iPad Air
The first stable release of Sublime Text 4 has finally arrived! We've worked hard on providing improvements without losing focus on what makes Sublime Text great. There are some new major features that we hope will significantly improve your workflow and a countless number of minor improvements across the board. A huge thanks goes out to all the beta testers on discord and all the contributors to
The past year has been busy here at Sublime HQ. We've grown our engineering team, shipped Sublime Text 3.1 and released our second product, Sublime Merge. If you use Git and like the ethos of Sublime Text, we think you'll love it. Today we're pushing out Sublime Text 3.2, which builds off of a bunch of work we've done in Sublime Merge. This includes: first-class Git integration, incremental diffin
Since version 3.0 we've been shipping frequent dev builds, refining Sublime Text for a more polished experience all-around. Those dev builds are now rolling out to everyone as Sublime Text 3.1. The full changelog for 3.1 includes every detail, but the following are some we'd like to highlight: UI Windows 10/8.1 per-monitor DPI settings for handling mixed monitor configurations and on-the-fly DPI s
Sublime Text 3.0 is out! Compared to the last beta, 3.0 brings a refreshed UI theme, new color schemes, and a new icon. Some of the other highlights are big syntax highlighting improvements, touch input support on Windows, Touch Bar support on macOS, and apt/yum/pacman repositories for Linux. I wanted to highlight some of the changes from Sublime Text 2 here, however it's surprisingly hard: virtua
Sublime Text 3, Build 3124, is out now. Downloads and the full changelog are on the Sublime Text 3 page. Build errors are now shown inline, at the location the error occurred. This is done via the new Phantoms API, which allows HTML annotations to be added to the text buffer by plugins: Inline build errors can be disabled via the show_errors_inline setting. Also new in 3124 is Show Definition, whi
Sublime Text 4 has been released, and contains significant improvements over this version. Version: Build 3211 OS X (10.7 or later is required) Windows - also available as a portable version Windows 64 bit - also available as a portable version Linux repos - also available as: 64 bit .deb – sig, key 64 bit .rpm – signed, key 64 bit .pkg.tar.xz – sig, key 64 bit .tar.bz2 – sig, key 32 bit .tar.bz2
Example Plugins Plugin Lifecycle Threading Units and Coordinates Types sublime Window Edit Region HistoricPosition TextChange Selection Sheet TextSheet ImageSheet HtmlSheet ContextStackFrame View Buffer Settings Phantom PhantomSet Html CompletionList CompletionItem Syntax QuickPanelItem ListInputItem SymbolRegion SymbolLocation sublime_plugin CommandInputHandler BackInputHandler TextInputHandler L
WARNING! This documentation is for an old, unsupported version of Sublime Text. Please check out the current docs. Overview Projects in Sublime Text 2 are made up of two files: the sublime-project file, which contains the project definition, and the sublime-workspace file, which contains user specific data, such as the open files and the modifications to each. As a general rule, the sublime-projec
Documentation OS X Command Line Sublime Text includes a command line tool, subl, to work with files on the command line. This can be used to open files and projects in Sublime Text, as well working as an EDITOR for unix tools, such as git and subversion. Setup The first task is to make a symlink to subl. Assuming you've placed Sublime Text in the Applications folder, and that you have a ~/bin dire
The following pages contain the official documentation for Sublime Text. The Sublime Text Unofficial Documentation is an excellent supplementary resource, with a huge amount of information not covered in the official documentation. Usage🔗 Tab Multi-Select Git Integration Incremental Diff Indexing Command Line Interface Column Selection Multiple Selection with the Keyboard Completions Distraction
Build 3047 is now available to both registered users and the general public. Build 3047 is the fastest, most stable, most polished version of Sublime Text yet. New in 3047 is High DPI support for Windows and Linux, as well as improved file change detection, smarter atomic save, improved rendering performance and many bug fixes. The full list of changes is on the Sublime Text 3 page. If you're comi
The first beta of Sublime Text 3 is now available to download for registered users. Some feature highlights are below, followed by our new pricing and upgrade policies, and system compatibility for Sublime Text 3. Symbol Indexing. Sublime Text now scans the files in your project, and builds an index of which files contain which symbols. This backs the new features Goto Definition and Goto Symbol i
