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Making website layouts can be hard. We’ve performed CSS gymnastics to achieve layouts that can seem so simple on first appearances, re-appropriating floats, table layout and absolute positioning into every possible combination. The aim of CSS was to separate content and style but our layouts are as tied to our markup as ever, causing added bloat to almost every web page. News design When we open a
Use of the icon font is in decline. Recently it’s been argued that there are many good reasons to think about not using them and switch to using SVG images instead. At the Financial Times we agree that, on balance, it’s time to explore the transition for ourselves. Browser support for SVG is very good; over 94% of browsers have full compatibility with the SVG 1.1 spec and you can raise that to 96%
Building robust web apps with React: Part 4, server-side rendering A few months ago I wrote the first part of this series and I was really excited about the possibilities of using React to create intelligent applications that could avoid the frailties many current JavaScript apps have. At last I’m going to make my Tube Tracker application run first on the server and then run the same code in the b
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