CES 2025
In this brief post I’ll illustrate how quick it is to have production-ready serverless environment for any Golang application or API using Apex Up. This post assumes you have AWS credentials configured on your machine, as Up deploys to AWS Lambda and API Gateway. Up works great with any Go app, there’s no need to rewrite your application to be purpose-built for serverless, but if you’d like to fol
The ephemeral nature of AWS Lambda functions might have you believe that techniques like in-memory caching cannot be utilized like you would with a conventional server, but that’s not the case! Let’s check out why. To understand this first you need to understand how the Lambda function lifecycle works. Suppose you had a function named “query”, the first time it’s invoked, AWS will fetch your zippe
By default the apex Lambda function manager handles cross-compilation for Go programs, however that’s not always enough. When the function requires C bindings, or you’re deploying functions written in a language such a Rust without good cross-compilation support, you can defer to performing builds in Docker. Amazon provides a dockerhub image “amazonlinux” representing the OS that Lambda runs, so t
This post touches on some things I’ve learned using AWS Lambda to build the Apex Ping uptime monitoring tool, which is built almost exclusively with Lambda in all 15 regions supported, and the Apex Up serverless deployment tool. Don’t substitute FaaS with writing good librariesPeople often ask me how to test Lambda functions locally, my answer to that is don’t! Write and test libraries, integratio
I haven’t decided yet if I’m even going to open-source many of my components, primarily because of the pace of change they quickly become a burden. That said, I wanted to show an example of using Makefiles in NPM to help reduce the amount of boilerplate necessary for creating React components. Typically tasks like performing builds or starting development servers are defined in package.json as sho
Pretty small update this time, most of the work done was refactoring some internals, however we have some additional features as well! New Go runtimeThe Go runtime was previously in the apex/apex repository; we’ve moved it to https://github.com/apex/go-apex and added support for a number of source inputs: Arbitrary JSONCloudWatch LogsCognitoKinesisDynamoS3SNSSESNew Node.js runtimeNode.js runs nati
Apex is a small program written in Go for managing “serverless” architecture via AWS Lambda, allowing you to focus on code instead of infrastructure. I started Apex because I’ve been working on a number of product ideas as a solo engineer, I can’t afford to spend time managing and maintaining machines if I’m going to have a successful product as a single person team. I love Amazon’s Elastic Contai
I understand this won’t clear my name, and that’s not the intention of this post. I want to put the facts out on the table because people are pretending they know them. I have chatted on and off with the guys at StrongLoop about improvements to Node for quite a while, and they approached with the idea of “sponsoring” Express, aka compensation for effectively owning the “brand”, not the source. My
Similar to any other large communities it becomes increasingly hard to find quality packages for any given task, so this is simply a list of ones that I’ve needed and found to be useful for my projects. Go’s standard library is pretty fantastic so this list is short for now, I’ll try and remember to update it as I Go! dustin/go-humanize — format times, numbers, bytesizes, relative datesvisionmedia
There are plenty of guides for profiling Golang, just writing this here so I can find it again easily ☺ The runtime/pprof package offers lower level control over creating profiles, and the very cool net/http/pprof package registers HTTP end-points for profiling live applications, this is a really slick feature. To simplify things even further Dave Cheney created github.com/davecheney/profile, all
I’ve been fighting with Node.js long enough in production now that I don’t enjoy working with it anymore unfortunately, so at least for now this my formal farewell! And more importantly I need maintainers! Node does some things well, but ultimately it’s not the right tool for the type of software I’m interested in these days. I still plan on using Node for web sites, but if you’re interested in ma
We’ve had three minor releases since the last blog post so let’s see what has changed! Formatted JSON responsesIn 0.4.0 we removed the app.jsonSpaces setting — a setting used to specify the formatting of a JSON response. The default values were to pretty-print in development, and compress JSON in other environments. The main issue here is that this can cause unexpected results when running tests i
This release of the Koa framework is short but sweet. If anything this is an indication that our design choices with 0.1.0 were pretty solid, we haven’t come across any road blocks yet in terms of design, so from now on it should be mostly polish, which means if you’d like to start building real projects with Koa you should be safe! Socket error handlingKoa now handles socket errors for you and re
There’s been a lot of arguing lately regarding a somewhat recent Google V8 patch providing the ES6 generators, sparked by “A Study on Solving Callbacks with JavaScript Generators”. While generators still sit behind the —harmony or —harmony-generators flags it’s enough to get your feet wet! In this post I want to go through my experiences with coroutines and why I personally think they’re a great t
Despite the ubiquitous nature of C it’s sometimes difficult to find just what you need, and you’re especially lucky if it’s not part of some gigantic library of unrelated code. For this reason I’ve decided to create Clib, a GitHub organization aimed at providing small, focused, discoverable “micro libraries”. Using ClibClib is a suite of small C libraries that you can manually copy/paste into your
As most of you know I have a lot of projects (500+ repos), some tiny and some large. Most of them are considered “done” the odd bug or two might be found or platform changes might require that the project be updated — say to a more recent node release that introduces a breaking change. Some people have suggested that I’ve been “spread too thin”, which isn’t entirely true since the majority of them
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