The Science Behind Holosync and Other Neurotechnologies

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The Science Behind Holosync®

and Other Neurotechnologies

by Bill Harris, Director of Centerpointe Research Institute

A Revolution in Neuroscience: Tuning the Brain

cience ushered in a new era in our ability to learn, be creative, remember, control our moods,
reduce stress, resolve unwanted behavior patterns, and a host of other desirable ends, with the
appearance of a remarkable paper by Dr. Gerald Oster, of Mt. Sinai Medical Center, in the October
1973 issue of Scientific American.
Oster’s paper, entitled “Auditory Beats in the Brain,” described how pulsations called binaural beats
occurred in the brain when tones of different frequencies were presented separately to each ear. As a
result, the entire brain became entrained to a frequency equal to the difference between the two tones and
began to resonate to that frequency. In other words, Oster discovered a method for what is called entrain-
ment of brain wave patterns. (1)
Simultaneously, Robert Monroe, of the Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences, was also investigating
binaural beats. In thousands of experiments, using an EEG machine to monitor subjects’ electrical brain
wave patterns, Monroe also concluded that he could entrain brain wave patterns using binaural beats. In
addition, he noted that the response did not happen only in the area of the brain responsible for hearing,
or only in one hemisphere or the other, but rather, the entire brain resonated. The waveforms of both
hemispheres exhibited identical frequencies, amplitude, phase, and coherence.
Since then, many researchers have verified this phenomenon. Language and speech pathologist Dr.
Suzanne Evans Morris, Ph.D., reports
Research supports the theory that different frequencies presented to each ear through stereo
headphones . . . create a difference tone (or binaural beat) as the brain puts together the two tones
it actually hears. Through EEG monitoring the difference tone is identified by a change in the
electrical pattern produced by the brain. For example, frequencies of 200 Hz and 210 Hz produce
a binaural beat frequency of 10 Hz. Monitoring of the brain’s electricity (EEG) shows that the
brain produces increased 10 Hz activity with equal frequency and amplitude of the wave form in
both hemispheres. (2)
Research by Dr. Lester Fehmi, director of the Princeton Behavioral Medicine and Biofeedback Clinic,
and perhaps the foremost authority on hemispheric synchronization in the brain, also confirms that
hemispheric synchronization and brain entrainment can be induced by binaural beats. (3)
Dr. Arthur Hastings, Ph.D., in a paper entitled “Tests of the Sleep Induction Technique” describes the
effects of subjects listening to a cassette tape specially engineered to create binaural beats in the brain. In
this case, the sounds on the tape were designed to slow the brain wave patterns from a normal waking
beta brain wave pattern to a slower alpha pattern, then to a still slower theta pattern (the brain wave
pattern of dreaming sleep), and finally to a delta pattern, the slowest of all, the brainwave pattern of
dreamless sleep. Hastings says:
We were able to test the effects of the sleep tape on brain waves with an EEG machine through the
courtesy of the researchers at the Langely-Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute, part of the University
of California Medical School in San Francisco. Dr. Joe Kaniya, Director of the Psychophysiology of
Consciousness Laboratory, monitored the brain-wave frequencies of one subject as he listened to
the sleep tape.
The chart recording showed a typical sleep onset pattern: initial alpha waves, then a slowing of
the brain waves with sleep spindles, and finally a pattern of stage 2 and 3 sleep brain waves in the
low theta range . . . the patterns in the various stages suggested that the tape was influencing the
subject’s state. (4)
Dr. Bill D. Schul also refers to the phenomenon of brain entrainment:
[P]hased sine waves at discernible sound frequencies, when blended to create ‘beat’ frequencies
within the ranges of electrical brain waves found at the various stages of human sleep, will create
a frequency following response (FFR) within the EEG pattern of the individual listening to such
audio waveforms. The FFR in turn evokes physiological and mental states in direct relationship to
the original stimulus. With the availability of this tool, it becomes possible to develop and hold
the subject into any of the various stages of sleep, from light Alpha relaxation through Theta into
Delta and in REM (dreaming). (5)
Schul concluded that “Binaural beat-frequency stimulation creates a sustaining FFR that is synchro-
nous in both amplitude and frequency between the brain hemispheres. (5)

SINE WAVES COMBINE TO PRODUCE BEATS in this illustration based on oscilloscope traces.
The two waves at the top are of slightly different frequency; when they are combined, the
resulting wave at the bottom varies slowly in amplitude. The variations are beats and would
be perceived acoustically as modulations in loudness. If the two signals were presented
separately to each ear, binaural beats would be heard. These differ in character from
monaural, or ordinary, beats and are generated within the brain.
“Auditory Beats in the Brain” by Gerald Oster. Scientific American, Oct. 1973, (used with permission).

