The Energy Innovation Imperative
The Energy Innovation Imperative
The Energy Innovation Imperative
John P. Holdren is Teresa and John Heinz Professor of Environmental Policy and
Director of the Program on Science, Technology, and Public Policy at the John F.
Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, Professor of
Environmental Science and Policy in Harvard's Department of Earth and
Planetary Sciences, and Director of the Woods Hole Research Center. He is also
the current President of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science and the Chair of the Editorial Advisory Board of Innovations.
Environmental aims
y improving urban and regional air quality;
y limiting impacts of energy development on fragile ecosystems;
y avoiding nuclear-reactor accidents and waste-management mishaps;
y limiting energy-supply contributions to global climate change.
also rising opposition when the remaining domestic resources lie under fragile or
particularly highly prized environments. Replacing conventional oil and gas with
synthetic liquids and gases made from tar sands, oil shales, and coal will sharply
increase the emissions of climate-altering carbon dioxide unless costly carbon cap-
ture and sequestration accompany these conversions. Rapid expansion of nuclear
energy may risk outrunning the capabilities of national and international organi-
zations to manage its risks. And so on.
The second reason the energy issue is so challenging is the fact that no known
energy source is free of significant limitations, liabilities, or uncertainties in rela-
tion to one or more of the important aims. That is, there is no technological “sil-
ver bullet”. Volumes have been written about the character of the major energy
options and the difficulties and uncertainties that cloud their prospects. Here I will
characterize the question marks more tersely:
Conventional Oil and Gas—Not enough resources? This is a matter not only of
global availability, of course, but also of economically and politically challenging
geographic distribution.
Coal, Tar Sands, Oil Shale—Not enough atmosphere? This refers to the capacity
of the atmosphere to absorb without intolerable consequences the emissions from
mobilizing and burning these immense fossil-fuel resources, above all the carbon
Biofuels—Not enough land? Growing biofuels must compete for land and water
with production of food, fiber, and chemical feedstocks, as well as with the essen-
tial environmental service functions of lightly exploited and unexploited ecosys-
Wind and Hydropower—Not enough acceptable sites? Wind and hydro are most
economical in places where the respective resources are highly concentrated and
near load centers; not only do costs tend to go up as increasing scale of use drives
society to less attractive sites, but many of the best sites are prized for other pur-
poses and may be placed off limits by politics.
Solar Photovoltaics—Not enough money? Despite decades of remarkable
progress in cost reduction, solar photovoltaic arrays remain several times more
expensive than fossil-fueled, nuclear, and wind electricity generation for grid-con-
nected applications. How much cheaper photovoltaics can get—and how much
costlier their competition might get—remain unclear.
Ocean Energy—Too costly and too disruptive? Harnessing tides by damming
estuaries is both costly and highly disruptive environmentally. Turbines in tidal
straits and devices for harnessing wave energy must be both inexpensive and
robust in the hostile marine environment; the needed combination may be unat-
tainable. Ocean thermal energy conversion must move immense quantities of sea
water in order to extract a tiny fraction of its energy; whether the undersea equip-
ment involved can be made both cheap enough and survivable enough is unclear,
as are the ecological consequences of large-scale use.
Nuclear Fission—Too unforgiving? Nuclear fission is unforgiving of error in
design and operation of reactors, reprocessing plants, fuel-fabrication facilities,
and waste transport and disposal—and unforgiving of malice by those who would
attack the facilities for economic and public-health impact or divert the technolo-
gy and materials for making nuclear weapons. Whether improvements in technol-
ogy and management can outpace the growth in the opportunities for error and
malice as the nuclear enterprise grows is unclear. If nuclear energy were to under-
go large expansion and then prove unacceptable to the public because of high inci-
dence of accidents and/or terrorism in the expanded enterprise, the economic dis-
ruption from shutting it down would be large.
Nuclear Fusion—Too difficult? After more than 50 years of effort and the
expenditure of perhaps 30 billion current U.S. dollars in fusion R&D worldwide,
the best-performing devices aimed at harnessing for power production the process
that powers the stars and hydrogen bombs still require more energy to run than
they produce. The obstacles to ultimate success lie not only in the physics of con-
fining fusion fuel at its ignition temperature of 100 million degrees C or more, but
also in the advances in materials science and systems engineering needed to build
a reliable and affordable reactor around a fusion fire.
