Switch 2
Optional modules GD::Graph, libgd-graph-perl Required for making graphs for the statistics page. Proc::ProcessTable, libproc-process-perl Better reliability for starting daemons necessary for high-traffic installations. RPC::XML, librpc-xml-perl Required for outgoing XML-RPC support SOAP::Lite, libsoap-lite-perl Required for XML-RPC support. XML::RSS, libxml-rss-perl Required for retrieving RSS of
it is FINISHED and presented to the boy. it's knit with stockinette, and the characters are stitched on using duplicate stitch. the black yarn is malabrigo, and the other colours are various superwashes. the giftee and the aforementioned scarf closer inspection reveals that one side has normal super mario characters on it... and the other has the smushed/dead versions of the same characters on it.
f:id:jkondo:20041207124701:image おととい(id:jkondo:20041206#1102322598)から始めたAdSense表示ですが、いったいいくらくらいになったかなあー、と恐る恐る報酬レポートページを覗いてみたところ、2日間で2ドルには満たないものの、0でもない。30日分に換算してみると、はてなダイアリーの有料オプション代を差し引いても昼ごはんが1週間くらいは食べられる事になりそうです。ほっ。 ということで、アドセンスを貼り付けてみたいという方はこちらからどうぞ。 http://www.hatena.ne.jp/info/google 写真は昨日仕事で訪れた六本木ヒルズからの景色です。打ち合わせが終わった後、「ちょっと窓から景色見てもいいですか」と言って窓に近づき、「おー、すげー」とか言いながら写真を撮るという観光客状態を発揮してしまいました。 六本
Brady's Crap [Most Recent Entries] [Calendar View] [Friends] Below are the 0 most recent journal entries recorded in unclebrady's LiveJournal:
Here's the presentation on Open Source I gave to the company on Friday: http://bradfitz.com/words/2005-10-open-source/ I'm sure there's a lot omitted and partially inaccurate, but keep in mind the point of this presentation was to introduce Open Source to a lot of Windows users who might not understand the difference between source and binary. And to keep it light-hearted so said users didn't get
I'm sure this is both necessary and good as part of the larger picture: 79-page report, entitled "Warlord Inc," faults the US military for making trucking companies who deliver goods to US military bases in Afghanistan responsible for their own security. It details how eight trucking companies that share a $2.1 billion contract are forced to pay warlords and Afghan officials to pass unhindered wit
LiveJournal.com supports the OpenID distributed identity system, letting you bring your LiveJournal.com identity to other sites, and letting non-LiveJournal.com users bring their identity here.
02:10 am - Private Photoshoot of Liddo and Sarah's Katamari Fantasy Night Private Photoshoot of Liddo and Sarah's Katamari Fantasy Night
Ben somehow tricked me into working on yet another project ... he wants me to adapt their MT ObjectDriver code into something more generic that abstracts away database partitioning, memcaching, etc. And then filtering/joins/etc too. The end result, as pseudo-planned, will look like a mix of MT/TypePad's ObjectDriver code, plus kinda like Class::DBI, but layered... Data::ObjectDriver Data::ObjectDr
How this comm works There will be a set of five questions posted each Friday by one of the moderators on both LiveJournal and Dreamwidth. Please copy and paste them to your own journal, answer them there, and then post a comment to that week's Friday Five with a link to your journal entry. If your journal is "friends only," feel free to post your answers as a comment in that week's Friday Five. We
Alright, I've finally had the time to "screen print" another shirt, so here's the tutorial... Materials needed: a t-shirt, yucky/cheap paint brushes, an embroidery hoop, screen printing ink (I use Speedball brand), a glue that isn't water-soluble (I use Mod Podge), curtain sheer material/tulle/old nylons, and a computer with a printer (or a good hand for drawing things). Find an image you like and