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Adeptal ties that bind with fleeting colors in flight, ushering in a new year with a thousand lights.

Devastation and Redemption is a soundtrack from the EP album Fleeting Colors in Flight (Album).

The song was composed by Yu-Peng Chen and arranged by Dimeng Yuan of HOYO-MiX, and written by Dou of the Creative Concept and Writing Team.[1] The vocals were performed by Yang Yang (杨扬) of the Shanghai Jingju Theatre Company.

The soundtrack was featured in an animated cutscene from the Archon Quest Where the Heart Finds Rest. The scene is referred to as The Divine Damsel of Devastation (Chinese: 神女劈观 Shénnǚ Pīguàn).

Soundtrack Usage[]


Archon Quests


Other Arrangements[]

Production Credits[]

Position Staff[1]
Composer Yu-Peng Chen (陈致逸)
Arranger Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌)
Lyricist Dou (豆子)
Vocal Artist Yang Yang (杨扬)
Erhu Jiajun Ma (马稼骏)
Guzheng Yuchen Wang (王宇宸)
Electric Guitar Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌)
Orchestra Art of Dragon Orchestra (龙之艺交响乐团)
Recording Studio Shanghai Media Group (上海广播大厦)
Recording Engineer Jiawei Mo (莫家伟)
Mixing Engineer Zach Huang (黄巍)
Mastering Engineer Zach Huang (黄巍)
Production HOYO-MiX


The performance of "The Divine Damsel of Devastation" is entirely in Chinese for all voice-over languages. The original transcript is shown below.

Chinese Transcript Pinyin English Transcript
———— Kě⸺ tàn⸺ Alas!
秋鸿折单复难双 Qiū hóng zhé dān fù nán shuāng Two loving souls by death cruelly parted
痴人痴怨恨迷狂 Chī rén chī yuàn hèn mí kuáng In madness and grief, a dark path started
只因那邪牲祭伏定祸殃 Zhǐ yīn nà xié shēngjì fú dìng huòyāng Calamity was drawn, rituals subverted
若非巾帼拔剑人皆命丧 Ruòfēi jīn'guó bá jiàn rén jiē mìng sàng But by her cold steel was death averted
凡缘朦朦仙缘滔 Fán yuán méngméng xiānyuán tāo Mortal ties broken, with the adepti she went
天伦散去绛府邀 Tiānlún sànqù jiàngfǔ yāo Their abiding place filling paternal bonds rent
朱丝缚绝烂柯樵 Zhūsī fùjué lànkēqiáo To her red strings of binding they sent
雪泥鸿迹遥 Xuě ní hóng jī yáo And they dwelt long together, content
鹤归不见昔华表 Hè guī bùjiàn xī huábiǎo The crane returned to a home without luster
蛛丝枉结魂幡飘 Zhūsī wǎngjié húnfān piāo The cobwebs overgrown, the grave-shrouds a-fluster
因果红尘渺渺 Yīn'guǒ hóngchén miǎomiǎo But one bond upon her
烟消 Yān xiāo This world could not muster
《神女劈观》到这里本该接近尾声 "Shénnǚ Pīguàn" dào zhèlǐ běn gāi jiējìn wěishēng Thus does the Divine Damsel's tale duly end
但今日我再添一笔—— Dàn jīnrì wǒ zài tiān yī bǐ⸺ But today a new tale I have to append
唱与——诸位———— Chàng yǔ⸺ zhūwèi⸺ tīng⸺ Which I shall now tell — if you shall attend
曲高未必人不识 Qǔ gāo wèibì rén bù shí From the world she seems apart
自有知音和清词 Zì yǒu zhīyīn hè qīngcí But there are those who know her heart
红缨猎猎剑流星 Hóngyīng lièliè jiàn liúxīng With crimson spear and flashing brand
直指怒潮洗海清 Zhízhǐ nùcháo xǐ hǎi qīng To still the raging tides they stand
彼时鹤归 Bǐshí hè guī The crane once returned
茫茫天地无依靠 Mángmáng tiāndì wú yīkào And once, she was spurned
孤身离去 Gūshēn lí qù She turned, and left alone
今日再会 Jīnrì zàihuì Now, she might be found
新朋旧友坐满堂 Xīnpéng jiùyǒu zuò mǎntáng With friends all around
共聚此时 Gòngjù cǐshí To whom she is bound — a home


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishDevastation and Redemption
Shénnǚ Pīguàn - Huànqíng
Divine Maiden Breaks Temple - Calling upon Emotions
Shénnǚ Pīguàn - Huànqíng
Shinnyo Hekikan - Kanjou
Divine Maiden's Broken View - Emotional Screams