F. Holmes Atwater of the Monroe Institute describes the neurophysics of the binaural beat brain
entrainment process:
Within the sound processing centers of the brain, pulse stimulation provides relevant information
to the higher centers of the brain. In the case of a wave form phase difference the electron pulse
rate in one part of a sound-processing center is greater than in another. The differences in electron
pulse stimulation within the sound processing centers of the brain are an anomaly. This anomaly
(the difference in electron pulse stimulation) comes and goes as the two different frequency wave
forms mesh in and out of phase. As a result of these constantly increasing and decreasing differ-

ences in electron pulse stimulation, an amplitude modulated standing wave (the binaural beat) is
generated within the sound processing centers of the brain itself. It is this standing wave which
acts to entrain brain waves. (6)
Atwater further states, “A conventional binaural beat generates two amplitude modulated standing
waves, one in each hemisphere’s olivary nucleus. Such binaural beats will entrain both hemispheres to the
same frequency, establishing equivalent electromagnetic environments and maximizing interhemispheric
neural communication” (6).










LOWER AUDITORY CENTERS of the brain are in the medulla oblongata, viewed here
schematically from the back of the neck. Nerve impulses from the right and left ears
first meet in the left or right superior olivary nucleus. These structures are part of the
olive, an organ that in this view lies behind the brain stem. It is probable that binaural
beats are detected here.
“Auditory Beats in the Brain” by Gerald Oster. Scientific American, Oct. 1973, (used with permission).

Not Just a Pretty Picture

The ability to entrain brain wave patterns opens up an exciting world of mind-boggling possibilities.
Researchers in neuroscience could not contain their excitement.
“It’s difficult to try to responsibly convey some sense of excitement about what’s going on,” said UCLA
neurophysiologist John Kiebeskind. “You find yourself sounding like people you don’t respect. You try to
be more conservative and not say such wild and intriguing things, but damn! The field is wild and
intriguing. It’s hard to avoid talking that way...We are at a frontier, and it’s a terribly exciting time to be in
this line of work” (7).
Neurochemist Candace Pert, of the National Institute of Mental Health, had this to say:

There’s a revolution going on. There used to be two systems of knowledge: hard science—
chemistry, physics, biophysics—on the one hand, and, on the other, a system of knowledge that
included ethology, psychology, and psychiatry. And now it’s as if a lightning bolt had connected
the two. It’s all one system neuroscience . . .The present era in neuroscience is comparable to the
time when Louis Pasteur first found out that germs cause disease. (8)
David Krech, Ph.D., a University of California at Berkeley psychologist, predicted almost twenty-five
years ago: “I foresee the day when we shall have the means, and therefore, inevitably, the temptation, to
manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all people through environmental and biochemi-
cal manipulation of the brain.” (9)
That day may very well be here now, and the gentle altering of brain wave patterns using sound may
be the easiest, most potent, and safest way to do it. Centerpointe Research Institute currently uses a sound
technology called Holosync® to entrain brain wave patterns, giving us the ability to influence or create
tranquility, pain control, creativity, euphoria, excitement, focused attention, relief from stress, enhanced
learning ability, enhanced problem-solving ability, increased memory, accelerated healing, behavior
modification, and improvements in mental and emotional health.
Michael Hutchison, in his book Megabrain Power, sums up this revolution in neuroscience: “. . .[N]ew
breakthroughs in neuroscience and microelectronics have permitted scientists to ‘map’ the electrical and
chemical activity of the brain in action. Scientists have used the new technology to monitor the brains of
those meditators, artists, and other rare individuals who are able to enter peak domains at will and to map
their brain activity during those peak states.” (10)
According to Hutchison, these scientists’ first findings were that those peak states are not mysterious
and unpredictable phenomena, but are clearly linked to specific patterns of brain activity. These patterns
include dramatic changes in brain wave activity, hemispheric symmetry, and rapid alterations in the levels
of various neurochemicals. If we could learn to produce these patterns of brain activity, they reasoned, we
should be able to produce the peak states they are associated with. “. . .They found that by using types of
mechanical stimulation, such as . . . precise combinations of pulsating sound waves...they could actually
produce those same ‘peak state’ brain patterns in ordinary people . . . ” (10)

