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Wikipedia has an article on: Germany

The Federal Republic of Germany, simply known as Germany, is a country in western Europe, and is the most populous country in the European Union (EU). Its capital and largest city is Berlin. The country is bordered by the Netherlands to the northwest, Belgium, Luxembourg and France to the west, Switzerland to the southwest, Austria to the southeast, Czech Republic and Poland to the east and Denmark to the north.

Germany uses the USK rating system to rate all Grand Theft Auto releases, with the majority of the series being rated USK 16+. Due to concerns over violent video games, most GTA games since Grand Theft Auto III have been edited for release in Germany. Some examples include: the removal of blood, pedestrians no longer dropping money when killed, no headshots, some missions removed, some weapons missing, and a lack of additional functionality.

References in the Grand Theft Auto Series[]


  • The MP5 is a sub machinegun made in Germany.
  • The Special Carbine is based on the H&K G36C, a rifle made in Germany and standard issue for the German army.
  • The PSG1 sniper rifle is supposed to be made in Germany.
  • The Grenade Launcher in EfLC is based on the HK69 Grenade Launcher.
  • The Advanced Sniper is based on the German DSR1.
  • The cut Assault MG is based on the HK21E, a German machine gun.
  • The WM 29 Pistol is based on a Heckler & Koch P7.
  • The G3A3, the Walther MPL and the HK94A3 appear on the Ammu-Nation's wall in San Andreas.

2D Universe[]

3D Universe[]

HD Universe[]

  • Karl Lagerfeld, a German fashion designer, appears as the DJ of K109 The Studio.
  • DJ Ruslana mentions Berlin on Vladivostok FM when talking about the ex-socialistic countries to the east of the capital.[1]
  • The Bowie knife from the TV show The Serrated Edge is stated to be German.
  • The clothing brand Hinterland's name is German for 'outback'.
  • There's a street in Little Italy, Algonquin called Ersatz Row. "Ersatz" is German for 'substitute'.
  • Bismarck Avenue in Algonquin, Liberty City, is named after Otto von Bismarck, the first chancellor of Imperial Germany.
  • The fictional beer brand Pißwasser is labeled: "cheap German lager, for export only" and wasser is German for 'water'. Germans generally prefer more bitter tasting and strongly-flavoured beers like Pilsner, so Lager is often mocked as "Pißwasser" in Germany.
  • Several pedestrians in GTA IV can be heard saying German phrases like "Scheiße!" (shit!), "Entschuldigung" (excuse me), "er hat eine Waffe" (he has a gun), "er will mich töten" (he wants to kill me), "was wollen Sie von mir?" (what do you want?), and "gehen Sie!" (go away!).
    • During the intro cutscene, one of Nikos fellow seamen shouts "Der amerikanische Traum" (the American dream) upon reaching American soil.
  • Dieter is a German man from Hanover that has an account on
  • The name of electronics company Meinmacht translates from German as "My power".
  • Several automotive manufacturers are German:
  • Ludendorff, a town in Grand Theft Auto V, has a German name.
  • Mervin Eskuchen, a most wanted criminal living in Berchem, is most likely German.
  • Joscha is an Epsilonist of German origin.
  • The name of gun manufacturer Vom Feuer translates from German as "From Fire".
  • The Jerry Can is of German origin, and has „Kraftstoff 20L - Feuergefährlich – 1939“ (Flammable fuel, 20L, 1939) inscribed on it.
  • The Grand Theft Auto V version of the Rhino is based on a German Leopard 2A4, even if the in-game description at Warstock Cache & Carry says it is "still manufactured in America".
  • The Tour Bus in GTA V have a German flag on the doors (upsidedown in old generation).
  • The Mallard is based on a Extra EA-300.
  • The LF-22 Starling is based on a Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet.
  • The San Andreas Flight School Update added a Germany Chute Bag in GTA Online.
  • Dixon is a real-life German DJ appearing in the After Hours update.
  • The Surname of Molly Schultz is of German and Jewish origin.
  • The Chernobog appears to be built for East Germany, as it has the German flag stripes along its sides and the red star typical for communist countries during the Cold War.
  • Keinemusik is a real life German music group that appears in The Cayo Perico Heist update.
  • The real-life German clothing brand Civilist also appears in The Cayo Perico Heist update.
  • Juan Strickler, a Colombian drug trafficker, had a German grandfather.
  • The Perico Pistol has markings that read "MIT OFFENEN ARMEN", which means "With Open Arms" in German.
  • The German flag can be added to the Kosatka in GTA Online.


