See the canonical version of this blog post at the Microsoft Open Source Blog! Ten years ago, Microsoft released the source for MS-DOS 1.25 and 2.0 to the Computer History Museum, and then later republished them for reference purposes. This code holds an important place in history and is a fascinating read of an operating system that was written entirely in 8086 assembly code nearly 45 years ago.
I love a good bug, especially ones that are initially hard to explain but then turn into forehead slapping moments - of course! There's a bug over on Github called Hysteresis effect on threadpool hill-climbing that is a super interesting read. Hill climbing is an algorithmic technique when you have a problem (a hill) and then you improve and improve (climb) until you have reached some maximum acce
I've long blogged about my love of setting up a nice terminal, getting the prompt just right, setting my colors, fonts, glyphs, and more. Here's some of my posts. How to make a pretty prompt in Windows Terminal with Powerline, Nerd Fonts, Cascadia Code, WSL, and oh-my-posh Patching the new Cascadia Code to include Powerline Glyphs and other Nerd Fonts for the Windows Terminal What's the difference
I love dashboards. I love Raspberry Pis (tiny $35 computers the size of a set of playing cards). And I'm cheap frugal. I found a 24" old LCD at Goodwill (a local thrift shop) and bought it but it's been sitting unused in my garage. Then I stumbled on DakBoard. The idea is simple - A wifi connected wall display for your photos, calendar, news, weather and to-do. The implementation is simple genius.
Tailscale is a zero config mesh "VPN" that runs atop other networks and effectively "flattens" networks and allows users/services to more easily (and securely) communicate with each other. For example, I've written extensively on how to SSH into WSL2 on Windows 10 from another machine and you'll note that there is not only a ton of steps but there's more than one way to do it! I have talked about
Can you believe it's been 6 years since my last Tools list? Tools have changed, a lot are online, but honestly, it's just a LOT OF WORK to do the tools list. But here's one for 2020-2021. These are the tools in my Utils folder. I made a d:\dropbox\utils folder and I added it to my PATH. That way it's on all my computers and in my path on all my computers and I can get to any of them instantly. Thi
I've long said, as a fan of the console and text mode, that the command line is underloved. You can do accelerated 3D VR, sure, but impress me with a nice ASCII progress bar or spinner and oh my! *Chef's kiss* Enter yet another lovely Console library in the form of Spectre.Console. You may know Patrik Svensson as the creator of the wonderful Cake build system. He is also enhancing our consoles wit
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) points out that "Master-slave is an oppressive metaphor that will and should never become fully detached from history" as well as "In addition to being inappropriate and arcane, the master-slave metaphor is both technically and historically inaccurate." There's lots of more accurate options depending on context and it costs me nothing to change my vocabul
I see a lot of questions that are close but the questions themselves show an underlying misunderstanding of some important terms. Why would I use Windows Terminal over PowerShell? I don't need WSL for bash, I use Cygwin. Can I use conemu with PowerShell Core or do I need to use Windows Terminal? Let's start with a glossary and clarify some words first. Terminal The word Terminal comes from termina
I often talk about how .NET Core is open source and runs "everywhere." MonoGame, Unity, Apple Watches, Raspberry Pi, and Microcontrollers (as well as a dozen Linuxes, Windows, etc) is a lot of places. Michal Strehovský wants C# to run EVERYWHERE and I love him for it. He recently got some C# code running in two "impossible" places that are now added to our definition of everywhere. While these are
My colleague Tara and I were working on prepping a system for Azure IoT development and were using WSL2 on our respective machines. The scripts we were running were long-running and tedious and by the time they were done we basically had a totally customized perfect distro. Rather than sharing our scripts and having folks run them for hours, we instead decided to export the distro and import it on
I'm an unabashed Adafruit fan and I often talking about them because I'm always making cool stuff with their hardware and excellent tutorials. You should check out the YouTube video we made when I visited Adafruit Industries in New York with my nephew. They're just a lovely company. While you're at it, go sign up for the Adabox Subscription and get amazing hardware projects mailed to you in a myst
It's no secret I dig WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) and now that WSL2 is available in Windows Insiders Slow it's a great time to really explore the options that are available. What I'm finding is so interesting about WSL and how it relates to the Windows system around it is how you can cleanly move data between worlds. This isn't an experience you can easily have with full virtual machines, and
Jupyter Notebooks has been the significant player in the interactive development space for many years, and Notebooks have played a vital role in the continued popularity of languages like Python, R, Julia, and Scala. Interactive experiences like this give users with a lightweight tool (I like to say "interactive paper") for learning, iterative development, and data science and data manipulation. T
I've blogged about Patching the new Cascadia Code to include Powerline Glyphs and other Nerd Fonts for the Windows Terminal but folks have asked very specifically, how do I make my prompt look like that? Step One - Get the Terminal Get Windows Terminal free from the Store. You can also get it from GitHub's releases but I recommend the store because it'll stay up to date automatically. Note that if
