Switch 2
Provides more control over how canvases are rendered. This is a follow-on to the WorkerCanvas proposal and will be merged once agreement is reached. Use Case Description Feedback from web application authors using canvases have shown the need for the following controls: (From ShaderToy, Sketchfab, Verold): need to be able to render to multiple regions on the page efficiently using a single canvas
A user account is required in order to edit this wiki, but we've had to disable public user registrations due to spam. To request an account, ask an autoconfirmed user on Chat (such as one of these permanent autoconfirmed members). The <video> element allows UA capability-based fallback with multiple alternative video resources designated by multiple <source> elements. The UA is expected to pick t
A user account is required in order to edit this wiki, but we've had to disable public user registrations due to spam. To request an account, ask an autoconfirmed user on Chat (such as one of these permanent autoconfirmed members). The purpose of this page is to explain what's wrong with HTTP content negotiation and why you should not suggest HTTP content negotiation as a solution to a problem. HT
A user account is required in order to edit this wiki, but we've had to disable public user registrations due to spam. To request an account, ask an autoconfirmed user on Chat (such as one of these permanent autoconfirmed members). Overview This document describes a proposal for gradually removing modal dialogs and prompts from the platform. Rationale In a tabbed browser, modal dialogs are potenti
Many user agents provide autofill functionality, but there is not currently a good way for site authors to directly specify field types for autofill. Herein is a lightweight proposal to enable authors to provide these field type hints for autofill agents. Use Case Description Many user agents provide functionality to quickly fill frequently used form data – address and contact information, for exa
A user account is required in order to edit this wiki, but we've had to disable public user registrations due to spam. To request an account, ask an autoconfirmed user on Chat (such as one of these permanent autoconfirmed members). Overview This document describes a proposal the "referrer" metadata name. Using the referrer metadata attribute, a document can control the behavior if the Referer HTTP
Here's a good starting point for learning about the component model spec, which is being developed by applying a defined methodology. Introduction The Component Model introduces comprehensive support for creating DOM elements. Examples include layout managers, combinations of Dojo and jQuery widgets, isolated widgets, such as Like/+1 buttons, and built-in HTML elements themselves. Reflecting on th
A user account is required in order to edit this wiki, but we've had to disable public user registrations due to spam. To request an account, ask an autoconfirmed user on Chat (such as one of these permanent autoconfirmed members). This page lists extension values for the name="" attribute of the HTML <meta> element. You may add your own values to this list. For assistance in preparing a specifica
A user account is required in order to edit this wiki, but we've had to disable public user registrations due to spam. To request an account, ask an autoconfirmed user on Chat (such as one of these permanent autoconfirmed members). Real World Examples The following are real world pages all using various structures to mark up subtitles and taglines for page and article headers. Each one contains th
A user account is required in order to edit this wiki, but we've had to disable public user registrations due to spam. To request an account, ask an autoconfirmed user on Chat (such as one of these permanent autoconfirmed members). This page is intended to formalize the discussion around an important but currently underserved use-case (in both spec and various browser implementations): the need fo
A user account is required in order to edit this wiki, but we've had to disable public user registrations due to spam. To request an account, ask an autoconfirmed user on Chat (such as one of these permanent autoconfirmed members). Welcome to the WHATWG Wiki! You can be a part of our community, making proposals for web standards. This wiki is made available for you for drafting proposals, for writ
HTML5 General canvas with some limitation implemented in Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Konqueror 4, with ExplorerCanvas emulated in Internet Explorer getElementsByClassName implemented in Firefox 3, Safari 3.1, Opera 9.5 localStorage and sessionStorage implemented in Firefox 2, IE 8, Safari 4 Database storageimplemented in Safari 3.1 and iPhone Safari 2.0 Custom content handlers partially implemente
This page lists the allowed extension values for the rel="" attribute in HTML5. You may add your own values to this list, which makes them legal HTML5 rel values. We ask that you try to avoid redundancy; if someone has already defined a value that does roughly what you want, please reuse it. Note that rel tokens are ASCII-lowercase before comparison against canonical value, so the canonical values
A user account is required in order to edit this wiki, but we've had to disable public user registrations due to spam. To request an account, ask an autoconfirmed user on Chat (such as one of these permanent autoconfirmed members).
It is the MIME type (which may or may not be determined by file extension) that determines what type of document you are using. Any document served as text/html, including a document authored with the intention of being XHTML, is technically an HTML document. Note that XHTML 1.0 previously defined that documents adhering to the compatibility guidelines were allowed to be served as text/html, but H