overflow-x, overflow-y tests W3C CSS3 working draft: The 'overflow-x' and 'overflow-y' properties. Partially supported in Gecko 1.8, Safari 3, Opera 9.5, IE. In all the following test cases the green box has fixed dimensions (80px × 80px, with padding 9px, border 10px.) The blue bar (width 119px, border 1px) should overflow at the right, and the red one (height 119px, border 1px) at the bottom. Wh
The problemWe want to center an image inside a container, bigger than the image and with assigned dimensions. The image is not a background one, it’s a true <img> element. Any image has well defined dimensions, so the easiest and most reliable way to solve the problem is: make the image display:blockassign to the image the needed left and top margins to get it centered in the container. Each of th
In IE7-/Win the inline-block value of the CSS display property is one of the triggers of hasLayout. This is probably its only real effect. On the other hand the “inline-block behaviour” (which the standards define in CSS2.1 9.2.4), can be (in good part) achieved in IE7-, but quite independently on using display:inline-block. Applied to HTML inline elements The effect of display:inline-block on a H
The pages listed here contain tests and experiments about features, possibilities, browsers’ bugs concerning CSS. I would love to hear any comments that you may have, especially if you find errors. If the right part of the daisy background of this page looks strange, with unnatural colors, then that's nice, you are using a browser which understands ICC profiles embedded in images.