The Death of Free Will by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
The Death of Free Will by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
The Death of Free Will by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
(If a link become broken, please do a Google search for the title.)
[1] Project MUSE - Sewanee Review, Vol. 118, No. 2, Spring 2010, The John Hopkins University
Press. Accessed 10/2010. < >
Link 1 Re-inventing Schools Coalition
[1] Benjamin Bloom, All Our Children Learning (1980), New York, McGraw Hill
[2] Benjamin Bloom, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (1956)
The second link also contains my 700-page book “the deliberate
dumbing down of America”. The book contains an important article by
Ann Herzer, a former public school reading specialist. I believe she was
(A downloadable pdf of the deliberate
the first teacher to publicly oppose the manipulative Skinnerian method
dumbing down of america can be found
that she encountered during a required in-service teacher training for the
at )
Exemplary Center for Reading Instruction (ECRI). Her article entitled
“Our Children: The Drones” is found on A-143-149 of my 3D book. Ann
describes what she went through during the in-service training for ECRI,
as well as provides much good research for the reader.
Ann rebelled and ended up resigning as a teacher, all the while she
fought the method. Ann was instrumental in getting the Arizona affiliate
of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) to unanimously oppose
the use of federally-funded operant conditioning programs on teachers
and students in America.
The late Al Shanker, former President of the AFT, kept the resolution
from being considered at the 1984 annual AFT Convention. Shanker, later,
was deeply involved in implementing the Reagan/Bush/Clinton Admin-
istration plan school-to-work agenda that requires the Skinnerian operant
conditioning method for training purposes! A Bangor Daily News article
of July 18, 1989, carried an AP item entitled “Long-Awaited National
Teaching Certificate Detailed" which described in a nutshell the so-called
"voluntary" national teacher certification system first called for in 1986
by the Carnegie Forum on Education and Economy report: ”A Nation
Prepared: Teachers for the 21st Century”. The last paragraph stated:
"Albert Shanker, president of the American Federation of
Teachers and a longtime backer of national teacher certification,
said the criteria laid out Monday prove the skeptics wrong.
'They said it couldn’t be done, but we did it. We can be proud
that we have come so far.”
Link 3
Jed Brown
T reflect the views of those of us who have carefully researched the
restructuring movement as it relates to the “method”, “school
choice/charter schools”, etc. In an interview, Weiner says in part:
JUAN GONZALEZ:—the right-wing foundations, the Walton Foun-
on Behavioral dation, the Eli Broad Foundation, as well as all of the hedge fund
Conditioning and Wall Street people that have gotten involved in funding schools
(1994) and creating charter networks. What do you analyze is behind this?
LOIS WEINER: Well, I mean, their effect has been, really, all-en-
compassing and quite pernicious. And we have a great deal of re-
search about what's going on with this, if we want to take a look at
his powerful video of the late
T ents and researchers for the past four decades—are listed as re-
sources for “Reinventing Schools Coalition”. Is it possible “they”
who are imposing this performance-based curriculum on our teachers and
children really believe that we could ever forget these evil people who
have been in charge of destroying not only our children’s religious val-
ues, but what was once known as the finest education system in the world,
in order to set in place the education system necessary for a totalitarian
international socialist world?
I guess they figured that we would die or go away and leave them
alone as they return to hammer the last nail in the coffin. The most well-
known names listed at the Reinventing Schools Coalition website follow:
Robert Marzano, William Glasser, Madeline Hunter, William Spady, who
was in charge of the infamous 1984 U.S. Department of Education Utah
Outcomes-Based Education project/grant which promised and succeeded
in “putting outcomes-based education in all the schools of the nation”.
In my testimony at the 1984 U.S. Dept. of Education hearings sup-
porting the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (Hatch Amendment),
I called for the firing of these and other, too numerous to list, evil, feder-
ally funded “change agents”.
Have you noticed how the conservative leadership is silent about the
role of the U.S. Department of Education in the “deliberate dumbing down”
of our schools, our children and their teachers? Ever since former Presi-
Part II dent Reagan failed to carry out his promise to abolish the U.S. Depart-
ment of Education—from whence come all the destructive non-academic
programs mentioned in this article and more—conservatives and the con-
By Charlotte trolled media have only attacked the two teachers unions, the NEA and
Thomson Iserbyt the AFT. Rarely, if ever, is there mention of the unconstitutional Marxist
monstrosity at 400 Maryland Avenue in Washington, D.C. that is in bed
December 2010 with the UNESCO, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, national
and international corporations, etc.
I am not in the habit of defending the agenda of the teachers unions or
their leadership. However, I find it strange that teachers unions are get-
ting all the bashing. For the past 25 years, teachers have become the scape-
goats for the conservative leadership/media. Is it possible that conserva-
tive leaders might want to keep the U.S. Department of Education so it
can—with the business community and, interestingly enough, with the
“select” leadership of the two unions—use the U.S. Department of Edu-
cation to implement this international retraining of our children and teach-
ers, using choice/charter schools as part of the global economic agenda?
