Unpublished FEMA Report 2010
Unpublished FEMA Report 2010
Unpublished FEMA Report 2010
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. -..;.....-
May 24, 2017
This is the final response to your Freedom oflnformation Act (FOIA) request to the
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studies concerning risks from geomagnetic storms, risks from solar flares, and risks from
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Olglt<llly '9*1 by EflC A NlUSOiAEJEfl
ERICA Ofi : c..US,o-U5.~t.~MWntol
NEUSCHAEFER O.!l.l:Ml . 1!1200300.100.1 . 1~171~.FEMA
Eric N euschaefer
Chief, Disclosure Branch
Information Management Division
Mission Support
Historical Background
As technology increased, so too did the impact of space weather. Guglielmo Marconi, a pioneer
of radio, commented" ... times of bad fading [of radio signals] practically always coincide with
the appearance of large sunspots and intense aurora-boreali ... the same periods when cables
and land lines experience difficulties or are thrown out of action" (Lanzerotti, 2001). In 1921,
what may have been the second largest superstorm on record "interfered with telephones,
telegraphs and cables over many part[s] of Europe. In this country, where interferences with
telegraphi ng were said to be the worst ever experienced, stray currents of 1,000 [amps] were
registered.... " (The New York Times, 1921a). The storm burned out undersea cables, caused
fires that disrupted train service in New York City, and in Brewster, NY, a railroad station
telegraph operator was "driven away from his instrument by a flare of flame which enveloped the
switchboard and ignited the building" (The New York Times, 1921a). One French telegrapher
referred to his equipment as "possessed by evil spirits" (The New York Times, 192lb).
More recent storms have been smaller than those seen in 1859 and 1921. In 1989, one such
storm co11apsed the Quebec power gri d for nine hours and rendered "nearly inoperable" the first
fiber optic transatlantic cable (Lanzerotti, 2001). As recently as 2003, the "Halloween Storms"
interrupted Global Positioning System (GPS) services, caused High-Frequency (HF) radio
blackouts, induced powerful currents that required power stations and nuclear power plants in
Canada and the Northeastern United States to take emergency protective measures (National
Academy of Sciences, 2008), and destroyed several large electrical power transformers in South
Africa (Gaunt & Coetzee, 2007).
Executive Summary
Most space weather events do not significantly impact FEMA's operations or readiness, nor are
their effects noticeable to U.S. communities. Communications disruptions, reductions in GPS
reliability, and power blackouts- when they occur- generally last for minutes or hours.
However, low-frequency, high-consequence events like the Carrington-Hodgson superstorm of
1859 or the Great Storm of 1921 have the potential for catastrophic impact on our nation and
FEMA's ability to respond.
Solar superstorms cannot be predicted, but the conditions that give rise to them can be foreseen.
Their impact on FEMA' s ability to maintain internal command, control, and communications
(C3) and external critical communications can be mitigated. This paper recreates the 1859 event
today using the latest research to explain and understand: 1) The nature and effects of radio
blackouts, solar radiation storms, and geomagnetic storms; 2) their potential for cascading effects
on global power and telecommunications systems; and, 3) the implications for FEMA-based on
the July 25, 2007 National Communications System Directive 3-10, "Minimum Requirements
for Continuity Communications Capabilities"- in planning for and responding to such an event.
It concludes with specific recommendations for maintaining FEMA C3 and critical
communications with external partners throughout all phases of a superstorm.
The timeline for this scenario is adapted with permission from a briefing by William "Bill"
Murtagh of the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) in Boulder, Colorado.
The Scenario
1) Be launched from near the center of the Sun onto a trajectory that will cause it to impact
Earth's magnetic field;
2) Be fast (2:1000 kilometers/second) and massive, thus possessing large kinetic energy; and
3) Have a strong magnetic field whose orientation is opposite that of Earth's.
By this definition, the Carrington-Hodgson event was a perfect storm, " the maximum of
maximums," and serves as the model for the scenario used in this paper. Typically, the sun can
produce three primary types of space weather events- radio blackouts, solar radiation storms,
and geomagnetic storms-that each have specific effects on communications and power systems.
The Carrington-Hodgson event combined all three primary types of space weather.
A very large, complex sunspot group emerges near the solar
o Complex magnetic fields produce frequent solar flares
o May also produce solar radiation storms or trigger
coronal mass ejections (resulting in geomagnetic storms)
Note: Large equatorial sunspot groups are worrisome because their
massive eruptions are more likely to be aimed at the Earth
SOHO images of sunspot group courtesy of NASA
G Minus 4 Days G Minus 3 Days G Minus 2 Days G Minus l Day
HF radio communications may be disrupted for periods of minutes up to hours per flare.
Note: FEMA does not use HF in normal operations except for testing.
GPS disruptions may last from seconds to 15 minutes and should not significantly impact
FEMA's mission
Microwave radiation can also interfere with some communications satellites that operate in the
microwave bands, and GPS location signals may be degraded or disrupted for periods up to
fifteen minutes (W. Murtagh, personal communication, November 10, 2010).
Shortly after the sunspot group is observed, the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center issues a
space weather forecast of high solar activity with an 80% probability of an R4 or greater radio
blackout event (see Appendix A) (NOAA, 2010).
Over the next several days, Earth is struck by multiple Rl (minor) - R3 (strong) events. HF
communications are blacked out for periods of minutes to hours on the daylight side of the planet
per event. Though FEMA does not use HF during normal operations, these radio blackouts may
affect the FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) and FEMA's Mobile Emergency Response
Support (MERS) during testing, exercises, and disasters where HF voice and HF Automatic Link
Establishment (ALE) are being used. HF disruptions may also affect FEMA's partners at all
levels, specifically state and local emergency management organizations that rely on amateur HF
for incident operations support. All FEMA personnel may experience minor GPS disruptions, but
these should not significantly impact FEMA's mission.
