Nuclear's Endless Nightmare - The Real Chernobyl Death Toll

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Assessing conservatively the
full Chernobyl death toll
Poor records and methodology, omissions, and the failure of various committees
to consider all health issues resulting from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
disaster in 1986, have meant the real consequences for the many millions of
affected people have been hidden from public scrutiny, DR. ROSALIE BERTELL
reports. Using a report from a U.N. science committee in 2000, Dr Bertell identifies
the many omissions and makes a very conservative, preliminary estimate of the
eventual death toll from the Chernobyl disaster to be 1 to 2 million.

The Chernobyl disaster occurred in 1986, and now 20 from political issues, and based on scientific evidence of the
years after the event, there is as yet no comprehensive highest quality’. The IAEA refused to comment.” - New
systematic report on the casualties. This article presents Scientist, 6 April 2006.
an attempt to extend the sketchy information given in Earlier attempts have been undertaken to estimate the
the 2000 report of the United Nations Committee on number of Chernobyl victims, especially notable among
the Effects of Atomic Radiation. (UNSCEAR): “Sources them is one by Dr. John Gofman:
and Effects of Ionizing Radiation.” This report, as Part “My estimate in 1986, based upon releases of various non-
III, gives the official U.N. agency’s information on the iodine radionuclides, was 475,000 fatal cancers plus about
Chernobyl accident, the release of radionuclides, exposure an equal number of additional non-fatal cases, occurring
to individuals and health effects, as gathered by the over time both inside and outside the ex-Soviet Union.
International Atomic Energy Agency (I.A.E.A.) over the Such estimates, old and new, have to be based on real-world
past twenty years. The 2000 report omitted to assess the
1 evidence from non-Chernobyl studies, because standard
entire population at risk and failed to estimate fatalities epidemiological studies (which “count” extra cancer cases) are
due to radiation damage to tissue and/or its ability to the wrong tool for evaluating Chernobyl. No one can “see”
initiate a fatal cancer. even a half-million Chernobyl-induced cancers when they
It appears to be the only scientific document released
Radiation hotspots resulting from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.
to the public, on which the official IAEA
report was based. This report, released in records which
September 2005, claimed 4,000 deaths as have been
the final estimated toll from Chernobyl.
Although the World Health Organization carefully kept
was a signatory to the September 2005
Report on Chernobyl from the IAEA,
by scientists and
they later seemed to distance themselves physicians in the
from the report.
“Zhanat Carr, a radiation scientist
former Soviet
with the WHO in Geneva, says 5000 Union, have often
deaths were omitted because the report
was a ‘political communication tool.’ been ignored in
‘Scientifically, it may not be the best the west
approach,’ she admitted to ‘New Scientist.’
She also accepts the WHO estimates did not include
predicted cancers outside Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.
The health impact in other countries will be ‘negligible,’ she
says, adding there is no epidemiological research showing
otherwise. The WHO ‘ has no reasons to deliberately mislead
anyone,’ she insists. ‘WHO’s position is independent, free
Map from "GHOST TOWN"

