ProjectBlueBeamFalseFlag PDF
ProjectBlueBeamFalseFlag PDF
ProjectBlueBeamFalseFlag PDF
PROJECT BLUE BEAM FALSE FLAG. Coming soon to a sky near you. Free Book.
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1 author:
Jay Jericho
The Free School
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All content following this page was uploaded by Jay Jericho on 29 December 2019.
Author Jay
This educational book is not for sale. It aims to support scholars who conduct research into the
ways that false flag operations such as corporate fake news stories deceive the masses.
This booklet was researched, composed, edited and published in just five days. This introductory
exposure draft aims to receive feedback as a basis to publish a revised first edition. You may e-
Royalty free use of images are claimed under fair use in education provisions.
Cover page, second image © USA Today (2017) Revised edition (29/12/19)
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research; Triple 666 logo
CGI Computer Generated Imagery
DUMB Deep Underground Military Base
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
RHIC Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
UFO Unidentified Flying Object
p. 1
UFOs p. 9 Area 51 p. 12
Languages p. 16 Kaleidoscopes p. 17
Leadership p. 18 Energy p. 20
Seventeen p. 21 New-age p. 23
Healing p. 24 Eschatological p. 25
Imminent p. 26 Worldwide p. 30
Tomorrows p. 31 Seeing p. 32
Index p. 41
The second part centers around the claim that Project Blue
The third chapter centers around ancillary topics in the
literature. These include a discussion of leading public
four operational components of Project Blue Beam as theorized by Monast (1983) et al.* .
is a hoax masterminded by NASAs controllers during the prior century, possibly as early as the
1960s. The goal of this deceptive project aims to use the fear of alien invasion to fool the world
population into accepting the instant need for a One World Government and a one world military
force managed by a globalist corrupt institution such as the United Nations. This single event may
accelerate the Deep State playbook diagram theorized by this author (Jericho, 2019, p. 65).
A component of the first step is the public challenging of orthodox archaeological knowledge by
those who control mainstream narratives. This example published by National Geographic may
provide an example for those who are keen to independently verify this author’s argument that
global media are currently challenging long established archaeological theories and narratives.
Stanford University, mastermind of the devious MK Ultra mind control project, want the global
populace to believe that their bio-forensic scientists have confirmed the existence of a micro
sized human that could fit in the palms of an adult’s hands. All research is about trust, no more.
Readers may obtain a clearer resolution by visiting this website direct. To this author – this
statement is merely a hunch. This figurine looks fake, phony and false. What do you think?
Numerous independent researchers claim that there are more earthquakes occurring in 2019
than at any time during the past century. These select examples may inspire readers to
Deep State syndicate member 9 News maintains a dedicated Earthquakes news section.
California’s earthquake history since the 1900s is worthy of a thick historical handbook.
The Western group of nations collectively comprise far more political, military and economic
power than its nearest rival – the single nation of China. This powershift is changing. Christianity,
including its numerous denominations, is easily the most influential Western religion. To change
the religious power balance in the West would require the discrediting of major Christian icons
such as the Old Testament, New Testament, Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary and Christian Prophets.
Many scholars of the natural sciences openly portray science and religion as incompatible. This
is not a universal opinion. For example, many academic chemists and physicists are openly
Christian or members of other faiths. The main way that the mainstream fake news media
discredit Judeo-Christian faiths may be by selectively quoting ‘objective’ statistical data surveys.
This author theorizes that the fake news cartel (CNN, Fox, MSNBC, Reuters et al.) would be
overplaying their hand if they tried to discredit the validity of the existence of Jesus. Most of
America’s citizens may instantly divorce these toxic fake news channels if they dared to ‘go there’.
published articles in recent years that seem to downplay the influence of religions at the global
level. These illustration articles were quantitatively dominant in 2015 and 2016 and wane around
2017. The reasons for this timeframe are not clear and require in-depth quantitative research.
This opinion article published The Washington Post in 2019 is worthy of special mention. Certain
ultra-powerful Deep State playbook newspapers such as The New York Times and The
Washington Post never casually publish a range of opinions for the sake of variety and balance.
The Washington Post is owned by one of the world’s top five wealthiest men, Jeff Bezos. It is not
clear to this author who is the true power behind the Bezos public relations front man throne.
A false flag is a fake terror event. The actors, modus operandi and motives behind these stunts
are not accurately reported in the mainstream media. The media may knowingly publish false
details. They may be fed phony information by a corrupt entity such as a government authority.
RE (2014)
False flags empower masterminds such as Queen Beatrix to use a crisis to pass draconian laws or
start war for profit. The public support these responses as they believe that the Government is
protecting them from terror. Missing Flight MH370 was used to stage the fake MH17 narrative
as a pretext to start war with Russia. Number 17 in fake news is code for a ‘deep state’ operation.
Virtually all public commentators who write and speak about Project Blue Beam claim that
images of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) is the second stage of this scheme. This may be
achieved via a hologram technology. A hologram is merely the projection of a real or false (i.e.
human manufactured) image onto other matter such as a wall, cloud or cloudless sky.
Beijing has experimented with psychological operations that project images onto skies in rural
areas in China to monitor peoples’ reactions. Realistic, credible videos uploaded by Chinese
residents online are easy to find on multiple online platforms such as blogsites and YouTube.
HuffPost (2015) is one news outlet among many that report a bizarre fake image of a city on
clouds in rural China. First trial psy-ops work best away from big cities as mass panic may result.
in insano fairytales to believe that the author name on this public issue military document is real.
This is an example of a holographic projection. King (since circa 2015) Charles Saxe-Coburg &
Gotha delivered a holographic speech in Abu Dhabi from a location 7,000 miles away.
Corporate media widely reported this latest bold display of Buckingham Palace fakery in 2008.
images of one or more deities or prophets. These will likely be the deity or prophet that is
dominant and influential in that region/nation. The image of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed is
an obvious example that may translate to Muslim majority countries such as Kuwait and Iran.
This graphic image below shows multiple UFOs. Portrayal of a nuclear holocaust and the generic
image of a spiral crowned luminated male figure are visible. Chemtrails are present.
Various artists use different depictions of Project Blue Beam. Because Project Blue Beam does
not officially exist, there is no custodian authority that owns the images of this false flag narrative.
No region or topic probably excites independent UFO and space tech military researchers more
than the infamous Area 51 military base in the Nevada Desert. This news article is dated 1947.
The best way to prove that this news article is not as fake as a seventeen dollars US Treasury note
is to visit several independent paper archive repositories in multiple countries. This exercise
merely proves that paper copies of this digital image exists. It proves no more than this. These
paper copies may be fakery plants. This is our reality. Much speculation about the existence of
UFOs is traceable to the so-called Roswell Flying Saucer incident that was widely witnessed in
New Mexico in 1947. Supposedly. 72 years later, it is near impossible to know whether this story
is folklore fairy dust, a genuine staged false flag psychological operation or a genuine UFO event.
Nevada and New Mexico more than all other states combined. The reasons for this phenomenon
are not certain. Many avalanche phone calls made to local radio stations report the same details.
The same applies to videos online uploaded by people who claim to freely share their identity
and location of their home. Of course, such disclosures could be disinformation fakery.
These sightings may be explained by the location of America’s most secret aerial space research
at the conclusion of the Second World War. Some of these claims have never been confirmed by
official defense or government sources. These images may arouse readers to inquire further.
