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Wikipedia has an article on: Spain

The Kingdom of Spain, more commonly known simply as Spain, is a country situated in southwestern Europe. A member of the European Union since 1986, the country is bordered by Portugal to the west, and France and Andorra to the northeast.


  • Sánchez (correct form of the surname with accent mark), meaning "son of Sancho", is a very common Spanish surname with some deformations in the Americas, and is also the name of a dirtbike.

3D Universe[]

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City[]

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas[]

HD Universe[]


  • The Spanish island of Ibiza is mentioned in the Grand Theft Auto IV show I'm Rich.
  • In the Francis International Airport, there are flyUS international destination to two Spanish cities: Barcelona (España) - Aeropuerto Internacional de Barcelona and Madrid (España) - Aeropuerto Internacional de Madrid-Barajas (now called Aeropuerto Internacional Adolfo Suárez de Madrid-Barajas)
  • The Willard Marbelle is named after the Spanish city of Marbella, a reference to its basis, the Ford Granada, being named after the Spanish city of Granada.
  • In the website, Spain appears as country to visit in Europe.
  • There is a street in Dukes named Aragon Street, a reference to the region of Aragon.
  • Sometimes, random pedestrians will yell "This is worse than Madrid!"
  • One of Weazel News' stories mentions a binge-drinking competition in Europe, with Spain being one of the winners.

Grand Theft Auto V[]

Grand Theft Auto Online[]

Grand Theft Auto VI[]

See Also[]


[ ve ]Countries in the Grand Theft Auto series
African countriesFlag of Angola Angola | Flag of Egypt Egypt | Flag of Ghana Ghana | Flag of Kenya Kenya | Flag of Mali Mali | Flag of Mauritania Mauritania | Flag of Morocco Morocco | Flag of Nigeria Nigeria | Flag of Somalia Somalia | Flag of South Africa South Africa | Flag of Sudan Sudan | wp:Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
Asian countriesFlag of Afghanistan Afghanistan | Flag of Bangladesh Bangladesh | Flag of Cambodia Cambodia | Flag of China China (Flag of Hong Kong Hong Kong) | Flag of India India | Flag of Indonesia Indonesia | linck=wp:Iran Iran | Flag of Iraq Iraq | Flag of Israel Israel | Flag of Japan Japan | Flag of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan | Flag of Lebanon Lebanon | Flag of Malaysia Malaysia | Flag of Mongolia Mongolia | Flag of Nepal Nepal | Flag of North Korea North Korea | Flag of Pakistan Pakistan | Flag of Palestine Palestine | Flag of the Philippines Philippines | Flag of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia | Flag of Singapore Singapore | Flag of South Korea South Korea | Flag of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka | Flag of Syria Syria | Flag of the Republic of China Taiwan | Flag of Thailand Thailand | Flag of the United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates | Flag of Vietnam Vietnam
European countriesFlag of Albania Albania | Flag of Austria Austria | Flag of Armenia Armenia | Flag of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan | Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina | Flag of Belarus  Belarus | Flag of Belgium Belgium | Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria | Flag of Croatia Croatia | Flag of the Czech Republic Czech Republic | Flag of Denmark Denmark | Flag of Finland Finland | Flag of France France | Flag of Germany Germany | Flag of Georgia Georgia | Flag of Greece Greece | Flag of Hungary Hungary | Flag of Iceland Iceland | Flag of Ireland Ireland | Flag of Italy Italy | Flag of Liechtenstein Liechtenstein |Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg | Flag of Malta Malta | Flag of Monaco Monaco | Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands | Flag of Norway Norway | Flag of Poland Poland | Flag of Portugal Portugal | Flag of Romania Romania | Flag of Russia Russia | Flag of Serbia Serbia | Flag of Slovakia Slovakia | Flag of Slovenia Slovenia | Flag of Spain Spain | Flag of Sweden Sweden | Flag of Switzerland Switzerland | Flag of Turkey Turkey | Flag of Ukraine Ukraine | Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom (Flag of Scotland Scotland | Flag of Wales Wales) | Flag of Vatican City Vatican City
North American countriesFlag of the Bahamas Bahamas | Flag of Canada Canada | Flag of Costa Rica Costa Rica | Flag of Cuba Cuba | Flag of the Dominican Republic Dominican Republic | Flag of El Salvador El Salvador | Flag of Guatemala Guatemala | Flag of Haiti Haiti | Flag of Honduras Honduras | Flag of Jamaica Jamaica | Flag of Mexico Mexico | Flag of Nicaragua Nicaragua | Flag of Panama Panama | Flag of the United States United States of America (Flag of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico)
South American countriesFlag of Argentina Argentina | Flag of Bolivia Bolivia | Flag of Brazil Brazil | Flag of Chile Chile | Flag of Colombia Colombia | Flag of Ecuador Ecuador | Flag of Paraguay Paraguay | Flag of Peru Peru | Flag of Uruguay Uruguay | Flag of Venezuela Venezuela
Oceanian countriesFlag of Australia Australia | Flag of New Zealand New Zealand | Flag of Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea | Flag of Samoa Samoa
Related Article(s)
Flag of the European Union Europe