Nearly all are spread among a half-billion people and occur technology can continue to be harnessed for the benefit of all
over a century.” 2 humankind.” In “Nuclear Safety: Impressive & Worrisome
radiation Unless there has been a conscious effort to Trends,” IAEA Bulletin 47/2, 1999.
obtain good data on both the health of the The IAEA most likely has a conflict of interest in
research is population and also the radiation dose they have reporting fully on the health effects of the worst nuclear
sponsored by received both from the original disaster and from power plant disaster ever to have occurred. Additionally,
subsequent exposure to contaminated food and as Dr Gofman has pointed out in his 1993 release, “Beware
governments water, these effects will never be properly evaluated the Data Diddlers”:
that fiercely or made visible. Yet records which have been “Nearly all radiation research is sponsored by governments
carefully kept by scientists and physicians in the that fiercely defend and promote nuclear energy. I believe
defend former Soviet Union, have often been ignored in they recognize their goals are not aided if the public comes
and promote the west. Instead, official pronouncements made to believe radiation is harmful, even at low doses, and even
by the International Atomic Energy Agency if slowly delivered.”
nuclear (IAEA), which has designated itself as lead agency The current situation in radiation research is a bit like
energy on the health effects of radiation,3 are often the relying on the tobacco industry to conduct all the research
work of western scientists who narrowly focus on on the health effects of smoking. Assessing the health
cancer deaths. impact of a disaster requires physicians trained in disaster
medicine, public health, occupational health, pediatrics
Conflict of interest and oncology. But these health specialists have been
It should also not be overlooked that the IAEA’s main excluded from the process of assessing the health affects
business is promoting nuclear power and it is currently of the Chernobyl disaster. The IAEA, the self-designated
promoting nuclear power to the majority of developing lead agency, hires nuclear physicists and health physicists
countries, for example in the speech of Richard Meserve, or radiologists.
Chairman of the International Nuclear Safety Group, The field of radiation and health has been dominated
IAEA: by physicists, engineers and mathematicians since the
“Some countries without experience in the operation of dawn of the nuclear era in 1943. Radiation health was,
nuclear power plants have expressed interest in undertaking with a few exceptions, taken over by the physicists of the
the construction and operation of such facilities…With the Manhattan Project after World War II, in their effort
completion of these five tasks — greater sharing of relevant to contain the secrets of the nuclear age. Secrecy caused
operating experience, enhanced reliance on common these “hard scientists” to fail to consider the broad range
standards, worldwide encouragement of safety culture, of responses and varieties of vulnerabilities possessed
enhancement of the Convention on Nuclear Safety, and by a living population exposed to this hazard. Health
establishment of multinational design review — the global professionals would have expected such variation in
safety regime could be significantly improved. These are biological response.
not revolutionary changes; they build on both the current Many of the estimates below are by their nature,
international cooperative efforts and the national systems that speculative, and the true estimate is most likely to be
have served us well. But they will help to ensure that nuclear higher. It should become apparent to everyone that
the information presented in the 2000
UNSCEAR report is incomplete and
minimizes the reality.

Many health effects excluded

The limited focus on cancer deaths
attributable to Chernobyl, which is
how the western world determines the
seriousness of this disaster, has meant
many survivors’ health-related tragedies
have been ignored. This is especially
regrettable for those millions of children
who developed heart disease, diabetes
and thyroid cancers or dysfunctions,
which were not fatal, or those exposed
in utero, who suffered various congenital
malformations and diseases.
According to available information4
there were 46 radionuclides of note in the
View from the tallest building in Pripyat, located 4 kms North of the reactor, looking towards the power plant