Massive solar flare erupts above near-center-disk sunspot
o Releases intense radiation at the speed of light across the
entire electromagnetic spectrum
o Launches a solar radiation storm, a cloud of high-energy
protons and other particles at near-relativistic speeds
o Triggers colossal, fast moving CME
Image of flare and coronal mass ej ect.ion courtesy of NASA
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Dayside HF communications not possible for next 17 hours. HF ground wave possible
up to 10-60 miles (FNARS, MERS).
During periods of radio blackouts, several assets are available to maintain C3; however,
satellite-based systems have only :::::20 minutes before the arrival of the solar radiation
storm in this scenario.
GPS disru tions ma im act FEMA's mission
The first indication of the coming superstorm is the arrival of the RS (extreme) radio blackout
event (Table 2). Traveling at the speed of light, it arrives without warning. X-ray and ultra-
violet radiation strike the ionosphere, causing a complete HF radio blackout on the daylight side
of Earth with possible spread to the night side (NOAA, 2010). Simultaneously, solar radiation at
microwave frequencies causes noise in communications satellite transmissions and OPS signals,
a form of "natural j amming" (W. Murtagh, personal communication, November 10, 2010).
Solar radiation storm arrives at Earth
o ;:::: IS% of satellite fleet lost due to solar panel damage
o ;::::SO times normal satellite "anomaly" rate ranging from
single event upsets (generally minor) to complete loss of
o Loss of OPS satellites below required 24 possible
Image of 2003 " Halloween" solar radiation storm impact at SOHO courtesy of NASA
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Twenty minutes after the radio blackout event, the solar radiation storm arrives (Table 3).
Showers of energetic protons, electrons, and other particles accelerated to near-relativistic speeds
damage the solar panels which provide power to satellites and can cause "anomalies" from minor
electrical system upsets and command failures to complete loss of the satellite (Odenwald,
Green, & Taylor, 2005).
Typically, solar and cosmic radiation decreases the efficiency of the solar panels that power
satellites by 2% per year at geosynchronous orbit (GEO) and 5% per year at mid-earth orbit
(MEO) (Odenwald et al., 2005). Satellites are generally designed with a 30-50% power margin
of safety and can remain fully functional until they reach 30% power, allowing for a planned
lifetime of 15 years for GEO and 10 years for MEO satellites (Odenwald et al., 2005). Although
"[low-earth orbit (LEO)] satellites are considerably less vulnerable to [solar proton events] and
solar panel degradation," they "may experience large increases in total radiation dosage and
reduction in lifetime" (Odenwald et al., 2005). The solar radiation superstorm adds 3-5 years
worth of exposure to solar panels, degrading many older satellites below their minimum
operating power and resulting in a loss of approximately 15% of the satellite fleet and premature
aging of the remaining satellites (Odenwald et al., 2005).
This scenario is particularly troublesome for the GPS network over the next few years. The
Global Positioning System constellation provides location and timing informatio n for users
worldwide and requires a minimum of 24 MEO satellites to provide complete global coverage
(GAO, 2010). The cun-ent GPS fleet consists of 30 operational Block IIA and Block IIR
satellites with designed lifetimes of 7.5 and 7.8 years respectively (GAO, 2010 & USNO, 2010).
The last IIA satellite was launched in 1997, thus all 11 surviving IIA satellites are well past their
designed lifetimes (USNO, 2010). The IIR satellites began launching in 1997 and 6 of the 19 are
now beyond their designed lifetime (USNO, 2010). The first of a new series of GPS satellites,
the Block IIF, launched in May of 2010 and is undergoing orbital testing before additional
satellites are launched to replace the aging fleet, but the program is already three and half years
behind schedule (GAO, 2010). Even without a solar superstonn impact, "DOD predicts that
over the next several years many of the older satellites in the constellation will reach the end of
their operational life faster than they will be replenished" (GAO, 2010). Based on current launch
schedules, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported in September of 2010 that the
GPS network could fall to 25 usable satellites by the end of 2012 and 24 satellites by late 2014,
provided there are no further program delays. Again, this is without the impact of a solar
superstorm. Should such a storm occur, " ... there is also the possibility that a number of the
older GPS satellites may fail so that the full complement of 24 satellites needed to operate the
network will be unavailable ... It may take months or years to restore the GPS system to full
operating status" (Odenwald et al., 2005). The solar maximum in 2013 comes at a time when the
GPS network will be at its most vulnerable.
Should the network fall below the required 24 satellites, position information "may not be
available for portions of the day when the requisite four to six satellites are not above the horizon
for specific geographic locations" (Odenwald et al., 2005). This could mean that E9 l l GPS
location data for mobile phones, normally provided to 911 operators, may not be available. Loss
of GPS timing could also cause some cellular towers to go into "island mode" where they are
unable to hand off calls from one cell tower to another, resulting in dropped calls for users
moving between tower coverage areas (C. Obreg, personal communication, December 10, 2010).
The SWPC issues an SS (extreme) solar radiation storm alert (NOAA, 2010).
FEMA Impact
HF voice and HF ALE communications on the dayli ght side of the planet (with possible spread
to the night side) will be essentially unusable during this period due to impact on the ionosphere
from the radio blackout event and ionospheric disturbances at higher latitudes from the solar
radiation storm (NOAA, 2010). HF ground wave may be possible out to a range of 10-60 miles.
HF is a backup system in normal FEMA operations but this could impact disaster operations
where HF is being used (FNARS, MERS).