USAF (2012)
of digital people who obviously don’t exist. These videos seem to show the super-gorgeous,
fabulous TR3B Aurora, anti-gravity craft flying in Afghanistan. She is so secret that these American
soldiers run away from this US Air Force delta darling as they don’t recognize her.
As convincing as these videos appear, they are possibly just movie fiction. Think 9/11 style CGI.
This author’s hunch is that they are selective military disinformation leaks. If these were top
secret leaks, they would have been erased from YouTube by America’s military or by Google.
Deities, aliens, UFOs and other entities that may appear when Blue Beam goes live, will
supposedly communicate using spoken and/or written words. If Blue Beam is an authentic
project, it is possible that its masterminds may select or fine-tune their chosen modes of
communications at the last moment. Most Blue Beam theorists speculate these modes include:
Similar messages may be auto sent to all popular social media accounts such as Twitter.
The last point above is contentious. Telepathic communications are not recognized by any
Perception (ESP) and telepathy lay in parapsychology realms. They are supposedly phenomena
that are widely reported but cannot be proven using conventional knowledge.
Numerous publishers, such as this example, claim that military microwave hypnosis technology
programs aim to send electronic messages to the minds of targeted individuals and communities.
Linguistic diversity is a challenge for an entity that aims to communicate to every person in
virtually all regions simultaneously. Sentinel Island and Pitcairn Island are rare examples where
everyone in these micro communities speak the same language and dialect without deviation.
How might a person choose to convey a message, for example, to every resident who is based in
Kuala Lumpur? It is common for a person who lives in this city to speak one or two or these
languages only: Malay, Cantonese, Mandarin, Hakka, Teochew, English. If a mass message was
sent to all people in Kuala Lumpur in Malay only, it is likely that this message would eventually
be translated to every person who cared to seek out a translation. However, the slowness of such
a process would likely damper the instant impact of some all-knowing, all-speaking apparition.
How might the masterminds of Project Blue Beam assure themselves that they have translated
their message using subtle subdialect nuances that are local to certain villages? Those of us who
have witnessed poor Google Translate translations know that a trashy translation automatically
discredits the validity of the person communicating the message. It can offer us a jolly giggle.
The dominant theme in the Blue Beam literature is that alien UFOs will overtly signal sinister
intentions. They may state that they aim to colonize Earth as a slave factory. Many people already
view Earth in this light. Alien apparitions may murder, imprison or kill any creature at will. This
unprecedented global crisis may catalyze instant global support for the formation of a unified
government that merges all nations’ militaries. This desire to form a deceitful One World
Government is consistent with this author’s publications dated 2019. He theorizes that the Trump
Administration is fighting a murderous cartel that comprises inbred European royal crime
families, European bankers and Beijing. This model summarizes this battle as at December 2019.
It is common to see references to President Reagan’s speech before the United Nations dated
September 21, 1987 in Blue Beam literature. This image and his transcript extract appear below.
“In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all
the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us
recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide
would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask
you, is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal
aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?” (Reagan, 1987).
A cynical interpretation of Regan’s speech is that he is playing the fake alien invasion fear card
to covertly gain support for Project Blue Beam. To this author, the late President Reagan proved
many times that he was never part of the Deep State crime cartel depicted on the prior page. The
Deep State tried to execute Ronald in 1981 for this reason. It is more likely that Ronald was
covertly warning others. Most American Presidents since the 1960s publicly played the UFO card.
Energy weapons such as microwave lasers have likely existed in America’s arsenal since at least
circa September 2001. This video dated 2003 shows that America’s Defense Secretary Rumsfeld
stutters when answering a question about whether America’s arsenal includes these weapons.
Recent disclosures that transpired under the Donald Trump Administration indicate that space
Those who care to conduct research into Project Blue Beam beyond this brief introductory
booklet may care to research three names. These are Phil Schneider, Rik Clay and Serge Monast.
Rik Clay was an independent researcher and blogger who wrote about Project Blue Beam around
circa 2007 and 2008. Clay (2008) connects Project Blue Beam to the mainstreaming of
financial crash. This sounds a lot like December 2019. Clay died in mysterious circumstances in
2008, aged 25. He died a few days after giving the public interview listed in the references section
of this document. He claims that color blue is highly symbolic. For example, he mentions the
Israeli Flag, Athens Olympic Mascot and Masonry Blue Lodge as famous examples of color blue.
Phil Schneider was a Project Blue Beam researcher and public speaking lecturer who died in
mysterious circumstances on January 17, 1996 aged 48. Philip claimed to be an ex-government
civil engineer who built covert Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMB) inside America. He also
stated that he was among three people who survived an unreported incident in 1979 between
alien Grays and American military forces at the Dulce Underground Base where he was employed.
Note how The Express showcase this Schneider speech dated during the 1990s in 2018. This is
consistent with the argument that corporate media are currently pushing a UFO threat agenda.
ostensible knowledge of Project Blue Beam for around a decade prior to his death. He died of a
heart attack on December 5, 1996 after spending one night in jail. He was aged 51.
Serge published a book titled NASA’s Project Blue Beam (1994). A French language version of this
obscure, brief, 24 pages book is available for sale on Amazon. Content in Annex 1 claims to be an
English language translation of a Monast speech dated 1983 that overlaps with his 1994 book.
The essence of Serge’s thesis centers around the four steps Blue Beam deception discussed in
part one of this book. Serge’s text places this covert project into a broader context. He claims
that this scheme underpins the plans to install a New World Order One World Government that
is staunchly anti-Christian. He labels this regime ‘Satanic’. The noun ‘New World Order’ is not
folklore. Presidents prior to Donald Trump repeatedly used this proper noun in public forums.
Blue Beam. The late David Crowley’s work likewise falls into the Deep State exposure realm.
The toxic slant of this piece by Deep State darling The New Yorker suggests that this rag is deeply
threatened by David’s work – what it represents and what changes it may cause. Article extracts:
David, his wife and child were assassinated (‘suicided’) on or around January 17, 2015. Since 2017
America may be a safer place for fearless film makers like David. Fake news seventeen code
stories are disproportionately common. There are no more than 31 days in a calendar month.
Serge Monast claims that the New World Order project aims to replace Christianity as the
dominant global religion with a so-called ‘New Age’ belief system. Serge’s public discussions are
not accessible to those who cannot speak or read French. You must trust the accuracy of those
who claim to offer precise translations. This video talks about vaccines and concentration camps.
The proper noun ‘New Age Religion’ is a meaningless word without context. This term means
contradictory things to different people. Some regard this belief system as being firmly grounded
in objective science. Other subscribers to New Age religions reject this term, arguing that mystical
interventions and forces that cannot be measured by science influence the life course and destiny
of all individuals, collectives and the cosmos at-large. Google classifies these books as New Age.
Many equate ‘New Age’ with anti-religion spirituality. This approach is dubious. Around one
billion or more people of monotheistic religion faiths consider themselves to be ‘spiritual’. This is
an example of an open-access handbook that aims to offer instruction about this broad genre.
The world in 2020 faces an unprecedented number of crises that are supported with objective
data. The fascist German led European Union dictatorship has used every deceitful maneuver in
its Nazi One World Government repertoire to deny the British people their Brexit referendum.
As at late December 2019, more than a quarter of pig farms on this planet are infected with Swine
Flu. This food crisis could potentially affect more than half of China’s circa 1.4 billion citizens.