Chernobyl reactor inventory at the time of the accident. • Important research on radiation-related heart disease
About 26 of these radionuclides were released into the air in Belarus was unfortunately interrupted, and also
at the time of the disaster.5 Of these, 17 were found in the is not included in UNCSEAR 2000 or in this
near zone of the failed reactor. It is important to note, the analysis.
ceramic aerosolized uranium and plutonium fuel particles,
similar to those that caused at least some of the devastating Deaths due to radiation
symptoms of the Gulf War Syndrome, 6 were ignored by The very early deaths due to radiation syndrome occurred
UNSCEAR. But they were obviously emitted from the to those who suffered severe damage to the Central
reactor with other nuclear debris. Only radioactive cesium Nervous System. They died quickly, in Moscow Hospital
was used in UNSCEAR 2000 as a basis for determining 6, and are undoubtedly the 28 deaths attributed to acute
the external effective radiation doses to the larger exposed radiation syndrome deaths noted in the UNSCEAR
population. 1988 report, (Appendix to Annex G). Later UNSCEAR
A uranium fire, such as occurred at Chernobyl, burns admitted to 30 deaths among power plant employees and
at 3000 to 6000 degrees Centigrade, heat sufficient firemen within a few weeks of the disaster, in addition
to aerosolize all metals exposed to it - including all to the 28 radiation deaths. Until the 2005 IAEA report,
radioactive heavy metals, iron, steel, nickel, copper, etc. which revisited direct radiation deaths, the official death
In an internal aerosolized ceramic form, the maximum toll was reported as 31, with 28 due to radiation.
possible dose from the radioactive chemicals is delivered Deaths due to severe exposure of the lung tissue and the
to the victim, and the maximum toxic metal effect can red bone marrow would be expected to occur some time
be caused. This is because in a pulverized ceramic form, over the following two years. Given the lung and bone
of nanometer size, the surface area is maximized, the marrow doses 9 and the fact that 713 emergency workers
self-shielding is minimized, and the solubility in body (87% of 820,)10 had external effective doses of radiation
fluid is minimized, resulting in a maximum contact dose. above 0.5 Sv, and also that their exposure to radioactive
Nano particles can pass through the cell wall, the blood- uranium and plutonium (and americium together with
lung and blood-brain barriers, and can penetrate to the other decay products of the fuel) particles from the reactor
seminal fluid or cross the placenta. They are too small to fuel was not factored in by UNSCEAR, I estimate 140
be removed by the kidney filters. This artificial debris is deaths due to lung irradiation and 90 deaths due to
not life compatible. The medical profession recognizes bone marrow irradiation. Thus, I would estimate deaths
many more radiation-related genetic and teratogentic attributable to acute radiation exposure as: 253.11
effects of radiation than does the UNSCEAR report, and
the nuclear establishment. Estimated fatal cancers among emergency &
recovery workers
Contaminated food only partially considered Emergency and Recovery Workers and accident Witnesses,
Exposure via the food web, thought to be the greatest were exposed to both external and internal radiation during
source of contamination for most people, was mentioned the disaster. The estimated fatal cancer risks were based on
relative to cesium contamination of soil only for those doses given in Tables 16 and 17 in the UNSCEAR 2000
living in the local contaminated areas. However, as is well report.12 Cancer Deaths were estimated using 10% per
known, efforts were made to mix fresh produce and milk Person Sv, from UNSCEAR 1991 and BEIR V13 reports
so as to spread the radioactivity over the larger former using the DS 86 dosimetry from Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
USSR region. Whether or not the exported contamination A higher 20% per Person Sv estimate is based on the
was subtracted from the local dose was not indicated. cancer risks noted in the work of Drs. John Gofman,14
Internal contamination of the cesium contaminated Alice Stewart15 and Steve Wing,16 who posit risks as high
areas, was based on annual consumption of milk and as 30 to 50% per Person Sv. A risk of 20%, as used in this
potatoes, although UNSCEAR admitted the majority paper is clearly within a reasonable probability margin
of the pollution was in the milk, meat, potatoes and of the official estimate. Internal doses from the burning
mushrooms, and that other radionuclides were inhaled radioactive fuel are based on the dose quality factor of
and consumed.7 20, for alpha particles, rather than the estimates for
In this evaluation, I am omitting: particular radionuclides as is reported in ECRR 2003.17
• the radiogenic thyroid diseases, not because they This maintains consistency of methodology.
are not tragic, but only because they are not usually However, I note, the true estimate may be orders
fatal.8 Only fatalities due to radiation syndrome or of magnitude greater due to ICRP’s (International
radiogenic cancer (over the lifetime of the exposed Commission on Radiological Protection) inability to
persons) are included. include the insolubility of these particles and their non-
homogeneous distribution in organs.
• Many of the fatal cancers have, of course, not yet
Cancer deaths of Emergency and Recovery Workers in
become clinically observable.
1986, based on the UNSCEAR 2000 doses, are estimated



548 and 1096 fatal cancers.

