relation between volume of 1 kg mol of oxygen and volume of 1 kg mol of nitr
normal pressure and temperature? (Mass of 1 kg mol of oxygen is 32 kg and mass of 1 kg mol of nitrogen is 28 kg)
27) What will be the net change in internal energy of working fluid of power cycle over the complete cycle?
28) What is the relation between net energy transferred to unit mass of the working fluid as heat in the power cycle and net en
transfer as work from the working fluid in the same power cycle, if the cycle works ideally?
a. net energy transferred to unit mass of the working fluid as heat in the power cycle is greater than net energy transfer as work from t
fluid in the same power cycle
b. net energy transferred to unit mass of the working fluid as heat in the power cycle is less than net energy transfer as work from the w
fluid in the same power cycle
c. net energy transferred to unit mass of the working fluid as heat in the power cycle is equal to net energy transfer as work from the w
fluid in the same power cycle
d. cannot say
Answer Explanation Related Ques
31) At ideal condition of vapour power cycle, reversible constant pressure heat rejection is carried out at
a. boiler
b. turbine
c. condenser
d. feed pump
Answer Explanation Related Ques
32) Which ideal process is carried out at the turbine in vapour power cycle?
33) In the T-s diagram of vapour power cycle, what is the condition of stem at the starting of turbine expansion?
34) The engines which are operating on gas power cycle are
a. cyclic
b. non-cyclic
c. either cyclic or non-cyclic
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation Related Ques
36) The cycle which consists of two reversible isotherms and two reversible isochores is called as
a. Rankine cycle
b. Carnot cycle
c. Stirling cycle
d. Ericsson cycle
Answer Explanation Related Ques
37) Two reversible isothermal processes and two reversible isobaric processes are carried out in
a. Rankine cycle
b. Carnot cycle
c. Stirling cycle
d. Ericsson cycle
Answer Explanation Related Ques
38) Which thermodynamic cycle, for the same condition, has highest efficiency among the others?
a. Carnot cycle
b. Stirling cycle
c. Ericsson cycle
d. None. All of the above have same efficiency
Answer Explanation Related Ques
39) What is the correct formula for net work done of reciprocating engine?
40) What is the reason of the fact that the internal combustion engine does not complete thermodynamic cycle?
a. because every time fresh air is taken inside the engine and combustion products are thrown out of the engine
b. because permanent chemical change is undergone by the working fluid in combustion chamber
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation Related Ques
a. receives heat from high temperature region and discharge it to low temperature region with production of useful work
b. receives heat from low temperature region and discharge it to high temperature region with production of useful work
c. receives heat from high temperature region and discharge it to low temperature region with utilization of external work
d. receives heat from low temperature region and discharge it to high temperature region with utilization of external work
Answer Explanation Related Ques
a. [COP]H. P. = Q1 / W
b. [COP]H. P. = Q2 / W
c. [COP]H. P. = W / Q1
d. [COP]H. P. = W / Q2
a. [COP]Ref. = Q1 / W
b. [COP]Ref. = Q2 / W
c. [COP]Ref. = W / Q1
d. [COP]Ref. = W / Q2
a. [COP]H. P. = [COP]Ref.
b. [COP]H. P. + [COP]Ref. = 1
c. [COP]H. P. – [COP]Ref. = 1
d. [COP]H. P. × [COP]Ref. = 1
Answer Explanation Related Ques
46) What is the effect of decrease in temperature difference between two reservoirs of heat pump on its COP?
a. krypton
b. argon
c. neon
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation Related Ques
48) The ratio of partial pressure of water vapour in a mixture to the saturation pressure of water at the same temperature of t
is called as
a. humidity
b. partial humidity
c. specific humidity
d. relative humidity
Answer Explanation Related Ques
a. the ratio of the mass of water vapour to the mass of the total mixture of air and water vapour
b. the ratio of the mass of dry air to the mass of the total mixture of air and water vapour
c. the ratio of the mass of dry air to the mass of water vapour in a mixture of air and water vapour
d. the ratio of the mass of water vapour to the mass of dry air in a mixture of air and water vapour
Answer Explanation Related Ques
50) The boiler in which the tubes are surrounded by hot gases is called as
Quasi-static process
a. Seebeck effect
b. Peltier effect
c. Thomson effect
d. none of the above
3) Heat is transferred across a boundary by virtue of a temperature difference. The heat is transferred, that means
a. increasing
b. decreasing
c. constant
d. none of the above
6) The temperature at which a system undergoes a reversible isothermal process without transfer of heat is called as ________
a. critical temperature
b. Kelvin temperature
c. absolute zero temperature
d. reversible temperature
8) Assume that a reversible heat engine is operating between a source at T1 and a sink at T2. If T2 decreases, the efficiency of
engine ______
a. decreases
b. increases
c. remains constant
d. none of the above
a. internal irreversibility
b. external irreversibility
c. frictional irreversibility
d. chemical irreversibility
10) When a process becomes irreversible due to heat interaction between system and surrounding at the boundary due to finit
temperature gradient, then the irreversibility is______
a. internal irreversibility
b. external irreversibility
c. mechanical irreversibility
d. chemical irreversibility
Answer Explanation Related Ques
12) What is the relation between thermodynamic probability (W) and entropy?