Money laundering mafia crime banks – JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank et al. are
technically insolvent. Most fiat fairy dust currencies that are backed by nothing apart from trust
are on the brink of collapse. Quantitative easing – printing trillions of dollars out of thin air,
pushes this world toward hyperinflation. Think Zimbabwe on steroids. A small tin of tuna may
cost about USD20 in two years. A rise of circa USD18 or 1,000% from today’s average prices.
The impeachment farce in America is a symptom of the Rothschild’s Bank for International
Settlements and Europe’s inbred royal crime families rejecting Donald Trump’s people before
royals polices. Europe’s royal crime families set America up with a fake 22 trillion USD debt to
enslave her citizens as they shift slave production to China, in partnership with brutal Beijing.
Beijing and the Vatican-European Royal crime families-Rothschild unholy trinity are plotting to
crash the global economy and banks. Their goal aims to replace this with a digital cryptocurrency
and social credit score spy slave hell gulag system. Such a regime can only work if a person allows
their iris scan, DNA or fingerprint to be used as their unique password. Is the year 2020 or 1984?
Most people who discuss Blue Beam theorize that a hologram that depicts the Christian Messiah
Jesus will likely be projected via a hologram in powerful, populated Christian nations such as
America and Canada. Jesus was aged 33 when he died. Popular depictions of this Messiah show
him aged around 33, bearded, with light to medium colored hair. According to some Bible
scholars, Thessalonians 4:15-17 talks about the Rapture – the second coming of Jesus Christ.
This image is a classic representation of Blue Beam faking the Biblical Rapture.
ATI (2018)
Prior to circa early 2018, the mainstream fake news media (CNN, Fox et al.) usually reported UFO
and alien phenomena using slants such as ‘strange’ or ‘bizarre’. It was common for these outlets
to mock people who seriously claimed to have engaged directly with aliens, such as flying on a
UFO ship from Uranus. This illustration dated 2016 is an example that is skeptical of UFOs.
Is this the origin of the name Elizabeth, as in the late (deceased c. 2015) Queen Elizardbeth II?
In May 2019, deep state darling The Washington Post informs readers that everyone [emphasis]
should believe in UFOs. This order is blatant global mind control and predictive programming.
Deep State dunce The Mirror is one of many news agencies that publish a dedicated UFO page.
The goal of these spectacular air displays may have monitored public responses dated 2017/18.
Author’s name: Karma Allen. Is this a subliminal message – ‘Alien Karma’? Bizarre.
Some of the explanations that appear in the corporate media are weird. Some journalists report
that high dispersed moisture content in the sky during that evening caused the entire New York
City skyline to be lit up by a small transformer explosion in Queens Borough. New York City is an
ideal place to monitor the response of the masses to an unprecedented sky show event.
22, 2017 was about? Note that the date of this public extravaganza is deep into the festive season
year-end holiday shutdown period, similar as the explosion shown on page 27. Deep State Slime
magazine overtly offers a connection with this event and aliens in its headline.
the Inspector General’s audit. Who knows what is going down at Tesla and SpaceX? Who cares?
Serge Monast and most Blue Beam commentators theorize that the United Nations aims to usher
in the One World Government Nazi order. To most people, to UN is a benign institution that
promotes global peace and the reduction of corruption and poverty. If so, the discredited UN has
failed on every indicator. Those who follow geo-politics speculate that the UN Blue Helmet
Brigade, its fake Peacekeeping Corps, has a plan to place Americans into Walmart conversion
FEMA camps. People may be enslaved, executed and divorced from their children in these camps.
This mention of America above is not because this book is America-centric. America is the thorn
Second Amendment – the right to bear arms, makes this nation the most difficult to conquer.
California and Virginia are managing unconstitutional beta testing gun confiscation programs.
Project Blue Beam officially does not exist. This proper noun does not appear on .gov search
engine databases such as NASA and the White House. This absence means nothing. Grainy private
videos and discussions about America’s stealth bomber fleet abounded in private circles for
about a decade before the full composition of this fleet was officially unveiled during the 1990s.
Those who write about Blue Beam explicitly state that this project is a Top Secret covert program.
Thus far, outsiders with an interest in Project Blue Beam have little material to work with beyond
rumors and logical speculation such as geo-political trends. Speaking of logical patterns, this
author’s personal experience concludes that those who prescribe to New Age spirituality tend to
be types who are least influenced by government policy, government propaganda, commercial
trends, fake news media and religious programming. This is merely anecdotal observation.
Commercially available hologram technology existed in the last century. The modus operandi of
a fake sky show is consistent with military-government psychological operations that run this
planet. Most of America’s missing 21 trillion dollars (Skidmore & Henion, 2017) were likely spent
below Earth on Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMB). A Project Blue Beam fake sky show is
a classic case of look over here, and don’t look over there. Ignore those 500 or so DUMBs.
According to folklore, cornered rats run up their attackers’ legs and bite their faces. This sheer
desperation analogy may be an apt metaphor for last gasp fake news UFO stories. A Trump card
has been played on the unholy trinity. The deep state’s writing wails on a wall. This script is real.
The famed idiom in the first image below is more than a clique. 2020 is a world of computer
generated images, fake digital news articles and phony school curricula. It is near-impossible to
know who to trust. Your primal instincts may offer you the best first point of reference.
CEI This image supposedly shows millions of coffins at a FEMA camp in Georgia.
GG (2019)
Digital images and computerized content are the same as oral traditions. They may be fake,
altered or exaggerated. Some are true. ‘Seeing is believing’ needs to be refined for these times.
Seeing is believing … unless it’s a holographic projection, digital content or the like.
1. Critical mass: too many people may be asleep and alone to witness the event.
2. Blue Beam may work as a one-off event but not as a repeat event. Critical observers will
be looking for flaws in repeat events. It must be a perfect execution first time around.
4. Not everyone knows about or believes in the Rapture and other religious equivalents.
5. High stakes desperation – this deception may be the false flag of false flags that finally
wakes up the global populace into realizing that this world is run by royal arch deceivers.
6. Countries such as India have multiple religions that are popular among more than 20
million followers: Hindu, Islam, Sikhism and Christianity as examples in India.
7. The mastermind controllers have no global precedent to draw upon. 9/11, which only
affected a small part of New York City, is the closest precedent.
8. An alignment of the five major powers on this planet are essential: Jesuits (Latin America
et al.), Saxe-Coburg & Gotha clan (Commonwealth), Russia, China and America.
9. Not all people will care to come outside and watch it. For example, they may assume that
this hullaballoo raucous is just another New Year’s Day pyrotechnics sky stunt.