Hydrogen—Only an energy carrier, not a source. Chemically unbound hydro-
gen does not exist in significant quantities on Earth, and extracting it from the
forms in which it is most abundantly found—water and hydrocarbons—costs
more energy than chemical reactions of the resulting hydrogen can yield. If con-
trolled fusion succeeds, the heavy hydrogen isotopes and perhaps even ordinary
hydrogen would become nuclear fuels…but see above. Unless and until fusion suc-
ceeds, hydrogen will remain merely an energy carrier that, like electricity, may be
prized for its convenience, versatility, and low environmental impact at the point
of end use, but requires the use of a primary energy source for its production.
Improving Energy-End-Use Efficiency—Not enough education? Increasing the
efficiency with which energy is converted into the goods and services that people
want—comfort, mobility, illumination, refrigeration, the powering of industrial
processes, and so on—is equivalent to an energy source, because kilowatt-hours or
liters of fuel saved in one application can be used for another. Such end-use-effi-
ciency improvements are (and are destined to remain for some time to come) the
cheapest, cleanest, surest, most rapidly expandable energy option we have. The
ultimate limits on this option are imposed by thermodynamics, but much more
salient today are the limits imposed on the expandability of end-use-efficiency
improvements by lack of knowledge by firms and consumers about the opportu-
nities that exist and how to exploit them.
Beyond competing goals and the lack of a silver bullet, the third major reason
the energy issue is so challenging is the large embodied capital investment and long
turnover times of the world’s energy-supply and end-use systems, which create
large hurdles to transforming those systems as rapidly as the determinants of what
is desirable and necessary are changing. The replacement cost of today’s global
energy-supply system—all of the power plants, transmission lines, drilling rigs,
pipelines, refineries, coal mines, and so on—is in the range of $12 trillion, and this
immense capital investment turns over with a characteristic time of 30-40 years,
the average operating lifetime of the facilities involved. The stock of energy-using
artifacts—buildings, appliances, cars and trucks, airplanes, industrial machinery—
represents an even larger investment, with turnover times ranging from somewhat
shorter (cars, appliances) than that of energy-supply facilities to considerably
longer (buildings). Adding to the inertia created by these huge investments and
long time scales is the entrenched economic and political power of the organiza-
tions—public as well as private—that achieved their powerful positions by creat-
ing and sustaining the historical and current patterns of energy supply and
demand and are understandably interested in preserving that status quo.
The energy-system inertia that results from these circumstances, combined
with the typical multi-decade time scale for research, development, and demon-
stration to bring a new energy option even to the threshold of competitiveness
with the entrenched approaches, means that it is possible and even likely for prob-
lems with the status quo to materialize more rapidly than the energy system can
adjust to address them. When this timing mismatch is compounded by additional
time lags in developing a scientific consensus about the harmful phenomena (as in
the case of understanding both the health and the climate impacts of the emissions
from fossil-fuel burning), the chances of being “locked in” to energy-system char-
acteristics that impose higher than expected costs and risks for decades only
grow over this period, consistent with the distribution of the world’s remaining
ultimately recoverable resources of conventional oil.
World oil production in 2005 was equivalent to about 80 Mb/d of crude petro-
leum, accounting for 34% of global primary energy supply. Nearly 40% of the oil
production came from OPEC, and 64% of it moved in world trade. The EIA’s 2006
reference forecast for 2030 shows world production reaching nearly 120 Mb/d.
China’s oil imports are forecasted to increase from 3 Mb/d in 2004 to circa 12
Mb/d in 2030 (comparable to U.S. oil imports today), more than half of that com-
ing from the Persian Gulf.
The economic dimension and the international-security dimension of these
oil dependencies are complicated and interconnected. Firstly, a country’s econom-
ic vulnerability to oil-price shocks is proportional to the country’s total depend-
ence on oil, not just on its
import dependence. That is so
because, in a world market, an
Global climate change is economy pays any increase in
increasingly recognized as both the per-barrel price on every
barrel used, not just on the
the most dangerous and the most barrels imported. (Import
intractable of all of energy’s share does matter in terms of
balance of payments, of
environmental impacts—indeed, course.)
