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SPECIAL REPORT on, the American Heritage Rivers Project, Biodiversity etc.

the Commissioners of Bonneville County.


By Marilyn Brannan, Associate Editor, Monetary & Economic Review
FAMC, 3500 JFK Parkway, Fort Collins, CO 80525 (1-800-336-7000)

"The impulse to possess turf is a powerful one for all species; yet it is one that people
must overcome. sensitivity over the relationship between international responsibility and
national sovereignty [is a]considerable obstacle to the leadership at the international
level. Sovereignty is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the
imperatives of global environmental cooperation." ["Report of the Commission on
Global Governance," eco-logic Magazine (publ. By Environmental Conservation
Organization, Hollow Rock, TN), January/February 1996, p.4.]

Conservative environmental scientists have known for years that global forces behind
the scenes were moving toward one-world government, but it was not until recently that
it was possible to see the comprehensive plan, published in an official document offered
to the world, entitled Our Global Neighborhood: The Report of the Commission on
Global Governance>. [Oxford University Press, ISBN
0-19-827997-3, 410 pages.] As evidenced by the statement quoted above, its
recommendations are arrogantly bold - an indicator of the confidence the radical
environmentalists have at this point about their chances for success in implementing
their agenda. They are also frighteningly serious.

The plan is to convene a World Conference on Global Governance in 1998, similar to

the Earth Summit that was held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Official world governance
treaties are expected to come out of that conference, with the goal of worldwide
implementation by the year 2000. (For information on obtaining an eye-opening article
on this subject, please see the note at the end of this article.)

When radical environmentalist Dave Foreman first described his vision of a "rewilded"
America in his book Confessions of an Eco Warrior, only a few grasped the radical
implications of his dream. Others dismissed his vision as lunacy, aware that Foreman,
co-founder of Earth First!, had advocated tree-spiking, and had been convicted of
conspiracy to blow up power transmission lines. But today, Foreman's dream, known as
the Wildlands Project, has transmuted to an Orwellian nightmare supported by
innumerable UN agencies, embraced by the United Nations Environmental Programme
(UNEP), UNESCO, the Sierra Club, The Nature Conservancy, the U.S. Department of
Interior, and the EPA. The Sierra Club recently elected Dave Foreman to its Board of
Directors, and that organization has now embraced the Wildlands Project as its major
endeavor. It is being unleashed relentlessly across America.



In this special report, we are presenting the hard copy, black and white evidence of the
radical environmentalists' plan to relegate the politically powerless among the human
race to limited areas set aside for human habitation in the decades ahead. The maps we
have included are the product of hours of intensive research and scrutiny of scores of
documents by Dr. Michael S. Coffman and the staff of Environmental Perspectives, Inc.,
Bangor, Maine. Data was obtained from The Biodiversity Treaty; reports prepared by the
President's Council for Sustainable Development; the U.S. Man and Biosphere Program;
and The Wildlands Project.

Dr. Coffman's research has produced an impressive body of valuable information on the
agenda of the radical environmental movement to "preserve biological diversity" in the
U.S. However, there are three basic benchmarks of data that the reader needs initially in
order to orient himself to the whole scope of the movement:

The legal framework for the plan is found in Article 8a-e of the Convention on
Biological Diversity. (This is the treaty that President Clinton had already signed and
that the U.S. Senate was very nearly duped into ratifying in September 1995.)

The conceptual framework for the plan is essentially the Wildlands Project. This is
stated in Section of the United National Global Biodiversity Assessment
(GBA). That portion of the GBA defines the enabling and enforcement protocols for the
Biodiversity Treaty, which the green movement still intends to push through the U.S.

According to the GBA, reserves would include wilderness areas and national parks
while inner buffer zones would permit no agriculture, no more than 0.5 miles of road per
square mile of land, primitive camping, and only light selection harvesting of forests.
The June 25, 1993 issue of Science magazine reports that the plan calls for 23.4% of the
land to be put into wilderness (no human use) and 26.2% into corridors and human
buffer zones (very limited use by humans).

