Testing Vim plugins is usually a non-trivial task. Many people just don’t do it because they find it either too painful or simply don’t know how to do it efficiently. However, if you like Ruby, there is a great tool that will help you write beautiful, easy to read, end-to-end tests for your Vim projects. Introducing Vimrunner Vimmrunner, written by Andrew Radev, is a project that spawns Vim instan
After presenting you ”10 Vim color schemes you need to own”, we decided to post a dedicated article with light color schemes. This post is inspired from the feedback that we received from you. Most of the color schemes mentioned here are suggested by our awesome readers. Thank you guys, you rock! 1. pyte pyte is a light color scheme created by Henning Hasemann. Its main colors are light grey, gree
Switch.vim by Andrew Radev is a highly customizable plugin that will help you do substitutions faster than ever. Usage The plugin is simple to use, since it has one main entry point - the command :Switch. It’s highly encouraging to map it to a key, as the author suggests in the documentation: 1 nnoremap - :Switch<cr> It comes with support for Ruby, PHP, Eruby, C and CoffeeScript. However, you can
Photo by Velo Steve There are more than 4000 Vim scripts out there. This is one of the reasons why Vim is so awesome. However, if you are starting with Vim, you might wonder from where to begin. In this post we are going to talk about 5 plugins that can be found in almost any vimrc. Surround Surround provides mappings to easily delete, change and add surroundings in pairs. It’s created by Tim Pope
Photo by Francis Bourgouin When we installed MacVim on the new MacBook Pro with Retina display, we noticed that the cursor leaves scrapes behind itself. After a little investigation, we found that someone already fired up a bug in the MacVim issue tracker. Björn Winckler reacted almost immediately and the bug is now fixed. However, you need to install the latest HEAD of the MacVim git repository i
Photo by supervillain It is really exciting to be a Rubyist lately. We have our amazing tools (rake, rspec, Cucumber, Rails etc.), we write object-oriented code, that is easy to maintain and flexible when it comes to adding new features, and changing domain logic. We have amazing hosting support from Heroku, Engine Yard and Rackspace. And last, but not least, powerful monitoring tools like New Rel
There are a lot of Vim color schemes out there. It’s always hard to find the perfect one. People often use different color schemes depending on what they are working on. This is pretty neat approach that has plenty of supporters. That’s why we did a quick overview of our top 10 themes. Let’s go: 1. GRB256 GRB256 is a color scheme based on ir_black by Gary Bernhardt. It feels really nice especially
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