The link to conflict arises
the most dangerous and because the extent of a major
intractable of all of civilization’s country’s economic vulnera-
bility in relation to oil—say,
environmental impacts, period. that of the United States or
China—affects the chances
that it will resort to military
action to try to prevent or terminate supply disruptions and the attendant price
shocks. It also affects a country’s freedom of action in how it pursues other aspects
of its foreign-policy agenda (for example, in the case of the United States, the way
in which it pursues its homeland-security/counter-terrorism agenda in its rela-
tions with oil-producing countries, some of which export terrorism as well as oil).
In principle, the dangers of supply disruptions and price shocks can be allevi-
ated in a number of ways: increasing domestic production of conventional oil in
one’s own country; encouraging such increases in other countries in diverse geo-
graphic regions; encouraging increased production of unconventional oil
resources (heavy oils, tar sands, oil shale) in one’s own and other countries;
increasing the production of liquid fuels from coal and from biomass; and reduc-
ing the liquid-fuel intensity of economic activity (energy in liquid fuels divided by
GDP) by a combination of shifting to non-liquid fuels (solids, gases, electricity) in
some applications and increasing the energy efficiency of the remaining liquid-
fueled activities (above all cars, trucks, buses, and aircraft).
In practice, most of these approaches suffer from severe limitations. Even if the
United States opens the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil production, it is
unlikely that U.S. domestic production of petroleum can be prevented from con-
tinuing to gradually decline over the next 25 years. Prospects in most other coun-
tries—outside the unstable regions that are more part of the problem than part of
the solution—are not much better. Unconventional oil resources are considerably
more energy-intensive to produce—and more polluting—than conventional oil.
Making synthetic oil from coal is costly, water-intensive and, with current technol-
ogy, polluting.
Shifting from oil to natural gas has already happened to a significant extent in
the electricity-generating, residential-heating, and industrial sectors of the United
States and a number of other countries, but one of the ongoing consequences of
this is the emergence of a global natural-gas market in which, as with oil, an
increasing fraction of the supply seems destined to come from politically unpre-
dictable regions. Continuing a shift to natural gas, therefore, may only succeed in
replicating the problems of excessive dependence and vulnerability from which the
world is trying to escape in the case of oil.
Expanding the use of biofuels and accelerating improvements in oil end-use
efficiency, particularly in the transport sector, are more promising, but they are not
happening rapidly enough to reverse the worldwide trend of increased oil and oil-
import dependence. The EIA reference projection for the United States—which
takes into account current trends, current policies, and current and projected ener-
gy prices and energy-technology characteristics—shows the U.S. share of oil in pri-
mary energy use still at 40% in 2030 while the fraction of oil imported increases.
The EIA’s reference projection for the world as a whole has the share of primary
energy provided by oil increasing over this period, and the fraction of world oil
moved in world trade likewise increases in the reference case. Achieving a signifi-
cant decline in the world’s dependence on oil and oil imports in this period will
require, evidently, far bigger increases in substitutes for oil and in oil-end-use effi-
ciency than currently seem to be in store.
around 700 parts per million by volume (ppmv), compared to the pre-industrial
level of about 280 ppmv; and CO2 will be accounting for about 60% of the total
warming influences from human changes to the atmosphere (the other main ones
being increases in the concentrations of methane, nitrous oxide, halocarbons, tro-
pospheric ozone, and black soot), compared to 45% in 2000. The increase in sea
level by 2100, assigned a mid-range estimate of about half a meter by the IPCC in
2001, now seems capable of reaching several times that (although the matter
remains highly uncertain).8
Faced with continuing climatic change of this magnitude on a “business as
usual” trajectory, society has three options:
The first is mitigation, which
means measures to reduce the
Human caused climate change pace and the magnitude of
changes in global climate being
is already occurring. Adaptation caused by human activities.
efforts are already taking place Examples of mitigation include
reducing emissions of CO2,
and must be expanded. But other greenhouse gases, and
adaptation becomes costlier and black soot; enhancing “sinks”
for greenhouse gases; and “geo-
less effective as the magnitude engineering” to counteract the
warming effects of increases in
of climate change grows. greenhouse gases and soot that
The second option is adap-
tation, which means measures to reduce the adverse impacts on human well-being
resulting from the changes in climate that occur. Examples of adaptation include
changing agricultural practices, strengthening defenses against climate-related dis-
ease, and building dams and dikes to control flooding and sea-level rise.