10. Skepticism of mainstream fakery has reached a critical mass in recent years.
11. The United States Armed Forces will block/expose such New World Order mass treachery.
ABC News (2019), Another earthquake in California just hours after a quake near Seattle,
ABC News (Karma, A.) (2019), 'No evidence of extraterrestrial activity' as massive blue glow
Ahmed Ghrwabe (2014), TRIANGLE SHAPED UFO filmed by US soldiers in Afghanistan !!! March
All That’s Interesting (Goldfarb, B.) (2018), Serge Monast’s Project Blue Beam Makes Today’s
BBC (2016), The WW2 flying wing decades ahead of its time,
Debra Holloway/Daily Star (2018), CIA Files Reveal Claim Nazis Had 2,500mph Flying Saucer,
Fox News (2019), California adopts nation’s broadest gun confiscation seizure laws,
Georgia Guidestones Blogspot (2009), Wake up People! Examination of NOW Fema-coffins for
HuffPost (Spiegel, A.) (2015), Mystery Floating City Appears Over China ... And It’s Not A ‘Star
Island Online News (2014), Bill Clinton Talks About The Coming FAKE Alien Invasion,
LSE (Voas, D. & Chaves, M.) (2016), Religion is in decline in the West, and America is no exception,
News (Miranda, C.) (2017), Never-before-seen footage reveals Russian-backed rebels arriving at
New York Times (2003), New American microwave weapons: dangers of first use,
Radio Active BSR (2018), The Globalist Purge UN Invasion, Martial Law, Walmart Closings, FEMA
Ross Elder (2014), Expired Passports = False Flag: The downing of MH17,
The Guardian (2008), Hologram prince hails new money for alternative energy,
The Guardian (Oksman, O.) (2016), Conspiracy craze: why 12 million Americans believe alien
The Guardian (2019), Americans becoming less Christian as over a quarter follow no religion,
The Washington Post (2019), Christianity is declining at a rapid pace, but Americans still hold
The Washington Post (2019), UFOs exist and everyone needs to adjust to that fact,
Time (2017), People in L.A. Definitely Thought This SpaceX Rocket Launch Was Aliens,
ォー 飛碟,
US Air Force (2012), It's not science fiction - It's what we do every day,
USA Today (Hayden, N.) (2017), Yowza! Mysterious bright light stuns Californians after SpaceX
Waleed Bin Inam (2019), Ronald Reagan Speech - Alien Force already among us, in the light of US
Washington Examiner (Read, R.) (2019), Yes, Virginia, the governor really can use the National
Thanks Dr. Aldrin for giving us a thumbs up. We love you buddy.
strange-south-pole-threat-video/ Lies, damned lies, and fake news Antarctica Polar Scientists.
This is the International Free Press in Canada (address given, no longer valid - International Free
Press Network, P.O. Box 177, Magog, Quebec, Canada J1X3W8). The International Free Press
Network is not a religious group, neither a political organization, but and independent worldwide
investigation press agency, in the field of politics, economic, medical and military.
We specialize ourselves in investigating and publishing special reports and audio tapes to expose
the under world of the United Nations' conspiracy to implement a New World Order.
Our task is to make the people realize that the coming of the New World Order is not a dream,
neither a paranoid thought. It is a real Satanic under going project.
For what?
To abolish all national identity and national pride in order to establish a world identity and world
To abolish the family as known today in order to replace it by individuals all working for the glory
of one-world government
To destroy all individual artistic and scientific creating works to implement a world government's
one mind sight??
And that kind of declaration of war from the United Nations is for:
a world wide Justice Department through the United Nations with an International Criminal
the end of cold war -- of local war like it is today, and the obligation for co-existence for "peace";
and also, a New World Religion and a New World Culture for all men.
If we really wish to understand the Blue Beam Project -- NASA's Blue Beam Project -- where is
that from?. . . we have to go back to the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Remember that song?
That song said:
When the moon is in the seventh house, and Jupiter aligns with mars, and peace will guide our
planet, and love will steer the stars.
This related with the year 1982, to be at that time the opening of the conspiracy for the Age of
Aquarius. Just before the implementation of the New World Order, supposed to start at that time
in 1983... and I have to say that the Blue Beam Project was set up for the year 1983.
It has been delayed at that time. We don't know exactly why, but since 1983, makes eleven years
they've really improved themselves with new technology and through space, that enable them
right now to make their space show possible.
So, the goals of the New Age movement under which the United Nations operates right now, are
the implementation of a New World Messiah.
The world seven rate classifications for all men and women - the new paradise, they said - where
everybody will have a predetermined work to fill out whether they agree or not; the world
concentration camp headquarters at the United Nations for those who will not accept the new
system; the world agriculture and food-supply control which will control food and vitamin
supplies all around the world.
The New World Order will be an in-between government system from old USSR, Great Britain
and its commonwealths, and the actual United States with its melting-pot population. This is at
the end... a new spiritual-political world order which will replace the old one in which we live
right now.
What are the New World Order plans? They plan the destruction of all people who believe in the
Bible, who worship Jesus Christ, and the complete disappearance of Christianity to achieve this
The New World Order will change nations' laws in order that Christian religious beliefs and
symbols - like the cross for instance - will be come unlawful. Only Easter and Christmas for
instance will be replaced by New Age festivities around the world.
The New World Order plans also the abolishment of all currencies and the transfer to electronic
cash through the super highway -- what we call also, the electronic highway. The thinker and the
basic doctrine books of the New Age conspiracy for the New World Government are -- and listen
to the name of those people because all the new way of thinking of the New World Order are
from those people, those authors who wrote different kinds of books which are the basic belief
of the New Age movement:
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, who wrote Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine.
Alice A. Baily who wrote The Race and the Initiation and the Externalization of the Hierarchy.
Also, Initiation, Human and Solar; The Reappearance of the Christ - their Christ is the new
messiah; The Destiny of the Nations, in which they plan what they're going to do with the actual
The Unfinished Autobiography , Discipleship in the New Age, Esoteric Psychology -- that's a
writing of Alice Baily, very important for all New Age thinkers who are exactly the ones who plan
the New World Order.
Also the writing of David Spangler who wrote Revelation, the Birth of a New Age, considered as
a valuable insight to the New Age movement. Reflections on the Christ which is related to the
Luciferian initiation; Links With Space, which relayed as supposed to be big space show in which
aliens are supposed to come to save men. Relationship and Identity; The Laws of
Manifestation; New Age ?, and Toward a Planetary Vision which is directly related with the New
World Order as they plan it to be.
Now, what do those people also plan?... and as I said before, this is not a dream and this is not
paranoid thinking. This is real. So they plan ... to accept the New World Order, people will have
to accept first the New World Religion. To enter into the New World Religion, the Christians will
have to abdicate their own beliefs.
So as they said, especially Benjamin Creme, David Spangler, Alice Baily, Helena Petrovna
Blavatsky... all said that the initiation will be on a world basis, inside the new organized Christian
church and is a Masonic Lodge, and Order organization. It will be based on a Luciferian initiation,
so what we have to understand here is: it won't be possible for somebody who will hold tight to
his own Christian beliefs to get into the New World Order. That will be impossible.
Now for those who will not accept the NWO, who will reject it, the new age people -- the new
ager, the new world order people, which is the same -- they plan concentration camps - re-
education camps - and for those camps they made what is known to be the rainbow color
classification of the new world order prisoner. The rainbow considered as the bridge symbol
leading to the Satanic world of the New World Order.
We already do know for instance, that everybody will have to take an oath to Lucifer with a ritual
initiation in order to cross that bridge into the new World Order. All resisters to that initiation, as
they plan, will definitely be sent to a detention facility where they will be separated in different
categories. That's what they call the rainbow color classification of the New World Order
Classification of Christian children, as they plan it, are to be used as human sacrifice. Where?
Within the black mass ceremonies, they will participate in any kind of sexual orgy, some to be
kept as sexual slaves.
The 3rd classification is the classification of healthy prisoners for the international human organ
center, where their vital organs will be removed one by one while they will be be maintained in
life with special life-support systems.
Classification 6, which is the international execution center. We're still waiting for details on the
7th rate classification as well as we're still waiting for proof on the color classification for each
prisoner section.
Now, those people... this is what they plan in their new paradise world. So you have to
understand that when I decided to release - about six months ago - some tiny parts of information
concerning their most secret project, which is the NASA Blue Beam project, I was not sure at that
time if I would survive my stand against the new world order's most sophisticated project, set up
to put down on their knees all men of all nations, cultures and religions.