The Well-Balanced Brain

Just as we exercise our bodies to feel better and improve our physical health, stimulating the brain in
this manner “exercises” the brain, bringing better mental and emotional health and increased intellectual
functioning. Researcher Robert Cosgrove, Jr., Ph.D., M.D., and an authority in pharmaceutics and bio-
medical engineering, noted that technologies that alter brainwave patterns
. . . with appropriately selected stimulation protocols [have] been observed by us to be an
excellent neuro-pathway exerciser. As such we believe it has great potential for use in promoting
optimal cerebral performance . . . Furthermore, the long-term effects of regular use . . . on
maintaining and improving cerebral performance throughout life and possibly delaying for
decades the deterioration of the brain traditionally associated with aging is very exciting. (11)
There are four categories of brain wave patterns. The most rapid brain wave pattern is that of beta,
from about 14 Hz to more than 100 Hz. This is the pattern of normal waking consciousness, and it is
associated with concentration, arousal, alertness, and cognition, while at higher levels, beta is associated
with anxiety. As we become more relaxed, the brain wave activity slows into the alpha range, from 8 to
13.9 Hz. These are the brain wave patterns of deep relaxation, and of what has been called the twilight
state between sleep and waking, while the higher end of alpha represents a more relaxed yet focused state.
Slower still are theta waves, between 4 and 7.9 Hz. This is the state of dreaming sleep and also of
increased creativity, super-learning, integrative experiences, and increased memory. The slowest brain
wave pattern is delta, that of dreamless sleep, below 4 Hz. Generally people are asleep in delta, but there

is evidence that it is possible to remain alert in this state—a very deep trance-like, non-physical state. It is
in delta that our brains are triggered to release large quantities of healing growth hormone (12).

Four Categories of Brain Wave Patterns

beta (14–100 Hz) Concentration, arousal, alertness, cognition

Higher levels associated with anxiety, dis-ease,
feelings of separation, fight or flight

alpha (8–13.9 Hz) Relaxation, superlearning, relaxed focus, light trance

Increased serontonin production
Pre-sleep or pre-waking drowsiness
Mediation, beginning of access to unconscious mind

theta (4–7.9 Hz) Dreaming sleep (REM sleep)

Increased production of catecholamines (vital for
learning and memory), increased creativity
Integrative, emotional experiences, potential change
in behavior, increased retention of learned material
Hypnagogic imagery, trance, deep mediation,
access to unconscious mind

delta (.1–3.9 Hz) Dreamless sleep

Human growth hormone released
Deep, trance-like, non-physical state, loss of body
Access to unconscious and "collective unconscious"
mind, greatest "push" to brain when induced with

As we slow the brain wave patterns from beta to alpha to theta to delta, there is a corresponding
increase in balance between the two hemispheres of the brain. This more balanced brain state is called
brain synchrony, or brain synchronization. This balancing phenomenon was noted in early EEG studies of
experienced meditators in the 1970s. In deep meditative states, their brain waves shifted from the usual
asymmetrical patterns, with one hemisphere dominant over the other, to a balanced state of whole-brain
integration, with the same brain wave frequency throughout. As we will see, various mental abilities and
experiences are induced naturally in these different brain wave patterns, and many of these abilities and
experiences are quite remarkable.
Robert Monroe of the Monroe Institute reported that inducing brain wave patterns through the
creation of binaural beats in the brain caused a wide range of effects, including “focusing of attention,
suggestibility, problem solving, creativity, memory, and learning . . . sleep induction, pain control . . . and
enhanced learning . . .” (13).
Other scientists have noted that these slower brain wave patterns are accompanied by deep tranquility,
flashes of creative insight, euphoria, intensely focused attention, and enhanced learning abilities. Dr. Lester
Fehmi, director of the Princeton Biofeedback Research Institute, has said that hemispheric synchronization
represents “the maximum efficiency of information transport through the whole brain” and “[it] is corre-
lated experientially with a union with experience, and ‘into-it-ness.’ Instead of feeling separate and nar-
row-focused, you tend to feel more into it—that is, unified with the experience, you are the experience—
and the scope of your awareness is widened a great deal, so that you’re including many more experiences
at the same time. There’s a whole-brain sensory integration going on, and it’s as if you become less self-
conscious and you function more intuitively.” (14)