The third option is suffering the adverse impacts that are not avoided by either
mitigation or adaptation.
Clearly, mitigation and adaptation are both essential. Human-caused climate
change is already occurring. Adaptation efforts are already taking place and must
be expanded. But adaptation becomes costlier and less effective as the magnitude
of climate change grows. The greater the amount of mitigation that can be
achieved at affordable cost, the more manageable will be the burdens placed on
adaptation and the smaller will be the suffering that neither mitigation nor adap-
tation succeeds in avoiding.
The question of how much mitigation would be prudent is a crucial one for
energy strategy, given the central role of fossil-fuel derived CO2 in the climate
problem. (Fossil-fuel burning added about 7.3 billion tonnes of C in carbon diox-
ide to the atmosphere in 2004; net deforestation probably contributed 1.5 to 2.5
billion tonnes, and cement manufacture about 0.2 billion tonnes.) Relevant here
each other out (as happened approximately between 1750—the nominal pre-
industrial benchmark—and 2000, and as could happen out to 2100 if reductions
in non-CO2 greenhouse gases are matched by reductions in the emissions of light-
reflecting atmospheric particles and the pollutant gases that lead to formation of
such particles).
Until a few years ago many analysts and groups were suggesting that stabiliza-
tion of atmospheric concentrations at a level corresponding to a 3°C increase was
in fact a suitable target—something of a compromise between the highest level at
which climate-change impacts might be manageable (taking into account the
potential for adaptation) and the lowest level that might be achievable (taking into
account the known mitigation options and their estimated costs). The last few
years of accumulating evidence about impacts already being encountered at only
0.8° C above the pre-industrial average temperature, however, have led many ana-
lysts to argue for a more ambitious target, with some (including the European
Union) settling on 2°C. To have a good chance of holding the average warming to
2°C, the sum of the human influences would need to be held to the equivalent of
CO2’s stabilizing at about 450 ppmv (compared to the 2005 value of 380 ppmv).9
An emissions curve corresponding to stabilizing atmospheric CO2 at 450 ppmv
should depart from “business as usual” much sooner than the curve for 550
ppmv—by about 2012. It should peak no higher than about 9 billion tonnes of C
per year, around 2020, and should be down to about 3.5 billion tonnes per year by
2100 and 2.5 billion tonnes per year by 2200. (Of course, if the non-CO2 influences
on climate add up to a net warming over this period, the CO2 emission curves
would need to be even lower than described here in order for the overall effect to
be equivalent to 550 or 450 ppmv of CO2, respectively.) Mid-range “business as
usual” (BAU) scenarios, by contrast, entail emissions around 20 billion tonnes of
C per year in 2100.
The difference between the BAU path and the stabilization trajectories just
described is immense. Cumulative emissions of C over the 21st century under a
mid-range BAU path would be in the range of 1400 billion tonnes; for the indi-
cated stabilization trajectories, cumulative emissions would be in the range of 500-
800 billion tonnes of C (less if the non-CO2 influences add up to a net warming).
The difference of 600-900 billion tonnes measures the size of the mitigation chal-
lenge to which the world must rise to have a reasonable chance of averting climate-
change disaster.