But now, following my own Christian conscience, my real and deep love for all my unknown
brothers and sisters in America and other parts of the world, I fully accept to give my life it that
has to be the case, for the truth, for Jesus Christ, by releasing for the first time ever the four major
steps of the satellite Blue Beam Project
What I ask to everyone who will read and hear the description following: It is not to be paralyzed
by their natural fear but to spread every word of the contents of this ninety-minute audio tape
and to gather together in order to pray, to think and to plan different ways they will organize
themselves to survive the New World Order government showdown and power-taking. Because
what we have to understand is the New World Government won't be something permanent -
immortal. This is not the case. But what we have to do and what we have to think right now is
how to organize ourselves to survive such tyranny, such Satanic plans.
Now, the famous NASA Blue Beam Project has four different steps. Four parts toward the
implementation of the New World Religion with the anti-Christ at its head. And we must
remember that the New World Religion is the basic foundation for the New World Government.
Without that New World Religion, such government, such worldwide dictatorship is completely
impossible. That's why the project is so not only so important to them, but was so well kept secret
to now.
The first step concerns the breakdown of all archeological knowledge. It deals with the set-up of
earthquakes at certain precise locations of the planet where supposedly new discoveries will
suddenly explain - for them - the wrong meaning of all major religions' basic doctrines. This
classification used to make the population believe that all religious doctrines have been
Now, which is important to understand in that first step is that those earthquakes will hit at
different parts of the world where scientists and archeological teachings have been taught in the
past where supposedly there were some hidden secrets. By those kinds of earthquakes it will be
possible for them to rediscover again - supposedly, okay? - rediscover again those kinds of secrets
and those secrets are meant to discredit all the religions' basic doctrines.
This is the first preparation for the plan for humanity, because what they want to do is to throw
down, to shake up the beliefs of all Christians on the planet. And to do that they need some false
proof, supposedly from the past, and from the far past that will "prove" to men and women that
their religions are false.
The second step deals with the gigantic space show with three dimensional optical holograms
and sounds, laser projections of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each
receiving different images according to predominating regional/national religious faith. This new
god's image will be talking in all languages. Now to understand that, we have to go back a little
bit in different Secret Services research done in the last 25 years. Like this one:
The Soviets have manufactured the advanced computer, even imported, and fed them with the
minute psychical particular base under studies about the anatomy and the biology of the human
body; and the studies about the anatomy, the chemistry and the electricity of the human brain.
These computers were fed as well, with the different languages and their meanings. The dialect
of people have been fed from the Nature Truth satellite. The Soviets started to feed the computer
with objective programs like the ones New Messiah. It also seems that the Soviets now, the new
world order people, ?? to suicidal methods with the human society by allocating an electronic
wave on every mind for many persons in different societies.
Now, there are two different things in that second part. The space show and where that space
show comes from. The Space Show, the holographic imaging will be used in a simulation of the
ending in which you are given scenes which focus on fulfillment of that which is a desire for you
to protect? to fit the needs of those adversary ??.
The results of this deliberately staged false Christ will be for the implementation of a new
universal religion. Enough tricks will be foisted on us to hook us into the lie. The Project is the
ability to take up a whole bunch of people as in a rapture type of situation and to whisk the whole
bunch into never-never land.
The calculated resistance to the New World Religion, the New World Order and the New Messiah
will be ? on a massive scale in the ensuing Holy Wars. The Blue Beam Project will pretend to be
In principal, it will make use of the sky as a movie screen, a space based laser generating satellite
projects simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet in every language and in every
dialect according to region. It deals with the religion aspect of the new world order and is a large
scale seduction.
Computers will coordinate the satellite and software will run the show and tell. Holography is
based on very nearly identical signal, combining to produce an image or hologram with deep
perception which is equally applicable ?? to ELF, VLF and LF waves. It is an optical phenomena.
Specifically, the show will consist of laser projection of multiple holographic images to different
parts of the world, each receiving a different according to predominating regional/national
religious faith. Not a single area will be excluded.
With computer animation and sound effects appearing to come from the depths of space,
astonished followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned messiah in
spectacularly convincing life-like realness. Then the projection of the Christ, of Mohammed,
Buddah, Krishna, etc. will merge into one after ?? explanation of the mysteries, prophecies, and
revelation will have been disclosed.
This one god will in fact be the anti-Christ who will explain the various scriptures have been
misunderstood, that the religions of all are responsible for turning brother against brother,
nation against nation; therefore the world's religions must be abolished to make way for the
Golden Age, New Age of the One World Religion, representing the one god anti-Christ in this
instance they see before them.
{At this point -- interrupting the transcript -- I'm compelled to include three statements from the
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. j.p.}
"When the hour strikes for our Sovereign Lord of all the World to be crowned it is these same
hands [the mob] which will sweep away everything that might be a hindrance thereto." Protocol
No. 3.
"Ever since that time [French Revolution] we have been leading the peoples from one
disenchantment to another, so that in the end they should turn also from us in favour of that
King Despot of the blood of Zion, whom we are preparing for the world." Protocol No. 3.
"However, it is probably all the same to the world who is its sovereign lord, whether the head of
Catholicism or our despot of the blood of Zion." Protocol No.4.
Naturally this superbly staged ?? falsification will result in social religious disorder on a grand
scale, including millions of programmed religious fanatics, through demonic possession cases on
Now, if we put this space show and parallel with the star war program we get this: Combinations
of electro-magnetic radiation and hypnosis have also been the subject of intensive research. In
1974, for instance, researcher G. F. Shapis? said of one of these research proposals and this
"It will be shown that the spoken word of the hypnotist may also become varied by modulated
electro-magnetic energy directly into the ?? spot of the human brain, without employing any
technical device for receiving or transporting the message and without the person exposed to
such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously.
It may be expected that they rationalize their behavior and consider it to be under taken out of
their own free will."
Anybody investigating so-called channeling phenomena right now would be wise to take this area
of research into consideration. It is interesting to note the fact that the number of people who
consider themselves channelers have escalated rapidly since this type of research was
It is uncanny how similar their messages are regardless of which entity they claim to be the source
of their divine guidance. It would suggest that any individual considering the content of
channeled information should be discerning and critically evaluate where the message they are
receiving or considering it empowering or would serve to invoke thought patterns beneficial to
the New World Order.
The Sidney Morning Arrow? published an item on March 21st, 1983 which asked ?? ?? ?? . The
article states that a paper entitled "The Soviets are Invading the Human Mind" has been
submitted to the newspaper foreign editor by Dr. Nathan Ab ??, Assistant Professor in the ?? ??
?? in Egypt. It is worth quoting the article at length even though his grammar is a little old.
This article relates with the subject who manufactured the advanced computer we were talking
about a few minutes ago, and which is really important, because these kinds of computers can
be around through satellite into space. The computers were fed, as we said as well, with the
different languages and their meanings; the dialect of the people has been fed from the Nature
Truth satellite.
The Soviets started to feed the computer with objective program. Today, we're not talking about
the Soviets, we're talking about the United Nations, the new world order's people. They're the
ones who feed the computer right now with objective programs.
Now, these techniques push us toward the third step of the NASA Blue Beam project that goes
along with the telepathic electronical two-ways communication where ELF, VLF and LF waves will
reach the people of the earth by the inside of their brain making each one to believe that his own
'god' is talking to each one from within his own soul.
