iPhone 16e
The performance score for a device shown on this page is the median of all the results submitted by users with the same device. For popular models, the median performance score is calculated from thousands of benchmark results. Some people test their device under less than ideal conditions. For example, the device may be too hot or have other apps running in the background. These results tend to l
3DMark includes everything you need to benchmark your PC and mobile devices in one app. Whether you're gaming on a PC, a tablet or a smartphone, 3DMark includes benchmarks designed specifically for your hardware. We update 3DMark regularly so that you can benchmark the latest hardware and graphics APIs. Since 2013, we've added over a dozen new benchmarks, stress tests and feature tests. When you b
These benchmarks should not be used to test modern hardware Benchmarks have a natural lifespan that ends when they no longer provide meaningful results on modern hardware. The benchmarks on this page are no longer supported by UL Solutions. They are available here for entertainment only. They may not work with current operating systems and the online services may have been retired. We recommend us
We create benchmarking software that helps you measure the hardware performance of your PC, tablet and smartphone. Running our benchmarks regularly, and especially before and after making changes to your system, can highlight setup and stability problems. Comparing scores from similar systems can help you choose between upgrades and new components. We maintain the world's largest and most comprehe
We create benchmarking software that helps you measure the hardware performance of your PC, mac, tablet and smartphone. Running our benchmarks regularly, and especially before and after making changes to your system, can highlight setup and stability problems. Comparing scores from similar systems can help you choose between upgrades and new components. We maintain the world's largest and most com
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