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GTA Wiki

Auto Bahn is a large car importer and dealership that appears in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.


The dealership has two branches in Las Venturas near the Royal Casino and in Redsands East.

The company is likely to specialise in imported German cars, as its name is an obvious reference to the German freeway system; the Autobahn. In addition, its signage features the German flag and uses the Bauhaus typeface. The ad for the company can be found in the Official Strategy Guide.

The motto for the company is "Our stock don't need to be fed".

Auto Bahn is not accessible to the player, and plays no role in the storyline whatsoever.

Beta Content[]

This article or section contains information on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas beta content. It may feature speculation and/or unintentional misinformation.
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As seen in the official strategy guide and the LOD textures for the physical building, the dealership was originally named "Auto Barn", using a different font for its logo.

End of information pertaining to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas beta content.