  1. Go! Давай! You are listening to Vladivostok FM. Home of the great tracks from Ukraine and all points east of Berlin. Someone in Hove Beach send me some salo. You would love this, America, maybe. It's a great delicacy. Chocolate covered pig fat. I want you to get some bacon and cover it in chocolate. And be energy independed and listen to these great tracks. Be energy, be wild!

See Also[]


[ ve ]Countries in the Grand Theft Auto series
African countriesFlag of Angola Angola | Flag of Egypt Egypt | Flag of Ghana Ghana | Flag of Kenya Kenya | Flag of Mali Mali | Flag of Mauritania Mauritania | Flag of Morocco Morocco | Flag of Nigeria Nigeria | Flag of Somalia Somalia | Flag of South Africa South Africa | Flag of Sudan Sudan | wp:Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
Asian countriesFlag of Afghanistan Afghanistan | Flag of Bangladesh Bangladesh | Flag of Cambodia Cambodia | Flag of China China (Flag of Hong Kong Hong Kong) | Flag of India India | Flag of Indonesia Indonesia | linck=wp:Iran Iran | Flag of Iraq Iraq | Flag of Israel Israel | Flag of Japan Japan | Flag of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan | Flag of Lebanon Lebanon | Flag of Malaysia Malaysia | Flag of Mongolia Mongolia | Flag of Nepal Nepal | Flag of North Korea North Korea | Flag of Pakistan Pakistan | Flag of Palestine Palestine | Flag of the Philippines Philippines | Flag of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia | Flag of Singapore Singapore | Flag of South Korea South Korea | Flag of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka | Flag of Syria Syria | Flag of the Republic of China Taiwan | Flag of Thailand Thailand | Flag of the United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates | Flag of Vietnam Vietnam
European countriesFlag of Albania Albania | Flag of Austria Austria | Flag of Armenia Armenia | Flag of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan | Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina | Flag of Belarus  Belarus | Flag of Belgium Belgium | Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria | Flag of Croatia Croatia | Flag of the Czech Republic Czech Republic | Flag of Denmark Denmark | Flag of Finland Finland | Flag of France France | Flag of Germany Germany | Flag of Georgia Georgia | Flag of Greece Greece | Flag of Hungary Hungary | Flag of Iceland Iceland | Flag of Ireland Ireland | Flag of Italy Italy | Flag of Liechtenstein Liechtenstein |Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg | Flag of Malta Malta | Flag of Monaco Monaco | Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands | Flag of Norway Norway | Flag of Poland Poland | Flag of Portugal Portugal | Flag of Romania Romania | Flag of Russia Russia | Flag of Serbia Serbia | Flag of Slovakia Slovakia | Flag of Slovenia Slovenia | Flag of Spain Spain | Flag of Sweden Sweden | Flag of Switzerland Switzerland | Flag of Turkey Turkey | Flag of Ukraine Ukraine | Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom (Flag of Scotland Scotland | Flag of Wales Wales) | Flag of Vatican City Vatican City
North American countriesFlag of the Bahamas Bahamas | Flag of Canada Canada | Flag of Costa Rica Costa Rica | Flag of Cuba Cuba | Flag of the Dominican Republic Dominican Republic | Flag of El Salvador El Salvador | Flag of Guatemala Guatemala | Flag of Haiti Haiti | Flag of Honduras Honduras | Flag of Jamaica Jamaica | Flag of Mexico Mexico | Flag of Nicaragua Nicaragua | Flag of Panama Panama | Flag of the United States United States of America (Flag of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico)
South American countriesFlag of Argentina Argentina | Flag of Bolivia Bolivia | Flag of Brazil Brazil | Flag of Chile Chile | Flag of Colombia Colombia | Flag of Ecuador Ecuador | Flag of Paraguay Paraguay | Flag of Peru Peru | Flag of Uruguay Uruguay | Flag of Venezuela Venezuela
Oceanian countriesFlag of Australia Australia | Flag of New Zealand New Zealand | Flag of Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea | Flag of Samoa Samoa
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