One of the observed effects of this type of sound-induced brain synchronization is increased learning
ability. What is now known as superlearning began in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the work of
Bulgarian psychiatrist Georgi Lozanov. Lozanov used deep relaxation combined with synchronized
rhythms in the brain to cause students to produce alpha waves. He found that students when in this state
learned over five times as much information with less study time per day, with greater long-term reten-
tion. In some cases, as much as thirty times as much was learned.
Speech-Language pathologist Suzanne Evans Morris, Ph.D., describes the relationship between
different brainwave patterns and learning, as well as other related states such as concentration, problem
solving, receptivity, and creativity.
Receptivity for learning is related to specific states of consciousness. Predominant brainwave
patterns are associated with different states of consciousness or awareness. For example, beta
frequencies ranging from 13–26 Hz are associated with concentration, and alert problem solving;
alpha frequencies (8–13 Hz) occur when the eyes are closed and a state of alert relaxation is
present; theta (4–7 Hz) is associated with deep relaxation with a high receptivity for new experi-
ences and learning . . . (15)
Morris also describes how audio soundtracks containing binaural beat signals can be used to “create
the ability to sustain this theta period of openness for learning.” (15)
Morris goes on to say that “[t]he introduction of theta signals . . . into the learning environment
theoretically allows for a broader and deeper processing of the information provided by the teacher . . .
[and] increases . . . focus of attention and creates a mental set of open receptivity.” She notes that in the
use of such binaural beat signals in a classroom setting, children exhibited “improved focus of attention”
and “a greater openness and enthusiasm for learning.” (15)
Morris further describes what happens in the brain that makes this type of accelerated learning so
The presence of theta patterns (4–7 Hz) in the brain has been associated with states of increased
receptivity for learning and reduced filtering of information by the left hemisphere. This state of
awareness is available for relatively brief periods as the individual enters a state of reverie or
passes in and out of the deep sleep phase of the 90 minute sleep cycle. [Binaural beat] signals,
however, can facilitate a prolonged state of theta to produce a relaxed receptivity for learning . . .
[These signals] create a state of coherence in the brain. Right and left hemispheres as well as
subcortical areas become activated in harmony, reflected by equal frequency and amplitude of
EEG patterns from both hemispheres. This creates an internal physiological environment for
learning which involves the whole brain. The linear, sequential style of problem solving preferred
by the left hemisphere is brought into balance with the global, intuitive style of the right hemi-
sphere and limbic system (subcortex). This allows the learner to have greater access to internal
and external knowledge and provides a milieu for expanding intuition in problem solving. One of
the by-products of hemispheric synchronization appears to be a highly focused state of attending.
The ability to reduce ‘mind chatter’ and focus the attention is critical for efficient learning (16).
Binaural beat signals have been used in the classroom to enhance learning ability. Teachers in the
Tacoma, Washington, public schools, under the direction of psychologist Devon Edrington, used audio
tapes containing a binaural beat sound technology to influence the learning ability of students. They
found that students who were taught, studied, and took tests while these tapes were playing did signifi-
cantly better than a control group not using the tapes. (17)
The theta state also seems to be one where behavior and belief system changes can more easily be
made. Suzanne Evans Morris discusses the work of neurotechnology and biofeedback researcher Thomas