Return to the Wilderness

The Wildlands Project is a massive program for restructuring society around nature as
the organizing principle. The concept is Foreman's, but the plan was developed by Dr.
Reed Noss under grants from The Nature Conservancy and the National Audubon
Society. It was first published in Wild Earth, a publication of the Cenozoic Society, of
which Foreman is chairman.

Funded by the Ira Hiti Foundation for Deep Ecology, 75,000 copies of the plan
were produced and distributed. The Wildlands Project was set up as a corporation with
offices in Arizona and Oregon; Foreman is Chairman of the Board; Reed Noss is a

Working in tandem with the Wildlands Project is the Biosphere Reserve Program, a
creation of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization
(UNESCO). The objective of the program, conceived in 1971, has been to designate
sites worldwide for preservation and to protect the biodiversity of chosen sites on a
global level. Toward that end, the Sierra Club has redrawn the map of North America
into 21 "bioregions."

In turn, each of the 21 bioregions has been divided into three zones:

1) Wilderness area, designated as habitat of plants and animals. Human habitation, use,
or intrusion is forbidden.

(2) Buffer zones surrounding the wilderness areas. Limited, and strictly controlled,
human access is permitted within this zone.

(3) Cooperation zones, the only zones where humans will be permitted to live.

According to Dr. Michael Coffman of Environmental Perspectives, Inc., a strategy to

implement reserves and corridors (in the northern Rockies, for example, see map on
page 4 [Ed. Note: Not reproduced here; see maps at ]) would be to:

1) Start with a seemingly innocent-sounding program like the "World Heritage Areas in
Danger." Bring all human activity under regulation in a 14-18 million acre buffer zone
around Yellowstone National Park.

2) Next, declare all federal land (except Indian reservations) as buffers, along with
private land within federal administration boundaries.

3) Next, extend the U.S. Heritage corridor buffer zone concept along major river
systems. Begin to convert critical federal lands and ecosystems to reserves.
4) Finally, convert all U.S. Forest Service, grasslands, and wildlife refuges to reserves.
Add missing reserves and corridors so that 50 percent of landscape is preserved. [Based
on United Nations World Heritage Program; United Nations Convention on Biological
Diversity, Article 8a-e; United Nations Global Biodiversity Assessment, Section; U.S. Man and the Biosphere Strategic Plan (1994 draft); U.S. Heritage
Corridors Program; and "The Wildlands Project," (published in Wild Earth, Dec. 1992).
Also, see Science, "The High Cost of Biodiversity," Vol. 280, June 25, 1993,

Investigative reporter Karen Lee Bixman, in her article, "The Taking of America," states
that "each of the 21 bioregions will be governed by bioregional councils. Although in its
infancy stage, the setting up of such a council is taking place [now] in the south in
conjunction with the Smokey Mountain National Park in Tennessee. When these
councils come into play, local, state and national government will not be able to interfere
with their enforcement. It will be under the strong arm of the UN.Environmental
organizations such as the Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy and other green
organizations will be given the green light [to be] the enforcement arm of these councils
at the local level." [Karen Lee Bixman, "The Taking of America," The Investigative
Reporter (Huntington Beach, CA), March 1996, .3.]

It cannot be too strongly emphasized that this is a radical agenda designed to control not
just the land, but all human activity, as well. Under the Wildlands Project, at least 50
percent of the land area of America would be returned to "core wilderness areas" where
human activity is barred.

Those areas would be connected by corridors, a few miles wide. The core areas and
corridors would be surrounded by "buffer zones" in which "managed" human activity
would be allowed, provided that biodiversity protection is the first priority. Reed Noss's
words put it very, very plainly: "the collective needs of non-human species must take
precedence over the needs and desires of humans." ["Rewilding America," eco-logic
Magazine (Publ. By Environmental Conservation Organization, Hollow Rock, TN),
November/December 1995, p.20.]