One of the credential control point leading into dead zone.
The number of persons evacuated in
Belarus, 11,358 from the 30 km zone,
6,017 from outside of the 30 km zone, and
later in 1986, 7,350 people beyond the 30
km zone. A total of 24,725 persons were
evacuated, receiving on average 0.03 Sv
each, yielding, 742 Person Sv exposure.
They would be expected to suffer between
74 and 148 fatal cancers.
One hundred and eighty-six residents
of the Russian Federation were evacuated.
Assume an average exposure to 0.03
Sv, their total exposure would be 6
Person Seiverts, resulting in about 1 fatal
The numbers of those not evacuated is
more difficult to describe. The data is very
sketchy, and we have only the calculated
to be 1407 to 2813. These workers undoubtedly suffered numbers from Table 24, plus a paragraph in UNSCEAR
inhalation and ingestion of radioactive fuel contaminating 2000.21 I assumed that of the 116,000 evacuees, about 1
the air, and food/water contamination, yet this was not in 4 people refused evacuation (because of farm animals or
reported by UNSCEAR in 2000. Based on the 2000 fear of never returning) and about 1 in 4 returned before
report,18 I assumed the internal dose was about 76% of the contaminated areas were declared to be habitable.
the external dose. This internal dose would be multiplied Therefore assuming 58,000 not evacuated (or returned
by a Quality Factor for alpha radiation of at least 20. early) in the exclusion zone or its surroundings, this
This gives an estimate of fatal deaths due to internal would be an additional 5,220 Person Sv, and an additional
contamination (not included in UNSCEAR 2000) to be: number of cancer fatalities, about 522 to 1044. The total
2139 to 4277. Therefore, the estimate of cancer deaths number of fatal cancers expected in the evacuation areas
among emergency and rescue workers was 3546 to 7090. would be: 1145 to 2281.
No data on the Accident Witnesses is given, contributing
to the conservative nature of this estimate. Cancer deaths estimate in the former U.S.S.R.
The cancer death estimate due to external irradiation of
Population evacuated & not-evacuated from the former U.S.S.R. contaminated, but not controlled
highly contaminated zones areas, using Table 53 22 was 4,260 to 8,520. This
Using Table 24, I calculated there were 24,727 person not population has received an internal radiation dose from

evacuated from the exclusion zone and 24,705 evacuated contaminated food and water since 1986, although
from the exclusion zone in Belarus. Since the column UNSCEAR 2000 provided little information on food
marked “not evacuated” is noted as “calculated,” I assume and water contamination. Pollution of food would include
the total was artificially made equal to the nuclear debris, primarily alpha emitters of long
number of evacuated (which was actual). This UNSCEAR 2000 physical half-life, as well as cesium (measured
was probably done for a valid comparison provided little for the UNSCEAR 2000 estimate). Having
of doses. The evacuated received a total of little guidance from UNSCEAR 2000, I
700 Person Sv effective exposure, 0.03 Sv information on assume this 20 years of internal irradiation
per person, while the not evacuated received
2248 Person Sv effective exposure, or 0.09
food and water dose is about 76% of the immediate external
radiation dose, times a QF of 20. Therefore the
Sv per Person. contamination cancer deaths from internal radiation exposure
The numbers of persons evacuated in the would be about 6476 to 12,952, giving a total
Ukraine had to be culled from the text 20 from Pripyat, cancer death toll of 10,736 to 21,472.
49,360, from Yanov, 254 persons, from the southern part It must be emphasized, this estimate assumes the
of the 10 km. zone, 10,090 persons, other residents within internal dose can be safely modeled on the basis that its
the 30 km. zone, 28,133 persons, and person outside of the effects can be predicted using the external acute exposure
30 km zone, 2,858, plus 711 plus 91,405. later in 1986. I risk model derived from the Japanese A-Bombs and
assumed that these evacuees received on average 0.03 Sv promoted by ICRP. This assumption is not likely to be
exposure. Therefore a total of 182,811 persons received true, since many of the isotopes involved in the Chernobyl
5,484 Person Sv. They would be expected to suffer between disaster include derivatives of the carbon moderator used