I've been trying on and off to enjoy Ruby on Rails development on Windows for many years. I was doing Ruby on Windows as long as 13 years ago. There's been many valiant efforts to make Rails on Windows a good experience. However, given that Windows 10 can run Linux with WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) and now Windows runs Linux at near-native speeds with an actual shipping Linux Kernel using WSL
I've always been fascinated by making apps as small as possible, especially in the .NET space. No need to ship any files - or methods - that you don't need, right? I've blogged about optimizations you can make in your Dockerfiles to make your .NET containerized apps small, as well as using the ILLInk.Tasks linker from Mono to "tree trim" your apps to be as small as they can be. Work is on going, b
OK, that's a little clickbaity but it's surely impressed the heck out of me. You can read more about VS Code Remote Development (at the time of this writing, available in the VS Code Insiders builds) but here's a little on my first experience with it. The Remote Development extensions require Visual Studio Code Insiders. Visual Studio Code Remote Development allows you to use a container, remote m
If you find yourself learning C# and .NET and come upon the "Run your first C# Program" documentation you may have noticed a "Try the code in your browser" button that lets you work through your first app entirely online, with no local installation! You're running C# and .NET in the browser! It's a great way to learn that is familiar to folks who learn JavaScript. The language team at Microsoft wa
When the engineers on the ASP.NET/.NET Core team talk to real customers about actual production problems they have, interesting stuff comes up. I've tried to capture a real customer interaction here without giving away their name or details. The team recently had the opportunity to help a large customer of .NET investigate performance issues they’ve been having with a newly-ported ASP.NET Core 2.1
I've been doing a ton of work in bash/zsh/fish lately - Linuxing. In case you didn't know, Windows 10 can run Linux now. Sure, you can run Linux in a VM, but it's heavy and you need a decent machine. You can run a shell under Docker, but you'll need Hyper-V and Windows 10 Pro. You can even go to https://shell.azure.com and get a terminal anywhere - I do this on my Chromebook. But mostly I run Linu
I love me some Raspberry Pi. They are great little learning machines and are super fun for kids to play with. Even if those kids are adults and they build a 6 node Kubernetes Raspberry Pi Cluster. Open source .NET Core runs basically everywhere - Windows, Mac, and a dozen Linuxes. However, there is an SDK (that compiles and builds) and a Runtime (that does the actual running of your app). In the p
I was talking to Toni Edward Solarin on Skype yesterday about his open source spike (early days) of Code Coverage for .NET Core called "coverlet." There's a few options out there for cobbling together .NET Core Code Coverage but I wanted to see if I could use the lightest tools I could find and make a "complete" solution for Visual Studio Code that would work for .NET Core cross platform. I put my
Docker for Windows is really coming along nicely. They have both a Stable and Edge channel and the Edge (beta, experimental) one just included a lovely new feature - Kubernetes support. Per their docs, Kubernetes is only available in Docker for Windows 18.02 CE Edge. They set most everything up nicely and put Kubectl into your path and setup a context. If you use kubectl for other things - like yo
Containers are lovely, in case you haven't heard. They are a nice and clean way to get a reliable and guaranteed deployment, no matter the host system. If I want to run my my ASP.NET Core application, I can just type "docker run -p 5000:80 shanselman/demos" at the command line, and it'll start up! I don't have any concerns that it won't run. It'll run, and run well. Some containers naysayers say ,
First, why would you do this? Why not. It's awesome. It's a learning experience. It's cheaper to get 6 pis than six "real computers." It's somewhat portable. While you can certainly quickly and easily build a Kubernetes Cluster in the cloud within your browser using a Cloud Shell, there's something more visceral about learning it this way, IMHO. Additionally, it's a non-trivial little bit of power
The Microsoft Docs at https://docs.microsoft.com are really fantastic lately. All the .NET Docs are on GitHub https://github.com/dotnet/docs/ and you can contribute to them. However, in the world of software engineering (here some a bad, mixed metaphor) there's instructions on how to use a faucet and there's instructions on how to build and design plumbing from scratch. There's additional DEEP doc
6 years ago Erik Meijer and I were talking about how JavaScript is/was an assembly language. It turned into an interesting discussion/argument (some people really didn't buy it) but it still kept happening. Currently WebAssembly world is marching forward and is supported in Chrome, Firefox, and in Development in Edge, Opera, and Safari. "The avalanche has begun, it's too late for the pebbles to vo
Typographic ligatures are when multiple characters appear to combine into a single character. Simplistically, when you type two or more characters and they magically attach to each other, you're using ligatures that were supported by your OS, your app, and your font. I did a blog post in 2011 on using OpenType Ligatures and Stylistic Sets to make nice looking wedding invitations. Most English layp
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