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(Top Seca tearing heli on Mah 20,174; r0nde pubic on May 18, WEATHER MODIFICATION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1074 Une Sowa ani so a SE ay Is SEgRR Betoee yg estamos Bow, " Weiten Pi ioe at, pry note, gt Fai sie gies emt Sapeten gh Sac ea Boe al Cm Sioa Be Paes’! Gin, US. komm Conan Di gene tte Rate PES"Ganton, Thnk waite ws wt gu seed Sa lob Dh A oe i gleceH ig arta crt [ave Se oa Pe ew, |SPATEMENT OF DENNIS J. DOOLIN, DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRE. ‘TARY OF DEFENSE (EAST/ASIA AND PACIFIO AFFAIRS) ; ACCO ‘FANTED BY MAI. GER, RAY FURLONG, USAF, DEPUTY ASSISTANT i SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (LEGISLATIVE ATPAIRS); LT. COL. ED SOYSTER, USA, ORGANIZATION OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STATP; GOL. ALBERT J. KAYHN, JR, O.D.D.R. & BAND WILLIAM CHAPIN, 3 BUREAU OF INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND TECHROLOGICAL AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Mé.Doouin, Thank you, Mr Chairmas, 1 sm Deals Doolin, Deputy Assit Secretary of Defense for Bast Ase’ and ‘Paci AMfarn, This 4 Me}. Ga, Rare fers, Pepuly Assistant Secretary’ of Defenwe for Leguintice iain eet 2M CaM pe ot Oe le So Ch of Sl, th ill be jour tr tole If Gtmate wit your appv, Tees alias Calon Sayan wil ee the brigtng ™" PPPOPE F Prope atone Sova Clana Screven. The purpose of this brising isto provide in formation on tho aly BOD clamited weather modifeaton rok {this bring our ranmakise is Souths = F8 {Chart 1 follows) ona SEASIA RAINMAKING [SCPPLIED BY DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE) A CLASSIFIED RAINMAKING PROGRAM WAS CONDUCTED IN SEASIA FROM 1967 TO 1972 : WHICH EMPLOYED AIR DROPPED SILVER AND: LEAD IODIDE SEEDING UNITS TO INCREASE : NORMAL MONSOON RAINFALL. Colonel Soraren, ‘The purpose of hit operation, was to make ficult the "North Viethattese infiltration through’ the Laotian anhandle snd Plein Des dare. : BFFECTS OP NORTHEAGT Av HOUNHWES? MONSOON smAKONS "This ren of Southeast Axia hua two principal neasons—the northoust aay ike ovibestInonson the rin i light or sonexintant ng the northeast monsoon the rnfll light or nonexistent ad by Sattad tones spd. evel unimproved roads are uaalfocted Buuing te southwest monsoon the rainfall is hokey end alzost daly, Ass recat, the unimprnved rows in ths egion become soaked and ietonpport vllelr tale, Br the Eni of our cert ntheest Asi, operations ‘rout aly on the coming wet Sou brought By lim suuwost manson to conuibut greatly tof the enemy diene. : “The dose monitoring of trop stu (uck trafic wong routes where} rain had fellen vera beyond aay doubt. the naturally edverse ctf rafal and eames on Ene ems logistic fort. From Apri to mid-May, as the 5 the southwest monsoen cours, it-wea Tout that even isolated thundemhoweers ternporasly inigrrupted Iogistic operations. Most lunimproved ‘vebiewlar toute stefaces are bard due to the relatively. in ay the nortseadt: surface, runoff vrowor—thin i fears tho potiod. of May. io, the grou begins co tak up mote aud more mote std Xt ‘becomes Saturated’ When this fondiuon is create, the "erat tain thet prevail a. Kaos d dent ren falls on this kind of round rezsize “soggy” for extend periods with only modorate Bouplcof ras edd tomeistaizanuredon AU ah veils evel becomes exteuelydiftule fot. pesl calls by the end of Juve, the southwert monsoon in well extablitod an soll fioiature han wwached the poist where roads rerun soggy: Tisse Konditios continue Urough Saptamber. Te fall wansition to the iy northeast monsoan thea begins with les aifal in thw tee ‘opmervs oF roanan, ‘The prograza was toinerose rainfall uficinty carefully selected target areas to further soften the tow sirtaen, crane leadsides dong roadwase, and lowaar out Aver "Teas events normally fd naturally ocour anyway during the het of the sainy ecanon, ‘By seoling 1 wus intended to extend the pened of oocurrnce beyond she ral yen to upp the eta sill ured to maintain the rule poor trafic conditions. "“ohart follows} i crane 2 OBJECTIVE (worn ot bpm oF Dae INCREASE RAINFALL SUFFICIENTLY IN CAREFULLY. SELECTED AREAS TO DENY THE ENEMY THE USE OF ROADS BY: (1) SOFTENING ROAD SURFACES (2) CAUSING LANDSLIDES ALONG ROADWAYS (3) WASHING OUT RIVER CROSSINGS (4) MAINTAIN SATURATED SOIL CONDITIONS BEYOND THE NORMAL TIME SPAN ‘reomergox vaEH Gen rm: a ho hn aoa let Sam eee Sra the ca tna wes rs at En ences ‘Senator Pri. What's en inveriont ses a eet et series SoC ie aint aii ar glae "ie vamp anand i ago colder tach ie eee ee charcatben elas tone ses fa (Chart 3 follows) ‘Cmage 3—Chndesoing Teoigue [Supplied by Department of Defense] ‘the mass below the