in a reactor but not a nuclear bomb, and the mixture of Any estimate would be increased by including internal
fission products is unlikely to be the same as in a uranium contamination from food and water and conversion of
bomb as used in Hiroshima, or a plutonium bomb as used energy deposits to effective collective doses. This very
in Nagasaki. The true yield from internal irradiation is conservative estimate of cancer fatalities in Europe
likely to be some orders of magnitude higher because of attributable to Chernobyl is 889,336 to 1,778,672.
the proximity of the workers and firemen to the debris.
This has been discussed by the European Committee on Summary of findings
Radiation Risk ECRR 2003 report.17 We can assume these Using conservative methodology, I estimate the eventual
estimates are conservative. death toll from the Chernobyl disaster will be:
• 253 due to direct radiation damage
Estimated cancer deaths in Europe due
• 904,763 to 1,809,515 due to fatal cancers
to Chernobyl
For five European countries, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, or
Poland and Turkey, no estimate of radiation exposure was • 905,016 to 1,809,768 in total
given except for radioactive iodine dose to the thyroid. This estimate of roughly 1 to 2 million deaths is
It’s obvious these countries also suffered direct external conservative for several reasons, firstly, because of the
irradiation from fallout, and contamination of their failure of the radiation investigation by UNSCEAR to
food and water. I have no estimates for these exposures. document the radionuclide variety and the extent of
The eight countries named: Belarus, Finland, Germany radiation contamination of food; and secondly, because
(Bavaria), Greece, Hungary, Romania, Sweden and Turkey of the use of faulty ICRP (International Commission on
(Black Sea Coast and Edime Province),23 had estimated Radiation Protection) methodology, and the absence of a
absorbed dose in mGy, seemingly for an epidemiological comprehensive scientific examination of all deaths among
study of leukemia. In this study the authors assessed the emergency and rescue workers, and disaster witnesses.
dose as 1 to 4 mGy to red bone marrow. No conversion of Data was sketchy and incomplete on other populations
mGy to mSv was given, and the proportions of alpha (RBE exposed. The UNSCEAR researchers appear to have relied
20) or beta (REB 1.7) radiation was not given.24 Using on elimination of all cancers occurring in the first ten years
these estimates and the populations of the countries in after the accident, and they reported a rough estimate
1986, this European subgroup will be expected to have at (probably using a minimal risk factor reduced These workers
least 1,517 to 3,034 cancer deaths.25 With dose conversion by a DDRF, Dose and Dose-Rate Reduction
to mSv, and correction for internal radionuclides, this is Factor) for estimating cancer deaths. It is well undoubtedly
likely to be significantly greater. known that radiation, through its mutation suffered
In 2005 the IAEA noted the numbers of cancers ability, can accelerate the development of any
reported from Europe were unusually high:“With the death cancers present in the population at the time inhalation and
toll from cancer claiming 1.7 million Europeans each year, of the disaster. Many early, uncounted cancers ingestion of
Health Ministers and experts of leading oncology centers from may fit into this category.
27 countries across the continent met at IAEA headquarters in A potentially large population exposed to radioactive fuel
Vienna this week to work together to combat the disease.” contaminated food, has been omitted from contaminating
“The IAEA has teamed up with European countries this analysis, and from consideration in the
involved in its Technical Cooperation programme, The World UNSCEAR 2000 report. This is the population the air, and
Health Organization, professional societies and NGOs to of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, who were
improve cancer prevention, detection and treatment. Over contaminated by diluted milk and produce,
the next three years the IAEA will roll out close to $24 distributed throughout their territories in an contamination,
million in funding for cancer projects on an expected cost- effort to reduce the continual contamination
sharing basis with the governments involved. The projects of those directly affected by the disaster.
yet this was not
range from improving nutrition to upgrading radiotherapy There is a lso current ly a scientif ic reported
equipment and training staff to ensure cancer patients are dispute about the acceptability of the ICRP
treated safely.” IAEA Press Release 3 February 2005 methodology for assessing the internal dose, especially
Meeting inVienna. from ceramic aerosol nuclear fuel particles, and for certain
No reason for the cancer increase was given. internal radionuclides which bind to DNA as articulated
If we include the whole population of Europe in 1986 by the ECRR 2003 (European Committee on Radiation
(minus the eight selected out) and assume 1 mSv effective Risk) and accepted by the radiation protection committee
dose, as an average per person to all not in this subgroup, in France. These particles do not spread homogeneously
from the Chernobyl fallout, we can estimate 887,819 to in internal organs. The UNSCEAR 2000 analysis ignored
1,775,638 fatal cancers. Obviously, since the dispersal of these considerations.
nuclear debris over Europe was not homogeneous, some When the international scientific critics of ICRP
individuals received more and some less than this amount. develop an internationally acceptable alternative to ICRP



This estimate
of roughly 1
to 2 million
deaths, is
for several
reasons . . .