The types of approach available for this mitigation have already been men-
tioned. In brief, one can (i) reduce the offending emissions, (ii) increase the rate of
removal of the offending substances from the atmosphere, or (iii) try to change
other climate-relevant characteristics of the environment to offset the warming
influences of those substances. Taking these in reverse order…
The third approach is worthy of further study, but the “geo-engineering”
approaches considered so far appear to be afflicted with some combination of high
costs, low leverage, and a high likelihood of serious side effects. Consequently, at
this juncture, no contribution to mitigation can be counted upon from this direc-
The second approach—increasing removal rates of GHG and soot from the
atmosphere—has considerable promise, above all in the domain of afforestation
and reforestation (wherein building up the global “standing crop” of trees pulls
CO2 out of the atmosphere and stores it in wood and soil organic matter). The
total carbon currently stored in all the world’s vegetation is estimated at 500-700
billion tonnes of C; increasing this by as much as 20% seems unlikely, and that
would take care of only 100-150 billion tonnes of the 600-900 billion tonne
requirement. (Whether the carbon stocks in soil, as opposed to vegetation, can be
increased at all in a warming world is unclear; the higher temperatures may well
increase decomposition rates on the average, driving carbon out of the soil and
into the atmosphere.)
The preceding two points mean that a heavy share of the mitigation burden
necessarily falls on reducing the offending emissions. In this connection there is
important progress to be made in reducing emissions of the non-CO2 heat-trap-
ping substances, most importantly methane and black soot but also nitrous oxide,
halocarbons, and the precursors of tropospheric ozone. The progress that can be
made with all of these, however, may well not be more than is needed just to coun-
terbalance reductions that are expected in the emissions of light-reflecting parti-
cles and their sulfur-oxide and nitrogen-oxide precursors. (Such reductions, which
by reducing cooling influences will have a warming effect, are motivated by the
desire to reduce the large public-health and acid-rain impacts of these particles.)
The “bottom line” is that a large part of the required mitigation effort must
come in the form of reducing emissions of carbon dioxide. A modest (but still
valuable) piece of this can come from reducing deforestation rates in the tropics,
which today are adding perhaps 1-2 billion tonnes of C per year to the atmosphere.
But the biggest target has to be the over 7 billion tonnes per year of carbon com-
ing from fossil-fuel combustion.
The leverage for reducing the CO2 emissions from fossil fuels can be under-
stood by representing those emissions as a four-fold product:
C emissions = population x GDP/person x energy/GDP x C/energy.
Let us consider each of the contributing factors in turn:
Population. Lower is better for many reasons. If world population were 8 bil-
lion in 2100 rather than the mid-range UN forecast of about 10 billion, holding
down the carbon emissions from the energy to make everybody prosperous would
be that much easier. Fortunately, reduced population growth can be achieved by
measures that are attractive in their own right (notably improving health care,
reproductive rights, and educational opportunities for women).
GDP per person. This is not a lever that most people would want to use to
reduce emissions, because higher GDP/person is generally considered preferable to
lower. People are not getting rich as fast as they think, however, if GDP growth is
carbon-emitting energy supply by 2100 be held to “merely” the 400 exajoules per
year being provided by fossil fuels in 2004.
The requirements for non-carbon-emitting energy supply would be signifi-
cantly larger still, of course, for the 450-ppmv stabilization trajectory.
What emerges from these figures is the clear finding that success in address-
ing the climate-change challenge is likely to require enormous efforts both on
increasing the pace of energy-intensity reductions worldwide and on accelerating
the deployment of non-carbon-emitting energy sources in place of the conven-
tional fossil-fuel technologies that dominate today’s global energy system.
Nothing remotely like the needed scale of effort on either front is happening today.
(After all, the “business as usual” projection—a prescription for climate-change
catastrophe—was constructed by assuming continuation of more or less what is
currently going on.)
solid fossil fuels as described above (or from unconventional natural gas
resources) taking over the burden from conventional petroleum.
I suggest that for purposes of energy-policy planning today it does not really
matter very much who is right about peak oil. The economic and security perils
of the world’s current and growing dependence on oil tell us that we need to move
smartly to reduce that dependence no matter whether peak oil is close or far away.
And the looming danger of unmanageable climate change tells us that we must
choose ways to do this that reduce rather than increase the energy sector’s emis-
sions of CO2.