collay tion of the cloud. The fall drepat Ser meee eg ee ayo ‘roplets, The techniques employed, which Twill desceoe Rext, ne Seiten ceaee ee S Sie en i to a Se erik mecca feces ates ith mits a ames cae ee ty lar et een ine ieee in ton Bg dy of un ere ee ie ne ek Sect bronco gcre a seers ag cy tne Ee anh aera re ig ee IRD satire thse flow. As shown a (4, capil rot co Har gts ewe ah can worn See ee eon td eae Be at Ti sr ems ner ete ae ear Teen UME is’ Sores roe emi ek oa 1 See ee Sl fay a a ved oreoee ieee ern sere a fe Se Cn ea ee aes le Ep Seale acre fees Se a ee sues wo go verte, te conte Chae a te oy se Seether cg dt NET (yA ran howe dang uty lod clam. rea oO) A hr ere oh od ltr Rumi ate eit ROARS ast Se as Leen eae ma Hl Thy aN Colonel Soraran. Tho soeding units usd to seed were developed at tue Naval Weepons Center, Chine Lake, Calif. and arw not classified. ig aeing uot adlepaue ae Metal 0 Cer wil lt ined rinmaking projctafor example, Pilipinas, * ty neues a plate container inc long wit the tnd material ena nocgesary delayed ring mechanem tr ignito the free falling eon Sines fe aver hide lend ole 0 produ ax to eben) mustare burns2 “Th burning inn aout 8 cond fr the en anny | type the unk dsope abust 2,000 foot during its funcional bara. The yar ete dive ers ras a orcad ty ho pl ung ho srt ena Hanae cic the Spdeta we peso hea bee deeming este Hepaaaiane er See EE Breen eta The WE) ed pode Tos itse ay oll des of ear fag ft eae AO et pr Te REA cami ol af Taree eke phos earutidge compartments. Typically, how Se nn eee Gee R dando gus of sown Sey Tele oun ton. ney Si he outer ee india elon be nnd Tyee ee FINES tina cents andthe amon Pa ee te tt tums ened oie acing at rien i ae Nuun coi mates Sem depen, decompo [REQUIREMENTS 7OR AND EFFBCTS OF PAVORANLE BERDIIG versio ingrepmy paced seni tnd to dap the ee en ees pogo eects der nantly post ca arch MeO i aly set ence Fun, veal oe equ ye sb al ea ur rvs Soret eae fa inal rn Se, ne ered oe Beles Bed nh se an a uy palo is cons et, ty ca wits ts bested Hl ea re eo apnea oo stem i Lon PROGRAM {In 1606, the Ofc of Dafne Research and Bnginwrring propose copea tg chery nw, ener mae teebnigus in Sette of Stu as 8 nee oh em operons ieee Betaber 1006, a sciontifeally contoled test of the congapt op eat et tee ete i the tag Pannen. The Tee we ehatsored under the sechnies supervision and control of foo he Naval Ondsanoe Test Station (now Naval Weapons RENEE" Chine Lake, Cai una in-theuter rsouren, iy ax teed ant uct ad over Ss pezee af the owls ted rncted isa Nove 0, ote Comms a Cel, ale (ere Kp reported the tet eapletod aud conciuded chat cloud ‘eigen nn we ntti fone Lao ould Ee used a vsfuable tactical wenpon TMafigence analyse of the aren incieted thet there would be no sigioalt denger vo ie, beats, or sanitation io the target. areas: Heacrre populate sions over whieh scaing was to oveue hed opuldtion vefy experienced in coping with she seuzonal boovy rinfll 8 condition Hone inthe mee ere built om sti, and abot everyone ‘owns a small boat. The desired effects of rainfall an li eal commen ‘ation erenaturally produced during te ight of the monsoon season jot by aataral rasa, The objective wan to. extand th effects {ver looger period. It was naither nove nor sirable wo terrane tho cotl Tuinall sbove the loves expesianed during » normal hay ‘ronson season, Infact, the normal aration in kl annua rata ‘er aan hans eal inc {operation was cloely monitored and controlled, When recon raiseance indicated: Uae objectives were atlzined sn ono area, the limited resoures were shafted to other aan. Sting vat nat co ducted daring perl of tops stonms nbn large mont of tn {all were fling naturally and nccomplishing the iatary objectives This the cousensi of the mente tommonity thatthe techniques nplere cult ye occ argr encontrar ystems cafe ar Caen Beet tho cxtnt conducted in Soothes Ase did aoe eae whore Ses Phe aap to pe se te fect probaly ea tna € pacent ie dered ‘tia Ment af etch ae Be em eee es contal sew’ hat sal pecsstage afte ground’ OPERATIONAL PHASE With the accom of he plot program End the eosiertions nt pra esto Pen Me uel ess tern hat ate veley ovine tsk iectoreniay at J0y's Wee att yat ptt int eatencet ene Sorsan Yer hese eprom nd es atina't Yoo pean, the oped hace Se seRomagegy te Sate geet, ae ach a ‘southwest monsoon ;that is the period March through November aa ee ast mann hve WE 180 and tro, RAC Sere ren ee a WE and tn RECAC win at ESE a tance reef ol Hd re Ginaade eer mera oo Tal ee no Fae ee Ae Tele iodo ke ee ‘En Sehtllopaltphoon antenna ot wets Tea gets eared ele pe Teast ae ie Tl ee cee ager tees tpproximately 43.0 temporary duty pay, and seeding sa In anger ig th quinn "Wry wn ide” 1 wil ow show file thd Scoant SY Seligg opened eet i sorte‘oe i Colonel Soretes. An sren encompassing additional portions of 1B pte tb no nl guthrie for operations in apg und Nort Vice ws added ona thy Laog end a Yary smal portion of North Vietnam. Gat Naa Chart 4 follows] (Cana 4—fnitay authorised aren of operations (upped by Departsat of Dafne) (Cmax 8.