A small gas mask abandoned along with children's toys in a Pripyat kindergarten

methodology, and when the UNSCEAR data gaps are REFERENCES:

filled, we may be able to adjust this estimate of deaths 1 United Nations Scientific Committee of Atomic Radiation Report to the
General Assembly in 2000. Volume II Effects. Annex J.
accordingly. However, the inadequate record-keeping in
2 “Don’t be Fooled: 10th Anniversary of Chernobyl”, Dr. John Gofman, 9
this high-tech age will always be seen as an attempt to March 1996.
cover-up the true effects of the Chernobyl disaster. Clearly, 3 Rosalie Bertell , Avoidable Tragedy Post-Chernobyl, Journal of Humanitar-
ian Medicine, Vol II, No.3, 21-28, 2002.Rosalie Bertell , Avoidable Tragedy
the true damage to health attributable to the Chernobyl Post-Chernobyl, Journal of Humanitarian Medicine, Vol II, No.3, 21-28,
disaster has been hidden from the general public through 2002.
poor and incomplete scientific investigation, obfuscation 4 ibid. Ref. 1, page 518.
and poor recording of data. ■PE 5 ibid. Ref 1, page 519.
6 ibid. Table 6, page 521.
7 ibid. Ref. 1, page 484, No. 157.
NOTE: To arrive at her conclusions Dr Bertell used the usual 8 According to the International Commission on Radiological Protection,
ICRP methodology with their cancer death risk factor, 10% ICRP 1990, about 5% of thyroid cancers are fatal.
per person Sv, for the 1 million; and the not-yet-accepted risk 9 ibid. Ref. 1, page 524.
factor of the many scientists who use ICRP methodology, but 10 ibid. Ref. 1, page 525.
11 Handbook for Estimating the Health Effects from exposure to Ionizing
disagree with the cancer death risk factor of 20% per Person Radiation, compiled by Rosalie Bertell, IICPH Toronto, Canada; MCPH
Sv for the 2 million. Most of the doses in the UNSCEAR Buffalo NY, USA; and IRRTI, Birmingham UK. 2nd Edition 1986. For
the effect of burning uranium and plutonium particles, see: (Now in press)
report were for external not internal contamination, so there International Journal of Health Sciences, Vol 36, No. 3, 2006,.
are many omissions. 12 Ref. 1, page 225.
13 U.S. National Academy Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, Vol. V.
Copyright - Pacific Ecologist. Reproduction with permission encouraged.. 14 John Gofman, Radiation Induced Cancer from Low Dose Radiation: An
Independent Analysis, Committee for Nuclear Responsibility, San Francisco,
Dr. Rosalie Bertell is president of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health. 1990 She has been a Grey Nun of the Sacred Heart for over 50 years; holds 15 A. Stewart, G.W. Kneale, and T.J. Mancuso, “Hanford Radiation Study
a doctorate in biometry (the statistical analysis of biological observations and phe- III,: A Cohort Study of the Cancer Risks from Radiation to the Workers at
nomena), is an environmental epidemiologist and a world-renowned researcher in the Hanford (1944-1977 deaths), by the Method of Regression Models in Life
field of mathematics and nuclear science. Dr. Bertell directed the International Medical Tables”; British Journal of Industrial Medicine, vol. 38, pp 156-166, 1981.
Commission in Bhopal, which investigated the aftermath of the Union Carbide disaster
16 S. Wing et al. “A Case Control Study of Multiple Myeloma at Four Nuclear
in Bhopal, and the International Medical Commission in Chernobyl, which convened
Facilities”, Annals of Epidemiology, April 2000.
the Tribunal on violations of the human rights of victims in Vienna, April 1996. She has
collaborated in analyses in the US, Canada, Japan, the Marshall Islands, Malaysia, India, 17 2003 Recommendations of the European Committee on Radiation Risk,
Germany, Ukraine and other countries and has received numerous awards and five honor- Regulator’s Edition, Brussels, 2003.Published by Green Audit, Castle Cot-
ary Doctorate degrees since launching the IICPH in 1984. Bertell is author of Handbook tage, Aberystwyth, SY23 1DC, U.K.
for Estimating the Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation (1984, 1986) and the popular 18 ibid. Ref. 1, page 541.
non-fiction book, No Immediate Danger: Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth, together 19 ibid. Ref. 1, page 528
with more than a hundred articles, book chapters and poems. Her latest book is Planet
Earth: The Latest Weapon of War. 20 ibid. Ref. 1, page 472
21 page 473
Images from "GHOST TOWN" 22 ibid. Ref. 1, page 541
Author Filatova Elena Vladimirovna 23 page 486.
24 UNSCEAR did not identify the leukemia study used, but referred the reader
back to UNSCEAR 1988].
25 Table 52 on page 541 of UNSCEAR 2000 given the average absorbed dose
in mGy.


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