(See “The Seven Cardinal Principles Revisited” published in the NEA’s
Today’s Education, 65, 3, Sept./Oct. 1976; read excerpts in “the deliber-
ate dumbing down of America” p, 140-141. The agenda spelled out in
this article includes the involvement of very important members of the
international business community, including David Rockefeller and the
late McGeorge Bundy of the Ford Foundation. The members of the
Preplanning Committee read like a “Who’s Who of Leading Globalists”
the over-all global economic agenda? Isn’t the Department of Education
in essence a Ministry of Education as found in foreign countries? Isn’t it
necessary for school-to-work training at the international level? How oth-
erwise could the United States participate in the necessary school-to-work/
employement data collection taking place at the international level?)
Those who “bash” teachers should read the teachers’ critique of Skin-
nerian Outcomes-Based Education being implemented right now by the
Reinventing Education Agenda—supported by the leadership of the left
and the right. The Philadelphia Federation of Teachers—an affiliate of
the American Federation of Teachers—stated its opposition to Outcome-
Based Education (OBE) in a November 20, 1992 letter to Pennsylvania
state senators (see excerpt at right).
The good teachers who wrote the resolution The Philadelphia Federation of Teachers—excerpt from
understood what was happening in their profes- a November 20, 1992 letter to Pennsylvania state senators
sion. And the school/business gurus have the nerve
to serve this nasty OBE Pavlovian multi-coursed “OBE should be a pilot project at best, and tested in
dinner to us EIGHTEEN YEARS LATER under several schools as a welcome addition to the existing
the title “Reinventing Schools”!!! Carnegie Units. It should not be implemented statewide
because it could be a costly disaster. OBE has no grade
* * * * * designations. OBE has minimal “benchmark” designa-
I hope this article conveys to readers that some- tions. There are no time designations. For example, a
thing is very rotten with the direction the educa- student completes all English requirements in one and
tion system is headed. I hope parents and good one-half years. This student is not required to further
(traditional) teachers will work together to stop develop English skills in the remaining two and one-half
the dismantling of the traditional public school sys- years of his/her high school career. There are NO safety
tem and its traditional curriculum and teaching. nets for students. OBE is really non-graded schools and
We cannot allow the school/business partner- non-graded classrooms. It is a very dishonest approach to
ships and tax-exempt foundations (Gates, et al) to slipping this whole structure into place. Parents, teachers,
usurp our traditional system—regardless of its very and students have a right to honestly discuss these very
serious flaws which have been “deliberately” cre- important educational plans. We would appreciate your
ated, over the years, starting in the 1930s by support in the closing days of this legislative session to
Carnegie Corporation (*) in order to brainwash block any implementation of Outcomes-Based Education
all of us into accepting “their” alternative here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”
(workforce training, pay for performance, and
charter schools).
We (parents and teachers) do not have to agree on everything, but we
must focus on what we agree on. We want our precious children to be
educated, not “trained” using the computer. And we want the skillful work
of good teachers who know their academic subjects and how to help our
children learn what is best for their individual upward mobiity, not for the
good of the “business/school partnerships” and global corporate profits.
Nothing will make a difference in the present disastrous situation in
public education unless the U.S. Department is abolished, once and for
all, including all its tentacles (state departments of education, laborato-
ries and centers), etc. Getting the major conservative organizations on
board to help in this endeavor will be impossible. Our only hope is to "Without the help of Debbie Niwa this expo-
enlist the help of the two teachers’ unions, who would have to go up sure of the history of the restructuring of edu-
against their leadership. It might work. It’s worth a try. cation from academics to the socialist/fas-
cist/communist polytechnical system of
workforce training would never have hap-
CHARLOTTE THOMSON ISERBYT is the consummate whistleblower! pened. I want to extend my deepest appre-
Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Re- ciation to Debbie for the superb job she did
search and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during editing and adding her own research to my
the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a original work. It is due to her talent and dili-
major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America's gence that this information is being brought
classrooms. Iserbyt is a former school board director (Camden, Maine) to the attention of the American public at this
and was co-founder and research analyst of Guardians of Education for very critical juncture in our nation's history."
Maine (GEM) from 1978 to 2000. She has also served in the American
Red Cross on Guam and Japan during the Korean War, and in the United
States Foreign Service in Belgium and in the Republic of South Africa. CHARLOTTE’S E-MAIL:
Iserbyt is a speaker and writer, best known for her 1985 booklet Back to Basics
Reform or OBE: Skinnerian International Curriculum. Her articles have been [email protected]
published in Human Events, The Washington Times, The Bangor Daily News,
and her testimony is included in the record of Congressional hearings. WEBSITE: