We are in the process of moving the code and associated documentation to the Apache infrastructure. This page still defines the canonical repository and will be updated when that changes. The wave protocol code, including the models, operational transform and example client and server are all hosted at the Wave Protocol code project.�To date, we have open sourced several components related to Goog
Search this site The Wave Project is backCodeProtocolFederationWave In A BoxFAQGet InvolvedPatent LicenseSitemap Recent site activityThe Wave Project is backedited by Yuri ZelikovThe Wave Project moved to Apache - http://incubator.apache.org/wave/edited by Yuri ZelikovThe Wave Project move to Apache - http://incubator.apache.org/wave/edited by Yuri ZelikovRaw deltas exportedited by Soren LassenWav
For information about how to extend Google Wave's client, or simply embed waves in your own site, check out the Google Wave APIs. Below you'll find the draft Google Wave Federation Protocol, and the canonical copy is maintained in Subversion hosted at: http://code.google.com/p/wave-protocol/. The intellectual property related to this protocol is licensed under a liberal patent license. If you'd li
We should update it accordingly to reflect that� Wave project was retired from Apache incubator and is back. Welcome to the site for the open-source Wave protocol. We originally introduced the idea of the Wave protocol in�this blog post, and we are now working on the "Wave in a Box" goal outlined in�this post. The wave code was donated to the Apache Software Foundation and is now an incubating pro
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