Cellular callers in transit may experience dropped calls, but stationary callers should not be
effected (C. Obreg, personal communication, December 10, 2010). Commercial providers of
telecommunications, cable, and terrestrial broadcast should not experience significant outages
during this phase of the storm. Excess capacity in the GEO communications satellite fleet and
high reliance on terrestrial fiber optic networks in the U.S. should allow for rapid rerouting of
commercial voice and data traffic (Comm ISAC, personal communication, November 8, 2010).
While GPS is not a critical component of FEMA operations, many FEMA employees rely on
GPS for travel and facility or customer location information. Further, many of FEMA's
customers and government and private sector partners rely on GPS. Even without loss of GPS
satellites, GPS receivers may lose lock or experience significant position errors (Odenwald et al.,
CME arrives at NASA ACE satellite
o CME interplanetary magnetic field has southward
orientation, which drives strongest geomagnetic storms
o Fast moving CME is now only : : : 15 minutes from Earth
The NASA Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) satellite possesses the only real-time space-
based instrument capable of determining the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) orientation of a
CME. The magnetic orientation of a CME determines its impact at Earth. It can be in any
direction and often changes in different parts of the plasma cloud (Koskinen & Huttunen, 2006).
Like a bar magnet, two poles of the same polarity will repel and two poles of opposite polarity
will attract. The Earth's magnetic field will repel a northward oriented IMF and attract-or
"couple with"- a southward oriented IMF; therefore, a CME with a south magnetic orientation
drives the strongest geomagnetic storms (Koskinen & Huttunen, 2006). Typically, ACE can
provide about a one hour warning (NASA, 2008). However, the 1859 CME traveled faster than
"normal" storms. A repeat of the 1859 event, therefore, would arrive at ACE approximately 15
minutes before striking the Earth (Table 4) (W. Murtagh, personal communication, November
10, 2010). This provides a very narrow window for warnings and notifications.
Catastrophe arrives with a spectacular celestial show. From Canada to the Caribbean, Sweden to
the Middle East, Australia to Southern Africa, nighttime skies light up with beautiful red aurora
shot with spears of white light (Green et al., 2005).
Table S: 0 Hour
CME arrives at Earth causing geomagnetic storm
o GEO satellites on daylight side exposed to solar plasma
o Some satellite communications and GPS signals
severely disrupted due to scintillation in ionosphere
o HF systems may work due to increased ionization at
ionosphere F Layer
o Significant power grid collapses may occur in North
America and elsewhere; could require 4-1 0 years to
fully restore
o "Last mile" telecommunications lost where no backup
power available (e.g. cable, VoIP, data networks, etc.)
Image of CME impact on Earth's magnetic field courtesy of NASA
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BGAN, MSAT G2, Iridium, and Globalstar satellite communications may be severely
disrupted due to scintillation in the ionosphere- (IMAT, MERS, US&R).
Ku- and C-band satellite communications may be disrupted due to GEO satellite service
loss; surviving Ku- and C- Band systems less effected by scintillation.
HF communications may be possible but spotty on daylight side (FNARS, MERS).
Commercial land line networks should remain operational with temporary disruptions -
with exception of ''last mile" communications (i.e. VoIP, cable broadband), which could
fail immediately without local power
Some cellular network degradation probable
FEMA UHF Command and Control radio net should remain operational.
CWlN should remai n operational if "last mile" power available.
Severe GPS disruption.
The physical shock of the fast moving CME shakes the entire magnetosphere as it strikes (Table
5). "If the IMF ahead of a fast [interplanetary] CME already has a southward component, the
shock increases it typically by a factor of 3-4" (Koskinen & Huttunen, 2006). This shock
"pushes the dayside magnetopause from its nominal distance of about 10 [earth radii] inside the
geostationary orbit at 6.6 [earth radii]" thus exposing GEO satellites on the daylight side of the
planet directly to the solar plasma (Pulkkinen, 2007). For individual satellites exposed to" ...
hot, tenuous plasmas ... Differential charging of spacecraft surfaces can lead to harmful
discharges, which introduce noise ... [or] cause physical damage" (Pulkkinen, 2007). Thus,
additional satellite anomalies, to include loss of satellites, may be assumed for the daylight-side
GEO satellite fleet, but no statistical data exists to suggest the extent of the potential damage for
an event of this magnitude.
The southward magnetic orientation of the CME allows the solar plasma to perturb the
magnetosphere, creating immense currents called "electrojets" in the ionosphere. These currents,
which can exceed one million amps, cause scintillation-variations of amplitude, phase,
polarization, and angle-of-arrival of signals-which can become "so severe that they represent a
practical limitation for communication systems" (Lanzerotti, 2001). "As the signals propagate
through the ionosphere, they are refracted and slowed especially when they traverse regions of
intense auroral currents" (Pulkkinen, 2007). Scintillation can degrade or even prevent signals to
and from satellites for 12-24 hours (W. Murtagh, personal communication, November 10, 2010).
Radio Frequency (RF) communications that rely on reflection from the ionosphere (Figure 7)
may also be effected by scintillation. Counter intuitively, HF communications ("short wave" in
the diagram) may actually be helped during this period due to enhancement of the ionosphere F
Layer that could improve reflectivity,
though HF will remain spotty for 1-2
more days (W. Murtagh, personal
communication, November 10, 2010).
Military and emergency management
agencies that use VHF or ultra-high
frequency (UHF) sky wave
communications could also
experience severe disruption. FEMA
does not use these types of
communications. Ground wave HF
and line-of-sight VHF, UHF, and
microwave communications may
experience increased noise but should
otherwise operate normally. Figure 7: Radio Wave Propagation
Image courtesy of Windows to the Universe
Shocks to the magnetosphere and large voltage potential differences induced on the Earth's
surface from electrojets (Figure 8) cause geomagnetically-induced currents (Lanzerotti, 2001).