Such waves from satellite are fed from the memory of computers which store a lot of data about
the human being and the languages. These waves will then interlace and interweave with the
natural thinking to form what we call ?? artificial talk. Now that kind of technology goes into the
1970's, 1980's and 1990's research where the human brain has been compared to a computer;
information is fed in, processed, integrated and our response is then formulated and acted upon.
Mind controllers manipulate information in the same manner as a computer for grammar
manipulates information.
In January, 1991, the University of Arizona hosted a conference titled "The NATO Advanced
Research Workshop on Current and Emergent Phenomena in Bio-Molecular Systems".
What does that mean exactly? That means this: If we refer to one paper that was delivered at
the conference, stood out for its different attitude toward the development under discussion at
that time. It was in effect a protest and a chilling warning to the attending scientists about the
potential abuse of their research findings.
Now, what does that paper mean, and state? It states that the United States has ??
communication equipment which can make the blind see, the deaf hear and the lame walk. It
can relieve the terminally ill of all pain without the use of any drugs - and I'm not talking about
science fiction over here - a man might retain the use of all his faculties up until the day of his
This communication equipment depends on the new way of looking at the human brain and
neuro-muscular system and ?? radiation pulse at ultra low frequency. Some of this equipment is
now operational within the Central Intelligence Agency - the CIA - and the Federal Bureau of
Investigations. It will never be used to make the blind see and the deaf hear and the lame walk,
because it is central to the domestic political agenda and foreign policy of the late president Bush.
Domestically the new communications equipment is being used to torture and murder persons
who match profiles imagined; to be able to screen a given population for terrorists; to torture
Over seas experimentation is taking place on ?? by the United States and Canada, Great Britain,
Australia, Germany, Finland and France. In addition there has been a long series of ?? among
British computer scientists of all who have some connection to the United States Navy.
What is possible to ask here in front of such a psychology of terror as this? Would any
government, corporation or psychiatrist willfully promote such horror today? The answer is quite
obviously, "yes". Government agencies and the corporations that work with them toward New
World Order are prepared to promote anything that will help them to achieve their objective of
total social control.
As for the question of 'why?': for one thing, if you terrify the public and make them fear for their
safety they will allow you to implement draconian law enforcement practices, disarm them and
keep extensive records on them and they only have to tell you, "Well, that's all in order to protect
you, of course".
And secondly, it promotes the decay of the current form of democratic political system and leads
societies to search for alternatives to current political methodology.
Of course, the alternative has already been planned. It is called New World Order and it won't
have your safety or interest at heart. As George Bush. said, "read my lips."
Fear has always been used by powerful elite to control and subjugate the masses. The old maxim
"divide and conquer is being played out to the limit in every corner of the planet to ensure that
everybody is frightened for their personal safety and scared or suspicious of those around them.
This too, it is called mind control.
Now, to go a little bit further in that new technology which is at the basis of the NASA Blue Beam
project, we have to consider this quote from psychologist Gene V McConnell, which was
published in a1970 issue of "Psychology Today". He said,
"The day has come when we can combine sensory deprivation with drugs, hypnosis and astute
manipulation of reward and punishment to gain almost absolute control over an individual's
It should be then possible to achieve a very rapid and highly effective type of positive
brainwashing that would allow us to make dramatic change in a person's behavior and
Now when we talked before about that kind of rays and the telepathic electronic two-ways
communication... the kinds of rays which are fed from the memory of computers which store a
"We should reshape society so that we all would be trained from birth to want to do what
societies want us to do. We have the techniques to do it. No one owns his own personality."
And this quote here is real important because it is also basic teaching from the United Nations,
that 'no one owns his own personality'. The same psychologist adds:
"You have no say about what kind of personality you acquire, and there's no reason to believe
you should have the right to refuse to acquire a new personality if your old one is anti-social."
Which is important in that kind of declaration here, if the NWO will be set up over the old one,
that means that the old way of thinking, the way we think right now - our behavior, our religious
beliefs - would be considered by those people as old thinking, an old way of living, and they will
have -- to change it -- the re-education camps of the United Nations, to make sure that people
will have -- for them an anti-social behavior which is today an actual one -- will be re-educated in
a way to have the new behavior to fulfill the needs of the NWO.
Might it be the largest mind control project ever? because NASA Blue Beam Project is also for the
implementation of a New World Religion, a mind control project. So I would suggest you examine
the evidence carefully before you disregard this possibility.
Now, if we go further in the different reports we have over here, we find this: The mind control
operation and technology include a transmitter which broadcasts at the frequency of the human
nervous system, which system is manufactured by the Laurel Electro-Optical System in Pasadena,
The device employs electro-magnetic radiation of jigars? frequency pulse at extremely low
frequency -- ELF. It is used to torture people both physically and mentally from a distance.
Weapons of this type are claimed to have been used against a British woman protesting the
presence of American cruise missiles at Greensam? Common Air Base during the '70s.
This weapon can be used to induce total sensory deprivation by broadcasting signals into the
auditory nerves at such a power that it blocks the victims ability to 'hear themselves think'. The
The process employed by such ELF technologies are described in various U.S. Defense
Department Publications, including one entitled, "The Electro-Magnetic Spectrum and Low
Intensity Conflict", by Captain Paul E. Tyler, medical ?, United States Navy, which is included in a
collection entitled, "Low Intensity Conflicts in Modern Technology" edit by Lt. Colonel, David ?...
U.S. Air Force. The paper was delivered in 1984, and the collection published in 1986 by Air
University Press, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.
"Another pulse microwave device can deliver audible signals directly to an individual while they
remain undetectable by anyone else. The technology is very simple, and can be built using an
ordinary police radar gun. The microwave beam generated by the device is moderated at audio
frequencies and can broadcast voices directly into the brain"... and here we come for that NASA
Blue Beam Project, as we were talking about at the beginning, the telepathic electronic two-way
communications from space goes exactly with that kind of technology.
I repeat here, "the microwave beam generated by the device is modulated at audio frequencies
and can broadcast voices directly into the brain".
In his book, The Body Electric, Nobel Prize nominee Robert Becker described a series of
experiments conducted in the early 1960's by Olenfree, where this phenomena was first
demonstrated as well as later experiment ?? in 1973 at the Walter Reed Army Institute of
Research by Dr. Joseph C. Sharp, who personally underwent tests in which he proved he could
hear and understand spoken words delivered to him in an echo-free isolation chamber via a pulse
microwave audiogram, an analogue of the word sound vibration beamed into his brain.
Becker then goes on to state, "such a device has obvious application and covert operation
designed to drive a target crazy with voice or deliver undetectable instruction to a programmed
Now figure out, when we talked about that new messiah from space would be talking to different
religious and faith people on the earth by the inside who would give such kind of instruction like
to Muslim people what kind of possession case and kind of social disorder on a large case scale
ever seen before we would see everywhere on the planet.
A 1978 book entitled, Microwave Auditory Affect and Application, by James C. Lim? explains how
audible voice can be broadcast directly into the brain. This technology could be used to make the
deaf hear, but instead it has been turned against the public.
Olenfree also reported that he could speed up, slow down or stop isolated frogs hearts by
synchronizing the pulse rate of a microwave beat with the beat of the earth itself. According to
Robert Becker, similar results have been obtained using live frogs, indicating that it is technically
feasible to produce heart attacks which are rays designed to penetrate the human chest.