For several decades, we have been hearing about the damage that Man has done to his
environment - reports of polluted waterways, lakes, ground water, and streams have
appeared in newspapers, magazines, and on television. We've heard scary stories about
holes in the ozone layer, smog-stifled cities, polluted landfills, and carcinogens in the air
we breathe. We have been warned about the abuse of Mother Earth through irresponsible
mining, overzealous harvesting of forests, and irresponsible waste of resources.
Concern for the state of our environment is, obviously, a valid concern. By focusing
public attention on the need to control abuse of the environment through legislation and
judicial enforcement of environmental law, we have come a long way in cleaning up our
environment. Most Americans would probably agree that abuse of our national resources
is just - well, un-American! Most would agree that protection of the environment is a
responsible, worthwhile priority at every level of government, as well as among the
populace at large.

That is precisely the reason that one of the most massive and well-funded juggernauts of
the one-world government movement has been the radical environmental movement.
Mikhail Gorbachev stated in Moscow some time back that the threat of environmental
crisis will be the "international disaster key" that will unlock the New World Order."
[Samantha Smith, "Gorbachev Forum Highlights World Government," The Patriot Press,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (Chattanooga, TN), p. 8.] Over the past thirty years while most
Americans were getting on with their lives and trusting the federal government (with
congressional oversight, they assumed) to manage our parks and national resources, they
were being sold down the river. A massive array of green advocacy groups and non-
governmental groups were working hand-in-hand with the United Nations to bring vast
areas of this country under UN control, under the guise of "preserving the environment."
Samantha Smith, one of the leading researchers in the country on the one-world
government movement, attended Gorbachev's State of the World Forum in San
Francisco last fall, and reported that at that conference, attendees were told that an Earth
Charter, a "Bill of Rights for the Planet," will be presented to the 1997 General
Assembly of the United Nations for ratification, then hopefully adopted by the year


Operatives in the U.S.

The UN environmental agenda has been strongly supported and actively promoted by
the Clinton administration. The Ecosystem Management Plan, promoted by Vice
President Al Gore, calls for 50 percent of the land within the United States to be returned
to wilderness. Twenty federal agencies are being used to implement this plan and the
EPA is the enforcer." [Karen Lee Bixman, "The Taking of America," The Investigative
Reporter (Huntington Beach, CA), March 1996, p. 4.]

Those who "represent" Americans in the UN today are those who are committed to
diminishing national sovereignty and making individual liberties and property rights a
thing of the past. Back in 1982, a bulletin of the National Association of Realtors
reported that a UN policy on land use, formulated in 1976, states: "Land, because of its
unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlements, cannot be treated as an
ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies
of the market. Social justice, urban renewal and development, the provision of decent
dwellings and health conditions for people can only be achieved if land is used in the
interests of society as a whole." ["FIABCI announces major effort to change U.N.
policy," National Association of Realtors Bulletin, Volume 3, Number 23, July 12, 1982.
(Furnished through courtesy of Karen Lee Bixman, The Investigative Reporter,
Huntington Beach, CA.)

By executive order, without any congressional authority, Bruce Babbitt and the
Department of the Interior in September 1993 created the Office of National Biological
Survey. This survey will attempt to catalog and locate every species of plant and animal
in the United States. The result will be a written record for use in justifying removal of
human beings from areas where "endangered species" are located.


In December 1972, UN Resolution 2997, which created the United Nations

Environmental Programme (UNEP), was adopted by the UN General Assembly. It is the
catalyst for the whole movement to reorganize society under the guise of "saving the
environment." This group has remapped the whole world into bioregions, and is
responsible for virtually all of the environmental policy changes that have occurred
globally in the last two decades.

Their five-step action plan ["The Reorganization of Society, " eco-logic Magazine (Publ.
By Environmental Conservation Organization, Hollow Rock, TN), September/October
1995, p. 4] as presented in UNEP documents is to:

1. Redraw land maps to differentiate biological characteristics rather than political


2. Regroup human populations into self-sustaining settlements that minimize impact on


3. Educate humans in the "gaia ethic," which holds that Gaia is the creator of all life and
all life is a part of the creator. (New World Order Religion).

4. Create a new system of governance based on local decision-making within the

framework of international agreements.