Geomagnetically-induced currents (GICs) are quasi-DC currents that can affect power systems at
all latitudes, affect many power transformers simultaneously at multiple points across regional
and continental scale networks (Thomson et al., 2010), and can reach in excess of 2000 amps
(Pulkkinen, Pirjola, & Viljanen, 2008). Long-distance transmission lines, pipelines, and
undersea cables typically have low resistances (NERC, 2010). Current induced in the Earth
seeks the path of least resistance
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and enters power systems through
same ground connections that
~, ~
,., , , , ~ ~ ; ,' ' ,..,. ; : normally protect power systems
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Reliability Corporation (NERC), in conjunction with the Department of Energy, warned that
"Geomagnetic storms . .. not only can develop rapidly but also have continental footprints that
can result in widespread, simultaneous impact to many points on the system. The system is not
designed to operate through the simultaneous loss of many key assets .... " Power grids around
the world rely on extra-high voltage (EHV) custom-built transformers for power transmission.
In an extreme geomagnetic storm, the 2010 NERC report estimates-based on the scenario in
Figure 9- that :::::350 EHV transformers in the United States "will exceed levels where the
transformer is at risk of irreparable damage," collapsing large portions of the power grid. "These
multi-ton apparatus generally cannot be repaired in the field, and if damaged in this manner, they
need to be replaced with new units, which have manufacture lead times of 12 months or more"
(National Academy of Sciences, 2008). Full recovery could take 4-10 years (National Academy
of Sciences, 2008).
The actual impact on the power grid will depend on the location of the electrojet relative to
North America. Figure 9 shows the projected impact on the U.S. power grid based on an
electrojet at 50 degrees north latitude with the main effect over the Atlantic Coast. Figure 10
shows the same electrojet at 45 degrees north latitude. In the scenario in Figure 10, :::::600 ERV
transformers could be at risk (J. Greenhill, personal communication, December 10, 2010).
Neither figure accounts for cascading effects due to voltage regulation problems on the
remaining portions of the power grid; therefore, the actual impacted areas will be larger than
shown (Kappenman, Warner, & Radasky, 2007). Power system collapse can occur in less than
one minute (NERC, 2010).
Areas of Probable
Impacted Regions involve
Power System
Collapse population of > 130 Million
Figure 9: 100 Year Geomagnetic Storm Impact on the North American Power Grid
Electrojet at SO degrees north latitude with main effect over Atlantic Coast
Image courtesy of NASA, Original by Metatech Corp
Figure 10: 100 Year Geomagnetic Storm Impact on the North American Power Grid
Electrojet at 45 degrees north latitude with main effect over Atlantic Coast
Image courtesy of Metatech Corp
Last mile communications encompasses all connections from a telephone or cable central
office-or from the communications satellite for satellite service providers-to the end user.
Traditionally, homes and offices received service over a copper "Plain Old Telephone Service"
(POTS) line that received power directly from the central office. Even if power was lost in the
home or office, such lines and the traditional telephones attached to them would still operate.
That architecture is becoming less common, especially in urban and suburban areas (Bowen &
Underhill, 2010). Today, fiber and coaxial cables, which do not provide power, are used in part
or all of the links from the central office to the home or office, and often pass through local
distribution nodes (Table 6) that also require power (Bowen & Underhill, 2010).
Home and office users who receive their cable, internet, and phone services from a broadband
service provider must have local power available to operate wireless phones, Voice-over-
lnternet-Protocol (VoIP) phones, and cable or satellite phone and internet modems.
Uninterruptable power supplies, if installed, can supply power for 10-45 minutes to computers
and electronics. Some moderns have battery power that can last from 2-8 hours. Cable and
telecommunications distribution nodes generally have backup battery power for 8-24 hours
(Bowen & Underhill, 2010).
Any end-user communications device or local distribution node that relies on local power will
not operate once primary and backup power is lost.
1 - Immediate loss of service when power fails 2 - Loss of service after 2-8 hours without power
Cc:nrrnl Otlicc Central Otlicc
"POTS" line
3 - Loss of service after 8-24 hours without power 4 - Loss of service after 1-8+ days (Scenario)
Cc:nrrnl Otlicc
"POTS" line
As previously mentioned, low earth orbiting communications satellites may have a higher
probability of survivi ng an extreme solar weather event and remaining operational. The two
primary providers of LEO satellite voice and data services are Iridium and Globalstar.
The Iridium constellation consists of 66 LEO satellites with 6 in-orbit and 9 on-ground spare
satellites (Iridium, 2010). Iridium satellites are cross-linked in orbit providing users with voice
and low-bandwidth data communications from one Iridium device to another Iridium device
without touching the PSN (Iridium, 2010). Users are authenticated at either the gateway in
Arizona (commercial users) or Hawaii (Department of Defense). Links to the PSN allow Iridium
users to connect to anyone on the PSN (Iridium, 2010).
The Globalstar constellation consists of 48 LEO satellites with 8 in-orbit spares (Crystal
Communications, 2007). Current generation Globalstar satellites are "bent-pipe" repeaters
without satellite cross-linking, thus voice and low-bandwidth data services rely on ground
stations connected to the PSN to complete calls (Crystal Communications, 2007).