The multiplicity of challenges at the intersection of energy with the economy, the
environment, and international security—led by the oil-dependence and climate-
change challenges just described—add up to a need for policies designed for two
y to help society find and implement a satisfactory compromise among compet-
ing economic, environmental and security objectives—which includes trying to
leave the biggest margins of safety against the biggest dangers—given the resources
and technologies available at any given time, and
y to accelerate the processes of energy-technology innovation that, over time, can
reduce the limitations of existing energy options, can bring new options to
fruition, and thereby can reduce the tensions among energy-policy objectives and
enable faster progress on the most critical ones.
These ends cannot be achieved by markets alone, without supplementary poli-
cies, because many of the goals relate to public goods (such as national security
and meeting the basic energy needs of society’s poorest members) and externali-
ties (such as air pollution and greenhouse gases) that are not priced in markets
unless policies achieve this.
A further implication of the characteristics of today’s energy challenges is that
society will do better to pursue a broad portfolio of improved energy-supply and
end-use options, rather than putting its eggs in too few baskets. The merits of such
diversity are manifold: it provides flexibility to respond to changing conditions
and new information (an “insurance policy” for an uncertain world), including
providing the possibility of discarding options that ultimately prove unsuitable; it
takes into account that, even after all plausible technological improvements, there
comes a point in the expansion of any energy option where rising marginal costs
and/or risks make further expansion unattractive (meaning a broad portfolio is
likely to have lower costs and risks overall than a narrower set of options wherein
each has to bear too much of the load); and by combining the growth of multiple
new or improved options—each drawing on different types of material resources,
skills, and firms—it can replace status quo technologies more rapidly than would
be possible by one or two new options alone.
The need for deployment of technologies of energy supply and end-use better
than those that now dominate the energy system is acute. Without an accelerated
transition to improved technologies, societies will find it increasingly difficult—
and in the end probably impossible—either to limit oil imports and oil depend-
ence overall without incurring excessive economic and environmental costs or to
provide the affordable energy needed for sustainable prosperity everywhere with-
out intolerably disrupting the Earth’s climate. They will not be able to improve
urban air quality while meeting growing
demands for personal transportation;
not be able to use their abundant coal Major innovations in both
resources without intolerable impacts
on regional air quality and acid rain; not technology and policy are
be able to expand the use of nuclear
energy enough to make a difference for
urgently needed but not
climate change and oil and gas depend- currently materializing at
ence while still reducing the risks of
accidents, nuclear terrorism, and the pace that is required.
nuclear-weapon proliferation.
In this context, the needed process
of innovation in energy technology must be understood as not consisting only of
research and development (R&D), but also of at least equal emphasis and
resources devoted to demonstration at commercial scale and in diverse contexts of
the technological improvements that R&D have made possible and to mechanisms
to promote accelerated deployment of those demonstrated options that offer the
greatest leverage for reducing important externalities and enhancing important
public goods.12 The energy-technology-innovation “pipeline” is full of potentially
valuable—even potentially crucial—technologies at every stage of development,
and it is no less important to push along toward full commercialization those that
are already close to that threshold than to be doing the applied research and early
development needed to move forward the more “far out” possibilities. Indeed, the
need for rapid response to the linked oil-dependence and climate-change chal-
lenges means that the world cannot afford to wait for such long-term possibilities
as fuel-cell-powered vehicles and fusion to come to fruition. This is not to say that
that investment in such long-term options is not essential, for it is; but it should
not replace or come at the expense of the needed efforts to move nearer-term, oil-
sparing, climate-friendly options into the marketplace.
1. Goldemberg, J., editor, World Energy Assessment: Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability (New
York: UN Development Programme, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and World
Energy Council), 2000, <>.
2. U.S. Energy Information Administration, Monthly Energy Review (Washington, DC: EIA),
March 2006, <>. Note that a smaller import-
dependence figure of 12.35 Mb/d / 20.66 Mb/d = 59.8% is shown for 2005 in this reference's Table
1.7, based on summing crude-oil and petroleum-product net imports and dividing by total con-
sumption of petroleum products. Because crude oil and petroleum products have differing energy
content per barrel, combining barrels per day of crude and products can be misleading in energy
terms; calculating import dependence based on energy content should be preferred.
3. U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook (Washington, DC: EIA),
February 2006, <>.