5. Reduce the use of natural resources by (a) reducing population; (b) reducing
consumption; and (c) shifting to "appropriate" technology.
What simpler, more effective method could there be for ultimate, absolute control of
human populations than the methods that are being advanced under the banner of
"environmental and biodiversity protection"? Read the list above once more. Notice who
will be in control. Note that humans will be "regrouped" (relocated) in accordance with a
master plan. Human populations must be "self-sustaining," which virtually guarantees a
vastly diminished standard of living, especially for western civilizations. In conjunction
with that, note the emphasis on "shifting to appropriate (i.e., radically downgraded)

Notice the emphasis on the "gaia ethic" (nature worship) as the supreme "ethic" (i.e.,
world religion). Notice the reallocation of the powers of governance: "local decision-
making within the framework of international agreements." This would effectively
bypass Congress and chop the behemoth of public opposition into small, manageable
pieces. Note the emphasison reduced population. Readers familiar with the radical
agenda of the Cairo Conference on Population last year will remember the forcible
thrust of the abortion rights agenda as a "population control" measure.

The program underway to undermine the concept of private property rights, especially in
the western portion of the U.S., is ample evidence that the socialist planners behind this
global agenda are implementing their program now. If unopposed, their efforts will, in
time, establish by precedent the authority of prevailing governments to control the whole
spectrum of human activity: reproductive rights, property rights, lifestyle, consumption,
and even the level of technology permitted. It is a ghastly picture, but the evidence is
mounting steadily to support the reality of what lies ahead if the global planners have
their way. The primary reason that such dramatic progress toward UNEP objectives has
been made in recent years is the fact that very few people have recognized that the
common denominator in the whole movement is an arm of the United Nations!

NGOs: The Machinery

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) constitute the machinery that is actually

driving the movement toward global governance. They organize and coordinate the
agenda from the highest chambers of governance at the UN down to county
commissions and city councils at the local level. That apparatus, now global in its reach,
was set in motion in 1968 when UNESCO passed Resolution 1296 which granted
consultative status to organizations like the Sierra Club, thus allowing them to
participate in UN environmental activities. The tasks of NGOs such as the Sierra Club
are quite diversified, but highly effective: agitation at local levels of government;
lobbying at the national level; producing studies to justify global taxation; creating TV
ads to enhance the image of the UN; devising propaganda to discredit individuals and
organizations that generate "internal political pressure" or fail to support the new global
ethic; and launching national media campaigns to portray dissenting voices as "right-
wing extremists" or "fanatics."

According to the report of the Commission on Global Governance, 28,900 international

NGOs are known to exist, and many are directly involved in promoting the agenda of
global governance. The ideas spawned in the NGOs are in turn advanced by the UNEP.
Three of the most powerful NGOs are the International Union for the Conservation of
Nature (IUCN), the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), and the World Resources
Institute (WRI). Henry Lamb, in an excellent article entitled "The Year of Decision,"
made this observation: "The great danger confronting Americans is that they do not yet
know that the enemy has changed uniforms, and tactics. The threat is no longer the red
star and sickle painted on planes and missiles: now the threat comes from hoards of
NGOs (non-government organizations) [who are] cheering the proposals pushed by
international statesmen at world conferences designed to achieve with verbosity what
could not be accomplished with bombs." [Henry Lamb, "The Year of Decision," eco-
logic Magazine (Publ. By Environmental Conservation Organization, Hollow Rock,
TN)] Global issues such as the Biodiversity Treaty have become the focus of domestic
NGOs (of which there are close to 1,000), and they have strong national constituencies,
enormous staff and funding. Even down at the lowest levels, NGOs are prepared to
lobby on issues relating to a particular project under consideration by local zoning
boards. These "public/private partnerships," as they are often referred to, encourage the
creation of boards or councils that supposedly represent the interests of all the "stake
holders." In reality, these boards are dominated by powerful NGOs who are well-
equipped to control outcomes. Heads of NGOs are often full-time professionals, paid by
non-profit organizations and funded through coordinated efforts of the (Rockefeller)
Environmental Grantmakers Association or the federal government. "Stake holders" in
these partnerships are people who work for a living and want to take care of the
environment, but simply do not have the time to study or understand the issues and the
forces that are driving them.