FEMA Impact
Any FEMA employee using devices that are not connected to backup power when power fails
will lose service on those devices. For example, assuming the power grid collapses as shown in
Figures 9 or 10, FEMA headquarters will lose commercial power. A backup generator will start
that will supply power to IT network server racks, to the UHF FEMA Command and Control
(C2) net radio repeater on the roof, and to the National Response Coordination Center (NRCC)
on the Mezzanine Level. All other users in FEMA headquarters will immediately lose power for
their VoIP desk phones and for their computers if not on battery (laptops) or backup power
(UPS). This will also impact FEMA employees in their homes who rely on broadband internet
and phone services.
The NRCC has backup power for approximately 12 hours. Mount Weather and the MERS
Detachments have extensive backup generator power and fuel stores. FEMA Regional Offices
collocated with Federal Regional Center (FRC) bunkers have backup generators and bulk fuel
storage for the FRCs. FEMA Regional Offices not collocated with MERS or an FRC have
varying degrees of backup generator power, fuel stores, and service to their offices.
At the outset of the power failure, FEMA employees may still have voice and data
communications via cell phones, smart phones (e.g. Blackberry, etc.), and laptops on battery
power using tethered smart phones or air cards. However, this event will likely cause rapid and
severe congestion on the cellular infrastructure and Public Switched Network (PSN), potentially
rendering voice and data services inoperable for hours or longer. Cell phones and smart phones
with Wireless Priority Service (WPS) will have a greater probability of making successful voice
calls in this environment, though cellular users in transit may experience dropped calls. WPS
does not apply to data services. SMS texting may have a greater probability of success than
voice or email. Those FEMA employees with access to POTS lines and traditional (not wireless
or VoIP) telephones may still have voice connectivity, and use of Government Emergency
Telecommunications Service (GETS) cards should improve their chance of completing a call.
The FEMA UHF C2 net should remain fully operational during this phase of the storm. HF
communications (FNARS, MERS) may be possible during this period but should not be relied
upon except as a last resort. HF ALE, which automatically seeks usable HF frequencies under
changing ionospheric conditions, may prove more reliable than traditional HF voice
During this phase of the storm, BOAN (lnmarsat), MSAT 02 (LightSquared), Iridium, and
Globalstar L-band satellite communications may be severely disrupted due to scintillation in the
ionosphere (W. Murtagh, personal communication, December 14, 2010). Higher-frequency C-
band and Ku-band satellite communications (On Call Communications and iDirect) are less
impacted by scintillation and may operate if satellite service is available (W. Murtagh, personal
communication, December 14, 2010).
The DHS Critical Infrastructure Warning Information Network (CWIN) should also remain
operational. CWIN provides a critical, survivable network that connects DHS to other Federal
Departments & Agencies (to include FEMA), State Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs), and
core critical infrastructure owners and operators. It does not connect to the public Internet, the
PSN, or any other public or private network, but it does rely on privately-leased lines from
AT&T central offices.
Severe GPS disruptions continue throughout this period and could impact FEMA' s mission.
Loss of power begins to effect critical systems
o Battery backup fails in homes and facilities
o Nu merous cellular towers begin to fai l
o Small central offices and larger central offices without
water begin to fail
o HF communications intermittent for next three days
Image of power lines at sunrise cour tesy of NASA
NOAA SWPC Action Solar Activity Forecast: High, 80% probability of::: R4 events
Earth is struck by multiple R l (minor) - R4 (strong) radio
Scenario blackout events.
This scenario assumes si nifi cant loss of satellite resources
Warnin Time None
Duration ;:::;48-72 hours
FEMA Impact
Basic Connectivit
Data Networks and
Telephone/Fax Email Video Backup
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BOAN, MSAT, and Ku- and C-band communications may be disrupted due to satellite
service loss - (IMAT, MERS, US&R, & Emergency Management at all levels).
Iridium and Globalstar satellite networks may have service.
HF communications intermittent but improving (FNARS, MERS).
FEMA UHF Command and Control radio net should remain operational.
CWIN should remain operational.
Severe GPS disru tion could im act FEMA's mission.
The impact of the geomagnetic storm is a catastrophe in slow motion. Within the first few hours,
UPS and battery backup fails in homes and offices, rendering any end-user communications
devices attached to them inoperable. This can also affect the ability to charge cell phone and
laptop batteries. As time progresses without power, more critical systems begin to fail (Table 7).
The terrestrial telecommunications infrastructure is heavily shielded and filtered and should not
be significantly impacted by GICs (Comm ISAC, personal communication, November 8, 2010).
However, the critical dependency of the telecommunications industry on power will have
immediate and cascading effects that will degrade communications.
The core of the telecommunications infrastructure relies on several types of electronic switches
and servers that are physically housed in facilities called "central offices." A central office (CO)
may house equipment for several telecommunications service providers regardless of the owner
of the building (i.e. an AT&T building may contain Verizon, Sprint, Qwest, and local carrier
equipment) (Bowen & Underhill, 2010). Switches and distribution equipment can also be
housed in local buildings and distribution nodes that feed service from a CO to local users
(Bowen & Underhill, 2010).
A central office has filtered ventilation and air-conditioning systems to keep out dust and
contaminants, and requires air conditioning to prevent overheating and failure of the critical
network switches. Without air conditioning, equipment in a large CO will overheat and fail in
approximately 6-8 hours, while smaller COs with less equipment should last longer (Comm
ISAC, personal communication, November 8, 2010). Large air conditioning units generally
cannot run on battery power and many require water for cooling, thus they require generator
backup power and a source of water for chillers (Comm ISAC, personal communication,
November 8, 2010).
Telecommunications service providers maintain their own, independent levels of reserve battery
power, stationary and portable generators, and fuel storage in the event of power outages (NCS,
personal communication, March 8, 2010). Most central offices in the U.S. have backup
generators and fuel for approximately 1-9 days with larger COs generally having larger fuel
stores (Comm ISAC, personal communication, November 8, 2010). A very small number of
smaller central offices do not have generator backup power.
