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This custom Google search engine includes only sites which are known to use good English, e.g. news sites, dictionaries, movie scripts, selected blogs & communities, Wikipedia, etc. You can use it to find English example sentences or to check your grammar. more information...
While the name flap t is widely used in literature, the proper phonetic name for the flap t sound is alveolar tap. It is also called the flapped t, tapped t or tap t. What is the phonetic symbol for the flap t? The proper (narrow) phonetic symbol for the alveolar tap is ɾ. In phonemic transcriptions (such as are found in dictionaries), the flap t is represented with the same symbol as the regular
Select any word on this page to check its definition and pronunciation in a dictionary. Click brown words for a pop-up explanation. English classes are the most popular way in which people study English. They are so amazingly popular that most people do not even think about how to learn English. The process is automatic: I want to learn English, so I sign up for an English course. I will pay
Select any word on this page to check its definition and pronunciation in a dictionary. Click brown words for a pop-up explanation. Introduction Few teachers will explain a word to you like a good learner’s dictionary. A dictionary can give you a clear definition, comprehensive information on pronunciation, and – most importantly – carefully chosen examples that show you how to use the word.
Select any word on this page to check its definition and pronunciation in a dictionary. Click brown words for a pop-up explanation.
You’ll probably agree that after seeing the sentence, the meaning of the word surpass becomes much clearer and easier to remember. Sometimes a definition is so complicated that the example sentences are your only hope. Consider this definition from the Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, an otherwise fine product: Grammar and usage A definition tells you what a word means, i.e. it helps
Select any word on this page to check its definition and pronunciation in a dictionary. Click brown words for a pop-up explanation. Reading for content Normally, when reading a text, people use a strategy that I call “reading for content”. The goal of this strategy is to get the main idea of the text as quickly as possible and with as little effort as possible. To accomplish this goal, your
I got this accent sample of a Cockney off the web. Cockney ''My dad came from Wopping and my mom came from Poplar. My dad was one of 11 kids... and Wopping in them days really was one of the poorest parts of London. I mean they really didn't have shoes on their feet. I'm talking about 70 years ago now. Erm... and Poplar was... sli... just slightly a cut above Wopping; erm... you was either East En
If you want to learn English well, you cannot rely on English classes. You have to take control of your learning. We’ll show you how to do it in a fun and effective way.
1. Almost all dictionaries use the e symbol for the vowel in bed. The problem with this convention is that e in the IPA does not stand for the vowel in bed; it stands for a different vowel that is heard, for example, in the German word Seele. The “proper” symbol for the bed-vowel is ɛ (do not confuse with ɜ:). The same goes for eə vs. ɛə. 2. In əʳ and ɜ:ʳ, the ʳ is not pronounced in BrE, unless th
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