UNESCO and The Great Land Heist

The biggest setup for land grabs in the history of this nation occurred in November
1972, when the World Heritage Treaty (drafted by UNESCO - a non-governmental
organization) was signed by Richard Nixon and ratified by Congress. It became effective
late in 1975. Its primary focus is the natural heritage of lands throughout the world
which they (UNESCO) contend are all endangered and threatened by social and
economic conditions - i.e., by the activities of mankind. The treaty states, "Therefore, it
is incumbent that the international community participate as a whole to save these
heritage sites." [Karen Lee Bixman, "The Taking of America," The Investigative
Reporter, March 1996, p. 2] Sites that qualify for protection are virtually unlimited:
monuments; archaeological works; building and landscapes with historical, aesthetic or
ethnological significance; geographical formations; areas of threatened habitat of animal
or plant species; and natural areas of universal value from the point of view of science,
conservation, or natural beauty. And that is not even the whole list. The treaty language
is so vague that property anywhere in the world can be rendered a Heritage Site if the
governing committee so deems. For example, if the site is of exceptional beauty, such as
The Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri, the site can be classified a Heritage Site and its use
can then be proscribed or limited by groups or agencies not within our U.S. government,
nor elected by the people of this country, nor accountable to them!

Swarms of GAGs

The eco-logic magazine, in its November/December 1995 issue, stated that in Rio de
Janeiro in 1992, there were 7,892 certified Green Advocacy Groups (GAGs)
"celebrating the global sanctification of the worldwide environmental agenda." In an
article entitled "GAGs and the Global Environmental Agenda," a writer offered this
characterization of Green Advocacy Groups at work in the United States: "Like 10,000
fire ants swarming over a wounded victim, Green Advocacy Groups (GAGs) scurry over
America sucking tiny fragments of freedom from the remains of a once mighty republic.
The venom they carry is lethal to individual liberty, fatal to free markets, and the enemy
of a healthy environment even though the poison is labeled "Global Environmental
Agenda." ["GAGs and the GEA," eco-logic (Publ. By Environmental Conservation
Organization, Hollow Rock, TN), November/December, 1995, p. 28]

Green Advocacy Groups embrace the global environmental agenda as the sacred
doctrine of a new global religion to which all people must convert. The invasion of
"green religion" took a leap forward recently when the National Religious Partnership
for the Environment mailed its propaganda to 53,000 churches in the U.S., beginning a
massive campaign to bring all religions into their "temple of understanding."

Like the crusaders of an ancient time, GAGs are convinced that their mission is noble,
and they despise principles, laws, and people that stand in the way of their global
objectives. GAGs have organized to employ every means to achieve their objectives.
The Rockefellers' Environmental Grantmakers Association meets each year to fund
those GAGs whose programs advance the global environmental agenda. The Department
of Interior, the EPA, and other government agencies supplement those funds with
massive grants from the American taxpayer, thereby requiring them to subsidize the very
programs that ultimately will destroy their property rights and dispense with their
individual liberties. Meanwhile, a generation of brainwashed yuppies continues to
contribute to such organizations in the misguided belief that they are helping the

GAGs communicate through a massive electronic network; a staff of professionals

informs hundreds of other GAGs when, where, and how to apply local pressure to
advance their agenda. For each major global agenda item, there is a GAG assigned to
coordinate the activity of other GAGs around the world. For example, Maurice Strong's
Earth Council is the coordinator (GAG) of sustainable development issues worldwide.
[Strong is an admitted communist.]. Jim Rathbun, a retired U.S. Forest Service
Supervisor who has monitored activity of green advocacy groups in the Northwest for
years, has observed that: "This Administration has found a way to manipulate the
process, those that it has allowed to participate in it, and the Congress to implement
'ecosystem management' in accordance with one or more of their 'Alternative Themes'
(components of the Wildlands Project - Ed.) and not comply with the law." ["Rewilding
America," eco-logic Magazine (Publ. By Environmental Conservation Organization,
Hollow Rock, TN), November/December 1995, p. 21]

Manipulation of the law, the courts, and local community sentiments is a typical strategy
being used by GAGs to implement the Wildlands Project throughout the country. It is
impossible to present, in the scope of this report, a comprehensive analysis of the GAG
activity, even in the United States alone. Suffice it to say that GAGs have so infiltrated
government, the media, the schools, and now the churches, that as the global agenda is
presented, bit by bit, it is doubtful there will be strong defense mechanisms to resist.