Approximately 60% of the cellular towers in the U.S. have battery backup only for 2-24 hours.
As these towers lose power, large portions of the cellular network will begin to fail. Urban and
populated suburban areas are more likely to have cell towers with generator backup with fuel
reserves ranging from 1-7 days, depending on location and equipment owner.
All FEMA employees, partner agencies, and customers will lose communications from any end-
user device not connected to generator or other long-term backup power (i.e. solar, wind, etc.)
within the first 24 hours following the collapse of the power grid. Individuals without long-term
backup power will not be able to recharge phones or portable computers.
Cellular networks will be impacted as backup power (battery and small generator) at cell towers
fails. Without refueling and/or backup generators or alternative power sources, all cell towers
will eventually fail. Availability of power for tower equipment will also impact public safety
radio for the same reasons. Additionally, increased call traffic on shrinking cell tower footp1ints
may increase congestion and call blocking, making the use of WPS and GETS even more critical
for voice calls (Comm ISAC, personal communication, December 13, 2010).
Failure of smaller central offices or remote switches may effect some FEMA employees,
especially in rnral areas, but should not have a significant impact on FEMA' s overall operations.
Shutdown of larger central offices due to lack of power or water for NC units could impact the
PSN on a national or regional basis, but rerouting of network traffic by commercial providers
should minimize or localize this impact (Comm ISAC, personal communication, November 8,
CWIN should remain operational during this period provided end users have power for their last
mile communications.
HF communications will continue to suffer periods of radio blackout for the next few days, but
conditions for HF voice and HF ALE should steadily improve. FEMA's nationwide C2 UHF
radio network relies on the PSN and may be effected by the network degradation and loss of
service previously mentioned. Local area HF ground wave, VHF, UHF, and microwave line-of-
sight will be operable during this period provided power is available.
FEMA primarily relies on Iridium for LEO satellite non-secure and secure voice
communications as the Iridium network is considered more robust. The current Iridium satellite
constellation is aging and the impact of this scenario on the network is unknown. Iridium
currently has 6 in-orbit spares, and predictions of lower radiation exposure and fewer anomalies
at LEO suggest the Iridium constellation should remain available. As ionospheric scintillation
decreases, non-secure and secure Iridium-to-Iridium voice calls should be possible. lridium-to-
PSN calls will be subject to the status of the PSN at the time of the call attempt.
GEO communications satellite services may experience significant degradation and loss, but the
satellite services that FEMA uses may still be available or may become available as ground
controllers correct or mitigate satellite damage. Satellite services should be tested at the earliest
opportunity and regularly after that to determine availability. MERS has the capability to make
VSAT-to-VSAT calls independent of the PSN.
Extended loss of power and breakdown of distribution
o Widespread failure of central offices, loss of PSN
o Widespread failure of operations centers
o Cascading effects throughout critical infrastructure
Most critical infrastructure and operations centers can operate for approximately 3-7 days on
generator backup without refueling, with larger centers averaging 7 days. Government and
private sector emergency managers operate on the assumption that fuel contracts and pre-
arranged fuel deliveries will be available after 7 days. This may not be a safe assumption in an
extreme solar weather event.
"Loss of key infrastructure for extended periods due to the cascading effects from a space
weather event (or other disturbance) could lead to a lack of food, given low inventories and
reliance on just-in-time delivery, loss of basic transportation, inability to pump fuel, and loss of
refrigeration" (National Academy of Sciences, 2008). Cascading losses throughout the complex
and highly interdependent technological systems that our society relies on for food, water, fuel ,
billing, contracting, and transportation may become unreliable or breakdown completely.
Without resupply, the infrastructure that supports the PSN will eventually fail. Further,
operations centers that support satellite operations will also fail without resupply. Finally, while
not within the scope of this white paper, family and societal pressure could impact the
availability of personnel to maintain critical systems.
Loss of the PSN will have severe consequences for FEMA C3 and critical communications to
external partners and customers. Even if power is available to FEMA- and eventually DHS-
data centers, it may not be possible for users to connect, rendering FEMA and DHS computer
networks unavail able. If satellite services are lost in conjunction with loss of the PSN, no path of
sufficient bandwidth will remain to maintain the viability of FEMA' s IT enterprise network
across the nation.
CWIN relies on the same central offices that support the PSN, thus loss of central offices would
also result in loss of CWIN.
Landline and cellular wireless voice and data services will not be available. Broadband internet
services will not be available.
Iridium and other satellite providers will lose operations centers if not resupplied, resulting in the
eventual loss of satellite communications through loss of data centers and ground control
In the worst-case scenario, the following systems will be usable if local power is available:
HF and HF ALE for voice and low-bandwidth non-secure and secure nationwide
communications (MERS, FNARS).
Local VHF, UHF, and microwave line-of-sight voice communications (5-80 miles
depending on system and setup) (MERS).
While this scenario presents the "worst case" scenario based on the Carrington-Hodgson
superstorm of September 1-2, 1859, it is not the "maximum of maximums" in the truest sense.
Scientific literature and research has focused on the September 1-2 storm, the largest in the last
500 years, but what is often missed is the superstorm four days earlier on August 28-29. The
1859 event actually consisted of two perfect storms separated by four days. This is logical. It
takes approximately 14 days for a large, complex sunspot group to traverse the visible disk of the
sun. During that time, multiple flares and coronal mass ejections can occur. The damage from
multiple storms could be far worse than the damage from a single storm.