13) At the most probable state of a system the entropy of the system is
a. minimum
b. maximum
c. constant
d. none of the above
14) If the two parts A and B in a system are considered to be in equilibrium and having thermodynamic probabilities WA and
will be the thermodynamic probability of the system?
a. W = WA . WB
b. W = WA + WB
c. W = (WA + WB) / 2
d. W = √(WA – WB)
15) At the state of perfect order (W = 1) of pure crystalline substance, how is the zero entropy defined?
a. entropy at 0 °C temperature
b. entropy at absolute zero temperature
c. entropy at the freezing point of the substance
d. none of the above
16) What is the reason behind the fact that the absolute zero entropy value is not attainable?
a. zero
b. less than zero
c. more than zero
d. none of the above
a. irreversibility
b. degradation
c. dissipation
d. all of the above
19) Which will be a suitable condition of exergy loss and entropy generation for thermodynamically efficient process?
a. only negative
b. only positive
c. sometimes positive sometimes negative
d. cannot say
a. x = 0
b. x = 1
c. x = 0.9
d. x = 0.5
22) What is the line which starts from critical point having constant dryness fraction throughout the line as shown in figure (L
23) In a mixture of ideal gases of volume V and temperature T, what is the pressure exerted by each individual gas if it occupie
volume V alone at temperature T called?
a. individual pressure
b. divided pressure
c. partial pressure
d. total pressure
25) What is the entropy change when the system is at stable equilibrium state?
a. zero
b. minimum
c. maximum
d. constant but not maximum
28) What is the drawback of the steam as a working substance in a power cycle?
a. in a vapour power cycle, maximum temperature which can be obtained with best available material is more than the critical
temperature of water and requires large superheating
b. it allows only small amount of heat addition at the highest temperature
c. it requires reheat and reheater tubes are costly
d. all of the above
29) As the heat rejection temperature decreases in the vapour power cycle below atmospheric pressure,
30) What should be the critical temperature of working fluid for maximum efficiency of vapour power cycle?
a. should be constant
b. should be large
c. should be small
d. none of the above
32) What is the importance of the freezing point of the working fluid in the vapour power cycle?
33) When two vapor cycles are coupled in series and heat rejected by one is absorbed by another, the cycle is called as
34) In working condition of turbojet engine, velocity of air entering the engine is
35) Why do the airplanes fly at higher altitude during the long flights?
a. to avoid collisions as they are at very high speed and controlling will be difficult if something (like towers, hills) comes in the w
b. it is easy to communicate with satellites at high altitudes
c. to save the fuel as air at higher altitude exerts smaller drag force on aircraft
d. none of the above
a. total mass flow rate of exhaust stream to the mass flow rate of stream from turbine exhaust
b. total mass flow rate of exhaust stream to the mass flow rate of stream from fan exhaust
c. the mass flow rate of stream from turbine exhaust to the mass flow rate of stream from fan exhaust
d. the mass flow rate of stream from fan exhaust to the mass flow rate of stream from turbine exhaust
40) What is the effect of increasing bypass ratio of a turbofan engine on its thrust?
a. to transform low grade rejected heat into high temperature heat source
b. to transform high grade rejected heat into low temperature heat sink
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above
44) In gas cycle refrigeration system, the throttle valve of a vapour compression refrigerant system is replaced by
a. capillary tube
b. expander
c. reverse throttle valve
d. none of the above
a. Brayton cycle
b. Reversed Brayton cycle
c. Rankine cycle
d. Reversed Rankine cycle
47) The horizontal line in psychrometric chart joining the change of state of air represents
a. humidification
b. sensible cooling or heating
c. sensible cooling or heating with humidification
d. sensible cooling or heating with dehumidification
48) Air at dry bulb temperature Td1 is passed through the heating coil and some amount of air is by passed unaffected and lea
dry bulb temperature Tb2 and the temperature of heated air is Td3 (where Td2 < Td3), what is the correct formula for by pass
(The amount of air by passed unaffected)?