Strategy: Circumvention, Administrative Fiats, Infiltration

Congress has never seen a legislative proposal to adopt the Wildlands Project. What
Congress has seen is bits and pieces - incremental steps - toward the implementation of
the Wildlands Project. The California Desert Protection Act and the Clean Air Act
Amendments and other so-called environmental protection measures all are pieces of the
overall strategy to "rewild America." Radical environmentalists have found
administrative policies to be a faster and far more effective pathway to their objectives.
Under the Endangered Species Act, the Department of Interior, on its own initiative,
expanded the meaning of "protected species" to include the habitat that a protected
species may use. Obviously, such expansion (by fiat) of the concept of "habitat"
potentially affects every inch of private property in America (probably not a concept that
would have survived congressional scrutiny)!

The development of the Ecosystem Management Policy by the Department of the

Interior and the Environmental Protection Agency brings to bear the weight of the
federal government to enforce the initiatives begun in the field by the GAGs.

Throughout the Clinton administration, key positions are filled by people who formerly
were officials in the various GAGs that have promoted the rewilding of America. The
infiltration of government by the GAGs doesn't stop in Washington, however. The
former head of the World Resources Institute (WRI) now heads the United National
Development Program, and WRI's current president, Jonathan Lash, is co-chair of the
President's Council on Sustainable Development (set up by Bill Clinton, who is feeding
us into the jaws of the Globalist tyranny...).

A relentless army of GAGs is working diligently throughout the country, supported to a

very large extent by federal funding. A few members of Congress realize that the global
environmental agenda is being implemented in the U.S. and are working to stop it.
However, the vast majority are still in the dark, vulnerable to the pressure from GAGs
who are stepping up their efforts to influence them. What is really frightening is that
several members of Congress actually support the implementation of the agenda!!!

Property owners need to be aware of GAG activity in their own communities and alert
their elected representatives to the consequences of the Wildlands Project. Without a
massive public outcry, the Wildlands Project will continue to crawl across the land,
gobbling up our property rights, individual freedoms, and our way of life.


The UNEP, the green advocacy groups (GAGs) and the non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) committed to the radical Agenda 21 intend to win. The implementation of their
program for the radical restructuring of our society is well underway. Wherever private
citizens are being robbed of their land - whether through new legislation such as the
Desert Wilderness Protection Act, through land takings by the EPA, or by administrative
rulings that render private land unusable by its owners - the program for redistribution
and ultimate control of the human population is moving quickly from "vision" to reality.
It's happening right now!!!

The privilege of private property ownership, one of the founding principles of this
nation, is being eroded daily as the radical environmentalists work to eradicate that
concept entirely from the American consciousness.

Through the use of UN treaties and administrative fiat, the American people are being
robbed. We can only hope that, once armed with the facts, the American populace will
rise up to reject these unconstitutional treaties and dictatorial fiats and demand
legislation to safeguard property rights from the onslaughts of this fanatical movement.

NOTE: For in-depth information on the World Conference on Global Governance,

readers may contact the Environmental Conservation Organization and request the
January/February, 1996 issue of eco-logic Magazine: P.O. Box 191, Hollow Rock, TN
38342. Phone (901) 986-0099. Fax (901) 986-2299.
E-mail address: [email protected] .

Researched and collated by :

Byron T. Weeks, MD
1435 Presto Street, #3
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402
(208) 524-5139
For more information on the bioregions mapping project or The Wildlands Project,
readers may wish to contact Dr. Michael S. Coffman, President of Environmental
Perspectives, Inc., 1229 Broadway, Suite 313, Bangor, Maine 04401-2596. Phone (207)
945-9878, Fax (207) 942-6465.

For further documentation, see "The Wildlands Project," Wild Earth, December 1992.
Also see Science, "The High Cost of Biodiversity," June 25, 1993, Volume 260, pp.
Lance R. Crowe, Chairman
American Constitutional Campaign Committee
5300 Scottsville Road
P.O. Box 51851
Bowling Green KY 42102-6851
[email protected]

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Even a one eyed man can be king in the land of the blinda

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