WARNING! This documentation is for an old, unsupported version of Sublime Text. Please check out the current docs. Overview Sublime Text 2 has many different settings to customize its behavior. Settings are changed by editing text files: while this is a little trickier than using a GUI, you're rewarded with aflexible system. To see what settings are available, and a description of each, take a loo
WARNING! This documentation is for an old, unsupported version of Sublime Text. Please check out the current docs. Adding a Line To add the line above or below to the selection, use Ctl+Alt+Up and Ctrl+Alt+down (OS X: Ctrl+Shift+Up and Ctrl+Shift+Down). If you go too far, use Undo Selection (Ctrl+U, or Command+U on OS X) to step backwards. Splitting the Selection into Lines Select a block of lines
When doing the new website for the Sublime Text 2.0 launch, instead of just screenshots, I wanted to have animations to demonstrate some of its features. One of the criteria was that the animations should work everywhere, from IE6 to an iPad. This ruled out two common video options, Flash and the <video> element. Animated GIF files would have been a candidate, except for two issues: the 256 color
Effortlessly Split Panes and Navigate Between Code With the new Tab Multi-Select functionality, tabs become first-class citizens in the interface. A simple modifier when performing actions will split the interface to show multiple tabs at once. Works with the side bar, tab bar, Goto Anything and more! What’s New Sublime Text 4 is packed with new features and enhancements, including: GPU Rendering
Settings Files Settings files are consulted in this order: Packages/Default/Preferences.sublime-settings Packages/Default/Preferences (<platform>).sublime-settings Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings Packages/<syntax>/<syntax>.sublime-settings Packages/User/<syntax>.sublime-settings In general, you should place your settings in Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings. If you want to spec
WARNING! This documentation is for an old, unsupported version of Sublime Text. Please check out the current docs. General Sublime Text Unofficial Documentation is an excellent resource, with a huge amount of information on Sublime Text 2. Perfect Workflow in Sublime Text 2 is a video course with tutorials covering many aspects of Sublime Text 2. Usage Column Selection Multiple Selection with the
WARNING! This documentation is for an old, unsupported version of Sublime Text. Please check out the current docs. Overview Column Selection can be used to select a rectangular area of a file. Column selection doesn't operate via a separate mode, instead it makes use of multiple selections. You can use additive selections to select multiple blocks of text, or subtractive selections to remove a blo
Hi there! I’m using SublimeText v4 build 4152 (update 02/08/2023). I successfully installed the Package Control, but when I try to install a package SublimeText doesn’t show the command Package Control: Install Package…
Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm pleased to announce that Sublime Text 2 has graduated out of beta, with 2.0 now available for your text editing pleasure. I'd like to thank everyone who's purchased, used or given feedback on Sublime Text 2 since the inital version in 2011. Sublime Text has had an amazingly positive reception, and it's time to raise a toast to many versions to come. Compared to the last b
WARNING! This documentation is for an old, unsupported version of Sublime Text. Please check out the current docs. Commands are the basic method for interacting with Sublime Text. Key bindings, menu items, toolbar buttons and macros all work through the command system. If you are editing one of those files, this reference will come in handy. Each command may take one or more parameters, which may
WARNING! This documentation is for an old, unsupported version of Sublime Text. Please check out the current docs. Sublime API View RegionSet Region Edit Window Settings Base Classes EventListener ApplicationCommand WindowCommand TextCommand Example Plugins Several pre-made plugins come with Sublime Text 2, you can find them in the Packages/Default directory: Packages/Default/delete_word.py Delete
WARNING! This documentation is for an old, unsupported version of Sublime Text. Please check out the current docs. All key bindings in Sublime Text are configurable, controlled by the .sublime-keymap files. This document describes the syntax of the keymap files, as well as how they're loaded to form the complete set of key bindings. The full rules for how the .sublime-keymap files are combined is
Sublime Text 4, build 4189 is out now with lots of improvements and fixes. Download Sublime Text 4 Full Changelog Various syntax highlighting improvements Fixed file change detection not working for cloned views after the original is closed Fixed prompting to reload right after reloading Fixed find-in-files results not always being sorted Significantly improved cache compression performance Improv
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