These effects were all studied at length by the CIA on September 21, 1977 in testimony before
the Senate Sub-committee on Health and Scientific Research. Dr. Sidney Gottlieb who directed
the MK Ultra program at that time was forced to discuss aspects of the CIA's research to find
technique of vacuation? the human organs by remote electronic means.
So this is something that exists right now, that has been pushed to its highest degree and that
can be used from space by satellite to reach anybody on the planet.
If we go a little bit deeper in that kind of process and mind control over the people, we find for
the year 1988 this: the equipment and technology... that kind of technology of mind control have
been used to influence politics in a much more direct fashion.
Michael Dukakis, the Democrat Presidential candidate running against George Bush in the 1988
U.S. election, was targeted with microwave technology in order to impede his public speaking
performance when the opinion polls he posed a threat to Bush's election prospect. He also claims
that the equipment was used against Kitty Dukakis and drove her to the brink of suicide. In the
grisly Disneyland World of U.S. politics a presidential candidate with problems such as these two
dealt with, obviously stand to lose the race to the White House.
What I can add over here about those kinds of new mental battlefields that will be used in the
NASA Blue Beam Project to implement the New World Religion is this: In the December 1980
edition of the U.S. Army Journal, which is called "Military Review", an article by Lieutenant
Colonel John B. Alexander, entitled "The New Mental Battlefield -- Beam Me Up, Spock", provides
further insight into the technical capabilities now at the disposal of the controllers. He writes:
"Several examples will demonstrate areas in which progress has been made:
The transference of energy from one organism to another.
The ability to heal or cause disease can be transmitted over a distance, thus inducing illness or
death for no apparent cause.
Telepathic behavior modification which includes the ability to induce hypnotic states up to
distances in excess of 1,000 kilometers has been reported. The use of telepathic hypnosis also
holds great potential. This capability could allow agents to be deeply planted with no conscious
knowledge of their programming, and .??/ the Manchurian Candidate ? and does not even
require a phone call.
This is exactly what we were talking about, and the third step of the NASA BlueBeam Project calls
the telepathic-electronic two-way communication, and the article continues:
"If it is possible to feed artificial thoughts into the ?? genetic ?? via satellite the mind control of
the entire planet is now possible. An individual's only resistance to constantly question the
motivation behind their thoughts and not act upon thoughts that they consider to be outside the
boundaries of their own ethical and moral boundaries. "
Once again, it is wise to consider how television, advertising and various forms of social pressure
are constantly being used to manipulate those boundaries.
And one thing... another thing which is really important over here, dealing with that kind of
technology is this: It has been reported by Lt.Col Alexander who said in the summary of his
Military Review article:
"The information on those kinds of technology presented here would be considered by some to
be ridiculous since it does not conform to their view of reality; but some people still believe the
world is flat."
Now, this means a lot, because if people do not believe that kind of technology to be possible, or
this kind of technology we're talking about is just science fiction... those people put themselves
in jeopardy because when the night of the thousand stars will shine from the space during that
night when the new messiah and the new world religion will be implemented on the planet, those
people won't have time to prepare themselves, and they will not be prepared to preserve
themselves against such kind of technology.
That's why they put themselves in jeopardy. Because they don't believe; they don't take time to
prepare and this is something real dangerous. Now we're going to talk about the fourth step of
that NASA Blue Beam project. Now, the fourth step concerns the universal supernatural
manifestation with electronic means. It contains three different orientations.
One is to make mankind belief that an alien invasion is about to strike down on each major city
of the earth in order to push each major nations to use its nuclear to strike back. This way, it
would put each of these nations in a state of full disarmament in front of the United Nations after
the false attack.
The second is to make the Christians believe to a major rapture with the supposedly divine
intervention of an alleged good alien force coming to save the people from a brutal satanic attack.
Its goal is to get rid of all significant opposition to the New World Order.
Then after that night of the thousand stars humanity is going to be ready to implore any new
messiah to re-establish peace everywhere at any cost, even at the cost of freedom abdication.
Now which is interesting to note this over here: the technique used in that fourth step is exactly
the same used in the past in USSR to force the people to accept Communism. The same technical
wave will be used by the United nations to implement the New World Religion in the New World
A lot of people ask me when this is going to happen and how they are going to do it. Which are
the steps they're going to set up before that Night of the Thousand Stars? According to different
research and different reports that we get, they are thinking right now of an economic crash. Not
a complete crash that would put down all the economy, but an economic crash that would force
them... that will also have them as a pretext to come up with an in between currency.
That means a new kind of currency that would be in between the currency that we have right
now and the electronic cash. Now, what they want to do with the in between currency is to force
everybody who has some money in reserve everywhere to spend that money, because they
consider that they will have problems to implement the New World Order if somewhere there
are some people independent who can survive by themselves, so they have to put the people in
a way to force them to spend everything and absolutely everything they have.
That's why they want to start with a kind of organized economic crash to put up a new currency,
and after that, they're planning to put on worldwide basis the electronic cash. But right now it is
not possible for them to put that electronic cash since the super highway - what we call also the
electronic highway - is not yet ready and implemented all over the planet.
To implement the electronic cash worldwide they have to have finished the implementation of
the super highway everywhere, and for people wondering what the super highway is exactly...
the super highway is an electronic sophisticated way to control directly the people in every home
where it will be implemented or installed. To that stage, the control - the political control - of
everybody on the planet will be possible.
To prevent any kind of independence from the people we have to remember that the New
Agers... the New World Order people will do anything to make sure that everybody, before the
year 2000 will have spent all his personal and reserve cash or goods.
To prevent also any kind of independence the New World people have already started, all over
the planet, to put into birds, fish and wild animals microchip implants. Why? Because they want
Those same people to make sure of full control of everybody are changing laws of different
countries right now to make sure they will have full control of the vitamins. They are also
changing laws right now about religion, and also about psychiatric disorders, in order to consider
anybody with a violence potential as somebody who has psychiatric disorder and has to be put
in a clinic to be re-educated.
If you keep in mind that this New World Order New World Government is a worldwide
dictatorship you cannot forget that a dictatorship will do everything possible to make sure they
will be in a position to control anybody everywhere on the planet. That's why the kind of new
technology they're putting on right now everywhere is a technology for control of the people.
If you take, for instance, the technology that we had in the 1940s and the 1950s that kind of
technology was made to help the people for an easier life. But the new technology - if you take
the time to look at computers, microchips, new microchip cars, super highway... you'll notice,
and this is evident, you'll notice that all that technology is built in a way to track down and control
anybody everywhere. And as that kind of technology is made in such a way, it's made also for a
To refuse to see that purpose is not to want to see the evidence of a new kind of political power
that want to establish themselves all over the planet.
I hope that even if I have problems with pronunciation, or a French accent in my speaking, I hope
it will be possible for everybody at least to understand the meaning of this conference and also
the real meaning of the NASA Blue Beam Project.
And I ask everybody everywhere who will be listening that they make everything possible to
spread the words everywhere about that kind of new technology which exists right now into
space and which exists for the purpose to implement the New World Religion which is also the
basic foundation of the New World Order government.
This five pages document overleaf may provide an avenue of inquiry for those who desire to
conduct further research into Project Blue Beam and references to blue beams in official Defense
Science publications.
Collider-Accelerator Department
Notice: This manuscript has been authored by employees of Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under
Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The publisher by accepting the
manuscript for publication acknowledges that the United States Government retains a non-exclusive, paid-up,
irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others
to do so, for United States Government purposes.