—Adtonl are of operations authored on Jly It, 1067. {Sappled by Depertanens of Deen} ASO VIETNAM woe% ot Soveran. Finally, «euall arn over the A Sh Valley i ecitogorenn inal alae iif Shh to Spats Vitae re! own und the ants expended for TB. ‘(Chart 6 follows: ‘omar 6—Aren of operations add on Septembre 18 1987, and orn down oar era deal erat supe by Depart of Dates) % tere ; \ ‘ \ SEO VIETNAM ae a sey Senator Pru The unite expended. JA S81 ESiszen Yen ses the qustber of 40 mm pho Serr rave deieabed, wih were expend. Wa expended ofiesh-type ww 1,017 over North Viotnam.The total sorties is sed = ‘Senior Peta. Looking af the picture the concentration was more con North Vietsamn, six of be walla in those two anall spaces. [ree i gould add up about the same. Colonel Sovsene. Yea, sit. Of course, theee ware expended over specific clouds over certain trails which I will tall about « tte Jer. ‘Tle nck slide relecls the areas jue briefed es they begen in, 1968, On Apal 1, 1968, operations over Norsh Vielaam were ret to the grea soul TON coincident with reetrieGons on bombing shore that line. Chart 7 follows) . Cusxr 1—Heatetlone of oexnions over Nofth Vien ov Ape 2, 1968 {Supplied by Deparment of Deters} AST VIETNAM A Za98 Colonel Soravun, An area of North Vietnam was added.on,Sep- tember 25, 1968. [Chart follows: AST VIETNAM ro a Colon] Sorgona, However, op November 1 168 all seding opera- ‘ions iin the Boundares‘of NVM were tarminetedsnd, never Fetiated. Thin chart ls shows the worn and units expended for i 1999 ‘Stoetor Pett. Fexeuvo me, When was it that you terminated? Colonel Sovsren. November 1, 1988, air. © ‘Senator Pet, ‘Thank you. ‘Colonel Severmn. Operations in 000 were conducted in the arens oulgde North Vietnam approved for 1008 end again the number of orton and. unite © fre abown. {Chart 9 follows: Canter 9-—Novanbe 1, 2966, termination thin North Vietunme boundai ‘tha bran ane unis expended for 1008 nad 1968. {epi by Deparmet of Defeat] sors urs exci’ 7420 Deeg 3 oe SORTES 528 ‘UNITS EXPENDED 9457 ” FT VIETNAM Colonel Sorersn, During 1970, operational areas in Laas wero rodlfed aa shown in the north and in tho south. hese are the units ‘expended.sorties in 1071, [Ohare 10 follows; : (Cuaer 1.1079 modieation of ae. [Supplied by Departoot of Defeat) ‘Caan 101070 moaScation of poesia! areas fo Tact und sorties and nite ‘Spends 3870 a 1. [Boppted by Department of Deter] SoRTIES ne ‘UMTS EXPENDED 4282 {inating LADS, CAMBODIA, SVN) : 100, jor ‘Tho 1071 aren remained tho sare, Theve are the 1071 unite and (Chart 11 follows] | | } } camslo caon S| Q we anven 1972 2 \ { ET VIETNAM, ~ a AST VETNAM nn Colonel Soveren. ‘The next chart provides « wrap-up of sortie and po Jimi Colonel Songean, The ares was mdifd in 1072 to include prions : ot Ware Cambouis and So Vietnam and to List acy %0 South of 0° nor in Leos. j102 {Chart 12 follows] (Guan 12 Sten and aaoding uals expended for progam. ‘Buppled by Departcot of Dates SORTIES UNITS var FLOWN EXPENDED 1987 531 £6,570 pOLUDING 117 OFER HN) 1968: 734 7,420 |NCLUDIG 98 OVER WIN, 1969 528 457 1970 2 8312 393 11,288 138 4,362 10s, CAMBODIA, SHH 2602 47,409 Senator Putt: Incideatally, just for the record, could these carts bead avellabile for the top seeret record? ‘Mir. Doouss. Certainly, si. Sonwran, The seston of targets or ern of ending was nedins Sereno tnportance of Sine of comenuneation sod thie tome RAN to teratobom By ineromed sinal "anges, pore saeco 1 dad on bum of copemoous aly of a wera signee vPaerereation a 1th Ase Pore Tat. Sam NBG See am Portier rated in terms af drainage basis Sout Yasocts bncnns othe ow probaly at lou, fever athe than po nt over sapere poise It was wala pos See cra acta ci within wdainage Ban, Oot poy etetoprdeg dows Srey oer rou omc ah re Toning within enc best. 108, RESULES OF PROMCY ‘Tho revue ofthe projet cannot be precisely quantified. Thies due to tho lack of subtient round staGonn ta Soper, Hoeven toe Baden neemce Agee. sing apa nd hare ter gues based cn ni ‘su che phstel properties of he az ind socted, estimated Wet rnfll was increased fn hmited arse up {0130 prccent howe thas predited for Une ousting conditions Sense and oiber infest folowing seeding indented enemy ‘Sifealis from heer rainfall, Sabjciray i Glioe tha he unalone Ha ha which would Rave fallen normally and att did coaibute to The of supple into South Vietoam along the