Clone via HTTPS Clone with Git or checkout with SVN using the repository’s web address. (a gist based on the old toolmantim article on setting up remote repos) To collaborate in a distributed development process you’ll need to push code to remotely accessible repositories. This is somewhat of a follow-up to the previous article setting up a new rails app with git. For the impatient Set up the new
Want to be a dark-knight git-wielding Rails coder? Here’s a quick run-through of how you might want to set up git with a new Rails app. I’m assuming you’ve managed to compile and install the 5TB of dependencies required to install git (sudo port install git-core). You’ll also want to set your name and email in the global config (git config --global user.name "Your Name"; git config --global user.e
December 05, 2007 19:29 (Sydney Australia), updated 35 days later To collaborate in a distributed development process you’ll need to push code to remotely accessible repositories. This is somewhat of a follow-up to the previous article setting up a new rails app with git. For the impatient Set up the new bare repo on the server: $ ssh myserver.com Welcome to myserver.com! $ mkdir /var/git/myapp.gi
It seems Apple’s Core Animation Menu Application example app doesn’t come with a source code package and is littered with typos. I’ve fixed the typos and packaged it up here for people wanting to test it out and have a play. Check out the result from setting up a few layers and animations in Cocoa with Quartz and Core Animation. Compiled app (10.5 only) Xcode 3.0 project with source code
December 05, 2007 16:29 (Sydney Australia) Want to be a dark-knight git-wielding Rails coder? Here’s a quick run-through of how you might want to set up git with a new Rails app. I’m assuming you’ve managed to compile and install the 5TB of dependencies required to install git (sudo port install git-core). You’ll also want to set your name and email in the global config (git config --global user.n
December 27, 2006 17:21 (Laidley Australia), updated about 5 hours later When should I set up application constants? When is it safe in the initialisation process to use the Rails libraries? Where should I add code to perform application initialisation operations? Though most people understand that your environment files are the key to answering some of these problems, how to actually solve them i
One of the benefits of switching your Rails app to use SysLog is taking advantage of your OS’s system-wide logging, as well as having finer grained control over how to process your log messages. For example, you can split the logs up based on Rails app, mongrel process, or even by app server if you’re using remote syslog. We’ll use Eric Hodel’s SyslogLogger Ruby Logger drop-in to get our app talki