Cameron’s review published on Letterboxd:
Monica Bellucci is simply an eternal beauty. Absolute Madonna, no matter how dead and put back together she is in this.
Was extremely unsure if this even needed to go ahead, especially considering Burton’s recent track record of films. I certainly wasn’t feeling it for the first half hour or so as it simply was a bit slow for my liking as we’re reintroduced to the old characters and introduced to Ortega and the new characters. It also has less of an edge to its comedy than its predecessor which I’m not a fan of.
Still had fun though overall once the motions are went through. Keaton still has plenty of juice and seems genuinely endeared to the character. Ryder and O’Hara are fun to have back, and play along nicely with Ortega, Dafoe and the other new characters. Despite the complaint about the comedy, a lot of the sight gags are actually pretty funny and the whole legacy sequel process is dealt with in a far less nostalgia baity way. There are reminders of what came before but they exist to push what is new forward.
I refuse to believe Burton is back, as this film only really feels like the first time since at least 2008 that he is actually putting genuine creative energy and effort into his work. It’s a good bit of fun don’t get me wrong but let’s remember our broadened horizons.