Ho Chi Mh tra: urrvonvensan oF TROIDOT ‘The xe aein of chats wil, rosntad to provide same fal fer tho effectivencen of the project. he month of June 1071 will be addressed, June fs a month in which the southwest monsoon is wall fsteblished, Leia eo a month where it x not unusual for Vink souls ‘rent flow to be em iiapled by the ntsion af = t Norm nto the Southeast Asian Fouinsula from tho enst. This ‘wat the case for dune 1971 when the southwest monsoon was disrupted by tsphoon Arne an the month began snd later bn the mond Uy ‘yphoon Frieda and topical storm Golda. These storms, although bringing henvy natural rainfall also caused seni onaions by covenig th ero with a thie Taner of clouds which lait the effects of surface hestng required for good convvetive aeliviy. L provide this to point ont that tore was not & Sonsiatent presence of favorable conditions for seeding nven in the ‘idle of the rainy season. Asa result daily sending unit wxpendivares ‘Fary govally aa shown om this chart vc ic to pint out while tis charts up tha st che bernning ot’ Apail ramote Sensory were electing va ',f00"enery Tosete ‘ore pork in mater Lan. By de end of Js ‘wasters Fan 900. "Two of the. most significant weekly, drops in detected trae movement ocurred during June. ‘One of these weeks yeas June 2 {o°0 during which n typhoon wes irmating rain and the second stop during June 18 tz when we mete ion ave wi aeding "eben Sarin the month104 {Cost 12 falowe DAILY EXPENDITURE OF SEEDING UNITS 7 JUNE 1971. screen ay DEPOROMT OF DET UMOER OF UNITS, seinchertigan eration of tunis expada Yy wok, The lt Tui gar a unopened, Tp nt ob SOESISRG ET rr ui tees, eet che coat aa ale euel coud pet os ry, “dae Gir reat hoe fuse od oS et eas oc Seen see oR eee the fal clumny rw the nue Hp Goma rn et names ala ote ea aren h sald fo-bava been, jalan! PZ within mason nance 30 eae as ‘the rainfall would crow 105, (Chart 16 follows) ‘Cuase M.~Bvatnaion of nt erpende by week, Jao 197 {Sappliel by Department of Detene) nares —ZOLUWTS_ 2 of HOURS _¢ of 0D CUS _# of 106s Tom sige 8 FOS FOF OTD Wwe mou SE 2 2 ak Ow OB tse uO BS ame 9 oF Ft 8 Om m name dd ow Va0 UNE We SS ‘Colonel Soveren, "The next slide measures effestivencss by the use ot iaolines Chart 16 shows the total rainfall in inches which fell in the fren for June 1971, This ise measured amount of rainfall fom various i td by deolines. *Shacl 16 arson ostnuate of thn maxionumn reitall that wa indued in the acea which the lines eonnaet, The black numbers er ofthese lines on both charts show the moximium rainfall, ‘atimated for any one point‘ 106 107 {Chaarta 16 aod 16 follow] ‘Onanr 16—Tedaced Raat Area Zune 197 Gna 26.~“Total Baal fx Aro, Zune 1971, (Suplid by Department of Deen [Supplied by Department of Defeneh - [PROPORLt, ‘TMT AND OPERATIONAL PHASE aga sor ar shee yee mary wet dark “Atlr approval by civilian authority, the tet was conducted in october BBE tod tle personal pas began Mach 20,1967108 Beegus the program was cansiderod sensitive, porting procedures ee oP Ue hit koarledee ef te. progam. the WC-1s0 ‘minions ware own, rand roportedibrowgh normal heals Ze woathar teoualsanoe Tighls ‘The crows porformed wraiher reoonnaissence and made normal factual weather Teper ‘through regular uncle worldwide ree pnt wo tes taps, oe apr prove Intsions. fn edition to these Eoports, peciel rp cine Female higher hewdiacis and fo low eranon of the roject wero trenucited thou special communications ch Ball reports wore submitted to the command project officer. Weel reports peresuomisied hgh shaanels to the Joint Chie of Stal ‘Sfiaaal reporta were alve submited. ‘Basic reports were prepared by the Joint Staff au ubmitted hough te chan Sola Et fino desea fel, Tender to conduct th operation approximately 1,00 personnel a Pt dren secam lo profet information over a -yeer period. tie pi wets Eto tothe projn ain Gebel won toy none requred clearance, ite thio program hl an effect on the primitive roed conditions in Uno arson the rerlts were eortginly fniied and unversiable, ie ae etucted brcause of iis apparent canteen to the ter icion mion and the relatively tow progrem cost. fe operatign euch as hiss mtoat unig to this agen ofthe world. altel can be igiteanty induood aly where and whan there aro ‘tara occuenoes af heaty rains, Pusthengore,induved rain oan Nave subclone fi en whee to Hie of Iunication ae relatvely primitive. oyhal os cont aed fe onan een in So cot ati anitas pated, even Hore program efectieenese ckg0% opefsiey ahh - "This conglodes tb formal part of my presntetion, Sunuior Beige Thank youvery much, Calnel, for your good and fulland ake tng Mo thece mything erthor you wish to add? Mie Bocuse. Noy Mr. Chaunninn. Wo just wish to rxpa