CES 2025
Julia は科学技術計算向けに作られた、同図像性を持った(homoiconic) プログラミング言語です。 マクロによる同図像性や第一級関数などの抽象化機能の恩恵を受けつつ、低階層をも扱えますが、 それでいてPython 並に学習しやすく、使いやすい言語となっています。 この文章は、Julia の2013年10月18日現在の開発バージョンを元にしています。 # ハッシュ(シャープ)記号から改行までは単一行コメントとなります。 #= 複数行コメントは、 '#=' と '=#' とで囲むことで行えます。 #= 入れ子構造にすることもできます。 =# =# #################################################### ## 1. 基本的な型と演算子 ###################################################
Raku (formerly Perl 6) is a highly capable, feature-rich programming language made for at least the next hundred years. The primary Raku compiler is called Rakudo, which runs on the JVM and the MoarVM. Meta-note: Although the pound sign (#) is used for sentences and notes, Pod-styled comments (more below about them) are used whenever it's convenient. # OUTPUT: is used to represent the output of a
-- Two dashes start a one-line comment. --[[ Adding two ['s and ]'s makes it a multi-line comment. --]] ---------------------------------------------------- -- 1. Variables and flow control. ---------------------------------------------------- num = 42 -- Numbers can be integer or floating point. s = 'walternate' -- Immutable strings like Python. t = "double-quotes are also fine" u = [[ Double bra
Julia is a new homoiconic functional language focused on technical computing. While having the full power of homoiconic macros, first-class functions, and low-level control, Julia is as easy to learn and use as Python. This is based on Julia version 1.0.0. # Single line comments start with a hash (pound) symbol. #= Multiline comments can be written by putting '#=' before the text and '=#' after th
Elixir is a modern functional language built on top of the Erlang VM. It’s fully compatible with Erlang, but features a more standard syntax and many more features. # Single line comments start with a number symbol. # There's no multi-line comment, # but you can stack multiple comments. # To use the Elixir shell use the `iex` command. # Compile your modules with the `elixirc` command. # Both shoul
Go was created out of the need to get work done. It’s not the latest trend in programming language theory, but it is a way to solve real-world problems. It draws concepts from imperative languages with static typing. It’s fast to compile and fast to execute, it adds easy-to-understand concurrency because multi-core CPUs are now common, and it’s used successfully in large codebases (~100 million lo
LiveScript is a functional compile-to-JavaScript language which shares most of the underlying semantics with its host language. Nice additions comes with currying, function composition, pattern matching and lots of other goodies heavily borrowed from languages like Haskell, F# and Scala. LiveScript is a fork of Coco, which is itself a fork of CoffeeScript. The language is stable, and a new version
Clojure is a Lisp family language developed for the Java Virtual Machine. It has a much stronger emphasis on pure functional programming than Common Lisp, but includes several STM utilities to handle state as it comes up. This combination allows it to handle concurrent processing very simply, and often automatically. (You need a version of Clojure 1.2 or newer) ; Comments start with semicolons. ;
JavaScript was created by Netscape’s Brendan Eich in 1995. It was originally intended as a simpler scripting language for websites, complementing the use of Java for more complex web applications, but its tight integration with Web pages and built-in support in browsers has caused it to become far more common than Java in web frontends. JavaScript isn’t just limited to web browsers, though: Node.j
# This is a comment =begin This is a multi-line comment. The beginning line must start with "=begin" and the ending line must start with "=end". You can do this, or start each line in a multi-line comment with the # character. =end # In Ruby, (almost) everything is an object. # This includes numbers... 3.class #=> Integer # ...and strings... "Hello".class #=> String # ...and even methods! "Hello".
Take a whirlwind tour of your next favorite language. Community-driven! Languages Translations
Python was created by Guido van Rossum in the early 90s. It is now one of the most popular languages in existence. I fell in love with Python for its syntactic clarity. It’s basically executable pseudocode. # Single line comments start with a number symbol. """ Multiline strings can be written using three "s, and are often used as documentation. """ ################################################
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