Budzynski, (1981) in which he described the theta state as
. . . a transition zone between wakefulness and sleep in which one can absorb new information in an
uncritical, non-analytical fashion. [Budzynski] speculated that this allows new information to be
considered by the right hemisphere through bypassing the critical filters of the left hemisphere. Thus,
information leading to a change in self-concept would become more available; modification of ha-
bitual behaviors or consideration of one’s belief system could occur more easily if alternatives were
presented during a period of theta activity. (18)
Medical researcher Dr. Gene W. Brockopp also believes behavior modification is enhanced when the
subject can be placed in slower, more receptive brain wave patterns. He speculates that using technology
to induce brain wave changes can
. . . actively induce a state of deactivation in which the brain is passive, but not asleep; awake, but
not involved with the ‘clutter’ of an ongoing existence. If this is true, then it may be a state in
which new cognitive strategies could be designed and developed . . . .[i]f we can help a person to
experience different brain-wave states consciously through driving them with external stimula-
tion, we may facilitate the individual’s ability to allow more variations in their functioning through
breaking up patterns at the neural level. This may help them develop the ability to shift gears or
‘shuttle’ and move them away from habit patterns of behavior to become more flexible and
creative, and to develop elegant strategies of functioning (19).
Many other researchers have described the benefits of alpha and theta brain wave states. Budzynski
has done extensive research on learning and suggestion when the brain is in a theta state. Theta,
Budzynski suggested, is the state in which superlearning takes place—when in theta, people are able to
learn new languages, accept suggestions for changes in behavior and attitudes, or memorize large amounts
of information. He says, “We take advantage of the fact that the hypnagogic [theta] state, the twilight state
. . . has these properties of uncritical acceptance of verbal material, or almost any material it can process.”
In this state, Budzynski says, “a lot of work gets done very quickly.” (20, 21)
Budzynski and psychobiologist Dr. James McGaugh of the University of California at Irvine have both
found that information is also more easily processed and recalled in a theta state. Noted researchers Elmer
and Alyce Green, of the Menninger Foundation, have also studied this phenomenon, finding that memo-
ries experienced in a theta state “were not like going through a memory in one’s mind but rather like an
experience, a reliving.” Individuals producing theta waves also had “new and valid ideas or synthesis of
ideas, not primarily by deduction but springing by intuition from unconscious sources.”
In their seminal book, Beyond Biofeedback, the Greens further discussed many remarkable effects of the
theta brain wave state. They found that those producing theta waves became highly creative. They had
life-altering insights, what the Greens called “integrative experiences leading to feelings of psychological
well-being.” On psychological tests, subjects scored as being “psychologically healthier, had more social
poise, were less rigid and conforming, and were more self-accepting and creative.” Another remarkable
effect was that these subjects became very healthy. Emotionally, these people had “improved relationships
with other people as well as greater tolerance, understanding, and love of oneself and of one’s world” (22).
Alpha and theta states have also been shown to facilitate addiction recovery. Dr. Eugene Peniston and
Dr. Paul Kulkosky, of the University of Southern Colorado, trained a group of alcoholics to enter the alpha
and theta states. These alcoholics showed a recovery rate many orders of magnitude greater than a control
group. Thirteen months later, this alpha-theta group showed “sustained prevention of relapse,” and these
findings were confirmed in follow-up study three years later. In addition, this group showed a marked
personality transformation, including significant increases in qualities such as warmth, stability, conscien-
tiousness, boldness, imaginativeness, and self-control, along with decreases in depression and anxiety.
At the brain wave pattern at the juncture between the alpha and theta rhythms, often called the
crossover point by neuroscientists, subjects have experienced some remarkable changes. Houston therapist
William Beckwith has reported that in his clients the experience of this crossover point is often accompa-