questions Jou muy have, and T ens lnuve a copy i advance of the ranseript ‘Sonatar Pec, Thank you so much, ‘As you know, in connection with the Vietnam war, all the otter combat sorties and ordnance loninages have been declussified, Why seco statist sl tp seecat? Wh ia this program wlll considered secret or i it still eonsidered top secret? Boon. Wa are looking st Wis right now, Mr. Cheirman, | 109 seneter Pm My What 'ges he ranean bls Me Boe Way tt Gea eke Berater Pats, What was the logic behind it? BER Pecans tte hi a al une a combat oper oe get es te Wan anne peal a aba n ao te aha is begadany neal sou dt ete te” the Gna ot Laem ms tare SSR itt cogadh Fh gon "Sac Hots Bul te action ws omy eh Sr ere anc he tat As pst pron wes Cee ee ea cet det padi pete ete Fe one ere Perel Fell maxim, An “elephant sl Sad se ear es thee at eee Feeat Fontons. Your obervaton~the elephant lor a ee athe shape ena Pe error ee? Peat fda en Searle Chica 1 antsy that fl ngprsrn of invests te pe Bresette oedvly paring isin tof clei sen tema. ono of a Htte bit of puzslement. ‘0 igh cl ioe Pai. In connection with deslassifetion, you should ince Seeraay Laird lotr, {don’t sje ths ep ofthe avenue “responsible, but copies or Knowledge of opis of i see to. bn "uleble to the press An ix ere any reason why you shoul! not svaheed rt cay ih the Gestion of i tier ‘General Fensoxe. We would do that mn connection with the whol ‘tnat is: you would not declassly he leler and not go head aid doclaily more, “Aa Mé_ Dookie points out, thet is being considered. {Tho information refered to Follows BeSiitan,dauae Relea, atime Commits, 8 Benig Wants, D.C ‘Daan Mn. Onistuan I have just fesoed naw Intonation dling wit DOB “heather todiaton sregra. Since heen ei iony Nets 1612 appaniance before sour cotniice f want share tls ‘Sema you ‘During ney appeataone T aponde la pour quation cwecrning weather modi ‘eaten i pnterment "we have wer enpaged inh cre ara rer ‘Nar Vistar.” “Thas tems 2 pete ey ape iat fd "Tans tucagaed hy preedlcg Settarn of Deer. Than foe tee \Sinnd iat auc ast 'more conducted ever North Vsti, 100) Sk ‘Seunin 0K vant nee els oppertniy to beth expen ay Fart Cha. rio Infor doa wot alae Ya a the se of mr appear bwore Your ‘Sigma sna poe vo woth ee eecration . ‘ian acest ty pal appreciation or your fSmadahip and aaionce sarong my yar fase Capron aod the Exeter Ha 7 Mowry R. basa, : Cosma ae Preident ‘fr Bonet aire, angane 28,104, SSMS A to De fein, a 7 "he Mage, Tia fo your iter ot unary. dying oar gta ef ant, 1 ening he Ene brn eter ad Same iagnnele Sa eg tal ln Coins seta met ash Yu Smee SE TA ttinny was in publ, you have aay obeeion sling your lett ps nN ray Four, 2. W. Feamaus, Fenny 1074 Hon, 3. W-Buumm Conia con G8, Sees, Be san: tare you mgs aan a ey oho Eas Vf Porton Retatons, ‘Git rat my, eter to yo rota ity eaasifintion aa tt would st eer, lye dengpinprte fact sn mabey itt Departmen of Defers bekleiees Merwe R. Lams, Prancanr 14,1974 oa B Soren, Wanigten DE” Ee A gat tn str ot nts Pih ig eno sep ars srr ot ens ei a ey Lang Gaon our ieee volawal speech i Potente ere ec eae Pane sincerely, Par MM Hour CGreraat. Coonan oF rue D zaneweny op Deve Washington, 0.0, Fe respond to your in une of Defeoge hag restama this rater wd io determination CHEE souity Ahonen ape otis orepanace 1, Nemoencaas “ating Grrl Grint Sennior Pris There ail may be no remponse, but I want to rapent ry question, Bo you have any idea oF an you epecvlate as fo the ‘tg forthe axa recy’ thi Bess ‘The intercon fctr, Mr, Doauin, 1 peat in a personal capacity, and notin my offi sxpecity, Me, Chatman. I have beon this job for 5 years, 1 idn'e Have this clnzanco even though Southets Asia ifn aren of eaponsibility in the Olio of the Secotary of Defers. The frst Tlearhed of it wan, ns the reolt of ¢ Suck Ander column, and L made ingizin nthe ti for tay own odiiertion to find ura i mney ete pv rg ol lprive a frendly country also in the ares of rain, or exemple, were tee denying wate: to Thai ies puddiew I wae tld, no nts the case, that there wes so much moisture in the air that you could ‘ot reduce the amount relly in oer nres; and not to purse the Totter. Le wan an opecaton that war held xa special chanted sad econ yee very, very Himited. T'think, because of the perceived Ssustviy of ie operation. Senator Prits in retrospect, I think if tht had been unclenified, hero would se bee Fu ow fling aboat 1, but tnt T gues, ‘water over the dam, ‘crMTUIAN AUTHORITIES WHO AFFROVED OPERATION What civilian authorities approved these operations over the yours 1906 t9 1972?" Mr. Dots. ‘Thowe operations were initially conceived by the Ofice of the Civilian Director of Defense Research and isnginesting, They ‘were than wpproved