This preprint is intended for publication in a journal or proceedings. Since changes may be made before
publication, it may not be cited or reproduced without the author’s permission.
C. Montag† , M. Bai, A. Drees, W. Fischer, A. Marusic, G. Wang, BNL, Upton, NY 11973, USA
Beam experiments have been performed in RHIC to de-
termine some key parameters of the RHIC electron lenses,
and to test the capability of verifying lattice modifications
by beam measurements. We report the status and recent
results of these experiments.
The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) consists of
two superconducting storage rings that intersect at six lo-
cations around its circumference. Beams collide in interac-
tion points (IPs) 6 and 8, which are equipped with the de-
tectors STAR and PHENIX, respectively (Fig. 1). With the
polarized proton working point constrained between 2/3
and 7/10 to achieve good luminosity lifetime and maintain
polarization, the proton bunch intensity is limited to 2·1011
protons per bunch by the resulting beam-beam tuneshift.
To overcome this limitation, installation of an electron lens Figure 1: Schematic view of RHIC. Beams collide in IPs
in IP 10 is foreseen to partially compensate the beam-beam 6 and 8. IP 10 will be equipped with an electron lens for
effect and reduce the beam-beam tuneshift parameter [1]. head-on beam-beam compensation.
As part of this project, beam experiments are being per-
formed at RHIC to determine key parameters of the elec-
tron lens as well as to verify lattice modifications.
bilities of accurately measure the phase advance between
IPs 8 and 10. Due to the six-fold symmetry of RHIC, a
BETATRON PHASE ADVANCE tune change ∆Q translates into a betatron phase advance
MEASUREMENTS change over one arc of ∆ψ = 2π · ∆Q/6. Using the
AC dipole, we therefore measured the betatron phase ad-
Full compensation of the nonlinear beam-beam effect vance for each pair of adjacent BPMs around the RHIC
experienced in the collision with an oncoming proton beam ring, first for the regular working point Qx and then for
can be achieved by providing collisions with an electron a modified tune Qx + ∆Qx . Using ∆Qx = 0.1, the ex-
beam of the same density distribution as the oncoming pro- pected change in phase advance over one arc is therefore
ton beam, with a betatron phase advance of ∆ψ = k · π be- ∆ψx = 2π · 0.1/6 = 36◦ /6 = 6◦ . As Figure 3 shows,
tween the two locations, as schematically depicted in Fig- measurements agree very well with our expectations.
ure 2.
In the RHIC beam-beam compensation effort, the phase
advance between IPs 8 and 10 will be adjusted to the
desired value by additional shunt supplies over the main SIZE
quadrupoles in that arc, such that the electron lens will act To optimize the head-on beam-beam compensation ef-
as a compensator for the beam-beam effect experienced in fect, the transverse distribution of the electron lens beam
IP 8. Operationally, it is desirable to be able to accurately has to match the Gaussian proton beam distribution. This
measure this phase advance, rather than having to scan it is achieved by a special design of the electron lens cathode
for best compensation performance. [2]. However, due to the limited size of the cathode the
Since these additional shunt supplies are not yet avail- resulting Gaussian electron beam distribution is not Gaus-
able at RHIC, we devised an alternate way to test our capa- sian at large amplitudes and may be approximated by sharp
∗ Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under con- edges, as shown in Figure 4. In the case of the RHIC
tract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy electron lens, the cathode radius corresponds to 2.8σ of
† [email protected] the proton beam. Since sharp edges in beam distributions
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
x [sigma]
Figure 2: Beam-beam compensation concept. The nonlin- the Yellow beam, creating a truncated Gaussian distribution
ear beam-beam kick experienced in the collision with an by scraping away the transverse tails, and the Blue beam
oncoming proton beam is exactly compensated after a be- lifetime was recorded as a function of the Yellow collimator
tatron phase advance of 180 degrees by colliding with an position. Figure 5 shows the results of this experiment.
electron beam of equal density distribution. Before the Yellow collimators were inserted, the Blue
beam lifetime was slowly improving after injection, in-
dicated by a slowly decreasing hourly beam loss rate.
This improvement stopped abruptly when the collimators
reached a position corresponding to 3σ of the Yellow trans-
verse beam size. When the collimators were inserted to
1.5σ, the Blue beam decay increased significantly, though
by this time the Yellow beam intensity had dropped to half
its initial value. Shortly after the the Yellow collimators
were retracted the Blue lifetime began to improve.
This experiment indicates that the truncated electron
beam distribution in the RHIC electron lens may have detri-
mental effects on the proton beam lifetime. However, on
two subsequent attempts these results could not be repro-
duced due to poor lifetime in both beams. It is therefore
planned to repeat these tests with proton beams at full en-
ergy. This has the advantage of much better beam lifetime,
and the effect would be enhanced by the larger beam-beam
Figure 3: Measured accumulated phase shift ∆Q(s) = parameter of protons compared to gold beams.
∆ψ(s)/(2π) around the ring, vs. longitudinal position s.
The lattices with the proper phase advance between IP
are known to lead to poor beam lifetime of the oncoming 8 and the electron lenses in IR 10 require modified integer
beam, the limited cathode size of the RHIC electron lens is tunes [3]. Since both tunes in the Yellow ring have to be
a concern. On the other hand, the number of particles be- raised by one integer, this will subsequently lead to an in-
yond 2.8σ is already very low anyway, and the beam-beam crease in γt . With proton beams being injected at γ = 25.4,
kick of an unlimited Gaussian beam beyond 2.8σ practi- γt this increased transition energy would result in a bucket
cally shows the same 1/r dependency as that of a truncated mismatch between the AGS and RHIC that cannot be com-
Gaussian. pensated by lowering the RF voltage in RHIC. It is there-
To mimick the effect of a truncated Gaussian electron fore necessary to reduce the transition energy at injection
lens beam, two gold beams were brought into collision at by appropriate lattice modifications.
injection energy in IP 8. Collimators were inserted into As reported in an earlier paper [4], lowering γt can be
Figure 5: Yellow beam intensity, Blue hourly beam decay, and Yellow collimator position vs. time during aggressive
scraping of the Yellow beam.
achieved using the γt jump quadrupoles. With the transi- [3] C. Montag, “Lattice Design for Head-on Beam-beam Com-
tion energy proportional to the horizontal phase advance in pensation at RHIC”, these Proceedings
the arcs, where the dispersion function is non-zero, γt is [4] C. Montag, “A Low γt Injection Lattice for Polarized Protons
lowered by lowering the horizontal phase advance in the in RHIC”, Proc. PAC’07
arcs. The resulting tune shift is compensated by a set of
γt quadrupoles in the dispersion-free region at the end of
the arcs. In a dedicated beam experiment we were able to
reduce the transition energy by ∆γt = −0.35 relative to its
regular value without detrimental effects on beam lifetime
due to the associated β-beat; the limitation being imposed
by the limited current of the γt power supplies.
To further decrease the transition energy at injection, the
γt jump power supplies could be replaced by regular DC
supplies. Since this would also increase the β-beat, addi-
tional beam experiments will have to be performed to en-
sure sufficient beam lifetime. Alternatively, the AGS ex-
traction energy could be raised to γ = 26.0, at the expense
of a two percent decrease in proton beam polarization.
[1] W. Fischer et al., “Head-on Beam-beam Compensation in
RHIC”, ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter No. 52, p. 102-
[2] A. Pikin et al., “Structure and Design of the Electron Lens for
RHIC”, these Proceedings
65 Project Blue Beam
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