iPhone 16e
If you have ever written 6502 code for the Commodore 64, you may remember using “JSR $FFD2” to print a character on the screen. You may have read that the jump table at the end of the KERNAL ROM was designed to allow applications to run on a all Commodore 8 bit computers from the PET to the C128 (and the C65!) – but that is a misconception. This article will show how the first version of the jump
The Hypervisor.framework user mode virtualization API introduced in Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) cannot only be used for toy projects like the hvdos DOS Emulator, but is full-featured enough to support a full virtualization solution that can for example run Linux. xhyve is a lightweight virtualization solution for OS X that is capable of running Linux. It is a port of FreeBSD’s bhyve, a KVM+QEMU alte
This is the original 1978 source code of Microsoft BASIC for 6502 with all original comments, documentation and easter eggs: M6502.MAC (1978-07-27, 6955 lines, 161,685 bytes) This is currently the oldest publicly available piece of source written by Bill Gates. Language Like the 8080 version, the 6502 version was developed on a PDP-10, using the MACRO-10 assembler. A set of macros developed by Pau
Using the OS X 10.10 Hypervisor Framework: A Simple DOS Emulator Since Version 10.10 (Yosemite), OS X contains Hypervisor.framework, which provides a thin user mode abstraction of the Intel VT features. It enables apps to use virtualization without the need of a kernel extension (KEXT) – which makes them compatible with the OS X App Store guidelines. The idea is that the OS takes care of memory ma
Here are all three volumes of the original 1985 edition of Inside Macintosh as a searchable PDF: Inside Macintosh Volumes I, II, III (1284 pages, 18 MB) Inside Macintosh consists of three volumes. Volume I begins with the following information of general interest: a “road map” to the software and the rest of the documentation the user interface guidelines an introduction to memory management (the
Zum 40jährigen Jubiläum des 64’er Magazins präsentieren wir das Kunstprojekt www.64er-magazin.de: eine Website, die so tut, als wäre 1984. Exakt 40 Jahre nach der ursprünglichen Veröffentlichung erscheint hier jeden Monat eine neue Ausgabe: read more
In the first Terminator movie, the audience sees the world from the T-800’s view several times. It is well-known that in two instances, there is 6502 assembly code on the T-800’s HUD, and many sites have analyzed the contents: It’s Apple-II code taken from Nibble Magazine. Here are HD versions of the shots, thanks to Dominik Wagner: This is the first assembly snippet: This is the second assembly s
The original NMOS version of the MOS 6502, used in computers like the Commodore 64, the Apple II and the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), is well-known for its illegal opcodes: Out of 256 possible opcodes, 151 are defined by the architecture, but many of the remaining 105 undefined opcodes do useful things. Many articles have been written to test and document these, but I am not aware of any a
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