by the Secrotary of Defense, ‘Senator Paz, What was that division again? Mr. Dooun, ‘The Director of Defense Resesreb and Engineering, De, Foster, doin Foster. Senator Pau. Right, ‘Would that bo Dr. Currie—— Mr. Doouix. Ttis new Dr. Currie, Sonaige Pat. That isthe wine pint piieinlor PRL. Iewould go ditectly from him to the Seetary of ‘Mr, Dou. 1 don't know whnther it went ta the Jsint Chiefs first But the Joint Chiefs obviously were in the chai. Senator Prut. Hight | Mr. Doouts. But the approval euthority in tho Department waa ‘the Seoreary’of Defer ‘From there it did go to the White House.2 vwiro Was T7ORNUED IW ATA DEPARTINRET? Loc Pan, ho re itrnl he Stace Depa? Won come Beet Foe, Thawte ono noua Depart- open Renan, The ven Lome Pee Fa ee fay monty te Unk See Rp er gyfer a an Se a eeu whet hat il at WAS ANYONE TAEDA INFORMED? . Senator Pest. Was in the ACDA informed abot Gtnced Fontonos Nov Scnator Pau. ‘hey were not. [WAS THIS ONLY CLASSIFIED WEAKER MODIFICATION OPERATION? nit ao erga i sh ok ro een oe neta an Cate guriiehmeattr neice Tevet Garbo eek Sect dt tae Se eae a acl, 2 a ne eae, Sats Bn Page ee aloe Senet ae See oat cote samen, Option Peptye chit ty Eau Woe tn ee Be Deon, They were oo ne ses Me espe ef - Sea Pe se Be ic amos Comptia nd Ineo wat erat we ahtan NVIRONMENTAL WARTARE Senator Pau. Ts there. onordinntad executive branch position on envisenntenial watiare, not jun weather madigeasion, but the ther meuns of exvironmentel, waste Dots. That irmy understanding, there is uok, Seoator ui. The ‘hiug that concerns 'me isnot rainmaking per te, but ‘when You opon that Pandora box what comes out with Io? Hil we" adore tecigue to be be to Voth, renin and point © Rurticege or {yphoo! Will we beable to do geophyetel odfeaton pita chasge sider the sutface and let the eerthquoke follow? ‘Generel Fonvowo. ‘he testimony. you hve already, renived is beleve from pecconnel more competent tien. anybody from. the DOD" T don'e thnk wa can coutibuse to your 4 Senator Pais. ‘habe 30 : ths sou know, Dr, MacDonald has séon what it wis, wot the fate of the’ert now but what i conceivably could be 43 = gather your pemon views roth his projct eal be dedassi wilfou tat greg nacho maonal scifi 7 Mr Dogue Al Tan any te iy is that would be my recghinbendatn fo oy supe: ‘Senator Prat. High, cry you tain wih ho acy rely ‘weathér modification, in whieh engaged ad sinfatBtncnpad on head “eta ee “i? os vu ny hy an fescieins BEE GEN nnn we se tesa ony a TPR ae 2 west ama tac chet Be Sd RODE aoe ae ete at ? vie we _ er ee ale Hee i ite rete Beton il tnd have? ‘Mr, Dou. I do not know, si rh Se eh ect Sen sen egteTPeT spun oft Se Boss, gutta i gall of ht cng lh Th en 1 ois hails seni one ely a ros wo tn ee i andr cee one eng Se en oe snited to dhe Proidont EL his erqutate 66 qe ould nol hove ey cae Pama eM tee Be ne Rn Pac eC pee Cie Ser we ae nue eat AY a 8 Ne a eee ch ores ee ml a AEE Mase ian up my 10 inten Souator Case, Thero woro two questions suggestod hore, following dh shoe ing. Woulg vou sno the pose sha oe ‘Getir Pomona es eta: Bees tt Do you mean the other departnenis that are involved? an Seoutor Cass. Yes and the Defoe Depeizen, to.m4 snosn wise mxsw AR0U'T PROORAME ‘And then # list of sll of those who knew about the programs if you “pocjin. There were over 1400 people at one, time that did ae lennon icing hen “abe Hew’ dvemiatons 1 think Roould be very ailfteutt 19 com * Solr Cua Ie nol by nang ie os» In by topo you wal Jecan ye il ee / ibs information secre (0 follows! J Pagan ronan ay, Ofna aT 0 i {Suppites by Depa of Defense Sefton ntgain ot perinael wee internet varing eget a tthe saree Hae HOS charm of DuD Jeena Comat et BE pee er Bete HES Art mar at ‘ st ‘Poetics Cush of Ceara am commu, Vt ‘Be len oa cu me Seonret es ian truant Mio nel eae he heme Sea, Se satel and he Charme "Spezia ted or “MrPROVAL BY OW DISCUSSION ITH CONGHFSSIONAL COMMITTEES ce ere by aay amr) sa pl led ion ar ena Mtn rs ae ems eepeace ae ate : ae engage ome wat react Porson. No, sic 1s was not donno «ocr ba ‘aca! Bemere Fa el foursome sain ava pares var tine. Fm pumas. Yon siz. thb incor ri ot ist General Fumaye dover ey? Te Armed Secviene Comoe eer ae a str th Armed Seviow and Appropitine ‘Comat, That only Int Democrai in, d's it avghiel) pat in whan it opgured in North Viston, Seetitt Gitte Thank you, Me, Charan, go ahead. Ms ‘wine HousE =NOWLEDOE, APPROVAL, ON CURARANCH Senator Pani, Ae J say, 1 think are 0 immportengy of to prograst, Who know about tor gave tis approval tetlearal iin the White House? Could you subat for th record 8 Hac of the peopl "Mr. Dooua. No, st, I do not believe we can ‘Senator Paci, Why? Sin Down, T kuow thet information on this operation was