iPad Air
The type inference algorithm is based on the CFA2 control-flow analysis. Currently, it handles core JavaScript only (DOM support will be added soon). For comments and suggestions, email: dimvar at ccs dot neu dot edu.
RSH Client for Windows Vista and Windows 7 This is my port of netkit rsh for Windows. Tested and working under Vista Home Basic and Windows 7 Starter. Built with MinGW. Source included with the binary. Download 03/25/2011 Latest version .. Fixed bug with hostname lookup) One of the more frustrating things you'll discover when you upgrade from XP to Vista or Windows 7 is that rsh.exe is gone. C
Video A time-lapse video of the maps, cycled twice, is available below (best viewed at 720p): Mood Variations A number of interesting trends can be observed in the data. First, overall daily variations can be seen (first graph), with the early morning and late evening having the highest level of happy tweets. Second, geographic variations can be observed (second graph), with the west coast showing
Dr. Eric A. Brewer UC Berkeley Inktomi Corporation 11/15/98 Click here to start
2008 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming 20 September 2008 Victoria, British Columbia Affiliated with ICFP 2008. Purpose The purpose of the workshop is to report experience with the programming languages known as Scheme, to discuss ideas for the future of Scheme, and to present research related to Scheme and functional programming. Program and proceedings The program will include prese
Typed Scheme Typed Scheme is a typed dialect of PLT Scheme. It integrates with modules written in other PLT dialects, and provides a type system designed to support common Scheme idioms. Typed Scheme is available as part of PLT Scheme version 4. Documentation The manual provides an introduction and reference for Typed Scheme. More technical material on Typed Scheme is available from the various pa
If not redirected in 5 sec, go to http://ds26gte.github.io/schelog/index.html Last modified: Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015 2:23:44am HTML conversion by TeX2page 20150602
Scheme Macros for Common Lisp [Download mbe.lsp] Dorai Sitaram mbe.lsp defines for Common Lisp the macro definers define-syntax, let-syntax, and letrec-syntax, as described in the Scheme report R5RS [3]. These macro definers, also called macro by example (MBE), use simple patterns, including ellipsis, to specify how a macro should be expanded. They were propounded by Eugene Kohlbecker [1, 2] in th
pregexp: Portable Regular Expressions for Scheme and Common Lisp pregexp.scm is a portable library for regular expressions (aka regexps or regexes) that runs in any Scheme that complies with R4RS or R5RS [2]. It provides regular expressions modeled on Perl’s [1, 3], and includes such powerful directives as numeric and nongreedy quantifiers, capturing and non-capturing clustering, POSIX character
The book is a new edition of The Little LISPer, Third Edition. We have substantially revised the existing material and added a chapter and a half. The book and its sequel, The Seasoned Schemer, appeared with MIT Press in December 1995. The chapter includes the discussion of the Y operator from "Why Y Works". Enjoy! Table of ContentsForeword by Gerald J. SussmanPrefaceSample ChapterErrataGoogle Gro
This page presents a library of Dynamic HTML behaviors, modular units of Javascript code that can be associated with elements in a web page chosen with CSS selectors. The library is based on Ben Nolan's Behaviour.js, but with a slightly different design. The library of CSS selectors was written by Simon Willison. I'm releasing this under the LGPL. Ben's original library is released under a BSD lic
If not redirected in 5 sec, go to http://ds26gte.github.io/tyscheme/index.html
If not redirected in 5 sec, go to http://ds26gte.github.io/tyscheme/index.html Last modified: Monday, June 1st, 2015 11:14:48am HTML conversion by TeX2page 20150602