How often do these events occur? According to the NOAA SWPC, there are on average 4 05
geomagnetic storms per solar cycle. The 1859 Carrington-Hodgson event is the strongest on
record in the approximately 500 years of data that is available. Anecdotal observational records
of low-latitude red aurora hint that the largest events may occur roughly every 500-600 years
(Silverman, 2005). However, events strong enough to severely impact modern systems may
occur as frequently as once in 100 years (Kappenman et al., 2007). Indeed two storms, 1859 and
1921 , were of sufficient strength that their repeat today could cause large-scale power grid
collapse. Further, the March 13, 1989 storm that collapsed the Hydro Quebec power grid in
Canada came within seconds of collapsing the Northeast and northern Midwest U.S. power grid
(Kappenman, 2005). Kappenman (2005) reports that "the size and intensity of this Westward
Electrojet structure, had it developed 5- 7 h later, would have extended from east coast to west
coast of the entire northern-latitude portions of the US power grid, and is likely to have produced
much more significant consequential impacts ... ." It should be noted that the power grid, due to
deregulation since 1989, is actually more vulnerable today (National Academy of Sciences,
The next solar maximum will occur in 2013 and is expected to be the smallest cycle maximum
since the 1930s (SWPC, personal communication, December 13, 2010). The largest solar
superst01ms have occurred in less active solar cycles, though less active cycles do not imply
greater storms. The GPS fleet of satellites will be at its most vulnerable between 2012 and 2014
(assuming no further slips in the program schedule). The threat is real.
FEMA, in conjunction with the NOAA SWPC, has already taken the first step toward preparing
for a solar superstorm. In 2010, FEMA adopted a solar alert and warning system for FEMA's
network of operations, watch, and coordination centers using threat specific notification
protocols and plain language messaging. As presented in the scenario, FEMA' s current
redundant and resrnent means and mode of communications should allow for a minimum of non-
secure and secure voice and low-bandwidth data communications during all phases of an
extreme solar weather event. Large bandwidth data and VTC capabilities may be compromised
depending on the exact incident scenario. FEMA can take steps to mitigate these risks:
Course of Action (COA) 1: Build a survivable fiber optic network between FEMA
headquarters, Mount Weather, 6 MERS Detachments, and "non-hosted" FEMA Regional
Most Survivable
Advantages FEMA owned and operated
T-1 or better bandwidth
Cost to build(:: : : $ 100,000 per mile)::::::: $1 Billion
Disadvantages Cost to operate and maintain (not scoped)
Years to build
COA 2: Lease a survivable fiber optic network between FEMA headquarters, Mount
Weather, 6 MERS Detachments, and "non-hosted" FEMA Regional Offices.
COA 3: Use CWIN which already has a presence at FEMA headquarters, Mount
Weather, and 6 MERS Detachments. (Recommended)
Note: It would be possible to obtain all key node locations that support CWIN network
and potentially determine key node long-term support and resupply requirements.
Note: MERS already uses iDirect as a secondary vendor to provide "dirty" internet. It
may also be possible to partner with DoD.
Least expensive
Advantages No change in procurement requirements
GPS important but not essential to FEMA's mission
Greater chance for interference during normal space weather
Greater likelihood of position errors during normal space weather
Multiple vendors
Next generation will have high-speed data
Relies on ground stations and PSN to connect calls
Disadvantages Not global coverage
Satellites more vulnerable to space weather
HF Communications:
COA 2: Reinvigorate the FNARS program and MERS HF through equipment upgrades,
long-term maintenance program, radio operation procedures, and operator training
A repeat of the I 859 Carrington-Hodgson event could be catastrophic, but FEMA can maintain
some measure of command, control, and communications during and after the event with
existing capabilities. Those capabilities could also be extended to partner agencies and
customers with similar capabilities, which is especially trne for HF voice communications. The
recommendations presented above, if adopted, would improve FEMA's C3 survivability,
particularly in the area of data communications.
Every FEMA employee will be affected. Knowing what communications systems will work or
may work at different phases of an extreme solar weather event, and the order and progression of
cascading effects will serve as a guide for planning efforts, education, and outreach within
FEMA and to partner agencies.
The author would like to thank William ("Bill") Murtagh, the Program Coordinator for NOAA's
Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, CO, and his staff for their assistance with space
weather physics and effects on communications, and especially for the scenario timeline used in
this paper. The author would also like to thank the members of the Communications
Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center (Comm ISAC), the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC), and Kevin Briggs of the National Communications
System (NCS) for their assistance in understanding the effects of extreme solar weather on the
telecommunications industry. Finally, the author is indebted to the communications technicians
of FEMA's own Mobile Emergency Response Support (MERS) Detachment in Denver, CO, for
understanding the challenges and potential solutions for HF and satellite communications.
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of Solar Weather Im act on Current FEMA Communications
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Sunspots: Dar k spots that are transient and contains concentrated magnetic fields t hat
fo rm and dissipate over days or weeks
Solar Cycle: A 11-year period between maxima (or minima) of solar activity
Solar Flare: Intense, temporary release of energy from the Sun equivalent to a hundred
mil lion hydrogen bombs.
Geomagnetic Storm: Gust in the solar wind, such as a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)
Coronal Mass Ejection (CME): A powerful geomagnetic storm that sends a h uge mass of
plasma (protons, neutrons) toward the Earth.
Sunspots are the most prominent visible feature on the Sun. It takes about 27
days for a sunspot to rotate around the Sun's surface.
Groups of sunspots are often the site of solar flares, though not all sunspots
produce solar flares.
The darkest area at the center of the sunspot is called the umbra and the
less-dark, striated area around the umbra is called the penumbra.
Solar flares are temporary releases of energy that are generally accompanied
by sunspots.