sent to tis White House. Whether it was for nuformation or whether It ‘ag Tor epprovaly Ido aot know. I have been untble to find out “Senator Pett. { realize you mey have Could you try once more hd gubmt for dl 3 the it ry again, Mr. Chairman, becaus-—wo did Er, Boum We ily ei, Me sep tice Wate Co ea fay seopoiv use cou be ‘Slag tat enforonnly smo o the pesepan who we trol Sr dn ae daa Ref helte a pubiaton the information selected to hud nat spp DOD FORIION AP STOCKMOLM CONFERENCE Senator Pmt, Both Seantor Case and 1 wore at che Stockholm Conference ou nvirnnaent. There war n tremendous Bap there over Sh quan af eco actos ap weno dint, rene, @ DOD sepresentave, took a very strong siton on Ueathh of rate nenther and enviromental tivibes to other reernmanta; Ie was'a maodatary provision in Ue fast draft of the EA rmoltion. The DOD tank very strong poston in that con- Fegan tt ange toner at ‘was the eas for the Defense Departinent? ‘eannet understand why they ae so concord. mm Wir'boguie, {would not be competent to anewer that, $ really cannot go beyond wnt Me, Forman hes pion previous ovrasi ‘Senulor Betas You road hs termony. He was very unforshoming ie Boone eed of you lst hesng, i, path = Doosan. Le csiptof your lat heaving, sit, pati to educate nyiel for ths meet me ¥ COORDINATION OF OFERATIONS Samar Pras, Gong hour of th cing of a opetation, you ony the State Depart wa informed bot BE noc cotdinted with then ae ‘Generel FUnoNo. TGon't thick we ought to characterize the nat of that. | un not confident-which phraso isthe correct deserpto ERY THAK AND LOA COVERNENTS INFORIEDT Sepator Pua, Were the Goveraments of Thailand and Laos, both cof which counttien were savolved, informed about these operations?ue" s; Doou: The Royal Lan Government had given: appioval for ints corte gl heal sts eal we ome to te ‘alericton Boyd ‘Tin! Goverment to my ondertanding was not salon ‘vse WRATIER MODIFICATION PROGRASE Senator Patig Since the sorecy of this program is held co tightly, do you dank thee could: be oller weatber moditention programs foiug on nom in the Government of which you are not swans? Tarn nat asking this Teeebously. I jost dans know. ~ Mrz Doouts. fe possible, but 1 would think nat, We haye a Presidential eclion of 2. years ago on weather zodiication, Only {ove foreign sreather modifeation projects have been proved since {Reacone it rerio Banani bop gal cn of fog, nd cha oter was 4 drought rohel operation the Azores Renton Pt ‘Weta stay tho 6 endl bn wid other counties for eating srfeidn and to forth. ' ‘Mz. Dotan. Thon, sie at L understand ty aZo tho only two since the Fieedentiel dedsion,&fow Yeum ego, Before thes, for example, ‘We operated on Okinawa for droght reli. We aetated the m4 ‘tone tne. Sige the deossion, at I understand i, there wes a Fequest From potie of the Sabelna satan in Ate, Our potion fas beep {Gat the technology i avadable through commercial contrecors an {Eloy wa hap thon fo got 8 commer tor Tor tatanca itis rege ; ‘Sinator Pct, Have the ene srvees provided support or tsining ox eauipment Hs roar to ‘ny form groups on any foegn segraeni of tng " ionel Kazmir Fo some degree thor has been interat shown by the Plllpmes te ‘ccignts, the fw hare done, and Wo Inethodology. The apparatus a eomimersally evalabe Soper Bea. ie gid apn th ah nor Pui: dnd ther i no law against tas of now in any ease, sithor lonel Kazzn. No, sit, not to the best of my knowledge. Ghote act at aa ~euniaenipncaa BRP a min pt! aa TE ben to Senator Pati In 3972 there was an NSO interagency panel und the chairmanship of Mr. Pollak to etudy the prota of woeth Iodifention, io fortuils Ameren poly. Thid you Rave n epresantative on tat panel? Colonel Kann. Yen Bota. Were you het Golonel anne, No, wan ote uy, ‘Colonsl Kanu. The representative ia 1972 was ET, The roprecnttivg in 197 wus from tn fee af ws sre tam Air. That ithe Uader Secretary's commites ae eee Seeley para ey eta a ad NS ae” Sse rll retee os dy A Assistant Scena of Dafne for niente Seay Ane ot NOo INTERAGENCY Paxat's HRFORT or as i daaicaton oa tae ts we getting about the save tng Seaaior Pri. an alling about tie one he Bafa Panel Mea the canna of fan Sarg One Pllack Pane! di aay. Yes, fi ‘Senator Pet. On this general field. tone Kea or was submit in tho aprng of 1072 sit That Seotr Pa ea 304 fecal he cheatin Golonel Kes, "Yes. As real the classification was “Scere.” Santor Bs. “seer! Would son tn at ibety Ur ley can yeu eal ie recomendations and figs Hee Stl ‘Goo ‘woul rather not. nf espe vou could lok ie up for the recon, We atw not asking for Mg. Doouin. i wonder if Me. Chapin could be of any seistanse? Mr. Granny. do not know. T would ike W kok Wea f elo laeaeu | td lke to Tok fe up twos Would