nied by “the seemingly miraculous resolutions of complex psychological problems.” (24)
Other studies have suggested that states of brain synchronization increase memory. McGaugh’s
research on memory and theta waves showed that “the more theta waves appeared in an animal’s EEG
after a training session, the more it remembered. This was true in all cases . . . Apparently, the best
predictor of memory was the amount of theta waves recorded in the animal’s brain. [Theta waves] show
that the brain is in the right state to process and store information.” (25)
Scientists have discovered that for memories to form, the brain must undergo a process called long-
term potentiation (LTP), involving electrical and chemical changes in the neurons associated with
memory. Without LTP, incoming information is not stored, but rather quickly and totally forgotten.
Neurophysiologist Dr. Gary Lynch and associates at the University of California at Irvine discovered that
the key to LTP is the theta brain wave pattern. “We have found the magic rhythm that makes LTP. There’s
a magic rhythm, the theta rhythm.” According to Lynch, this is the natural rhythm of the hippocampus,
the part of the brain essential for the formation and storage of new memories and the recall of old memo-
ries (26).
Other studies have confirmed the incredible benefits of the theta state. In experiments conducted at
the Monroe Institute of Applied Science, subjects who produced theta waves (as measured on an EEG) in
response to binaural beats “invariably emerged from the experience reporting all the mental phenomena
associated with the theta state, such as vivid hypnagogic imagery, creative thoughts, integrative experi-
ences, and spontaneous memories” (27).
How do these amazing mental and emotional changes take place? Many researchers believe that
different brain wave patterns are linked to the production in the brain of various neurochemicals associ-
ated with relaxation and stress release, increased learning
and creativity, memory, and other desirable benefits. These neurochemicals include beta-endorphins,
acetylcholine, vasopressin, and serotonin.
Dr. Margaret Patterson, in collaboration with biochemist Dr. Ifor Capel, at the Marie Curie Cancer
Memorial Foundation Research Department, in Surrey, England, has shown that certain frequencies in the
brain dramatically speed up production of a variety of neurotransmitters, different frequencies triggering
different brain chemicals. For instance, a 10 Hz (alpha) brain wave pattern boosts the production and
turnover rate of serotonin, a chemical messenger that increases relaxation and eases pain, while catechola-
mines, vital for memory and learning, respond at around 4 Hz (theta).
According to Capel, “. . . as far as we can tell, each brain center generates impulses at a specific
frequency based on the predominant neurotransmitter it secretes. In other words, the brain’s internal
communication system—its language, if you like—is based on frequency . . . Presumably, when we send
in waves of electrical energy at, say, 10 Hz, certain cells in the lower brain stem will respond because they
normally fire within that frequency range.” (28)
Dr. William Bauer, one of the foremost experts in the field of electromedicine, elaborates:
What I think is happening . . . is that by sending out the proper frequency, proper waveform and
proper current . . . we tend to change the configuration of the cell membrane. Cells that are at
sub-optimal levels are stimulated to ‘turn on’ and produce what they’re supposed to produce,
probably through DNA, which is stimulated through the cell membrane . . . You’re charging the
cells through a biochemical process that can possibly balance the acetylcholine or whatever
neurotransmitter needs to be turned on . . . (29)
The increased production of these different neurochemicals can greatly enhance memory and learn-
ing. A research team at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Palo Alto found that a group of normal
human subjects, when given substances that increased acetylcholine production in the brain, showed
great improvement in long-term memory, while at MIT, students taking acetylcholine enhancers experi-
enced improved memory and increased ability to learn lists of words. (30) Researcher Lester A. Henry
noted that acetylcholine “is essential to such higher mental processes as learning and memory.” (31)

Recent studies show that insufficient acetylcholine causes memory loss and reduces learning and
intelligence. Lack of acetylcholine been linked in part to confusion and memory loss in patients
Alzheimer’s disease (32, 33). Other studies have shown that when individuals are given substances that
increase the amount of acetylcholine, they show significant increases in scores on memory and intelli-
gence tests (34, 35).
Acetylcholine has also been associated with a greater number of neurons in the cortex and also with
greater brain size, with humans having the highest density of acetylcholine in the brain. UC Berkeley
researcher Mark Rosenzweig has shown a direct connection between acetylcholine and intelligence. (36)
Other neurochemicals that are produced in the brain in response to binaural beats have been associ-
ated with increased memory, learning, and other benefits. Men in their fifties taking vasopressin, a neuro-
chemical closely related to the endorphins, showed significant improvement in memory, leaning, and
reaction time. In another study, sixteen normal, healthy subjects of average intelligence were given
vasopressin several times, after which they showed dramatic improvement in their ability to learn and
remember. (37) Dutch scientists further found that vasopressin had a long-term “cementing effect on
consolidation of information.” (38)
At the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), research has indicated that vasopressin boosts
memory, enabling subjects to “chunk” and encode information better. (Chunking refers to the ability to
group large amounts of information together into more easily remembered bits). NIMH found that
decreasing vasopressin is associated with memory deficits. Vasopressin is also associated with and en-
hances production of theta waves that are associated with increased access to memories and increased
creativity. Vasopressin also stimulates the release of endorphins and has restored memory in amnesia
victims (39, 40).