50) Which device used to separate condensate from the steam without letting steam escape?
a. condenser
b. steam valve
c. steam trap
d. none of the above
The substance which is homogeneous and invariable in chemical composition throughout its mass is called as ____.
a. ideal substance
b. pure substance
c. solid substance
d. none of the above
a. to fix state of pure substance of a given mass, the system should be in equilibrium
b. to fix state of pure substance of a given mass, any two independent intensive properties of the substance should be specified
c. both a. and b. conditions should be satisfied
d. none of the above
4) A platinum resistance thermometer has a resistance of 2 ohm at 0° C and 3 ohm at 100° C. What will be the temperature wh
resistance indicates 5 ohm?
a. 300° C
b. 200° C
c. 350° C
d. 400° C
6) The process in which no heat transfer takes place through boundaries is called as
a. isothermal process
b. adiabatic process
c. isochoric process
d. none of the above
7) Heat transfer is
a. a point function
b. a path function
c. a transfer function
d. none of the above
8) The equation for calculating amount of heat transfer through a system boundary
T is temperature, an intensive property
X is an extensive property which is result of heat transfer is
a. Q1-2 = 1∫2 T dX
b. Q1-2 = 1∫2 X dT
c. Q1-2 = 1∫2 (1/T) dX
d. none of the above
9) The amount of heat required to raise a unit mass of substance through a unit rise in temperature is called as
10) The amount of heat transferred to convert unit mass of solid to vapour or vice versa is called as
a. a stationary process
b. an infinitely slow process
c. a random process
d. a spontaneous process
14) A cyclic heat engine operates between a source temperature of 927 oC and a sink temperature of 27 oC. What will be the m
efficiency of the heat engine?
a. 100 %
b. 80 %
c. 75 %
d. 70 %
a. Kelvin-Planck statement
b. Clausius statement
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above
Answer Explanation Related Ques
16) What is the equation for entropy of a system if two parts 1 and 2 having entropies S1 and S2 are considered in equilibrium
a. S = S1 – S2
b. S = S1 + S2
c. S = (S1 + S2) / 2
d. S = √S1 S2
17) Exergy is not conserved but destroyed in the process. What is the reason behind this?
a. reversibility
b. irreversibility
c. both reversibility and irreversibility
d. none of the above
a. The exergy of an isolated system can never decreases, but always increases
b. The exergy of an isolated system can never increases, but always decreases
c. The exergy of an isolated system can either increases or decreases
d. cannot say
19) People use electric energy to heat and light homes. What does it indicate?
20) The ratio of minimum exergy which must be consumed to perform the task to the actual amount of energy consumed in pe
the same task is called as
a. x= 0
b. x= 0.9
c. x= 0.999
d. x= 1
22) What is a liquid, whose temperature is less than the saturation temperature at the given pressure, called?
a. compressed liquid
b. subcooled liquid
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above
a. the difference between saturation temperature of liquid and actual temperature of liquid
b. the difference between saturation temperature of vapour and actual temperature of liquid
c. the difference between saturation temperature of liquid and actual temperature of vapour
d. the difference between saturation temperature of vapour and actual temperature of vapour
a. the total pressure of a mixture of ideal gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of individual gases divided by numbe
b. the total pressure of a mixture of ideal gases is equal to the partial pressure of any individual gas in the mixture
c. the total pressure of a mixture of ideal gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of individual gases
a. volume occupied by a single gas alone of a mixture at the same temperature and pressure of the mixture
b. total volume of the mixture at a certain pressure and temperature divided number of gases mixed in the mixture
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above
27) In binary vapour cycle, the cycle which is operated in high pressure ratio is called as
a. bottoming cycle
b. topping cycle
c. upper cycle
d. pressure cycle
28) What is the correct formula for brake efficiency of the turbine in vapour power cycle?
Where out flow is as following,Ideal output(Actual work given to turbine) ----> Internal losses ----> Internal output (Actual wor
produced by turbine turbine) ----> External losses -----> Brake output (Actual work at the shaft)
29) What is the relation between brake efficiency, internal efficiency and mechanical efficiency?
30) How is the COP of gas-refrigeration cycle compared with the COP of vapour compression cycle, for the same capacity?
a. the COP of gas-refrigeration cycle is lower than the COP of vapour compression cycle, for the same capacity
b. the COP of gas-refrigeration cycle is higher than the COP of vapour compression cycle, for the same capacity
c. the COP of gas-refrigeration cycle is same as the COP of vapour compression cycle
d. none of the above
34) The dew point temperature is less than the wet bulb temperature for
a. saturated air
b. unsaturated air
c. both saturated and unsaturated air
d. none of the above
35) When,
H1 = Total heat of air entering the coil (heating or cooling)
H2 = Total heat of air leaving the coil (heating or cooling)
H3 = Total heat of air at the end of the process (humidification or dehumidification)
then, the sensible heat factor (H2 – H1) / (H3 – H1) represents the process of
36) When the rate of evaporation of water is zero, the relative humidity of the air is
a. 0%
b. 100%
c. 50%
d. unpredictable
a. 0
b. 7
c. slightly less than 7
d. slightly more than 7