you mai note of our request tht wo recive the conclusions anu recerimendations of Unt report and give ws rusetaig ne het In Int wo would like to havo for ut fenton thor gage eae, ‘anal and anarlyobservng is clamtfonens copy ees Eas ofthe dat of pubic Be infomation ser aS Going fr socond to Serotaty Lair’ etter, you ao * at uater laemmic My woe woul be et ou eke DROUASGIFICATION OF RORETARY Lata ‘ Boots oh in ep to ode noro6%D oaure mans Seoater Pr. Aro jou at Hberty tooxprew 8 view wi n BRE Propo deat titty, whet he edeet would'be on ttn Bens Deptrutnt, your plans Ws being? Would i'n any wan Sa eet118 ir Dov, Me Cat nen mya can shay ere leurs rata ee ESSE yao es as fs sl ge jut went on i Gonthons Aa and tie eauorsiniy High aes Eile ee eee A nce tm apt ot aac cea ease o Nel ie Sra enna ae Util yatta teats low, he fouling in Nor Viti, us you al reall gooeated ie eeeige carey moe mie sieric pena otis eace would have not oni oan inepneoprisia but also would have bean prohibiced by tho Sending orders. [NOVEMBER 1, 188, PROBT#ITION OF BASNAAKING se Hr tian scope cme tt we aR Sa wan gk BEDE Le ue et a nt cae Gi Sa Girne ator eee cit usec oet aaa "Scala Pts Dit woes Cbg of Now Viton? See np mute om cabana in cca Pe Wye gl vg mg aac op Dog ti rem oa chalet a RSE Mat i rang azn cea teeth chek UAE seh ER en ie el raid steady avadmuite te Set eerie B erealphre cutee! egal oes Sreprnetond’ Pits MELT want ds ieee ; AE EE Ww opi dh eee ei om tu no Bat pc oh aoe e se re jest to ty to qunatify bow well we were doing Eetad we were ablo to induce rainfall and we knew et ntification of it was the dificult portion. a: ue OTE PRoOEANE HEINE WoRRED Oo Senator Pant. Are you familiar with a fair ith any othor programs wo are Telnineking or to on Bo they eae ines Your ines POS ‘rein may be abl to speak fo that. sg¢Stenel Kazan Ate you talking bon closing of fg in airport, ‘Senator Pett. Yes, Golonel Rarsiv, Veen speak to tha from an R. & D. standpoint. ie Sr Bante tuto a _ ner ee GS Teo a eel seth mana eg ae se eee sco Sic oar ue amen ly Sa Su ie Rn fomerael a Fee meade irene lire uma it pote, ney te aetna Re aaa pre cgay a pe dem ant ero nk oe ote Navy pal gaezumter in ity global mis Heeger etiam ial cerita oo TESTE AEE coaster sun eesti ee epee eth A ah pc lt tat a, No To ho ba ol my tool sun thro rete cad fo, wai og aad ates ng CAE ast Tmler Pais, Youre work ay of aro tgs have been brought out tesuinony boone? Yor sot eee on ny of ee ror thn tina Seuator Patt, ‘the davelopment of typhoons or the inna, Pate the devine gona oF the creation of ‘gartbauakes or the meting ofthe GroenlnadToocny, anal tet Goon Kz, Noy Senator Prac rventand, Loca Bact nh Grand Ieap wo be “Mo: Boot fiat woul really be what you would cal ‘macau th weir oan’ ™ "NM lita ila Stn hele agency the topical storm modieation Braga the Deperusent “af Commer” tho progran caed Jn the past the Department of Defense has provided sas Sep inde el gh cy da oa are teh ict the program Bat the ond ageaey in Ghat elo i120 ‘TeArUR MODITCATION sNvoRKATION SOUOIET 3Y POLLAOR as wo ft oo bck for eon prvi Ser repaid Beek and ae Se ride an aaa nan aaa ear lon etn AS By Sor kay f'n ded ner resi esa of Boe kW arc eyo rae Sy my rl ea ere ty vie Sette Cp a the mgd neta Pag tls te he rd as llbaiad ccs ee inne BeURENTn a Seuiicas ASaT That fe guar No. ty Wa tis ‘Bformtion denied an agenry of (he Government. That i Question Nov Et Gere was ony de sk BE Geren tte is access! ras reason for it? That is Question No. 3. i sent WP tty ple but Lua fel copeded vo wk Ort ttermatonrferd t followed Pou wrote’ Sexxina ge Tnroneaqion ox Warn Mosincsnow =| 18? Seman ace Sapp by Department of Ostese) Qs nn cis information dein an ageney ofthe Governat Gitte ZF tnace wan say deta of i, why was the commits deat this *Riscr Claalieatoe he ‘signed to this infraution procded ile TEE ee ae pa re ar eg mre tl vith th Cnn psy fcrerant Go ae AS A Se ks sepa we set ino anos : Meta At yuan aoe id SFs'ngs dono bythe US Al Force °"Gonara Femunese This a lh tof Defense. ‘SGiutor Puc Not rhe Contra! intcigenc Agency ‘ruts ONLY MILITARY WAATHNR MODIFICATION’ ACTIVITY? 1 ths the only wouter mointion activity that he US, Gover seared out formality Fount i" RIL ocur: Wo etn only spank to mnt the Department of Di 1a Mi. Dou, But to th bret of our knowledge, thi isthe only entlee mociction activity” conden | Departann z cee tivity conducted. by the) Paper ay ea ear of ese that wore clas Senator Pas. Sonstor Gos 7 Seostor Cass. No more, thanks, I think you have covered it Souter Pa, Tout say in conhaion that my own stong roe nuendo ad dagh' et yo cag ee Se THC po ey We lt at ns Houde os your pehinden in Seth
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