Over the past 300 years, the average number of sunspots has regularly
waxed and waned in an 11-year solar cycle.
The Sun is the source of all the Earth's energy and correlations can be drawn
between sunspot records and the Earth's climate.
---- --
~-- --
~'i'>.-_ ._ , Building a Weather-Ready
Radio blackouts are the most common space weather event to affect the
Earth (occurring, on average, over 2500 times during each solar cycle).
Since these bursts of radiation travel at the speed of light (Sun to Earth in 8
minutes), advance notice is not possible.
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It is challenging to predict which solar flares will affect GPS measurements.
Radiation storms can cause radiation levels above what the Earth's
atmosphere can protect us, mainly to astronauts and to a lesser degree
passengers on commercial jets at high latitudes (e.g. poles). Damage may
occur to satellites, radio communication in polar areas may be temporarily
SWPC uses the "S Scale" to warn about the severity of a Solar Radiation
Deep space missions have been used to assess radiation levels that may
affect future astronauts if they went to Mars.
Polar flights departing from North Americ<t use VHF (30.300 M H~I comm with Cariadi an f.TC,s. Flights
will continue using VHF with Arctic Radio, but soon switch t o HFl3-30 MH~I. SATCOM is 17onsilfereil
a backup during polar flights, but it is rarely avai ~ble above 82 degrees nol'th latitude.
Disruptions of HF communications and GPS over the polar latitudes mean
that planes often must be rerouted. This usually means higher costs for the
airlines and delays due to rerouting of flights.
Geomagnetic storms can reach the Earth anyway from 18 hours to 4 days
after leaving the Sun. These storms generally have a duration of 1-2 days.
SWPC uses the "G Scale" to warn about the severity of Geomagnetic Storms.
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) will distort the Earth's magnetic field.
,i ..
CMEs can cause power grid failures, creating energy blackouts.
- Signal errors
- Power reduction
Railroads depend on remote observation and manipulation of
sensors/switches to control railroad traffic.
' If rhe GPS data co/leaed a<e. not usable, due ro high solar activity levels, data must be
recolleaed and reprocessed. The financial and scheduling impaa on these operations is
signi/ic.ant, with costs in the SS0,000, to S200,000 to $1,000,000/day range.#
- FuqroGhance
..........._._ . ......,
Disturbances in the ionosphere can influence radio wave propagation,
degrading GPS ranging measurements.
Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) relies on GPS to provide
corrections for time to meet strict requirements for accuracy, availability and
integrity. In a magnetic storm, the performance can be degraded.
1859 Carrington-Hodgson superstorm was the large.st in the last 500 yea rs and such
storms appear to occur roughly every 500-600 years.
Destructivesuperstorms may occur roughly once in every 100 years. It has been 90
years since the "Great Storm" of 1921.
The North American Power Grid is v ulnerable but at least some electric utirity
providers are implementing mitigation and response measures.
1he ~n solQr mall'.imtun wt# ocwr Mi'2013 and is expee.ted to be the \veokest
cyde~ t~ 1930.S. 1he largest .so/qr st.ipt>tstorms Ito~ OWml #l le$S
aetM salaf~ (lMS actiW ~s doaot~ grt0t~storms)..
Technological advances in communication and power have made us
increasingly vulnerable to space weather.
Estimates for national economic recovery are between 4 and 10 ye.a rs.
Line-of-sight public safety and oommercial radio (HF, VHF, UHF, microwave) Will work
jf power can be supplied to systems and re<ieivers.
HF radio can provide oommunications over extended distances in the ab&enre of other
means, if power is available.
"'Loss of key infrastructure for extended periods due to the cascading effects from a
space weather event (or other disturbance) could lead to a lack o[food, given low
inventories and reliance on just- in-time delivery. loss of basic tronsportation, inability
to pumpJuel, arid loss of refrige[Otion" (National Academy of Sciet>Ges, 2008)
A major event could have significant effects on a large spatial and temporal
- Know what communications systems will work and when they will work. Know where
and how to get fuel, water, and other consumables.
- Educate the public to be prepared for all emergencie.s. Many solutions to extreme
solar weather also solve for other hazards.
To prepare for the various solar storms, communication needs to be
redundant and resilient. Develop plans on how and when communication
systems will work. Ensure that you have backup power that can run for
extended period of time.
Provide broad, ti mely space weather s ituational awareness across the agency
Answer the NSo what?" for potentia lly high-concern / high-impact events
- Use plain language messaging to briefly outline possible or probable
impacts; expected duration
FAOC- EmtoMOCs&Ww:ko;
S<!ld ~ ~-
NRCC- Hoti1'yPSsia
oistro HOC;~-.1',ge
SWPC disseminates information to the Midwest ISO (and others) to distribute
to key stakeholders
~'i'>.-_ ._ , Building a Weather-Ready Nation
SWPC operations 24/7/365 and issue alerts and warnings for the United
Geomagnetic Storms
- GScale
Radio Blackouts
- R-Scale
... ----
... - -
u -
http://www.swpc. no.gov/NOAA5a.les/
NOAA Space Weather Scales are 5-tiered scales for Geomagnetic Storms (G-
Scale), Solar Radiation Storms (S-Scale) and Radio Blackouts (A-Scale).
3-day forecast:
http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpd i r/latest/three day forecast. txt
Forecast discussion:
http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpd i r/latest/forecast discussion.txt
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The health of many technological systems around the globe will depend heavily on our
understanding of the space environment, and our ability to predict hazardous space
weather storms
The Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere protects us from most harmful
energy from the Sun.
Radio blackouts, solar radiation event and geomagnetic storms can have
significant impacts to large areas for extended periods of time.
Recovery from severe space weather events could take considerable time
and resources.