Flat Earth Map
Flat Earth Map
Flat Earth Map
Those first considering the Flat-Earth model have difficulty visualizing how it would work. This
article will briefly introduce the foundational concepts, and the maps that are most often used
in discussions.
The United States Geological Survey is a scientific organazation of the government that began in
1879. Some have called the U.S.G.S. "The World's Mapmakers", even though they do much
more than simply make maps. As their name indicates, they are deeply involved in geology as
well as other fields of study that relate to topography. This introductory artice will focus just on
their maps that can be viewed at their website. According to their website, they have about
10,000 scientists, technicians, and support staff. It has been stated in other places that they
have a buget of about one billion dollars.
The map I would like to focus on is one of their official maps called the "Azimuthal Equidisant
Map". The term "azimuth" generally is used in dealing with celestial points such as stars, but it is
also used in relation to maps when viewing locations from a set point such as the north pole.
The Azimuthal Equidistant Map (A.E.) shows all the meridian lines (lines of longitude) in the
correct placement in relation to the north pole. In addition, the land masses are also the correct
distance from the center point, which again is the north pole.
The A.E. is a great benefit for those who work in communications, esecailly H.F. (High
Frequency) communications that cover distances of some 2, 000 miles or more. The map aids in
directing antennas when transmitting and recieving. The military, as well as ham radio operators
use this map.
The A.E. map is listed by the U.S.G.S. in the National Atlas of the United States. Its stated
purpose is for radio work, as well as for help for airlines in determining routes. It is also
mentioned that it is the map used as the emblem for the United Nations. If you have ever seen
the United Nations map, then you will undertand a little better when trying to visualize this map
which is new to so many. I suggest you check images online to get a better understaning of why
this map is so important. Even though this map may be new to you, just as it was to me, it has
been around a very long time.
The first person on record to propose this map was a Persian astronomer, and mathematician
named Al-Buruni. He proposed this map in the 11th century. He was considered a great scholar,
and was trained in multiple sciences. N.A.S.A. actually named a crater on the moon in his honor.
Why would the U.S.G.S. use a map that was proposed by a Persian scholar 1,000 years ago, and
list is as an accepted map today? I believe they do this because it is right. The map Al-Buruni
proposed, as well as the Azimuthal Equidistant map, and the U.N. Flag all have the same design.
Does that cause you to question anything? Why were these maps not introduced in our
classrooms? Why would the governiment use maps that are accepted in the National Atlas, and
we were never intorduced to them?
Al-Buruni was not the only proponent of the Flat -Earth map. This map also appears on many
Renaissance maps. Most of us were introduced to the world in the old pull down maps at the
front of the classroom. Most of those maps were the "Mercator Projection Maps". These maps
did not reflect reality as far as land sizes. You will probably recall how large Greenland looked in
comparison to other land masses. If you go to any reference source, and compare land mass in
square miles, you will soon learn that these projection maps were so far from the truth that
they are laughable. Even though Gerardus Mercator introduced these maps, even he used the
Flat-Earth model in some of his insets when he mapped the polar regions in his 1569 edition. In
France and Russia this projection is called the "Postel Projection" after Guillaume Postel, who
used it in 1581.
As you look closely at the Azimuthal Equidistant Map, you will notice that the Antartic is not
shown. The reason is that Antartica is understood to be the outer ring. On the globe model,
Antartica is at the bottom, but on the A.E. it is the outside edge so to speak. You will notice on
the U.N. flag that Antartica is missing as well. It may be understood to be the olive branches
that surround the map itself. Antartica then becomes the edge of the known world for those
who embrace the Flat- Earth model.
A treaty was signed in 1959 forbidding any nation to claim Antartica for their own. It is off limits
to corporations, and the general public. The navies of many nations patrol the region to make
sure no one sets foot there except for government approved sites for tourists. Over fifty nations
have signed this treaty, and are actively enforcing these restrictions.
Jim Heiling