The Endorphin Connection

Scientists have also found that the endorphins released when the brain is exposed to alpha and theta
binaural beat patterns enhance many mental functions. Endorphins have a powerful strengthening effect
on learning and memory, for instance, and have been known to reverse amnesia. Researcher David de
Weid found that rats injected with endorphins remembered things longer. Dr. Andrew Schally, 1977
winner of the Nobel Prize for medicine, found that rats receiving injections of endorphins showed im-
proved maze-running abilities. (41)
Why do endorphins increase learning and memory? Neuroscientists believe that in humans the places
in the brain that produce the most endorphins, and contain the greatest concentration of endorphin
receptors, are the same areas of the brain involved most intimately with learning and memory. Dr. Aryeh
Routtenberg, of Northwestern University, located these pleasure centers in the brain and noted
[T]he evidence clearly shows that the brain reward pathways play an important role in learning
and memory . . . I have speculated that the pathways of brain reward may function as the path-
ways of memory consolidation. By this I mean that when something is learned, activity in the
brain reward pathways facilitates formation of memory. . . . Evidence for the reward effects of
localized electrical stimulation . . . and for the association of reward paths with memory forma-
tion indicates that the neural substrates of self-stimulation play a vital role in the guidance of
behavior. (42)
Scientists now know of at least seven chemicals in the endorphin family that have effects on memory
and learning. Endorphins, according to neuroscientists, “serve as the body’s ‘natural reward system,’
providing us with a rush of pleasure whenever we learn something or act in some way that is conducive
to our survival as a species.” (43) This means that new belief systems designed to effect desirable behavior
changes, if presented to the mind when it is flooded with endorphins, may be perceived as beneficial and
adopted as such—a powerful boost to any behavior modification protocol.

Dr. Candice Pert of NIMH, the discoverer of the opiate receptor, has also described this process,
noting that “the endorphins, our natural opiates, are a filtering mechanism in the brain. The opiate system
selectively filters incoming information from every sense—sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch—and
blocks some of it from percolating up to higher levels of consciousness.” (44)
Scientists now believe that the moment when learning takes place—the “aha” moment—is that
moment when a particular reality has been selected and filtered by our endorphins and is suddenly
apprehended by our brain in such a way that we learn something new. This learning being rewarded by a
flood of endorphins along our pleasure-learning pathways. (45)
The production in the brain of alpha and theta patterns is also correlated with the relaxation re-
sponse—the mirror image of the more well known fight or flight response. The fight or flight response
takes blood flow away from the brain and toward the periphery of the body, floods the bloodstream with
sugar, and increases heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration rate in order to prepare one for defense or
flight. In this state, learning ability, as well as other mental functions including problem solving and
reasoning ability, are inhibited.
The relaxation response, on the other hand, mobilizes us for inward activity by reducing heart rate
and blood pressure, relaxing muscles, and increasing the percentage of oxygen flowing to the brain. As
one might expect, the fight or flight response is accompanied by low-amplitude, high-frequency beta
brain wave patterns, while the relaxation response, so beneficial to learning and problem solving, is
accompanied by high amplitude, low frequency alpha and theta rhythms. (46, 47) When we use sound
technologies to induce these slower brain wave patterns, we also induce the relaxation response, another
possible reason for the increases in learning ability noted by so many researchers.

The Effect on Hormones

A recent study performed by Dr. Vincent Giampapa, M.D., former president of the American Board of
Anti-Aging Medicine, revealed that placing a listener in the alpha, theta, and delta brain wave patterns
using Holosync audio technology dramatically affects production of three important hormones related to
both increased longevity and well-being: cortisol, DHEA, and melatonin.
Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. According to Dr. Giampapa, cortisol is the
major age-accelerating hormone within the brain. It also interferes with learning and memory and has, in
general, negative effects on health and well being.
DHEA is also produced by the adrenal glands. It is a precursor, or source ingredient, to virtually every
hormone the body needs. DHEA levels are a key determinant of physiological age and resistance to
disease. When DHEA levels are low, we are more susceptible to aging and disease; when they are high, the
body is at its peak—vibrant, healthy, and able to effectively combat disease. DHEA acts as a buffer against
stress-related hormones (such as cortisol), which is why as you get older and make less DHEA you are
more susceptible to stress and disease.
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (December 11, 1986) found that a 100
microgram per deciliter increase in DHEA blood levels corresponded with a 48% reduction in mortality
due to cardiovascular disease—and a 36% reduction in mortality for any reason.
Melatonin is a hormone associated with the creation of restful sleep. We make less of it as we age, and
since during sleep many important rejuvenating substances are created in the brain, the inability to sleep
soundly can dramatically decrease the quality of your life and greatly accelerate aging.
Dr. Giampapa found the following changes in levels of melatonin, DHEA, and cortisol in 19 users of
Holosync audio technology listening four hours a day over a three-day period:
• Over 68% had increases in DHEA levels, with an average increase of 43.77%. Several partici-
pants had increases of 50, 60, even 90%.
• Cortisol was down an average of 46.47%, with positive changes in 68% of the people, and with

several participants having decreases of 70 or 80%.
• Melatonin levels increased an average of 97.77%, with positive changes happening in over 73%
of the participants. Many had improvements of 100, 200, even 300%.

Pushing the Brain to Change

In addition to the effects described above, there is an even more remarkable generalized effect when
brainwave patterns are slowed into the alpha, theta, and delta ranges. Slowing of brain wave patterns
increases electrical fluctuations in the brain, changing the neural structure and pushing the brain to
reorganize itself at higher, more complex levels of functioning. This reorganization process is predicted by
the work of scientist Ilya Prigogine, 1977 Nobel Prize-winner in chemistry.
Prigogine’s work has been applied to all changes in all kinds of open systems—everything from a seed
germinating, to a corporation expanding, a highway system growing, a cell dividing, or a human being
experiencing behavioral or emotional changes.
The human brain is the ultimate open system, constantly exchanging energy with its environment. Up
to a point, the system can handle all kinds of fluctuations. But if the input becomes too much, the system
is pushed past its limits and the system reorganizes itself at a higher order. A runner, for instance, gives
more physical input to his body than it can handle, and it responds by reorganizing itself at a higher level
that can handle this increased input—which we call “getting in shape.”
Using binaural beat technology to change brain wave patterns causes a similar effect in the brain. The
alpha, theta, and delta brain wave patterns are states of great fluctuation in the brain. A graphic represen-
tation of these brain wave patterns shows that the amplitude (the height of the waveform) increases as we
move from alpha to theta to delta. In other words, the amount of fluctuation increases. These increased
fluctuations are more than the nervous system can handle with its current structure, and the brain re-
sponds by reorganizing itself at a higher, more complex level of functioning. It does this by creating new
neural pathways within itself, creating increased communication between parts of the brain that previ-
ously were not communicating. This is the balance, or synchrony, between the two hemispheres of the
brain discussed at the beginning of this appendix. This synchrony brings with it many remarkable
changes. As noted earlier, Lester Fehmi, of the Princeton Biofeedback Research Institute, has stated that
“synchrony represents the maximum efficiency of information transport through the whole brain.” (49)
As demonstrated earlier in this paper, there are two main effects of reorganization and increased
synchrony in the brain. One is an increase in various mental capabilities: increased learning ability,
creativity, mental clarity, intelligence, intuition, and so on. Second, each time the neural structure changes,
positive changes in mental and emotional health occur. As the brain reorganizes at the next level of
functioning, the subject’s model of the world changes with it. With the creation of new neural pathways,
connections are perceived between bits of information that previously seemed unrelated, and more
choices are available. Herein lies the theoretical explanation for the amazing personality changes that
researchers have reported in subjects using sound technology similar to Holosync to change brain wave
Clearly we are on the frontier of a marvelous new field with untold possibilities. The ability to map
and entrain brain waves, and the states they represent, gives us a powerful new tool to effect human
change and growth. It has been shown that induced brain wave states can cause superlearning, increased
creativity, induce sleep, control pain, modify behavior, focus attention, relieve stress, increase memory,
and dramatically improve mental and emotional health. Centerpointe Research Institute is proud to be at
the forefront of this new and exciting field. We invite you to join us as we leap into the 21st century.


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